I collect gold fingers in the heavens

Chapter 417 What is the Emperor's Plan?

Chapter 417 What is the Emperor's Plan? (please subscribe)

"A century ago, the Yashama tribe still maintained the custom of headhunting." Sarang, the snake catcher, said happily while leading the way.

"Headhunters? Are they cannibals?" The director of the documentary, Dai Rui Fleway, looked at the Yashama tribe who was looking at them with piercing eyes, and his face was a little ugly.

"Don't worry, they haven't eaten people for hundreds of years. Moreover, most of the enemies they hunt are other races who fight with them in the jungle. They kill the captives and use them as sacrifices, and they also kill them when food is scarce. , for food. But you can rest assured that after the arrival of the natural civilization world, the Yashama people have abandoned this barbaric custom."

"After all, civilized people kill many more people than them!" said the snake catcher Sarang meaningfully.

As he spoke, he spit out an obscure language, and spoke to the Yashama people who surrounded them.

Black Danny raised the camera to record this scene.

Soon, an old Yashama man with a long beard and a face full of ravines that could kill poisonous mosquitoes in the Amazon came out.

The snake catcher Sarang started a conversation with him.

No one else could understand what they said, including He Youman.

After a while, the two stopped communicating. Sa Lang turned around and said to He Youman in English, "Okay, what do you want to ask?"

He Youman was silent for a while, and then said, "You let them take me to their mural."

"Murals?" Snake catcher Sarang repeated to him with a strange expression. He wanted to say that he had stayed here for a long time, but he had never seen any murals of the Yashama tribe. These things are not only found in primitive caves. something?
But in the end He Youman is strong and mysterious.

The snake catcher Sarang could only translate his own words for the other party to listen to.

No, the other party looked very excited.

As a last resort, Sarang had no choice but to appease the other party and offered higher conditions.

The conditions given by Sarang are actually anti-inflammatory drugs that bring modern society.

Because the hygienic conditions of the Yashama tribe in a primitive way of life are actually very poor, the tribesmen get sick and injured, either relying on their strong physique to carry them hard, or finding some herbs for external application or internal administration.

The old priest mixed the modern anti-inflammatory medicine brought by Sarang with the traditional herbal medicine of the tribe, and gave it to the injured or sick tribe, and the effect was often immediate.

In this way, it not only increased the survival rate of the Yashama tribe, but also significantly enhanced the prestige of the old priest in the tribe.

The cooperation between the two before can be said to be very pleasant.

After haggling with the old priest, Sarang and the old priest finally reached an agreement and agreed to lead them to the holy place in the Yashama tribe to watch the murals.

That is to say, the old priest's current prestige in the clan is not much for a while, so this can be done.

Led by the old priest, a group of people passed through many disguises and finally came to a crypt.

Dr. Steven Kyle and others turned on the prepared lights, which were brighter than the light of a torch, illuminating the entire crypt, and thus saw the whole crypt.

"My God, my God!" The director of the documentary, Derry Fleury, opened his mouth half-open, looking at the murals all over the crypt, in shock.

Dr. Steven Kyle also looked dumbfounded, "The history of the Yashama tribe is much thicker than we imagined before. If the content on this mural is true."

Although the black cameraman Danny was also surprised, he remembered his duties and kept recording with the video camera on his shoulders.

As for the snake catcher Sa Lang, looking at the crypt, the fear in his eyes became stronger. He Youman, a woman who appeared suddenly, knew much more than him.

He was silent for a moment, calming down the fluctuation in his heart, and then asked He Youman's next instructions with his usual expression.

He Youman pointed directly at the mural and asked Sa Lang to ask about the identity of the big monster in the Yashama mural.

As a result, the old priest of the Yashama tribe said that this big monster was a god worshiped by their family in ancient times, and it protected their race in the ocean from being destroyed by other evil giant beasts!

Black Danny shook his head after listening to the translation, and said, they live in the Amazon rainforest, here is just a river, it is not an ocean.

Sarang translated this to the old priest of the Yashama tribe, who knew that the old priest was very excited, saying that their ancestors lived on a continent in the ocean tens of thousands of years ago, and later the continent was destroyed by the war of the gods. Most of the land sank into the depths of the ocean, and a small part of the land that did not sink was also shrouded in endless storms brought about by the war of gods.

