Conan's grammatical investigator

Chapter 373 2 flowers, 1 branch each

Chapter 373 Two Flowers Bloom, Each Shows a Branch (4k Plus Updates)

The counter reception of the memorial service is outside the banquet hall. Due to the homicide, the police immediately blocked the door leading to the outside world.

Owners who wanted to go out to find the purple handkerchief had to pass through a police cordon.

Conan is more or less the little red man of the first search section of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. In order to avoid being recognized by the gatekeeper as a child of the Mori family, and then report to the police officer Megure, Conan put on the hood of the sweater.

Doing so kills two birds with one stone. The glasses I took off were given to Hui Yuanai, so that the people in the organization could not recognize her, and after I took off the glasses and put on the hat, the police could not recognize her either.

After being sure, Conan took Hui Yuanai's hand and asked the policeman at the gate to go out to pee.

Seeing the innocent child who wanted to go to the toilet, the police let him go without any suspicion.

But as soon as the door was opened with a gap, the reporters who came after hearing the news frantically took photos inside along the gap. The flashing flashes and noisy inquiries caused quite a commotion.

The police rushed to maintain order, but this movement still attracted a large number of guests in the banquet hall to look here.

Among them was Qin Zhibo who was walking around the banquet hall.

Since the place where the case happened was a banquet with a complicated environment, Qin Zhibo couldn't find the investigation point quickly.

Hearing the commotion at the door, he subconsciously turned his head to look, and happened to see the two little ones at the door of the venue.

A child in a blue hat was behind his back, so he couldn't tell who it was, but the little tea-haired loli next to him, who was turning sideways to avoid the flash, recognized it at a glance.

Miyano Shiho!

Although he was wearing glasses, Qin Zhibo could tell at a glance that the child was Miyano Shiho, whose name was Haibara Ai.

How did she get here?

Qin Zhibo was a little puzzled, thinking that Hui Yuanai's current guardian, Dr. Ali, was not seen at the banquet.

Even if it's the daily team building activities of the youth voluntary group, it wouldn't be frenzied to come to the memorial meeting of the dead to organize team building, right?
Just when Qin Zhibo was puzzled, the kid in the blue hat had already grabbed Hui Yuanai's hand and slipped out through the crack of the door.

The police immediately closed the door, and the two disappeared from Qin Zhibo's sight.

Qin Zhibo briefly analyzed it in his brain, Hui Yuanai, who usually doesn't wear glasses, suddenly put on glasses, and the action dominance of the kid in the blue hat next to him.

As a young adult, Hui Yuanai can be easily dominated by a child?

Is that Conan?
Squeezing out from the reporters at the door, the two cubs breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Conan let go of Hui Yuan Ai's tender little hand, and hurried to the counter to ask the receptionist.

This time, Conan did not use his ability to answer questions bluntly, but said that he picked up a handkerchief lost by others and wanted to return it.

After flipping through the register for a while, the receptionist replied gently: "Little brother, I found it."

"These are the eight people who got the purple handkerchiefs in the venue."

Conan took a glance and found that seven of the eight people were the guests who spoke a lot in the venue just now.

There was only one person that Conan didn't pay attention to from beginning to end.

Michael Bay.

Doesn't seem to be a particularly famous foreigner, I don't know
Conan smiled confidently, because his intuition told him that Pisco was among the eight people.

And at this moment, there was a sudden commotion from the gate of the banquet hall, and the people inside rushed out like a swarm.

"They're out!"


Police officer Mu Mu failed to abide by his heart, and under the pressure of many guests, he still chose to let go.

Anyway, these are all famous people, and it will not be difficult to find them in the future.

The delighted reporter hurriedly took the microphone to interview, but the face-to-face operation of the microphone made the guests who were already in a bad mood because of seeing the dead person even more irritable.

"I don't know! Get the hell out of here!"

"Aren't you going to ask the police about this kind of thing?"

The black waves woven by people in suits and leather shoes rushed out, fearing that they would be called back by the police to investigate again, which would not only delay time but also affect reputation.

This made Conan, who was in the torrent, a little flustered, worried about a stampede.

The black organization didn't kill me, but it's not good to be trampled to death by these people in black.

"Damn it! Let's go back to the doctor's car for now."

Conan turned his head, just about to grab Hui Yuan Ai's hand, but found that Hui Yuan Ai who was standing next to him just now had disappeared.

