don't call me singer

Chapter 798 Are you a bad guy?

Chapter 798 Are you a bad guy? (4K chapter, ask for a monthly pass)

In Indonesia, on the side of the Strait of Malacca, on a small island called "Pari Island", elementary school teacher Kruyas walked into the classroom.

Under the podium, dark-skinned children of different ages sat sparsely, staring at him with blank eyes.

This is the only school on the island. There are not many children in the school, and even several grades have to go to class together, which is very similar to a school in a remote village.

And Cruas is one of only two teachers here.

"Another teacher of yours has something to do today..." Cruas stood on the stage, and as soon as he said something, he saw a boy standing up with a little excited and apprehensive expression.

Cruas wondered: "Badaka, what's the matter with you?"

"Teacher, my dad asked me to tell you that I will not be allowed to go to school tomorrow. I will go to sea with my family tomorrow."

Cruas froze for a moment, then sighed deeply and deeply.

The so-called going to sea is probably going to be a pirate.

This Badaka, who is only 11 years old this year, and Indonesians are short in stature, less than half a foot taller than a knife, is he about to become a pirate?

Seeing Bardaka's hopeful expression, Cruas didn't know what to say.

Then, many children below could no longer hold back and started whispering.

"I'm so envious, I want to be a pirate too!"

"After Liuma went out last time, he brought back a lot of money..."

"Wei Tubo also has a watch, so beautiful!"

"Can Badaka grab a wife?"

"When can I become a pirate..."

Cruas listened to the children's discussion and didn't know what to say.

Here, the heroes in children's minds are not policemen or teachers, but pirates.

In this sea area, pirates have been rampant for not a year or two, or even decades or hundreds of years.

Since ancient times, this sea area has been occupied by pirates.

Being a pirate is an ancestral craft. In the minds of many people, it is almost the same as fishing. They don't even think about whether what they do is right or wrong, let alone these children.

Most of them actually don't go to school at all, and this school is actually more used by parents as a place to watch their children.Leave the kids here while they go out to sea to run their ancestral business.

As for the children, they didn't care at all. Some of them went to school on and off for several years, and they were still in the second grade.

When their parents felt that the child was about the same size and age, they dragged the child away and became pirates.

Here, Cruas has taught school for seven years, and there is only one child who can graduate and be admitted to the middle school on the big island next door.

Sometimes, it is really difficult for Cruas to connect the people around him with the pirates.

For example, Badaka's father, Cruas saw him come to pick him up more than once, and greeted him with a simple smile, like a loving father and a filial family.

But it was also the same person who dragged the kidnapped crew like a draft animal, smiling cruelly, and locked him in the dungeon.

Then what happened to that person?he does not know.

The next day, he saw Badaka's father again, with the same simple smile, like any uncle next door.

Here, before each family goes to sea, you never know whether they are fishing, selling local products to ships passing along the way, or becoming pirates.

Or, maybe both.

A pirate's child, who grows up to be a pirate, doesn't know how to break such a circle.

Once, he hoped that education could lead these children to another path, but now he is almost desperate.

After all, there are so many people here, they have no hope, and they don't know what hope is.

They know nothing and understand nothing but this life.

But that's not an excuse for them to hurt others, or even kill others.

At least Cruas wants to change some people, if only these kids.

Cruas sighed deeply as he looked at the longing looks of the children below when they were discussing pirates.

Then, he turned on a projector donated by an educational organization, turned around and said, "Since your other teacher is not here today, let's have a music lesson first."

"Wow!" Below, the children's eyes widened and they looked over.

Compared with culture class, music class is much more interesting, and many children like it.

The projector slowly turned on, and then the picture emerged, and the music sounded.

The word "Picking up the Stars" appeared on the somewhat whitish projection.

Below, there is also an Indonesian translation.

Following the music, Kruyas taught the children to sing in Indonesian.

After school, Badaka's father appeared at the school gate again. After receiving Badaka, he found that Badaka was not in a good mood.

"What's the matter? Bardaka? Did someone bully you in class?"

Badaka shook his head vigorously, raised his head and asked his father, "Dad, are you a bad person?"

Badaka's father was stunned. He looked at Badaka, not knowing what to say.

Suddenly, someone shouted something and rushed out.

Badaka's father was also taken aback, and hurriedly ran towards the port.

