Conan's grammatical investigator

Chapter 174 A Woman Named Mingmei

Chapter 174 A Woman Named Mingmei

Looking at the four people in front of him, Qin Zhibo fell into silence.

Now, the time to choose has come.

By handing over the recording equipment to the police, the four will undoubtedly be arrested and justice in the judicial system will be upheld.

But seeing the fragility of human nature, and these unfortunate lives dominated by pain and anger, Qin Zhibo decided to listen to his own voice.

"In my eyes, there are no murderers here, only people waiting to be reborn."

"I hope you will find peace in your future lives."

Qin Zhibo uttered a meaningful sentence, which rekindled a glimmer of hope in the eyes of the four people in the library who were bowing their heads in frustration.

Under the eager gaze of the four, Qin Zhibo walked to a corner of the library and pulled out the "Secret of Worms" from the shelf.

"Can you keep this book for me as a souvenir?"

When Police Officer Megure arrived with a group of police officers, Mori Kogoro immediately told Officer Megure his reasoning.

The murderer took a boat to the lake in the early morning, used flying claws to invade the study from the balcony, and killed Daisuke Torakura in the study.

And the murderer is very likely to be a loyal reader of Daisuke Hukura. It is suggested that the police search for clues to the murderer from letters from readers.

Mori Kogoro spoke energetically, and Conan didn't interrupt from the beginning to the end, thinking about what happened just now.

Just now, when I wanted to eavesdrop in the underground library, I was forcibly taken away by Ryohei Matsumoto.

When he came back again, he saw Qin Zhibo and those four people walking out of the library.

Among them, Etsuko Torakura had tears flowing from the corner of her eyes, and the other three also had complicated expressions.

At that time, I asked myself what they did there just now, and Qin Zhibo's answer was this.

"I was very interested in a book in the library, so I asked if they could gift it to me."

As he spoke, Qin Zhibo took out that very old Latin book.

Conan was dubious about this statement.

And now, Conan is even more skeptical of this statement.

I saw Mori Kogoro standing in the center of the living room, shining brilliantly, and deserved to enjoy the admiration of everyone.

But Toshiya Tasho, Shuichi Hamura, Etsuko Torakura, and Fumio Doi didn't look at Kogoro Mori at all, but kept staring at Qin Zhibo.

Judging from the small movements of these people's hands, they are feeling uneasy in their hearts.

This in the end is why?

Conan raised his chin, lost in thought.

And Kogoro Mori, who had just woke up and finished his reasoning, and was about to enjoy the praise of the people around him, also saw Toshiya Tasho and others looking at Qin Zhibo at this moment.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro cried out in his heart.

look at me look at me!
At this moment, Qin Zhibo didn't notice that many people around him were watching him, but silently watched the countdown to his task.



As the number of mission time returned to zero, a "Mission Failed" prompt appeared in the field of vision.

This was the first time that Qin Zhibo failed to complete the mission, and the price of mission failure was naturally not being able to get the mission reward.

But fortunately, the reward of "The Secret of the Worm" is actually not a loss.

Even make a little money.

Back at the office, Qin Zhibo put "The Secret of Worms" on his desk.

Open the cover of the book, and there is a small note paper inside.

This note was specially requested by Qin Zhibo from Ryohei Matsumoto.

It was in the courtyard of Villa Desura.

After the police investigation was over and everyone was about to leave the villa, Qin Zhibo approached Ryohei Matsumoto, returned the emptied recording equipment to Ryohei Matsumoto, and asked, "Do you know anyone who can speak Latin?"

"Latin" Matsumoto Ryohei replied after thinking for a while, "There is indeed such a person."

"He is my father's colleague. He is a professor at Nanyang University. His name is Hirota Masami. I heard that his Latin is not bad."

"I can give you his phone number if you want."

In this way, Qin Zhibo got a small note from Matsumoto Ryohei.

Back to the present, Qin Zhibo picked up the phone and dialed the phone number on the note.

beep - beep -

After two beeps, the phone was picked up.

"Hello, is this Professor Masami Hirota?"

"Yes, I am Hirota Masami, who are you?"

The voice on the other side of the phone has a sense of laxity unique to the elderly, and the feeling of speaking slowly

"I am. I am the son of Seicho Matsumoto - a friend of Ryohei Matsumoto." Qin Zhibo used his interpersonal relationship to get close, "I heard that you are quite accomplished in Latin, so I want to visit you and ask you about Latin I wonder if you are free now?"

"Ah, so it's Ryohei's friend."

"It just so happens that I don't have anything to do today, so come here, my address is."

In this way, Qin Zhibo got the right to visit Professor Hirota Masami.

As for why he went to visit immediately after returning from Villa Desura, it was also because of a bug.

According to the current time, the Maori family had just returned from Villa Desura, and they must have a day off first, and could not leave for the next place immediately.

In this way, if I go out to visit Professor Hirota now, I will definitely not encounter Death again.

When I came to Professor Hirota's home, I was greeted by an old sister-in-law named Toshiko Hirota.

The old sister-in-law took Qin Zhibo to the study, and sure enough, at the time when Conan could not appear, she met Professor Hirota who was alive and kicking.

"Ah, you are Ryohei's friend, come in and sit down."

Professor Masami Hirota is a 61-year-old man with white hair and a goatee, but his spirit is still good.

Next, Qin Zhibo made a self-introduction, showing that he was a detective, which shocked Professor Hirota.

"So you are the famous detective on TV a few days ago! I didn't expect to see you in person!"

Detectives are really glamorous in this world, especially detectives who have been on TV, and they are admired by thousands of people.

Now Qin Zhibo understands why Kudo Shinichi chose to be a detective
With friendship and Qin Zhibo's celebrity effect, the subsequent communication will be much easier.

Qin Zhibo expressed his desire to learn Latin, and Professor Hirota immediately agreed.

"If you want to learn Latin, you really found the right person. Since Seicho Matsumoto disappeared, the whole of Tokyo..."

"No, there is no one in Japan who knows Latin better than me."

"It's a pity that that stubborn old man insists on following the expedition team to go abroad for archaeology, even though he is quite old."

At this moment, the old sister-in-law outside the door brought another visitor.

This visitor has neat long straight dark brown hair, a pair of blue eyes and a warm smile, which impressed Qin Zhibo deeply at first sight.

Seeing the woman at the door, Professor Hirota also warmly greeted her.

"Mingmei is here, come in and sit down."

(End of this chapter)

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