Chapter 379

S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters building.

"The final adjustment of the Helicarrier has been completed, and the main departments of S.H.I.E.L.D. are almost under our control. The implementation of the insight plan is a matter of course." Sitwell reported to Pierce with some excitement.

Pierce's face was calm, his eyes were dark, and he said noncommittally: "Is there any news about Nick Fury?"

"After escaping from the hands of the Winter Soldier by chance, Nick Fury disappeared completely. I don't know where he hid, but although he hid in the dark to avoid our pursuit.

But if you don’t show up for a long time, it’s equivalent to handing over S.H.I.E.L.D. to us. You’ve been appointed by the Security Council to temporarily take charge of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the important positions in each department are held by our own people. What can be done? "Sitwell said indifferently.

The general situation is set, even if Nick Fury suddenly runs out now, it is impossible to reverse the overall situation, because S.H.I.E.L.D. has been completely controlled by one's own personnel.

Pierce shook his head gently when he heard the words: "From what I know about Nick Fury, he has never been the kind of person who just sits and waits to die.

Hiding traces is definitely not just a helpless onlooker, it must be to secretly accumulate enough powerful forces, and then appear to destroy us at critical moments. "

"Are you talking about...the Avengers?" Sitwell asked with his eyes slightly moving.

Pierce nodded with a slightly serious face: "Having seen the strength of the Winter Soldier, Nick Fury must know that ordinary combat power cannot compete, and he will probably seek help from Stark and Steve."

Sitwell's expression changed, and he gritted his teeth after a while: "Even if Nick Ferreira joins the Avengers, it may not be able to prevent the implementation of our insight plan.

As long as there is no definite intelligence and evidence, it is impossible for them to know our real plan and purpose.

If they want to take over S.H.I.E.L.D. directly and forcefully, we can use S.H.I.E.L.D.'s combat power to fight them. "

After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. is the official organization. If the Avengers outside the system directly and forcefully launch actions against S.H.I.E.L.D., the American officials will definitely not be able to bear it, and Hydra can hide behind the scenes and provoke conflicts between the two sides.

Pierce nodded slightly: "But we have to prepare enough strength ourselves, just in case, Rumlow."

After the words fell, Crossbones Rumlow pushed in through the door and nodded towards Pierce.

"Rumlo?" Sitwell looked at Crossbones suspiciously.

Crossbones grinned and nodded slightly, exuding an extremely dangerous aura like a very hungry beast, which made Sitwell shiver involuntarily.

Pierce glanced at the reborn crossbones after implanting the biological serum developed by the Gurangi cells of the Xiuka Organization with satisfaction, and asked, "Have the people sent by the Xiuka Organization arrived?"

Crossbones Rumlow nodded slightly: "I have already arranged for the fighters delivered by Dr. Zola."

"We'll see what Nick Fury will do." Pierce's eyes flashed brightly.


"How is it?" Nick Fury asked Tony after the meeting with expectant eyes in the safe house.

"I searched the internal network of S.H.I.E.L.D., but found nothing of value. It seems that they didn't leave the most critical information." Tony frowned, shook his head slightly and said.

Nick Fury's complexion was a bit ugly, but he was mentally prepared for this in advance, or he had expected it to be able to erode S.H.I.E.L.D. under his nose, how could he be found so easily.

After sighing, he said, "It's up to the captain."

There is no way to find information directly through the Internet, so the only way to do it is to use the old method of scratching your tongue.

Grab an insider who is high enough and knows enough, and press for information.

The method is primitive, but it always works.


"Captain, what are you doing?"

Sitwell, who was caught as soon as he left the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters building to save his life, had a gloomy look in his eyes, made an innocent and puzzled expression, and asked questions in a puzzled tone.

Steve shook his head: "Agent Sitwell, don't pretend, what is the purpose of your insight program? What is the intention of controlling the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"Captain, why can't I understand what you mean, is there some misunderstanding?" Sitwell denied it.

"You don't have to pretend to be stupid. Since I found you, I know what's wrong with you. Don't ask for trouble." Steve frowned.

"Captain, you shouldn't be the kind of person who would do things like torture and extract confessions." Sitwell said confidently.

As long as he doesn't let go, is it possible that this great and upright Captain Steve will use cruel methods to force him to ask questions?

Steve shrugged helplessly: "Indeed, I don't know how to make people talk."

Sitwell breathed a sigh of relief, since this is the case, then he has nothing to be afraid of.

"I will." Sitwell heard a strange voice, feeling bad in his heart, and looked at the person who made the sound.

Suddenly, there was a jolt, and the teeth began to chatter: "Punish...the punisher."

That's right, when Nick Fury summoned the members of the Avengers, Frank, an experienced old comrade, came along and asked Frank and Steve to act together.

Frank grinned, showing two rows of teeth in a regular rhythm, and said to Sitwell: "It seems that you know me."

The corners of Sitwell's eyes twitched, how could it be this evil star.

Faced with Steve, who is principled, bottom-lined, and noble-minded, he can naturally feel confident, and can a gentleman be bullied.

But facing the Punisher, Sitwell felt a little weak in his legs. This fierce god will not tell you about human rights and humanity. God knows what kind of cruel treatment I will suffer if I fall into his hands.

"So, should you say it now, or after I make you cry and cry, and your limbs are incomplete." Frank looked up and down Sitwell, as if thinking about where to start the knife.

After a very intense struggle deep inside, Sitwell said calmly after two seconds, "I'll tell you now."

Frank retracted the dagger, nodded with a smile, "I thought your mouth would be a little harder."

There seemed to be some pity in the tone that Sitwell was not able to hold on, and his means could not be used.

Two drops of cold sweat dripped from Sitwell's forehead, and he said with a wry smile, "I am a gentleman who knows the current affairs."

Dedicating his life to Hydra, the slogan that fooled the cannon fodder of those soldiers who were desperately dying under the brainwashing at that time, Sitwell, as a high-level cadre of Hydra, would not die so stupidly.

If I die, then I really have nothing, no grand plans, riches and powers are meaningless.

So the very cooperative bamboo tube dumper told Steve and Frank everything he knew, in order to protect himself.


"It really is Hydra!" Nick Fury sighed after knowing the situation. He had guessed before, but now he is completely sure.

Apart from the powerful old enemy Hydra, what other forces can achieve this level.

The mysterious repair card organization was also founded by Dr. Zola, a member of Hydra. No wonder it seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"I didn't expect that the original paperclip project would leave such a big hidden danger, so that the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau was almost replaced by the entire infiltration, but also, only this way of infiltration from the inside can achieve this silently. The point." Nick Fury shook his head and sighed, his tone regretful.

In the current situation, at this point, it seems that the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau must be completely overthrown and destroyed, and there is no other way out.

"This group of crazy guys actually want to use the space carrier to execute their so-called insight plan to eliminate all existences that can pose a threat to Hydra in the world." Tony was very angry. The design and construction of the space carrier was finally completed. With their own efforts, these guys dare to use their achievements like this.

"We must prevent the implementation of the insight plan." Steve said in an extremely firm and serious tone.

(End of this chapter)

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