The five infinity stones of time, space, power, reality, and soul, as well as the Universe Cube, are arranged in a circle. A trajectory of space-time light flow is captured, manifests out from the void, flows into the void, and disappears.

The changes and disturbances that occur in the long river of time and space stir up waves to stabilize the power of the Infinity Stones and the Cosmic Cube.

It can be said that all changes in the universe are within the sight of Tan Dao's palm.

Infinity stones represent the original laws of the universe, and naturally possess boundless power, but what is more important is to analyze and understand the secrets of the laws.

If the Infinity Stones are used as a switch to release the use of energy and laws, then after leaving the original universe, the Infinity Stones may lose their power due to "unacclimatization or poor contact" and become just more beautiful stones.

But if one can truly understand the mysteries of the law, then no matter which universe one goes to, one can use the power of the Infinity Stones at will. Even without the Infinity Stones, one can exert the supreme power to change the world.

After getting the Time Stone, only the Soul Stone is left.

Although he knew that Gamora had already found the location of the soul gem.

Tan Daoyi was not in a hurry to gather them together at this time, mainly because he did not worry at all about the soul gem being out of his control after it was born.

As far as Tan Daoyi is concerned, he does not pin everything on the infinite stones. The stories and history of knights are the foundation.


Karma Taj holiest sanctuary.

"So, do you suspect that your memory has been tampered with?" Wang looked at Strange, who closed his eyes and used his mental power to flip through the magic book, surrounded by floating magic spells.

"Forgot the spell, but you are the Supreme Mage!" Wang said in disbelief.

"It's not a simple forgetting spell, and it's not just me, but everyone's memory of...Kuaga," Strange said.

"If according to your guess, an existing person or thing disappears and no longer exists in the memory of the world, it sounds more like it has changed..."

"Time..." After receiving the exact answer from the God of Magic who transcended time, Strange opened his eyes and spoke quietly.

"The change happened not long after the Eye of Agamotto was taken away!" The tone was meaningful.

"How is it possible that you can actually break through the restrictions set by the Supreme Masters of the past and use the power of the Time Stone?!" Wang said that he couldn't accept it.

"Now is not the time to think about this,..."

"How to correct the time is the key!" Strange looked serious.

Wang sighed in frustration: "What can I do? The Eye of Agamotto has fallen into the hands of others..."

Without the Eye of Agamotto, Strange would not have been able to control time magic.

"The most important thing is to know the exact point in time when the change occurred so that the timeline can be repaired." Strange said in a deep voice.

If you are willing to pay the price, you may not be able to use the power of the demon god from another dimension to travel through time.

But if you don’t know the exact time, there’s nothing you can do.

"It would be great if we could find a special human being who could escape the change of time and still retain his memory." Strange said with some sadness.

"Steve Rogers seems to still have some memories, maybe..."

Strange returned to the Avengers base, looking for Steve, and used magic to trace Steve's memory.

However, the only battle that Steve remembered about transforming into Kuuga was not even in this universe, and it was slowly becoming blurry.

So Steve himself wondered if it was just a dream.

"No." After trying to use magic on Steve, Strange shook his head slightly, disappointment flashing in his eyes.

Steve's memories involve another universe, and Strange's magic cannot cross such a long distance.

"Strange Wizard, should you explain to us what's going on?" Tony looked at Strange and asked. ……………………

"So after the Chrysis Empire obtained the Eye of Agamotto from you, history changed? Someone traveled through time and changed time?" After hearing Strange's explanation, Tony said with hesitation.

"That's right." Strange nodded gloomily.

"Since they can travel through time, wouldn't they even be able to go back to when we were just born and give us..." Tony said, making a stranglehold gesture.

Strange smiled bitterly: "There must be many restrictions on traveling and rewriting time. It is impossible to truly do whatever you want..."

"At least they didn't act like you said, directly erasing us in the past, which shows that they can't, or dare not, change time as they wish."

"So, they chose to weaken us." Tony rubbed his chin and thought.

"Then after weakening us, we should launch an offensive."

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire Avengers Tower started to tremble.

"We are under attack. The enemy is very powerful and the external defense facilities have been almost completely destroyed in a short period of time." Jarvis immediately issued an alarm.

It came so quickly, so resolutely.

When Tony saw everyone looking at him, he touched his mouth guiltily and coughed.

"Since they came directly to the door, let's go and meet them for a while." He put on his belt and inserted the key to transform.

"Pierce, it seems that he has forgotten how he ran away from us before." As soon as Tony came out of the base and saw Pierce, who was summoning thunder and lightning to cause havoc, he taunted

Pierce sneered: "Today is different from the past, Tony. Our power has become stronger, but you have become weaker. Today we will destroy the Avengers and conquer the world."

The grand hegemony begins today.

After Pierce finished speaking, the endless thunder and fire fell, like countless missiles bombarding him.

"Leave the black sun to me." Dr. Zola, who transformed into Shadow and Moon, stared at Kent with his compound eyes lit up.

Rumlow said nothing, and rushed towards Steve like an arrow from a string.

Strange was surrounded by the three priests of heaven, earth and sea.

In addition, a group of card repair and transformation combatants interfered with the attack from time to time.

"Damn it!" Tony cursed in his heart. Pierce released a powerful and abnormal lightning field, accompanied by abnormally strong magnetic field interference, paralyzing many weapons and equipment created by Tony.

The transformed monsters who participated in the siege of Tony all had lightning properties and were perfectly integrated into the lightning field. They were like one body and could even transmit power to each other to form an extremely difficult formation.

At this time, Steve was at a disadvantage against Rumlow, who had been transformed and strengthened by repair card technology. His strength and speed were at a disadvantage. He could only rely on his proficient fighting skills and the characteristics of the vibranium shield to resist.

"We need support. Where is Peter? From the Defenders, please contact Nick immediately." Tony said anxiously.

In the current situation, his side no longer has the upper hand. Black Bolt, Hive, Nebula, Yon-Rogg, and Ronan whom he had seen before did not appear.

"I'm afraid there won't be any support." Jarvis said regretfully.

"Could it be that it wasn't just the Avengers base that was attacked?" Tony guessed with a thought.

"Yes, sir, the Chrysis Empire has launched an invasion of the entire United States." Jarvis reported aloud.

Director Nick Fury's combatants are all set to fight the enemies of Washington, DC.

New York has also been invaded, and Peter and the Defenders are engaged in a fierce battle.

(End of this chapter)

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