don't call me singer

Chapter 2032 The truth about the kingdom of the underworld of the Vikings

Chapter 2032 The truth about the kingdom of the underworld of the Vikings
This man is Joseph Na, the world-renowned game anchor who once competed with Yan Xuexin to unlock the mission of the Treasure Shipyard. His fans call him "Yueshen".

After losing the competition with Yan Xuexin, he shifted his unlocking goal to the next task.

As a game anchor, he does have many advantages in solving tasks, but the ice park is not a "game", but a real world, so his advantages are not so many.

Fortunately, for some reason, Yan Xuexin seems to have relaxed his ice park strategy recently and disappeared for a few days, which gave Yueshen time to catch up with Yan Xuexin.

However, when he accepted this task, he didn't expect it to be so difficult.

Of course, ice boat racing does not require him to row the boat alone, but to team up with five other Vikings.

As a game anchor who is not good at physical fitness, he immediately became the team's shortcoming.

After all, this task is not only to complete the rowing, but also to compete with the other three teams. Only No.1 can be considered as the completion of the task.

The difficulty of this task is that apart from competing with others, the ice boat will continue to melt, especially when it is washed by sea water, it will melt faster.

Yueshen thought of various ways to increase his winning rate.

This time, he not only improved the oars used by the Vikings, but also strengthened the strength of the ice ship, and mixed some straw into the interior of the ice ship.

This time, as long as their ship can persist until the end, they will definitely be the winners!
At least, that's what he thought when he saw a player on the opposite side.


Seeing Yan Xuexin sitting on the left rear of Bingzhou opposite, Yueshen almost exclaimed.

Why is this guy here again!
Why is this guy always haunted!

Hearing his voice, Yan Xuexin turned his head and smiled, then picked up the long oar beside him.

"I'm sorry, Yueshen, I have a reason to win this time."

Reason to win?Who the hell doesn't have a reason to win?
Do I still have a reason to lose?
I'm here to explore the ice park, just to be funny, right?
Yueshen gritted his teeth, damn it, I must win this time!
"Yueshen, if I remember correctly, this guy once participated in a kayak competition and won the championship." Behind him, Yueshen's assistant reminded him in a low voice.

All of a sudden, Josephner was discouraged. At this moment, he just wanted to be rough and cursive, and compete with the real genius, it was so scary!
Is there anything this guy doesn't know?

Yan Xuexin didn't look at Yueshen again, he looked into the distance.

As a true genius, he learned a lot from Gu Xiaobai, and also had a lot of guesses. He wanted to prove something and find out the truth.

A truth that Gu Xiaobai may not have discovered yet.

As the saying goes, it's dark under the lights, but Gu Xiaobai didn't realize that the real clue might be right in front of him.

On the coast, a Viking blew the horn, and Yan Xuexin immediately picked up the oars and began to row vigorously.

Not long after, their boat grabbed the first one.

"Why are they so fast!" Although he knew that Yan Xuexin was scary, how could he be so scary?John is going crazy.

The distance between the four ships was getting farther and farther, and soon Yueshen could hardly see Yan Xuexin's ship in the front.

"Don't worry, don't worry, the faster the boat sails, the faster it will melt, don't worry!" Yueshen comforted himself.

Their ships have begun to crack.

And not far in front of them, the third-ranked ice boat suddenly broke in two. The six Viking sailors on board struggled in vain, but still fell into the water.

The taste of the cold sea water is definitely not good. Although there will be other ships following the rescue, but waiting for the rescue time, it is simply hell...

Yue Shen didn't want to experience it again.

At this moment, Yueshen also heard a "click".

That was the sound of the ice boat he was riding on cracking.

"Our boat has been reinforced and will not disintegrate easily." I don't know if he is comforting his companions or himself.

Sure enough, although the ship was cracked, it was not completely cracked, and they were still moving forward bravely.

Not long after, the second-ranked boat also cracked, and their speed grew slower and slower, until the whole ship was torn apart, and they gave up rowing in vain.

Only two teams left!
There was a glimmer of hope in Yueshen's heart, this is his best result so far!
I hope Yan Xuexin's ship will crack soon!
Ahead, the fog was gradually thickening, and Yan Xuexin's boats had long been invisible, and they could only vaguely hear their low voices shouting.

Yueshen carefully discerned the other party's voice, hoping to know the other party's current situation. At this moment, there was a "woo", and the sound of the horn came from afar.

This means that someone has reached the other shore, and this task has been completed.

"Damn it!" Yueshen was about to die of anger, but he was one step too late!
Let this guy complete the task again!
Sure enough, this guy's ship has also been reinforced!
But Yueshen didn't want to give up, he wanted to know what it was that attracted Yan Xuexin.

Joshen rowed the boat carefully, letting the boat slowly break through the water.

"Kach... Kacha..." The ship was collapsing, and icy water gushed out from the cracks, soaking Yueshen's clothes, but Yueshen still gritted his teeth and persisted.

Finally, a huge shadow loomed ahead.

Several Vikings on board shouted:
"The kingdom of Hades!"

"We have finally arrived at the Kingdom of Hades!"

"May Odin bless the Lord's soul and lead my soul..."

"The kingdom of the underworld?" The quest of the ice boat race was preceded by the death of the lord of a Viking tribe. Yueshen didn't expect there to be a new plot.

Wait, Lord's Soul?

Yueshen suddenly had a bad premonition, and he lowered his head.

Then, under him, in the ice, a figure, a pale face, appeared vaguely under his body.

What the hell! ! ! ! !

At that moment, Yueshen almost peed in fright.

What the hell, I was sending an ice coffin!
Why didn't I find out before?
Wait, no, in the Viking mythology, isn't it going to Valhalla after death?Why go to the kingdom of the underworld?
"The kingdom of the underworld shelters the soul of the lord, allowing him to wake up after a long sleep, re-lead his tribe, and lead the Vikings to glory, and we, as his most loyal guards, will accompany him to sleep here, Until the moment the lord wakes up..."

Fuck, is this a suicide mission?

It's impossible to fall asleep and wake up, it's a lie!
As a modern person, Yue Shen does not believe this.

Yueshen had the urge to turn around and run, but unfortunately he was at sea now, with only a crumbling ship under his feet.

"This is a play item, this is a play item..." Yueshen convinced himself like this, and then he suddenly felt wrong.

"Wait, who are you?"

These guys are not his previous rowing partners!

But five completely different guys.

When did you change your personality?
what's the problem?

Yue Shen raised his head subconsciously, and the goshawk that had been following his live broadcast above his head had disappeared.

Ahead, a huge shadow is slowly emerging.

(End of this chapter)

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