I collect gold fingers in the heavens

Chapter 467 One person on Mars

Chapter 467 Alone on Mars

Whether it is the listing of the six subsidiaries of [Chaoqun Group], the investment of 3000 billion yuan in the [Loess Plateau], or the acquisition of Warwick’s [Honor-related industry chain] with 1000 billion yuan, or the 5000 billion yuan [Investing in the future], the influence harvested is massive, and Wu Siyuan finally gathered enough influence energy to start time travel again.

When he activated the power of time travel again and opened his eyes, he found himself in a desolate red desert with a strong pain in his abdomen.

Wu Siyuan froze for a moment, his consciousness recovered more clearly, and only then did he realize that he was wearing a lighter spacesuit.

A metal wire was inserted into the abdomen, and there were faint dark red blood stains at the socket.

A noun automatically popped up in Wu Siyuan's mind, "Signal receiving antenna..."

Under conditioned reflex, Wu Siyuan mobilized his natural ability, and with a wave of his hand, he cut off the [signal receiving antenna].

He looked down at the clothes on his body again, "Space suit?"

This term jumped into Wu Siyuan's mind, he closed his eyes, and in the next second, a flood of memories flooded in.

After a minute.

Wu Siyuan opened his eyes, and he murmured, "I am now Mark Watney."

"Where I am now is on Mars!"

"Originally, our mission on the surface of Mars was originally planned for 31 days. However, a dust storm suddenly came last night-normally, because of the atmosphere of Mars, there should not be such a sandstorm, but Anyway, it happened - this Mars exploration team decided to evacuate, and Mark Watney, which was me, was hit by a signal pot and passed out."

"The team members probably misunderstood that I was dead, so they boarded the spacecraft and evacuated Mars!"

"So, I'm the only one left on Mars now!"

"According to the normal plan, the United States will not send an aircraft to Mars until four years later!"

"That is to say, I have to survive on Mars for four years before I can be rescued!"

Wu Siyuan in the space suit had a sudden change of mind, with a strange expression on his face, "I didn't expect that I would actually travel to the movie world of "The Martian"!"

"Living alone on the harsh conditions of Mars for four years is extremely difficult for Mark Watney. But for me, it is easy." Wu Siyuan said in his heart, not to mention the His soul-bound [Shennongjiao Space], that is to say, his many abilities rooted in the soul, can allow him to easily survive on Mars.

However, it is better to go back to the habitat first, deal with the problems on the body, and then make further plans.

Wu Siyuan thought to himself, and walked briskly to the habitat cabin.

Mars has only one-third the gravity of Earth.

Humans who came from the earth still have the same body muscle strength, so walking on Mars will be much lighter. This is still due to wearing heavy spacesuits and injuries.

The quality of the habitat is still very good. It has withstood the unscientific sandstorms on Mars and is still intact.

He entered the airlock cabin first, and closed the door of the airlock cabin tightly.

He still has this bit of scientific common sense.

The airlock is an airtight device in a manned spacecraft for astronauts to enter space or return from space.

The airlock has two airlock doors, one is connected with the airtight cockpit and is called the inner gate; the other is the outer gate that can lead to space.

The opening and closing of the gate can be done by electric mechanism or manually.

The airlock is equipped with a gate console, an air supply and exhaust device before opening the gate, communication and lighting equipment, and space suits worn by astronauts for activities outside the cabin.

The opening and closing of the gate must be very careful and skillful to avoid the risk of air leakage.

Astronauts put on their space suits in the cockpit before leaving the cabin to enter space activities, close the inner gate after walking out, and pump the air in the airlock into the cockpit, and it can only be opened when the pressure in the airlock is equal to that of the outside space Outer gate into space.

When the astronaut returns to the airlock, operate in reverse order: close the outer gate, pump the air in the cockpit into the airlock, and when the pressure of the two is equal, open the inner gate, and the astronaut can enter the cockpit.Absolutely reliable airtightness of the inner and outer gates is the basic condition for the work of the airlock.

Although Mars is a planet and has an atmosphere, the atmospheric pressure of the Martian atmosphere is very low, so the boiling point of the liquid will be significantly reduced.If an astronaut is exposed to Mars, while suffocating, the astronaut's body fluids and blood will boil rapidly, and the two will happen at the same time, and they will lose their lives in just a few minutes.

Astronauts wear spacesuits, which can not only provide oxygen for astronauts, but also ensure that the atmospheric pressure in the spacesuit is suitable for survival, allowing astronauts to walk freely on Mars.

But it is impossible for astronauts to wear spacesuits all the time. For example, humans have physiological needs, such as eating and excreting.

Therefore, the astronaut's habitat must be pressurized to the air pressure on the earth, so that the astronauts will not be in danger of life if they survive in it.

Therefore, when astronauts enter and exit the habitat, they must have an airlock to adjust the air pressure on both sides.

If the habitat leaks, the difference in air pressure between the two sides can cause an explosion.


Wu Siyuan entered the habitat cabin and took off his spacesuit.

Having said that, the lightness and advanced nature of this space suit are not comparable to the real world where Wu Siyuan lives.

It's 2030 now.

The level of technology is stronger than the real world he is in.

"Perhaps we can bring some advanced technologies back to the real world, and then turn them into products for application, so as to gain influence." This thought flashed through Wu Siyuan's mind. The most important thing right now is to deal with the wounds on his body.

There are enough medicines in the habitat cabin, including various vitamins, needle-free anesthetics, staples, antibiotics, etc.!

But Wu Siyuan doesn't need these things like Mark Watney in the movie.

With a thought in his mind, a powerful spiritual force poured into the wound and squeezed out the screws.

Blood flowed.

Wu Siyuan stroked the wound with his hand, and the vitality brought by the power of the plant covered it, the granulation sprouted, and the wound recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After dozens of seconds.

Wu Siyuan took his hand away.

The wound was gone, smooth.

Wu Siyuan drew water from the [Shennongjiao space], wrapped himself up and washed it once, the blood stains all over his body disappeared in an instant, and his whole body became much refreshed.

Wu Siyuan threw the sewage mixed with blood into the water circulation equipment.

(End of this chapter)

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