From afar, I saw a small boat approaching the shore in front of me, and many people came back carrying a blood-stained man.

"It's Big Brother Ryuma!"

Seeing the blood-stained man, Badaka turned pale with fright, "What's wrong, brother Liuma?"

The man was actually just a teenager. Although his face was dark, he was not yet 20 years old. At this time, the blood in his abdomen had turned black.

"What's going on?" Badaka's father rushed up to help in a hurry, and then glanced left and right: "Where's Wei Tubo? How come so few of you came back?"

"We just wanted to steal something. Who would have thought that there would be security guards on board... Wei Tubo was shot when he was escaping and fell into the sea..."

Badaka's father was stunned for a while, then sighed and said, "The days are getting more and more difficult..."

"The security level of the boats passing by is much higher now! Many small boats have hired security guards... It's all because of Gu Xiaobai! I heard that if you catch him, you can get 1000 million US dollars! I don't know who is so good Luck..." When Liuma took his last breath with difficulty, another man said in an envious tone.

Badaka's father touched Liuma and found that he had no pulse at all. He shook his head and said, "Send him home and help find a place to bury him."

"Okay, Uncle." The man responded, carried Liuma a few steps, then suddenly turned around and said, "Uncle, let's catch Gu Xiaobai too!"

Seeing Badaka's father frown, several people ran away quickly.

Badaka's father watched several people walk away, and then said to Badaka: "Badaka, do you think your father is a bad person? Do you think your grandpa, great-grandfather, uncle and grandpa are bad people? Do you think that often Is Brother Liuma, who brought you delicious food, a bad person? Do you think all the uncles in the village are bad people?"

Badaka looked at his father blankly, not knowing how to answer.

"We are not bad people, they are so rich, we just want some goods, why don't they allow it! They obviously have so many things, why don't they give them to us!"

"We are not bad guys, those who killed Liuma and Wei Tubo are the bad guys! The guy named Gu Xiaobai is the bad guys!"

"They're the real bad guys! They don't want us to have it easy!"

"But..." Badaka didn't know what to say.

For the first time in his life, he began to question the ideas his father had instilled in him.

Those who were robbed, aren't they angry?What if they come to catch us and kill us?
Just like what was said in the MV, what should I do if one day my father also lies in a pool of blood...

What if one day, those who have been hurt by Dad bring many people to kill Dad?
"Let's go, I'll be on the boat with me tomorrow. My family, Badaka, has finally grown up." Badaka's father said happily.

"But, those who were robbed, what if they get angry and bring people to arrest you and kill you?" This time, Badaka was not fooled.

"No." Bardaka's father said.

Why not?
Badaka couldn't figure it out.

"But our teacher said..." Badaka said weakly...

"What did your teacher say?" Badaka's father immediately became alert.

Badaka didn't say anything, he shook his head, took his father's hand, and went home with his father.

But on the way back, for some reason, there was a melody that always echoed in his ears.

Then, he couldn't help humming softly:
"The stars in the sky are falling
Pick up the doll on the ground

take it home to grandma

steamed buns
a nest for dad
one for the doll

Dad goes fishing
The baby is waiting on the shore..."

Listening to his son singing nursery rhymes, Badaka's father showed a kind smile again, and reached out to touch Badaka's head.

This child, where did he learn the nursery rhymes? It's quite interesting and nice.

Give yourself one of the two nests, this child has grown up.

That night, Badaka's father went out again after returning home, and came back very late.

The next morning, Badaka said to his father: "I...I don't want to go to sea, I want to go to school."

Badaka's father frowned: "Aren't you almost graduating from elementary school?"

"I want to go to the middle school on the island next door, and then, like Mr. Cruas, I want to go to college..."

Badaka's brother had already laughed: "Badaka, you coward, you must be scared!"

If it was the past, Bardaka must have argued and defended, but today he did not speak.

Badaka's father frowned and said, "Okay, you go to class."

Overjoyed, Badaka turned and ran away.

When I arrived at the school, another teacher walked in not long after: "I will teach you today, we will learn the next lesson today... Let me see... what does this word read..."

Badaka didn't like this teacher. This teacher was an old man in the village, and he couldn't read all the characters in the book.

He likes Mr. Cruas.

