To be honest, it is really not an easy task to develop this artificial intelligence [Ultra] with real human thinking.

Tony Stark and Bruce Banner did their best.

Even with the help of [Jarvis], a strong artificial intelligence, it failed many times.

At the end of the attempt, even Tony Stark couldn't help being discouraged, "What have we missed?"

At this time, it was already the carnival time that Tony Stark had agreed with them.

[Jarvis] said to Tony Stark, "I continue to decode the [Soul Stone] in various ways on the interface, if there is any new progress, I will notify you, it is time for you to entertain the guests. "

Without Wu Siyuan's reminder, Tony Stark would have followed [Jarvis]'s suggestion, after all, work requires a balance between work and rest.

But because of Wu Siyuan's intervention.

Tony Stark hesitated, and said to Bruce Banner, "Banner, help me greet our friends, I want to be here and watch it be born."

The Hulk Bruce Banner knows that the "it" Tony Jarvis is talking about is [Ultron]!
But he didn't want to leave either.

Neither Tony Stark nor Bruce Banner looked very good, especially Tony Stark.

The newborn [Ultra] is like a baby, it needs nourishment to grow.

But this time, because of Wu Siyuan's reminder, Tony Stark, who is very cautious in everything, asked [Jarvis] to disconnect him from the Internet the moment [Ultron] was born, and the newborn Real artificial intelligence is limited to a server.

The real artificial intelligence [Ultron] was born.

[Jarvis] For human beings, the database is so huge that it cannot be read in ten lifetimes, but for [Ultra], it is just a few breaths of knowledge that can be absorbed, digested and understood.

Later, a certain country organized two computer scientists to study and design a system to hide IP addresses, also known as the onion browser. Through this browser, IP addresses can be hidden within 3 seconds, and information and addresses cannot be found even when browsing information. .At this point, the world door to the dark web has been opened.


The emergence of the dark web was originally for the military.

Tony Stark was silent for a long time, took a deep look at Wu Siyuan, and said, "Ethan, how do you know?"

As a result, [Ultron] learned and learned, and [Little Emotions] was not right, thinking that the history of human development is a history of war, and that the world would be a better place without humans.

In the dark web, there is no concept of human nature, but it allows people to see the extremely cruel side of human nature.For money, power and status, there is no moral ethics, and the twisted side of human nature is vividly displayed, which makes people shudder.

The Internet that humans use daily includes the surface layer of the network, the deep web, and the dark web.

[Ultra] was trapped in a server that was disconnected from the Internet.

It is very strong, as if being fled to the Internet by it, no one can control it,
But now he is like a trapped animal.

And information is the best milk powder of 【Ao Chuang】.

After several people decided to stay.

But [Ultra] at this time is no longer the point.

Because of this, the dark web is full of a large number of crimes, buying and selling guns, drugs, ammunition, women and children, juvenile crimes, and buying and selling of organs, etc. There are countless.

There is a vast amount of information on the Internet, which is the best nourishment for [Ultra], but the complexity of these information is also unimaginable.

[Jarvis] transmits information, and it is inevitable to pass this kind of information to [Ultron] for learning.

This level of artificial intelligence made Tony Stark very happy, and he ordered [Jarvis] to collect more information from the Internet and pass it to [Ultron].

So both chose to stay.

In the original movie, when [Ultron] was born, both Tony Stark and Bruce Banner went to the party, so [Ultra] easily browsed hundreds of trillions of trillions of information online, and therefore, [ Ultron's mind has been distorted, and he wants to destroy mankind.

[Ultra]'s loss of control is just an appetizer, the biggest surprise in Wu Siyuan's message is that cosmic idealist - Thanos.

Because he discovered that the abnormality of [Ultron] was verifying the accuracy of the information Wu Siyuan said.

In the original life, Tony Stark designed to protect the guardian of the earth. As a result, this artificial intelligence seemed to have other ideas.

It's much easier for Tony Stark to deal with it.

If they don't leave, Wu Siyuan won't leave even more, stay here and continue to watch.

The surface layer of the web is the news, websites, and everything that is very easy to access that we can see through the browser at any time.

The deep web is more secure than the surface layer of the network, and generally can only be seen through authorization or passwords, such as Weibo, email, WeChat, etc.

Both Tony Stark and Bruce Banner were thrilled.

The most mysterious thing is the dark web, which is different from the deep web. The content in the dark web is absolutely invisible to ordinary people. It requires special links and secret words to enter.Statistics show that the darknet accounts for 96% of the entire network, and the clearnet we have only accounts for 4% of the entire network, which is just the tip of the iceberg in the online world.

Crimes such as buying and selling people and organs are as common as drinking water in the dark web.

So Tony Stark asked [Jarvis] to upload various information to [Ultra] for learning.

In the mid-20s, the Naval Research Department of a certain country found that information sent through the Internet was easily intercepted, which was a fatal flaw for the military.

Their No.70 seven test, the integration is successful.

Even, this artificial intelligence [Ultron], born on the basis of [Soul Gem], is attacking [Jarvis] spontaneously!
It wants to break through the barrier of [Jarvis] and enter the real Internet world, so as to achieve the real [Immortality]!
Tony Stark discovered this situation for the first time, and he immediately disconnected it physically from the network.

Because in the dark web, everyone's IP is invisible, which is simply a paradise of freedom for criminals.

"Tony, if you believe me—if I were you, I wouldn't ask this question." Wu Siyuan said with a smile, "Your focus now is to solve this guy."

Wu Siyuan pointed to the real artificial intelligence [Ao Chuang] in the server, which fell into a strange silence!
Tony Stark didn't speak when he heard the words, and fell into thought.

At this time, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, War Machine and others all came to Tony Stark's laboratory because he hadn't attended the party for a long time.

As soon as they came over, they saw Wu Siyuan and the others were relatively speechless.

Black Widow frowned, looked at Bruce Banner among the three, and asked, "What happened?"

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