"Grey Yuan?"

"Huiyuan! Where are you!"

Losing Huiyuan, Conan was a little flustered, so he hurriedly searched around.

However, in the turbulent flow of the crowd, there was no response at all, and Hui Yuanai completely concealed his tracks. It is not known whether he was active or passive.

Just when Conan was at a loss, a big hand patted his young shoulder from behind.

Conan looked back and found that it was a blond man in a suit, looking at him with a kind smile.

"Little friend, where is the little girl next to you?"

What the man said was pure English, which reminded Conan of the foreigners registered in the register just now.

There were almost no foreigners attending this memorial service, except for the superstar Chris Wynyard, there was only the man named "Michael Bay" left.

One of the Pisco candidates!

Thinking of this, Conan's eyes widened suddenly, and the back of his head ached.

"I don't know"

Conan subconsciously replied vaguely in English, and then ran away in a panic.

Seeing Conan who quickly blended into the crowd, Qin Zhibo was a little disappointed.

In fact, when he was released, Qin Zhibo hurriedly searched for Conan in the crowd.

But when he saw Conan yelling in the crowd in panic, Hui Yuanai beside him had disappeared.

So out of concern, Qin Zhibo wanted to give some help without revealing his identity.

But he never expected that Conan would be so wary of strangers, and he didn't want to accept his help at all.

That being the case, Qin Zhibo decided to continue investigating the case and tried to follow Sharon Wynyard.

After losing Huiyuan and being startled by a foreigner who was one of the Pixar candidates, Conan hurried to the nearby toilet and dialed the private number of Police Officer Megure.

This time Conan did not play mysticism, and directly used Kudo Shinichi's voice, demanding that the person who got the purple handkerchief be detained immediately, and there is a high possibility that the murderer who killed Tunkou Councilor was among them.

Police officer Megure wanted to ask why Shinichi Kudo knew about the case that happened here, but Shinichi Kudo on the phone didn't answer at all, and hung up the phone directly.

Although he didn't understand, but out of trust in his brother, Police Officer Mu Mu did as he did.

After sending the toolman Mumu to detain the suspect Pisco to delay the time, Conan also hurried downstairs to find Dr. Ali who stayed behind.

Because Dr. Ari's car has a device that can communicate with "Superman Glasses".

Qin Zhibo is following Sharon Wynyard.

At this time, Sharon Wynyard, who had just come out of the hotel, was standing at the main entrance of the hotel, smoking Exi brand cigarettes gracefully against the cold wind, as if she was waiting for someone to pick her up.

Although Qin Zhibo didn't see her kill directly, but as a female killer, Qin Zhibo believed that as long as he followed her, he would definitely gain something.

This is by no means a coincidence!
However, just when Qin Zhibo was so determined, Officer Takagi came out of the hotel and called Chris Wynyard.

Just when Qin Zhibo wondered if the police had any new findings that could identify the murderer, police officer Mu Mu also appeared in front of him.

The two blond foreigners stood out in the crowd full of Asian faces and were the first to be brought to the hotel's office.

Police officer Megure sent an English-speaking policeman to communicate with the two and explain the current situation.

It turned out that the police had grasped some circumstances and needed to interrogate relevant personnel.

This made Qin Zhibo a little surprised. He didn't expect that police officer Mu Mu could be so brave without the help of the detectives, and he really found the key person in the case.

After a while, the owner of the professional baseball team, music producer, female writer, etc. were also brought over by the police one after another, and they were temporarily placed in the office, waiting for interrogation.

Among them, the owner of the professional baseball team was a little grumpy, and kept asking the police why they were only called back for questioning, whether they were looking down on them, and so on.

Others followed suit, and under pressure, Police Officer Mu Mu could only tell that they were all the guests who had obtained the purple handkerchief on the register, and there were circumstances that indicated that the murderer was one of them.

When Officer Mu Mu said this, everyone could only settle down and wait for the police's investigation.

After a while, the last of the eight people, the boss of the automobile company - Kenzo Masuyama was brought here by Police Officer Takagi.

As soon as he entered the office, Kenzo Masuyama scanned everyone in the room with a puzzled expression.

"What are you looking at? I'm waiting for you, come here quickly."

The owner of the professional baseball team who had been waiting for a while was not happy, and his words were not very polite.

Police officer Mu Mu explained the situation to everyone collectively, and then began to interrogate.

