don't call me singer

Chapter 414 Is This Child Human?

Chapter 414 Is This Child Human?

Chang'an Bell Tower is crowded with people.

The roundabout driveway near the clock tower has been closed, and the passing vehicles have already detoured. The police and security guards formed a long human wall, looking at the dark crowd as if facing a big enemy. A middle-aged policeman Holding a loudspeaker, he shouted hoarsely: "Please line up and line up, the capacity of the scenic spot is limited, please enter in an orderly manner, don't be crowded, and pay attention to safety..."

After shouting for a long time, I found that the younger brothers, younger sisters, uncles, aunts and aunts were all looking at him with smiles, and didn't mean to go in.

"Aren't you going in?"


"Then you still buy tickets?"


"I am a hospitable person in Chang'an, so of course I want to accompany you."

"I'm afraid that there are too many people buying tickets today, so I went in and disturbed Xiaobai."

"Buy tickets to post on Moments."

"Prove that I have been here."

"Go in later."

Each has its own reasons, but no one has any intention of going in.

An aunt said with a smile on her face: "Young man, don't worry too much. Let's take a break. We won't go in."

"Yes, no trouble for you."

The middle-aged policeman blushed when he was called a young man. He relaxed a little, and asked with a puzzled expression:

"Aren't you here to see the stars?"

He has seen a lot of groupies, but he has never seen such a rational one.

As the ancient capital of thirteen dynasties, dignitaries, foreign guests, and celebrities often come to Chang'an, and many of them need to do a good job in security.

Among them, celebrities are the most troublesome, especially some very popular celebrities who come to participate in commercial performances. Every time they have to work hard to maintain order on the scene.

God knows how those young ladies who can't even lift a bucket of water have so much strength when they see their idols, they are like crazy zombies, they can tear apart all objects that stand between them and their idols.

Hearing the middle-aged policeman say this, a group of people were unhappy:

"My Xiaobai is not a star."

"Yes, Xiaobai is an artist!"

The middle-aged policeman was at a loss: "Artist? I saw it just now, so young guy, artist?"

"Uncle, you haven't seen Xiaobai's performance!"

"Brother, you should listen when you go back."

"Brother, you offended me, do you know that!"

A group of people desperately condemned, and then someone asked:
"Uncle policeman, are you going to maintain order when Xiaobai is on tour?"

"Uh, let's go..." The middle-aged policeman was not sure either.

"I strongly recommend that you go, sincerely."

The middle-aged policeman didn't take it too seriously either. Every fan had the same attitude towards their idol, admiring him crazily. He had seen it a lot over the years.

But actually...

Suddenly, the crowd cheered.

"Come out! Come out!"

The middle-aged policeman immediately became vigilant. He looked up following the eyes of everyone, and saw Gu Xiaobai appearing on the platform of the clock tower.

On the high platform of the bell tower, Gu Xiaobai, Deng Shunyang, the accompanying staff of the scenic spot, and several experts from the Northwest Historical Association finally walked out of the bell tower and came to the front of the big bell hanging on the high platform.

This is an imitation of Zhong Jingyun Bell from a generation ago. The real one has been ringing reluctantly because it is too precious, and now it has been put into the museum.And decades ago, the real thing was rang once and then recorded.Now every year on radio and television, the bell to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new comes from Jingyun Bell.

An expert said: "In fact, this clock was originally placed in the bell tower. In the fifth year of Qianlong, the governor Zhang Kai rebuilt the bell tower according to the original structure, but found that the house covering the Jingyun bell was airtight. The sound of the bell is 'in but not out', and the sound outside sounds very small, so I moved this bell from the house to the outside..."

Deng Shunyang nodded and said: "The ancients lacked acoustic knowledge, and the bell tower has not been acoustically designed, which is why this situation occurred. We came here to learn from the scriptures this time, just to see how to take into account the beauty of Chinese architecture without changing the original appearance as much as possible. At the same time, complete the acoustic design so that the house not only does not limit the sound of the bell, but can become a sound regulator of the bell, beautifying and adjusting the tone of the bell, and enhancing the loudness of the bell..."

Speaking of this, Deng Shunyang shook his head. It seems that the Chang'an Bell Tower is actually a negative teaching material...

Gu Xiaobai looked up at the big clock in front of him. This clock is actually not too big. It is 2.47 meters high and weighs 6 tons. Compared with the 46-ton Yongle big clock, it is a little small.

But this bell is still a legend in history, because it has an inscription written and written by Tang Ruizong Li Dan himself, and it is also the only big bell with an inscription written by the emperor himself.

The letter: "The original husband's qi is condensed and true, and the purple and empty are included to form the pole; the secret of the Sanqing is to control the blue and fall and worship the cause. Although the avenue is ineffective, the relief of things is a good loan; but there are teachings in the wonderful door, and the blame lies with Xisheng... "

Because the emperor of the Tang Dynasty had the same surname as Lao Tzu, he claimed to be the descendant of Lao Tzu and respected Taoism alone. This description of Taoism seems to be about to become immortal.

And Tang Ruizong Li Dan is also very special, because his mother is Wu Zetian, so he is the only emperor in history whose parents are both emperors, he can be called Shuanghuangdan...

And Li Dan is talented and proficient in calligraphy. This big bell is also very meaningful to the study of calligraphy.

Next to it, several scholars from the Historical Society acted as tour guides. Many of them personally presided over the reproduction of the big clock and the restoration of the bell tower.

Deng Shunyang, a man of science and engineering, nodded his head repeatedly when he heard it. If he hadn't followed Gu Xiaobai, he would definitely not have such face this time, and let these few big historians come to help him as a tour guide.

Gu Xiaobai looked at the big clock, but he was a little distracted. At this moment, his eyes were fixed on the big clock, and he murmured:
"It can be approximated as a finite element of an axisymmetric problem. Set 17 nodes, each node has two degrees of freedom, and the node displacement is... The unit has a total of 34 degrees of freedom, so its displacement function is..."

"The undetermined coefficients are obtained from the node coordinates and displacements, and the interpolation displacement function f=..."

"Strain and stress... the stress on the element is..."

"Element stiffness matrix K..."

Gu Xiaobai murmured in his mouth, then slowly closed his eyes, and his mouth became quiet.

Seeing that Gu Xiaobai was in a daze, the seven or eight people accompanying him fell silent. A historian tugged at Deng Shunyang next to him, and asked in a low voice, "Director Deng, what is Teacher Xiaobai doing?"

"If I heard correctly, he should be doing finite element analysis on this big clock..." Deng Shunyang couldn't help but swear: "Who the hell is doing finite element analysis with his own brain? !"

Do you want to sell professional software?Can high-end computers be sold at a higher price?Do you want to rent it out?

Is this child human?

After a while, Gu Xiaobai raised his head, his eyes sparkled, excited like a child: "Can I ring this bell?"

"Yes, yes." The staff next to him rang the big bell with a "boom~buzz...".

The bell rang and spread far away.

Below, when the crowd heard the bell, they all raised their heads and listened.

Gu Xiaobai took a step forward, stretched out one hand, grasped a tuning mastoid of the big clock, and then pressed the other hand on an inscription on the side of the clock.

In an instant, the bell changed.

(End of this chapter)

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