Daming Yuanfu

Chapter 569

Chapter 569

Half a month passed by, and Gao Wushi still came to the Imperial Academy early this morning.This is a habit he developed in his previous life. Unless he is already the top leader in the unit, he insists on arriving early.

As for why you don’t go too early when you become the top leader, it’s just to avoid other people’s difficulty in doing it—you have already arrived at the top leader, but the subordinates have not yet arrived, so how should the subordinates behave?So when he was the top leader, he was used to checking the time for work.

Today, Gao Wushi was the first to come to the review hall again. The officials in charge of the review hall looked at each other and smiled. In the past, there were also Xin Hanlin who were so diligent at the beginning, but after a while, they lost their energy. Keep going Not many.So they all bet privately how long Gao Pragmatism can last.

However, when the official still held up the notebook and pen graciously, Gao Yushi skillfully drew a ji on it, and then sat back on the official case.

As soon as Gao Wushi sat down, Liu He quickly came up to clean his official case, and said flatteringly while cleaning, "Master Xiuzhuan, what kind of tea do you want to drink? Our waiter has six or seven kinds of tea today."

Gao Wushi didn't know that this was specially arranged by Shen Shihang, he just regarded it as a routine, and said calmly: "Dark tea, any variety."

"Okay, I have a good Pu'er today, I'm going to get some for Master Xiuzhuan, what kind of snacks does Master want?"

"Snacks are not necessary." This is also the habit of Gao Yushi's previous life. At that time, he gained weight for a while in college, and later worked as a secretary. He felt that his image was not good, so he inspired himself to lose weight. The eating habits are mainly low sugar and oil, and no snacks.Although I am not fat in this life, I have always been very self-disciplined.

Liu He quickly agreed, and then excitedly went to help Gao Wushi serve tea.He already knew that Gao Yushi had a great background, and now he can't wait to confess Gao Xiuzhuan as his ancestor.

Gao Yushi sat on the table, and the sunlight shone through the window panes on the hall.It's still only April, but today's rising sun is hot and dazzling, and you can feel a slight heat even when you touch the koan.

In the past two days, he often secretly reminded himself not to think of himself as different.Although the emperor is his classmate, the first assistant is his teacher, and the second assistant is his uncle, but no matter what, now that he is officially an official, he has to start all over again.

The six top prizes are already in the past tense, not to mention that Gao Yushi knows very well that few people like people who like to brag about "how I was in those days".So he would rather treat himself as a real official rookie, keep a low profile as much as possible, watch more and learn less.

Of course, this low-key can only be "as far as possible", because the arrangement of the chief executive's compilation of the Ming Dynasty Code has already been decided, no matter how low-key he wants to be, he has to do something.

In order to rebuild the Ming Hui Code, Gao Wushi has already read the first draft revised by Sun Jigao and others in the past half month, and also read a lot of classics in order to familiarize himself with the codes of the past dynasties, such as "Zhu Si Zhi Zhang", " Needless to say, "Emperor Ming Zu Xun", "Da Ming Ji Li", "Filial Piety", "Da Ming Law", "Da Gao", "Da Ming Order", "Hongwu Ritual System", "Ritual Forms", "Da Ming Law" "Jigu Customization", "Jiaomin Bangwen", "Military Law" and so on, cannot be let go.

Now, taking advantage of no one to bother him, he picked up a copy of "Da Ming Ji Li" and read it first on the public case. Not long after, Liu He brought tea.

Gao Wushi read more than a dozen pages while drinking tea, when Sun Jigao and Zeng Chaojie arrived.

Gao Wushi stood up and bowed to the two of them, and they also politely returned the salute. Zeng Chaojie looked calm, while Sun Jigao looked happy, as if something good had happened to him.

The two of them were only one subject apart, and their qualifications were similar, so they sat closer together. Not long after, Gao Wushi heard Zeng Chaojie say to Sun Jigao with a smile: "Brother Yide, I am going to teach in the inner school and come close to the inner court. I am so happy and congratulated." !"

