don't call me singer

Chapter 2027 Peter's Palace and Peter's Descendants

Chapter 2027 Peter's Palace and Peter's Descendants

Yan Xuexin felt that he was about to see the whole story of Gu Xiaobai clearly.

Shuttle in the ice park, listen to his legend, follow his footsteps, slowly trace his figure, what he has done.

He once met a handsome man and woman at the gate of King Qi's palace, playing drums and practicing dancing; he also had a long talk with a porter outside the gate of Zhongjun's mansion, and he also followed a postman to serve as a postman. The whole material of horse preparation grass.

He experienced many things, and gradually outlined one story after another.

And he wasn't alone in doing so.

Especially after it was revealed that Gu Xiaobai was a "time traveler", more and more people began to piece together Gu Xiaobai's story.

On the Internet, different groups are doing the same thing.

The channels are different, the methods are different, but the results are very interesting.

The programmers have created an open source project on GitHub to simultaneously maintain Gu Xiaobai's deeds and various speculations, and has already received thousands of stars.

In the community called "Gu Xiaobai is a traveler", a large number of professional scholars carried out a large-scale research project based on "The Possibility of Gu Xiaobai Being a Traveler or a Longevity from the Perspective of History and Archaeology and the Summary of Related Evidence" Transnational cooperation projects have abruptly removed the momentum of international joint academic organizations, and even started to hold offline conferences.


In other communities on the Internet, netizens also have their own perspectives.

Even various novels and comics with the theme of Gu Xiaobai's time travel have begun to be serialized, and filming has even begun.

Among them, the most eye-catching and the most advanced is a large-scale shared project initiated and maintained by the "raiders" of the ice park.
Many of the unique tasks completed by Yan Xuexin disappeared once they were completed, and became other similar task lines, but it did not affect everyone's glimpse of the whole story.

According to a strategy route sorted out on the Internet, more and more people have unearthed more details.

The raiders who discovered this were shocked and shouted: "All Xiaobai's stories are in the ice park!"

How lonely a person must be to hide his own story in a paradise, hoping that someone will discover it.

The pursuit of Gu Xiaobai's personal history once again attracted a large wave of tourists to the ice park, and a new press conference was also ushered in the ice park.

The "Peter's Palace" area is online, and the press conference of "Flying Sword Flying to the Sky"!

As one of the unlockers of the "Peter Palace" area, Yan Xuexin was once again invited as a guest performer, and the other guest performer was the one who cut off Yan Xuexin and forcibly snatched the quest line, the "walking NPC in the Ice Paradise" "Wen Xiaowen.

In the North Wind Country area of ​​the Ice Paradise, people from all walks of life who were invited to watch the ceremony sat on the barren ice field.

The press conference was held on a stage almost completely carved out of ice. After the performances of two guest performers, the products of the "Yu Jian Flying Apsaras" conference officially met with everyone.

It's a pity that this "Flying Sword" is not the "Flying Sword" or "Maozi's Flying Sword" that everyone was looking forward to, but a "miniature Flying Sword"!
The "Mini Flying Sword" that was once used by Gu Xiaobai as a prize in the Dongyuan University Aviation Contest was finally taken out and sold as a commodity.

And it's sold under the name...


Everyone has discovered that the first release of the Ice Paradise press conference was a variety of reduced configuration, low configuration versions, tool-oriented, and civilian-oriented tools.

But these things should not be underestimated. It can even be said that people are shocked by the richness and ambition of Colin Flying's product line.

After the ambition of Kelin Fei, it is the confidence of the world's number one manufacturing country.

This flying sword, which is only slightly thicker than ordinary long swords, can be suspended in the air in various postures, and its flying posture is very similar to flying swords or floating cannons in cartoons.

In addition, it has a battery life of 20 minutes and a speed of up to 600 kilometers per hour.

Needless to say, the audience in the audience was once again all kinds of rude.

With a speed of 600 kilometers per hour and a battery life of 20 minutes, you say this thing is a toy?

Isn't this a missile?

See who guides who!

When Yan Xuexin on the stage commanded more than a dozen flying swords and played the "Wan Jian Guizong" which was quite like a fairy, you couldn't say that this thing was not a toy.

It's really fun!
It's fun, it's fun, I want to play too!

But more than a dozen flying swords—you can buy a big house in a first-tier city!
I can't afford it! I can't afford it!

And just as Yan Xuexin's dozen or so flying swords soared into the sky, the earth began to tremble. Behind the ice sculpture stage, the ice surface cracked. A palace that was quite similar to the contemporary Winter Palace, but slightly different from the ground rise slowly.

Along with it, there is also a small piece of ordinary Russian-style buildings.

Ice Park's new tourist area, Peterhof!

New attractions have been added to the North Wind Country area of ​​the Ice Park.

Originally, the land of the North Wind, which was only about a third of the size of Eastern China, has grown a little bit larger, and there are many more tourist areas.

The emergence of Peter Palace attracted a large number of Russian residents and lovers and researchers of Russian culture.

On this day, Wang Guanshan came to look for Gu Xiaobai with a strange expression.

"Xiaobai, someone wants to hold a wedding in Peterhof."

"Holding a wedding?" Gu Xiaobai wondered, do you need to come to me?
There are countless people who hold weddings in the ice park. Such a beautiful and dreamy place is the ideal wedding venue for many people.

Many inns, hotels, etc. in the ice park also undertake this task.

But the important core scenic spots, such as Qiwang Palace, Gongshu Mansion, Zhongjun Mansion, etc., are not completely open to the outside world.

Peter Palace is also one of the core attractions.

"They want to book the venue," Wang Guanshan said.

"It's a dream." Gu Xiaobai sneered.

The new tourist project "Peter's Palace" and its affiliated areas are the hot spots for everyone to visit recently, and they are overcrowded every day.

"They said they were from the Romanov family."

"The Romanov family?" Gu Xiaobai frowned.

Gu Xiaobai is very familiar with the surname Romanov.

Because that was the surname of Peter the Great.

Peter the Great's full name was Peter Alexeyevich Romanov.

A descendant of Peter?

If it's Peter's descendant, my uncle... No, granduncle, maybe I have to show some face.

It won't save too much face, after all, it's been hundreds of years.

Gu Xiaobai frowned for a moment, and said, "Okay, you can confirm their identities, and if they are really descendants of Peter, then give them a price."

Only this time, make an exception.

Of course money has to be collected.

Even if Peter came by himself, the money would have to be collected!

I'm a poor man, a poor man who was swept away by a broker with tens of billions of dollars!

I have to make money to support my family!

Wang Guanshan went, and after a while, he came back and reported to Gu Xiaobai: "They...can't pay the money."

Gu Xiaobai shrugged: "Then let them go..."

Hi, can't pay, so what are you talking about!

Isn't this embarrassing uncle... uncle and grandpa me?

 It's almost over, and Cave has been serious recently, so I've been a little bit overwhelmed, which made everyone wait for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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