"Where's Mr. Cruas?" Bardaka asked.

The old man shrank his eyes, and before he could speak, a few students next to him began to chirp: "Last night, there was a fire at Mr. Cruas's house, and he was burned to death."

"Yes, I saw it, it burned so badly!"

"My dad was out fighting the fire last night."

"So is my dad."

Badaka ran out crazily, and he saw that Cruas' house had been burned to pieces.

The body of Mr. Cruas was charred and black, as if it was tied to something.

At that moment, Bardaka seemed to understand something.

Badaka returned home crying.

His father glanced at him and said with a smile: "Why don't you go to school? Come on the boat with us?"

Badaka shook his head, didn't say anything, just wiped away his tears.

"Coward!" His elder brother laughed, and Badaka's father grabbed the eldest son and said, "Then let's go first, maybe he will figure it out tomorrow. On our island, we have to go to work if we don't get on the boat." What? Right?"

"Coward, coward!" Bardaka's brother grimaced beside him.

Badaka just cried.

"Why are you crying!" Badaka's father slapped him, but he couldn't bear to hit him hard after all. He raised it high, lowered it gently, and landed on Badaka's head, rubbing it: "When Dad comes back, I'll bring you something delicious."

Then, they left.

In the evening, they did not come back.

Badaka stood on the pier and waited for a long time until it was completely dark.

They didn't come back the next day either.

They may never come back.

On the third day, Badaka picked up the scimitar and set foot on a boat.

What can he do?
His grandpa was a pirate.

His father was a pirate.

He can only be a pirate.

Because... the teacher is dead, and no one can let him go to school anymore.

Badaka didn't know that at this very moment, there was a video that went viral on the Internet.

The person who posted this video was an elementary school teacher.

He posted a comment under the music app JOOZ's "Picking Stars": "I work as a teacher on a small island called 'Pari Island' and have been teaching here for 7 years. Our island is very small and the transportation is inconvenient. , External communication is almost entirely dependent on satellites. There are more than 200 families on the island with a population of more than 1000. The children on the island want to be pirates instead of policemen when they grow up. In our place, pirates have the highest income. , the most respected and respectable profession, this worries me very much. I plan to translate this song into Indonesian and teach them to sing it, even if it can change a person.”

After a while, he commented below again: "I posted the video of the children singing on the Internet, I hope everyone can take a look, we lack a lot of things, it would be great if everyone could donate some textbooks, My contact information is..."

Many people clicked on his link.

I saw that in a dilapidated classroom, more than a dozen children, big and small, were singing songs seriously.

"Stand on tiptoe and look

with tiny hopes

close your eyes

It's the smell of earth

Both hands
how many times

to pull up heaven
a pair of feet
how many steps

to go far
how much sweat

to flow into the ocean
how many lights

to burn into the sun
thin shoulders
How can we carry the skyscrapers
tired back

Do your best to support the world..."

The children sang earnestly, even in Indonesian, it still sounds so nice.

Then, it comes to the chorus part.

"The stars in the sky are falling
Pick up the doll on the ground

take it home to grandma

steamed buns
a nest for dad
A nest for the doll

Dad goes fishing
The baby is waiting on the shore..."

When the children's children's voice sounded, people who listened to this song had goosebumps.

"It's really beautiful!"

"Beauty is crying!"

"Listen well! In an infinite loop!"

In particular, one of the short and strong boys sang very seriously, very loudly, and his eyes were particularly bright.

Many people commented that this kid looks like a star, and he will be great in the future.

In the description of this video, the teacher wrote a paragraph: "I'm sorry that I didn't sing the middle part. I removed the chanting part in the middle, 'No direction, no hope, no end, no hometown'. It's too dark for kids."

"As long as I'm still on the island, I will do my best to give them a bright future."

"It's good to be able to save a person."

Many people wanted to donate some textbooks and stationery to the teacher, so they called the teacher.

However, no one answered.

No one answered again.

(I completely rewrote yesterday’s chapter, and the plot direction has also changed, because it’s nearly 200 million words, and it’s often difficult to stick to the original intention of writing. Everything is based on music and stories... This chapter can be regarded as "Picking Stars" Another interpretation and version of ", I actually wrote more than 8K today, so I have the audacity to ask for a monthly ticket...)
(End of this chapter)

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