Sun Jigao couldn't help smiling, and said politely with a spring breeze on his face: "Hey, what is there to be happy about, it's better than Luo Xiuzhuan, who will serve the imperial court first, that's really gratifying."

At present, there is only one person surnamed Luo Qie in the Hanlin Academy who is responsible for editing and writing, and that is Luo Wanhua, the number one scholar in the second year of Longqing.

"Luo Xiuzhuan has spent 12 years in the review hall, and now he has made it through. You are younger than him, and it will be a matter of time before you serve Zhizhi in the Forbidden House. As for entering the inner school to teach, it may not be much worse than serving Zhiyuqian."

Sun Jigao smiled happily, nodded and said: "But let's do as you wish."

Gao Wushi thought to himself: It is not easy to select officials from among the editors and editors of the lecturers at the Jinjing Banquet and the Japanese lecturers, but it is different in the teaching and learning hall. They all select four Hanlin scholars from the history hall to enter the inner book classroom teaching.This is the route for civil servants and eunuchs to form a good relationship. It is indeed a good choice for the Imperial Academy. Ten years later, if the eunuchs he taught become famous in the inner court, it will also be of great help to him. .

It's no wonder that Sun Jigao didn't feel resentful when he abstained from rebuilding the Great Ming Huidian, but to teach the Neishutang.

Gao Wushi understood a little bit. Chen Siyu entrusted himself as a newcomer with such an important matter as rebuilding the Ming Hui Code. Although Sun Jigao expressed doubts at the time, he was very calm these days. It seems that Chen Siyu must have called him. After saying hello, there is a better future waiting for him.

Next, all the Hanlins came one after another, but these Hanlins also had something to do, either to go to the inner academy to teach, or to prepare to be the official of the Sutra Banquet, and they all left in a hurry to be the officials. Yes, there are really only a dozen or so people in the history museum.

As for Xiao Liangyou and Wang Tingzhuan, as soon as they arrived at the yamen, they first came to greet Gao Wushi for a few words, and then they didn't bother to drink tea.

In fact, the most diligent people in the inspection hall these days, apart from being highly pragmatic, are Xiao Liangyou and Wang Tingzhuan. It seems that the completion of the Great Ming Huidian and the promotion to the first level are also regarded by the two of them as a major opportunity.

But it's no wonder, generally speaking, how can one have a chance to be promoted so quickly after entering the Imperial Academy?It is unavoidable to be pushed down by the boss and sit on the bench for two or three years first, which is called "exercising the mind", and then there will be serious errands to confess.

Of course, Gao Wushi also knows that part of the reason for the efforts of Xiao Liangyou and Wang Tingzhuan is probably because of himself. No matter what materials they compiled, they had figured out some tricks, and even when they checked the first draft of the canon, they found a few small mistakes.Chen Siyu also praised them both.

But as another "Wen Zhenggong" Zeng Guofan said later: Those who have achieved great things since ancient times have one part of ability, six parts of destiny, and three parts of noble support.Xiao Liangyou and Wang Tingzhuan are capable, and their destiny seems to be not bad, and now they need noble people to support them.

Both of them came from official families. Although their grandparents and fathers had low official positions, it is precisely because of their low official positions that they can better understand the importance of "support from the nobles". This kind of thinking must have influenced them, so the two of them Naturally, she will not give up making the best impression on the noble people around her.

Who is the noble person around?It's not Chen Siyu who is in charge of the academy, but he is the one who writes highly pragmatically and highly comprehensibly.

After a while, the official in charge of the inner hall suddenly came, and he said as soon as he entered the door: "Wang Bianxiu, who is in charge of the imperial amnesty in charge of the east room today, has a sudden illness, and he is not worth it today, but who can replace the rotating king?" editing?"

As soon as the words fell, five or six Hanlin present stood up and expressed their willingness to go.

