Conan's grammatical investigator

Chapter 330 The Daughter of Atrakh Nakya

Chapter 330 The Daughter of Atrakh Nakya

Qin Zhibo stared at the cracking "Takeda Misa" with wide eyes, and at the same time, his willpower was also dropping rapidly.

When the willpower drops to 75, the numbers stop beating.

The "Takeda Misa" in front of him could not be called human at all.

The upper body of "her" is that of a giant spider. Like a chick trying to break free from its outer shell, its eight eerie limbs bared their teeth and claws in the air.

And the half-skin that had fallen off was drooping and shaking feebly, making people sick.

When Qin Zhibo watched the scene in front of him, some crazy knowledge flooded into his brain instantly.

【Atrak Nakya will forcefully choose or lure some human females to become his servants.】

[These women will have a scar called "spider print"]

【The chosen one will undergo a terrifying transformation, gradually shedding her human skin and transforming into a giant spider.】

【They will become the "Daughters of Atrak Nakya", enter the underground lair of the spider god, and serve their god endlessly.】

After receiving the knowledge in his brain, Qin Zhibo immediately understood why Takeda Misa committed suicide.

Robert's "shine" is not the culprit, nor is the cold violence of the family.

Everything is caused by the Spider God!

Qin Zhibo remembered that he was in the woods just now and saw a strange scar on Takeda Misa's neck.

At first, Qin Zhibo thought it was the scar left by Takeda Shinichi beating Misa after he learned that the top of his head was green.

But thinking about it now, the location and appearance of that scar are very suspicious.

It was a scar similar to an "A" shape, which should be the so-called "spider mark".

Misa Takeda is the one who was chosen as the "daughter" by Atrak Nakya!
There used to be a village in Puppet Ridge in Tottori Prefecture, but in recent decades, the people in the village have moved out one after another.

According to Takeda Yuzo, there are still a few scattered households scattered in various places.

But in fact, Qin Zhibo had never met anyone other than Takeda's family on the way here.

There are six women in the Takeda family, the old lady Takeda Chie, Takeda Shinichi's wife and daughter, Takeda Yoko and two Zuan loli, and Takeda's maid Miyuki Shioya.

Takeda Zhihui is a devout believer, and with old age and frailty, the spider god probably doesn't want such a person to serve him.

Takeda Yoko's family lives in Tokyo and only comes back occasionally.

The maid, Miyuki Shioya, has not been working as a maid in the Takeda family for a long time, and she is a foreigner.

On the whole, only Takeda Shinichi's wife and daughter are the most suitable to be selected as the "daughter of Atrak Nakya".

The transformation of "Takeda Misa" continues.

Indescribable bulges surged under the human skin, and the skin of that beautiful woman gradually tore and faded away.

A jet-black infiltrating human body is about to shed its skin and be born.

Qin Zhibo had no intention of fighting the "Daughter of Atrak Nakya" in such a narrow place where it was difficult to stand, so he quickly grabbed the rope of the flying claw and climbed up.

But in the process of climbing up, Qin Zhibo heard some unusual rustling noises again.

rustling ~ rustling ~
As if some dense and slender objects crawled across the ground, there were a lot of sounds of beating soil in the vertically downward gourd space.

This sound made the scalp tingle, and more "Daughters of Atlak Nakya" were alarmed.

Qin Zhibo had no choice but to work harder to climb up.

Although neither "The Secret of the Worm" nor the knowledge received in the brain just now said what would happen to the man who broke into the spider's lair.

But in the legend of the spider fairy in Puppet Ridge, Tottori Prefecture, these men all have a unified ending——

all gone
Under Qin Zhibo's feet was the ground woven by some kind of black, indescribable plant roots.

In these pitch-black gaps on the ground, a large number of spiders of various shapes also crawled out.

Qin Zhibo ignored these spiders and stepped on them with his feet. The disgusting slime burst from these scary shapes, reducing the friction.

Qin Zhibo can only lower the center of gravity as much as possible, relying on more lifting force on the arm muscles.

But at this moment, something even more terrifying happened.

The surface of the spider's nest suddenly began to wriggle slightly, just like a human stomach.

Fortunately, this kind of worm is not very violent, and with the characteristic of [Flying Claw], it will never be unhooked, otherwise Qin Zhibo will slide into the most terrifying ultimate abyss.

Ten meters, nine meters, eight meters.
Getting closer!
As long as you climb back into the passage where you fell just now, you can escape successfully!

Qin Zhibo's eyes were full of hope.

Suddenly, a white spider web shot in front of Qin Zhibo.

Before Qin Zhibo could react, more spider silk shot to Qin Zhibo's side, and the white sticky spots were like disharmonious paint spots embellishing the black spider's nest.

Qin Zhibo looked back and saw that countless "Daughters of Atlak Nakya" were shooting spider silk like Spiderman, and they were climbing towards him along the silk thread.

On top of the heads of these "Daughters of Atrak Nakya", Qin Zhibo could see the identity information of each one.

Name: Christine Welch

Name: Misa Takeda

Name: Junyo Takeda

All kinds of names appeared above the heads of the giant spiders, indicating that they were all once human beings.

But they can no longer be called human beings at this time, the bloody red light is shining on the black body, the spider's eyes.

In the field of vision of Qin Zhibo's night vision device, they lined up and crawled towards him along the spider's silk.

Their movements are also extremely sensitive, with their slender and sharp spider legs flying up and down, and they are about to catch up with Qin Zhibo.

Props such as nuclear lighters and flash guns will not work.

In desperation, Qin Zhibo had an idea and thought of the items refreshed in the mall this week.

【Bait Doll】

In the introduction, this puppet has a high taunt effect on non-humans.

Qin Zhibo has never used it before, so he doesn't know if these "Daughters of Atlach Nakya" who were once human can be fooled, but now he can only try it.

The 2000 general skill proficiency was consumed in one go, and the [bait doll] appeared in the item bar.

Qin Zhibo directly visualized the [bait doll].

This is a transparent glass ball, and in the middle of the glass ball, a pocket puppet can be seen.

Qin Zhibo didn't have time to check it carefully, and according to the method in mind, he threw the glass ball at countless giant spiders.


When the glass ball slid out of a parabola in the air and fell towards the spiders, the puppet inside the glass ball grew rapidly and became a big puppet that was as tall as a person.

Qin Zhibo took a closer look, and found that the puppet was exactly the same as himself.

It's just that this puppet has a cheap expression, holding an international friendly gesture and pouting its buttocks, it looks very unbearable.

When the puppet fell into the crowd of giant spiders, these "Daughters of Atrak Nakya" suddenly stopped, but quickly turned around and crazily output towards the puppet.

(End of this chapter)

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