Marvel's Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 463 Norman Osborn

"Dr. Connors, what are your plans for the future?" Melinda looked at Connors with a gloomy expression and asked.

"What else can I plan..." Connors shook his head with a wry smile and said nothing. The gene serum that he wanted to develop for a long time can solve all human ailments turned out to have irreversible defects and meaningless defects Taste.

The great pursuit that can benefit all mankind, which is regarded as the greatest goal of life, has become a joke, and it is unavoidable to be a little disheartened.

"Dr. Connors, Director Nick Fury appreciates your talent very much, and hopes that you can join him to protect the earth." Melinda curled her lips, truthfully conveying Nick Fury's solicitation intentions.

This director Nick Fury, he opened his mouth and kept his mouth shut to protect mankind and protect the earth. The slogan is indeed awe-inspiring, but for some reason, he always feels a little inexplicably inconsistent.

Although there is a huge crisis that is enough to threaten human beings, the secret service organization under Nick Fury basically cannot play a decisive role.

But Nick Fury's determination to protect the human earth is actually nothing to say.

However, it seems that there are two crises that S.H.I.E.L.D. itself created: the direct cause of the invasion of Loki and the Chitauri is the research on the Rubik's Cube; The Celestial Mothership Insight Plan is also an internal issue of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"SHIELD? Isn't it already disbanded?" Dr. Connors asked suspiciously.

"SHIELD has been disbanded, it is a newly established special department." Melinda shrugged.

"After all, aliens and the like, all kinds of supernatural incidents emerge one after another, and there is always a special department that needs to deal with these situations professionally."

In the past, the manpower of S.H.I.E.L.D. was basically useless. Nick Fury is now short of manpower. Although Connors' lizard serum has great flaws.

But indeed endowed the mutation with a powerful body and amazing resilience, Dr. Connors' level of attainment in genetic modification and mutation enhancement is definitely valuable.

"When I mutated into a lizardman, I caused huge damage. I should be punished by law." Dr. Connors said hesitantly.

"As long as you agree, he will handle the aftermath of this incident for you." Melinda continued to convey Nick Fury's "sincerity".

"After all, doctor, you didn't have a clear self-awareness and awareness in that situation, which is understandable, and there were no actual casualties." Peter also persuaded.

"It's also thanks to your timely appearance that prevented me from going mad." Connors looked at Peter gratefully.

"I agree." Then she nodded to Melinda.


The next day, the conference hall of the Osborne Group headquarters building.

"Who can tell me what's going on." Norman Osborn stood up and asked the heads of various departments sitting around the conference table sharply.

One night, the headquarters of the Osborne Group was demolished by someone? !

The person in charge of the security department was stared at by Norman Osborn's death gaze, knowing that he couldn't escape, so he had to bite the bullet and stand up to explain.

"What appeared last night were monsters with superpowers, a terrifying lizardman who suddenly appeared, and Spider-Man also appeared. Ordinary security is powerless."

"Powerless?!" Norman Osborn said dissatisfied.

It was because of the appearance of a monster with extraordinary power that Norman Osborn was even more annoyed.

This would have been an excellent opportunity. If the research on creatures with supernatural abilities could be captured, it might be able to solve the immediate predicament.

"Norman, don't be too angry, this kind of thing is completely unexpected." A director said in a subtle tone.

"These guys don't have much time to see me, and they all have their own ghosts." Norman Osborn sneered in his heart.

Every generation of the Osborne family is an elite with extraordinary abilities, but it seems that all gifts must be paid for.

The genetic disease of genetic depletion passed down from generation to generation in the Osborn family is like a curse, causing each generation of heirs to suffer from the disease and die in their prime.

So Norman Osborn devoted a lot of group resources to projects related to genetic research in order to study a way to undo the fate of the Osborn family.

Connors' lizard gene project was one of the many investments, but it was too late to produce results and the project was cut off.

In fact, most of the related projects have been in vain. The repair and evolution of human genes is not so easy to control.

Obviously, Norman Osborn spent a lot of resources and financial resources, and did not achieve any substantial results. Such a huge investment with no benefits is like a bottomless pit for swallowing gold.

Naturally, it aroused the dissatisfaction of other directors of the group. Norman Osborn was able to suppress different voices with his own wrist before.

However, as Norman Osborn fell ill and his physical condition deteriorated, and his successor, Harry, was still immature, various interest groups were naturally eager to move, wanting to carve up the Osborn Group's piece of cake.

"That's the end of today's meeting. Those who should reflect on it should go back and reflect on it." Taking advantage of the topic to beat the spokespersons of several interest groups that were about to move, Norman Osborn felt a little tired, pinching his brows and announcing the adjournment of the meeting.

"Harry is still too young now, I'm afraid he won't be able to control the intricate ship of the Osborne Group, and he might be eaten up by those greedy old foxes." Norman Osborn was a little worried.

"It seems that there is no other choice. Although there are still flaws, it is not perfect, but I have no time to wait any longer, so I can only inject the super potion as soon as possible." Norman Osborn made a decision with burning eyes.

"Super Potion" is the name of the "Superhero Serum" developed by the Osborne Group, which is the Green Goblin Potion that created the Green Goblin.

The genetic medicine that the Osborne Group has really achieved results, but there is still great instability in the experiment, and it is a semi-finished product.


"Mr. Norman, the problem of drug stability is still unresolved, and it is very likely to cause huge side effects if it is used on the human body rashly."

Deep underground of the Osborne Group, in the secret laboratory.

The researchers spoke with apprehension.

Norman Osborn said impatiently: "I will be responsible for all problems, you just need to follow my orders."

The tone is full of majesty that cannot be rejected.

The researcher sighed helplessly. Norman Osborn was the boss, and he had already made up his mind, so he had to follow suit.

What's more, Norman still directly asked himself to be a clinical experimenter. If anything went wrong, it was Norman himself.

At the insistence of Norman Osborn, the researchers began to adjust the experimental equipment and inject serum.

"Mr. Osborne?!" Seeing Norman Osborn's body shaking violently, and then suddenly stopped, frozen, the researcher stepped forward to check the situation with great concern.

Norman Osborn opened his eyes suddenly, and his pupils turned a strange and creepy green, which directly broke the metal ring frame that fixed his hands and feet on the test bench.

The researcher felt that the situation was wrong, and subconsciously wanted to back away, but Norman moved faster and grabbed the researcher's neck.

"Osborne... sir..." the researcher barely made a sound, wanting to beg for mercy.

"Green Goblin" Norman Osborn showed a cruel smile, and raised the researcher with one hand: "This kind of power is really wonderful."

With a slight force on his hand, he twisted the researcher's neck, and then threw the body aside.

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