Marvel's Kamen Rider Chronicles

Chapter 422 The Aborted Super Soldier Project

Chapter 422 The Aborted Super Soldier Project

"He just left?" Tony looked at the direction where Dacuba left, and asked Steve.

"You still want to fight him?" Steve shrugged.

Tony shook his head quickly: "Dr. Banner's transformation into the Hulk is no match for him, at least for now, we don't have the power to contend with him.

Just wondering about his motives for action, it seems to be just to get rid of these superhuman soldiers transformed by Gurangi cells, but why? "

Steve said inexplicably: "His purpose is indeed to get rid of these reformed soldiers."

Then explain Da Cuba's intention clearly.

Then he warned General Ross to stop his plan to use Gurangi cells to make super soldiers, otherwise he would attract Dacuba's attack in the future.

In the experimental base, the faces of all types of members, including General Ross, were very ugly.

If you don't want to incur Dacuba's attack, you must stop using Gurangi cells to make super soldiers. This means that the entire base has been researched for a long time, and the hard-won results have to be completely abandoned.

Clearly, results have been achieved, but due to the interference of external forces, all efforts have come to naught and gone to waste, which is really unacceptable.

It's just that no matter how difficult it is to accept, you have to accept reality.

General Ross took a dull puff on his cigar and ordered the suspension of the Gurangi cell research project.

Dacuba's strength is really too strong. The reformed fighters who can compete with the elite armored forces of the US military are like fragile babies in front of Dacuba, and they can slaughter everything with a wave of their hands.

The Avengers Alliance, which can compete with the aliens who invaded the earth, is not the opponent of Dacuba at all.

General Ross didn't really have the confidence to deal with Dacuba's attack, especially according to Tony's description, even if nuclear weapons were really used, they might not be able to pose a fatal threat to him.

Dacuba has the ability to manipulate the molecules, atoms, subatomic and other microscopic particles of the surrounding substances, and control the changes of wind, rain, thunder, lightning and astronomical phenomena. The supernatural fire ability makes the target body instantly emit ultra-high temperature flames with temperatures as high as hundreds of thousands of degrees.

Of course, as a pure soldier, General Ross is not very clear about the specific meaning it represents, but he still trusts the judgment of Tony Stark, the world's top weapons expert.

Since Tony feels that it is difficult for ordinary nuclear weapons to pose a threat to Dacuba, I am afraid that most of them will not go wrong.

That means that the military really has no way to check and balance against Dacuba. It is not an opponent at all. No matter how unwilling it is, it can only choose to back down.


Hydra secret base.

"Aren't the Avengers the opponents of the King of Gulangi at all?" Pierce whispered to himself with a puzzled look on his face.

"Yes, Mr. Pierce, except for the Hulk, Captain and Stark are not even qualified to confront Dacuba head-on." The Hydra agent said respectfully, with a slightly shocked look on his face unconsciously.

"Also, after that, General Ross immediately stopped the modification of the Gurangi cells."

Pierce narrowed his eyes slightly, and pondered for a moment: "It seems that Dacuba is stronger than we expected, so we can only temporarily seal up the fighters in the organization that have been transformed by Gurangi cells."

Immediately, it was ordered that all combatants implanted with Gurangi cells for transformation should all activate the low-temperature freezer to enter a dormant state of suspended animation, stop all cell life activities, and avoid attracting Dacuba to come to the door.


Steve and the others took a fighter plane back to the Avengers Building.

"Captain, you're still worrying about Dacuba." Seeing Steve's worried expression, Tony couldn't help but speak.

Steve sighed: "Gurangi's killing game seems to be about to reach the final stage, if the game enters the final.

I haven't been able to obtain the ultimate power yet, and I have enough power to compete with Dacuba. If I haven't waited for Dacuba, my opponent, I'm afraid that I will massacre ordinary people without any scruples. "

The members of the Avengers, including Tony, also had extremely heavy faces when they heard the words.

If Dacuba really let go of his hands and feet and started killing, with the combat power and destructive power shown today, if superheroes can't stop him, I'm afraid tens of thousands of people will die in Dacuba's hands.

"Before that, we need to improve our strength as soon as possible and find a way to fight Dacuba." Tony said solemnly.

"Looks like I have to try to transform into that ominous stern warrior." Steve said silently in his heart.

Thinking of the black and ominous empty self form in the phantom once seen under the power of the Yamadam spirit stone, the incomparably lacquered compound eyes seemed to be full of violent killings, which made Steve very afraid.

Although I am full of scruples about the dark power of Kuraga's ultimate form, there is no way out at this time.

If there is no power enough to fight against Daguba, it will be impossible to stop Daguba from slaughtering human beings. The power of the ultimate empty self is necessary.

Just be vigilant that you must not be swallowed by the ultimate force, otherwise you may lose your rationality and become a weapon that only knows how to kill.

After returning to the Avengers base building, the Avengers immediately held an internal meeting to discuss how to deal with the threat of Dacuba.

"Gurangi appeared." During the meeting, Jarvis suddenly reported.

"Where?" Steve stood up abruptly, ignoring the meeting.

"In the No. 13 subway platform in Manhattan, this Gu Langji destroyed and blocked all the entrances and exits of the platform, blocked the passengers inside in the underground platform space, and played his killing game."

"I'll rush over now." Steve summoned the belt without saying a word, and turned into Kuuga.

"Do you want us to help?" Tony asked.

Steve shook his head, and said in a serious tone: "Let's deal with Gulangji by myself in the future, I need to fight Gulangji who are strong enough and defeat them.

Thereby arousing and mastering the ultimate power belonging to the empty self, which can resist the power of Dacuba. "

"team leader."

"Trust me." Steve said decisively, and then set off to the scene.

As the entrance and exit of the subway station were destroyed by buffalo Gulangi, a large number of passengers were trapped in the closed underground space of the subway station and could not escape in a short time.

In order to avoid harming the innocent in the battle with Gulangji, Steve could only lead the buffalo Gurangji to an open place on the ground to fight.

In order to attract the buffalo Grunji's attention to himself, Steve chose to fight head-on, but was blown away by the buffalo Grunji who suddenly became stronger after changing his form.

"Sure enough, this buffalo Gulangi also possesses the ability to change form." Looking at the buffalo Gurangi who has changed form in front of him, his thoughts turned slightly, "Sure enough".

(End of this chapter)

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