Just when Police Officer Megure was about to ask Kenzo Masuyama, who was closer to him, to be the first to interrogate, Chris Wynyard suddenly stood up from his seat.

"Please, ladies first"

Police officer Mumu was taken aback by this request, but he agreed and asked the women present first.

Led by Officer Megure, Chris Wynyard was the first to enter the small office inside.

On the beige floor, Hui Yuan Ai suddenly opened his eyes and woke up from a coma.

Clutching her drowsy head, Hui Yuanai sat up and observed the surrounding environment.

This is an unfamiliar room with two rows of large shelves. The boxes on the shelves are packed full of goods. The room is still filled with a faint smell of wine. Behind it is an unused fireplace.

At this time, anxious shouts came from the glasses on the ears.

"Huiyuan! Huiyuan!"

Hui Yuanai responded weakly, "Is it Kudo?"

"Yes! It's me! Where are you now?"


When Conan asked this question, fragments of memory that had been dusty for a long time rushed out of his brain, making his head, which was already suffering from a headache due to a cold, even worse.


Hui Yuanai gritted his teeth.

In his memory, Huiyuan Ai only remembered being scattered by the crowd, looking at Conan who was anxiously looking for him a few meters away, as if he was so far away.

He tried to reach out to answer the shout, but a handkerchief was covered from behind his mouth and nose, and the drowsy chemical fell into a deep sleep.

When you wake up again, you will be in this place.

"This looks like a wine cellar."

"In the corridor just now, someone took advantage of the chaos to knock me out from behind, and then brought me here."

When Hui Yuanai said this, Conan in Dr. Ali's car was startled, "Hey! Could it be the person you are talking about?"

"Yes" Haibara Ai, who was in a dangerous situation, was calmer than Conan, "I think he should be the member of the organization who dared to kill people in the venue closely monitored by the police."


This made Conan even more panicked, and quickly asked if the member of the organization was still around.

Hui Yuanai looked around, got up and made sure no one else was there, and then calmly replied: "The strange member of the organization is not here now, but the door is locked."

Then Haibara Ai rationally analyzed how he was brought here. The members of the organization changed into cleaning staff clothes, and then transported themselves in boxes and so on.

This made Conan, who was more worried about Haibara's safety than the truth, a little impatient.

"Don't worry about that, the most important thing now is that you find a way to escape from that wine cellar!"

Facing the anxious Conan, Haibara Ai, who has always been terrified of the black organization, is not so scared now.

Once I accept my weakness, then I am
Hui Yuanai raised his hand and pressed the headset on the temple of his glasses, and explained the secret of medicine A.

"Kudou, listen carefully, remember what I said"

"The drug that rejuvenates us - the AP in APTX-4869 refers to Apoptoxin, which means programmed cell death."

"To put it simply, cells have a mechanism of self-destruction. Normal people can survive by suppressing the message of this function, and this drug can trigger the programmed death mechanism of cells."

"Haibara." Conan on the other side was shocked by how calm Haibara Ai could be, but after thinking about it, he realized the reason.

"Stop talking! If you really want to talk, tell me slowly after you escape from there!"

However, Conan's roar did not arouse Hui Yuanai's will to survive, but instead explained the funeral more openly.

"If I'm not wrong, I'll never have a chance to talk to you again in my life"

"They have seen my shrinking virtue this time, and they will definitely investigate who I have been in contact with during this period of shrinking."

"At that time, let alone Dr. Li who took me in, they will mercilessly eradicate anyone who has anything to do with me."

Hui Yuanai calmly made a death declaration for all those who came into contact with him, and he almost said the famous saying "After I leave, you will be me".

However, at this moment, Conan roared angrily.

"Don't give up so easily! We still have Qin Zhibo!"

"As long as you tell him the matter, he will definitely help us! With his ability, it's not a problem to organize anything."

"And Uncle Mori! My father! Hattori Heiji! Officer Megure. In short, you believe me! There are still many good people in this world!"

"Good people can't be killed!"

In order to encourage Haibara Ai who wanted to give up, Conan began to talk nonsense, moving reinforcements everywhere, as if he really wanted to fight against the black organization for the final battle.

At the same time, Qin Zhibo, who was waiting for interrogation in the hotel office, watched Sharon Wynyard push the door and come out after the interrogation had ended.

After walking out of the inner office, she immediately winked in the direction of Masuyama Kenzo while sitting on the chair.

(End of this chapter)

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