Among the historians, only Gao Yushi, Xiao Liangyou, and Wang Tingzhuan sat still.Xiao Liangyou glanced at it and continued to review the manuscript, obviously not interested, but Wang Tingzhuan took a look at Gao Yushi, smiled slightly, and continued to turn over the book with his head bowed.But Gao Wushi took a look at those Hanlins for a while, and then continued to look down at the book.

Gao Yushi is naturally very familiar with the cabinet. There are two subordinates under it, namely the imperial imperial chamber and imperial imperial imperial chamber. The officials in the chamber can be called cabinet staff.The imperial amnesty room uses lectures and readings for the following five Hanlin officials, who are on duty every day. After writing the imperial amnesty, they must submit it to the cabinet for review.If you are on duty in the imperial amnesty room, you will be able to enter Wenyuan Pavilion and deal with the cabinet ministers. No wonder these historians put down their business and are vying to go.

In the end, when the official ordered one person, the rest showed depressed expressions, obviously feeling that he had missed a good opportunity to show his face in front of the elders.

Gao Wushi secretly smiled.

Why are these Hanlin scrambling to be lecturers, study halls, and imperial edict rooms?Being a full-time lecturer can get close to Tianyan, teaching the inner school can become a teacher and student with the eunuch, and the rotating edict room has a chance to win the favor of the cabinet.

The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the world is for profit.The emperor is high above the eunuchs and the cabinet. The closer to the center of power, the greater the power.

The Imperial Academy thinks all day about how to establish friendship with the emperor, the cabinet, and the eunuchs. Even if there is no friendship, they try to get acquainted, because the above are the steps for the Imperial Academy to enter the cabinet in the future.

Where does the authority of officials come from?It was given by the emperor, and hundreds of officials shepherd the people for the emperor.

What about the power of officials?Officials of several grades are just rules on the surface. If you are new to the officialdom and still distinguish according to these numbers, you have not yet started.

The real rule is: the closer you are to the emperor, the more power you have.With every step closer, there is more power.

If you want to compare it to modern officialdom, then the cabinet scholar is nothing more than the emperor's secretary, and he can be regarded as a confidential secretary, but in fact the cabinet can override all officials.Why?Isn't it because they are the closest to the emperor among the civil servants.

As for eunuchs, they are nothing more than stewards, servants, drivers by the emperor's side, and even life secretaries.Therefore, in the officialdom, foreign officials are not as good as Beijing officials, and Beijing officials are not as good as Hanlin officials. Among Hanlin officials, there is a big difference between officials who can face saints and those who cannot.

As soon as Luo Wanhua was promoted to be an official lecturer, everyone in the Imperial Academy came to congratulate him. The same year and fellow villagers in the capital also hurriedly got into action, vying to meet Luo Wanhua. Even Chen Siyu, the head of the academy, wanted to sell Luo Wanhua's three points of face—— There is a great chance that Japanese officials will join the cabinet in the future.

Jingyan Lecturer and Daily Lecturer are just positions. In the Hanlin Academy, you can take on the role of serving as a bachelor, serving as a lecturer, serving as a student, serving as a lecturer, or even editing and editing. It can be seen that the level of officials is never the most important important condition.

The most important thing is that to serve as a lecturer for Jingyan and Japan, you must be invited by the cabinet.Therefore, after Luo Wanhua became a lecturer, the first thing he did was to thank the cabinet first.

Gao Yushi, as an editor, logically has the opportunity to become a Japanese lecturer, and he can basically be invited in the cabinet, but he has an errand on hand now, so he is not in a hurry.

As for Xiao Liangyou and Wang Tingzhuan, they did not want Gao Yushi to be a Japanese lecturer, because after becoming a Japanese lecturer, he had to go to the Wenhua Palace to give lectures for the emperor, except for visiting the sun in the three or six or nine dynasties. The rest are all talked about, and winter and summer do not change, and the chances of seeing high pragmatism in the future will be much less, and the two of them think that they have no chance to become daily lecturers so early.

Therefore, in their view, following the high pragmatism to compile the canon is the best situation at present.

(End of this chapter)

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