Chaos of the Three Kingdoms Summons

Chapter 919 Both disarmament and military expansion

Chapter 919 Both disarmament and military expansion

From Langzhongling and Weiwei in Jiuqingzhong to a series of military positions in the imperial guards, Li Xiang installed them all as generals under his command, and they were all clans or had followed him for a long time. The group of generals.

He just completely regarded Luoyang as his own, and never gave anyone else a chance.

Of course, just doing this is never enough.In addition to these, Li Xiang is also preparing to give full play to the power of the floating water room.Whether it's in the palace or the officials of the court, you must control their every move in your own hands.

After arranging the issue of generals, the next thing to put on the agenda is the issue of disarmament and military expansion.

Now is the time to conquer the world, and the princes of all walks of life are recruiting troops as much as possible within the range they can afford.At such a time, Li Xiang would naturally not be so stupid as to reduce the number of troops under his command.

Otherwise, it will be embarrassing if you find out that you are short of troops when the next battle is about to take place!

Moreover, although among all the princes in the world, Li Xiang has the largest number of soldiers and horses.However, Li Xiang also has the largest territory and the most places to defend.Therefore, his military strength is actually not rich, and it is far from being extravagant to the point where it needs to be abolished.

The reason for the reduction of troops is not to reduce the number of soldiers and horses under one's command, but to cut off the old, weak, sick and disabled.

The Jin army has been developing for more than ten years, and has expanded its troops several times. The army already has a small group of elderly ordinary soldiers or low-level establishments such as corps leaders and even chiefs.

As these people grow older, their physical fitness has declined, and their combat effectiveness is bound to be affected.Therefore, this part is one of the targets for cutting.

In addition, those who will be eliminated are soldiers who have left injuries that affect their combat effectiveness during the war, or even disabled soldiers.

Of course, these people are already veterans, and their combat experience is quite rich, which is also a resource.Since it is a resource, Li Xiang will not waste it.

Some of these people can serve as county government servants and second-line county soldiers.In the troubled times, chaos abounds, bandits and bandits emerge in endlessly, and there are many participants in occupations such as thieves.To strengthen local governance, a large number of yamen servants and second-line county soldiers are indispensable.

Moreover, some of these soldiers to be abolished can also be selected to participate in the auxiliary training of recruits.In ancient times, only in the winter and slack seasons would the army conduct training to maintain combat effectiveness. At other times, they would cultivate the land like ordinary farmers.Therefore, it is very helpful for a group of veterans with combat experience to assist in the training of soldiers.

In ancient times, there was not a standing army that was completely out of production, that is, a professional army that was only responsible for training and fighting.

However, the number is very small.For example, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Wei, Zhao, Qi, Qin and other countries began to select the most elite infantry to become the standing army, and the typical ones were elites like Qin Ruishi.After that, with the continuous development of social productivity, the proportion of the standing army began to expand continuously.

However, at least during this period, at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, a considerable part of the army, especially the frontier army, was basically a soldier and a farmer. They trained or fought every winter and during the slack season.Other times, it is farming.

The so-called farming warfare during the Shang Yang reform period, and the military settlements that were vigorously implemented during the period between Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Guangwu, all used similar methods.Even Cao Cao accepted Zaozhi and Han Hao's suggestions and implemented the largest farming system in history, which was essentially just a combination of military and civilian settlements.

In the case of limited productivity in ancient times, if this method is not adopted, the problem of army supplies cannot be solved at all.Moreover, if this were not the case, how could the feudal dynasties, and even some vassal states during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, easily have hundreds of thousands of troops.

After getting rid of these old, weak, sick and disabled, the next step is to expand the army.

With Li Xiang's current military strength, it seems that there are a lot of troops, but in fact, they are distributed among the five states, and there are not many left in each state.If these forces are only used for defense, it is naturally possible, but further expansion cannot meet the demand.

Excluding Gao Shun's trapping camp, Ju Yi's Xiandeng dead soldiers, Meng Tian's Golden Fire Cavalry, Yue Fei's Beiwei Army, Han Sizhong and Li Siye's Modao Army, Li Cunxiao's Flying Tiger Army, Lian Po's Euphorbia soldiers, Bai Qi In addition to the special units such as the mountain warriors and the god-killing thousand-man team to be formed, as well as the navy and 60 heavy cavalry, Li Xiang plans to expand the number of troops to [-].

Among them, one hundred thousand infantry and cavalry were stationed in each of the five states.Among them, Bing, Si, and Liang prefectures had [-] cavalry and [-] infantry; Hezhou had [-] cavalry and [-] infantry; Yongzhou had [-] cavalry and [-] infantry.

As for the remaining [-] soldiers and horses, Li Xiang decided to set up two battalions, Guangcheng and Lantian, with [-] soldiers and horses each for flexible deployment.

Of course, troop expansion is a big project, especially now that the top priority is recuperation, even if the troop is expanded in a short period of time, Li Xiang may not be able to support them.Therefore, this is a task that is expected to be completed within the next three years, rather than being completed in a short period of time.

In addition to the infantry, the next step is the construction of the navy.Unlike at the beginning when the generals of the navy didn't even have three or two big cats and kittens, now besides Han Shizhong, the chief navy general, there are more navy generals such as Qi Jiguang, Jiao Mo, Deng Shichang, and Lai Huer.

Now, Li Xiang's navy has reached the time to expand.Of course, in the north, it is not easy for the navy to expand and train.Therefore, this process must be quite slow, and Li Xiang expects to expand the navy to [-] in the next few years.

Among the navy, there was another general named Xu Cheng.However, Li Xiang learned that this Xu Cheng had just joined Li Xiang's army not long ago, he was just a low-level officer, no one outside knew him at all.

After learning such a piece of information, Li Xiang couldn't help thinking a little bit.Instead of keeping him here, wouldn't it be nice to send him to Dou Jiande?

I believe that with Su Qin's secret support, in time, he will surely be able to use Dou Jiande's hand to help him form a second navy.

What's more, Qingzhou, where Dou Jiande is located, is much more convenient than his place if he wants to form a navy.After all, it is a place close to the sea. Although it is in the north, there should be many people who are not landlubbers!

(End of this chapter)

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