Conan's grammatical investigator

Chapter 258 You Have Science, I Have Science!

Chapter 258 You Have Science, I Have Science!
Qin Zhibo's handsome face towards Bai Ma Tan was a clear and loud mouth.

As for why not give Spider a big mouth, there are two reasons.

Qin Zhibo didn't want to reveal that there was an invisible man in the toilet. Although Spider was using illusion, he didn't lose his ability to observe the real world like Detective Baima.

Once Spider discovers that there are other people in the toilet, in case there is another big move released by the group, it will be difficult for him to resist.

After all, I don't have a lot of willpower left now, only 55 points.

Even if you give Spider a big mouth now, there is no guarantee that Spider's illusion will be interrupted.

When Qin Zhibo's palm came into contact with Baima Tan's handsome face, Baima Tan's body immediately deformed.

Starting from the head, Baima Tan twisted and rotated in the air. The 180° rotation angle made the hem of the brown windbreaker bloom in the air like a flower, and then fell heavily to the ground.

The hard marble floor collided with the human body, and the severe pain immediately awakened the white horse who was addicted to illusion.

His absent-minded eyes recovered, and Bai Ma Tan lay on the floor of the toilet with burning pain on his face.

White Horse Detective: "."

Spider: "!"

Just now Spider saw with his own eyes that Tan Baima's body rotated in an unbelievable posture, and then fell to the ground.

what's going on!
A new skill developed to break my illusion?

Stimulating your own brain with pain from a failed backflip?
But why is his body moving?
And what's that "pop" sound?
Is it the sound of fart?

The Spider under the mask stared wide-eyed, but even if he wanted to break his head, he would never think that there was an invisible person in the toilet.

"I didn't expect you to actually come up with a way to break my illusion."

"I underestimated you, Detective Baima."

White Horse Detective: "."

The white horse Tan who was lying on the ground looked dazed and didn't know what to say for a moment, so he could only reply silently.

Just then, there were a lot of footsteps in the corridor.

"Phantom Thief Kidd! You can't escape!"

Officer Nakamori's voice resounded in the corridor.

Officer Nakamori and his subordinates saw Tan Baima standing stiffly at the door of the toilet for a long time on surveillance, guessed that something was wrong, so they rushed over immediately.

Although Police Officer Nakamori said "Let him go", after all, Tangui Baima is the son of the police chief, and he must not allow anyone to have an accident on his own ground.

Hearing the sound of the police coming, Spider suddenly retreated.

"The original happy work is a little unhappy because it is blocked"

"I'm looking forward to the next stage"


Spider's body stretched into a bow shape, and then the spine and arms were released suddenly, followed by the light of the three red light bulbs on the mask.

Scarlet burst out in an instant, and the light was as strong as a flash bomb, and the police officer Nakamori and detective Baima who had just arrived had to raise their arms to block their eyes.

After the remaining white light disappeared, everything in the toilet returned to calm, and Spider disappeared.

"Where's Phantom Thief Kidd?"

"Where did Phantom Thief Kidd escape?"

Throwing flash bombs is a common method of Kaitou Kidd, so Officer Nakamori and other police officers did not think that it was someone else in the toilet just now.

Only the white horse's eyes flashed with wisdom, slowly got up from the ground, and touched his cheek.

It hurts.

Only the white horse found out that he was indeed unable to get rid of the illusion just now, and was almost in a dead end, and it was the other people who helped him.

As for who this person is.
Baima Tan smiled slightly, and already had the answer in his heart.

Outside the museum, Qin Zhibo quickly slipped out of the museum gate while the police and reporters were attracted by the situation inside the toilet.

Next, the police will definitely search every corner of the museum closely. Even if there is a Lord of the Rings that can make you invisible, you can't keep it inside.

Just now, when Spider released the big trick of illusion, although the target was White Horse Detective, Qin Zhibo was also hit by the trick.

It's just that Qin Zhibo's will was still full at the time, and the Spider didn't realize the existence of Qin Zhibo, so Qin Zhibo only paid 10 points of will to avoid being controlled by the illusion.

It has to be said that Spider's ability as a wizard is obviously stronger than that of the heir of the Red Magic family - Koizumi Hongzi
Qin Zhibo took a look at the world around him, and found that since his willpower fell below 50, the world in his eyes began to fade gradually, and became a dark world from gray to white.

Not only that, but the voices of the people around him also became blurred, and even a strange rumbling sound could be heard in the distance.

Qin Zhibo quickly found a place where no one was around, and took off the magic ring.

The feeling of a world away immediately came to my mind, and the world in my eyes and the voices of the people around me returned to normal at the same time.

Qin Zhibo caressed his tingling ears, and put back the magic power extractor and the magic ring that had been full of magic power.

It seems that the Lord of the Rings is best used at a critical moment, otherwise the side effects will be more serious than I imagined.

Qin Zhibo, who has insufficient willpower, does not intend to return to the scene to watch the fun.

I have done enough today, it's time to go back and rest
In the museum, Police Officer Nakamori led a group of policemen to look for Kaitou Kidd, but failed.

So Police Officer Nakamori unilaterally announced in front of the media that the police had successfully repelled Kaitou Kidd.

The media began to spread the headline "The Police Victory!!", which made Kaito Kuroba and Konosuke Terai in a car not far from the museum look confused.

The two of you looked at me and I looked at you, and a big question mark appeared on their heads at the same time.

"I haven't shot yet, why did the police declare themselves victorious?"

Terai Konosuke raised the car window to block the curious eyes of passers-by, "Maybe it's a trap set up by the police, young master, you have to be careful!"

Kuroba Kaito waved his hand indifferently, "I think the police are afraid of losing to me and losing face in front of the whole country, so they want to save face in advance."

"Watch me expose their lies!"

"Father, I'm going first."

As the announced time was approaching, Kaito Kuroba quickly got out of the car and walked towards the museum.

Find the ventilation duct on the outside of the museum that can enter the basement of the museum, transform into Kaitou Kidd in a second, and then quickly get in.

Turning left and right along the winding pipeline, Kidd came to the basement directly below the museum exhibition hall.

"The guest has been waiting for a long time, Kaitou Kidd appears"

Kidd easily broke through the duct baffle, took out special glasses and put them on his head, countless red lasers blocked in front of him.

As long as these lasers are touched, the siren will immediately ring through the entire museum.

"This density is really amazing."

"However, I also have very convenient props here~"

As he said that, Kidd took out a gun with the shape of a toilet bowl in the front from his pocket.

The front end of this black technology gun has super adsorption force, as long as it hits the wall, it is no problem to support an adult on the rope erected.

As for the source of this gun, of course it was not made by Terai Konosuke or Kidd, but from Terai Konosuke's doctor friend who did not want to be named.

Kidd raised his toilet plunger and fired it at a spot on the ceiling at an angle just enough to avoid any red lasers in its path.

Kidd climbed up the rope and let out a strange laugh of "gei, gei, gei" at the same time.

As the saying goes, you have science, I have science!

Who is afraid of who?
(End of this chapter)

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