They, the family of gods who lost their homes, had no choice but to travel across the ocean, watched hundreds of sunrises and sunsets, and came here.

Producer Warren Weisky shook his head and said it was impossible, not to mention tens of thousands of years, how could a primitive tribe sail in the ocean for hundreds of days before thousands of years!

Dr. Steven Kyle has a different opinion. He said that in ancient times, Polynesians knew how to use primitive ships to cross the Pacific Ocean to South America.


However, the Polynesian explorers did not stop their march eastward.If the ever-discovering archaeological and linguistic evidence is correct, Polynesian explorers eventually sailed their catamaran canoes to what is today Southern California, Ecuador, the coast of Peru, and central Chile.

Dr. Steven Kyle finally concluded that in ancient times, the ancestors of the Yashama lost their residence due to some kind of natural disaster and had to travel across the ocean. It is possible to come here!
Yes, Dr. Steven Kyle is talking about natural disasters. His scientific literacy makes people not think that the giant beasts that are hundreds of meters high in the murals really exist!
The old priest of the Yashama tribe could not understand the private communication in English of Dr. Steven Kyle and others, and he was still talking to the snake catcher Sarang.

He Youman asked Salang to ask the old priest of the Yashama tribe, who was fighting the patron saint of their race?
The old priest of the Yashama tribe is the old enemy of their patron saint. They have been fighting since ancient times. ] They were completely covered by endless storms, and they completely lost their homes.

The old priest of the Yaxia Ma tribe also said that the words passed down from his grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's mouth said that [the place of origin] is the pasture of their guardian gods, and there are many huge creatures living in it.It was a creature even bigger than the mutated Amazon anaconda.

Dr. Steven Kyle sneered after hearing this, and said that it could only be prehistoric creatures like dinosaurs!But they were completely destroyed tens of millions of years ago when the planet hit the earth!

He Youman ignored it.

She was silent for a while, and asked one last question, what does the last mural mean?
The old priests of the Yashama tribe said that after the arrival of the last day of destruction, the great gods will wake up from their long sleep and bring about the end of everything.

"..." He Youman.

"..." Sarang the snake catcher.

"..." Dr. Steven Kyle.

"..." Black Danny, "Why do these words feel so familiar!"

The others nodded sympathetically.

He Youman was concentrating on thinking, the old priest of the Yashama tribe seemed to say something, but he didn't seem to say anything!
She thought about it, and finally turned around and left.

The snake catcher Sa Lang hurriedly followed, "What about the things you promised me?"

............................................................................................................ ..
Abandoned wooden hut on a tributary of the Amazon River.


A beam of freezing rays shot at the female mutated Amazon anaconda, immediately condensing a thin layer of frost on her body.

The movements of this female mutated Amazon anaconda froze immediately.

Immediately afterwards, several beams of freezing rays were shot out, hitting its body, and the mutated Amazon anaconda was frozen stiff.

A giant net was pulled up from the ground, and the female deformed Amazon anaconda was caught in the net in a blink of an eye.

Snake catcher Sarang came out from the corner, looked at the spoils in front of him, and couldn't stop laughing.

The male mutated Amazon anaconda has been captured, and together with the mutated anaconda, as long as they are sent to the employer, the snake catcher Sarang can get 300 million US dollars.

With these three million dollars, Sarang will not have to catch snakes for the rest of his life, and can enjoy life completely.

He was naturally very happy.

a day later.

With He Youman's assistance, two mutated Amazon anacondas were easily transported from the depths of the Amazon River to a place with a civilized atmosphere.

A group of unsmiling men in black transported two mutated anacondas from Sarang's hands and sealed them. Of course, at the same time, they also gave away the promised reward of 300 million US dollars. Called into Sarang's bank account.

Under He Youman's suggestion, the snake catcher Sa Lang took the initiative to ask the man in black if he could follow along, because the mutant anaconda is still very dangerous.

The men in black refused without hesitation. They said that there were enough high-tech facilities to ensure safety, and then they ignored Sarang and left with two sealed bags.

They drove all the way to the airport, then boarded a private transport plane, and flew to New York.

a few hours later.

A private transport plane lands at an airport in New York.

The truck that had already been prepared carried the sealed container of two mutated anacondas, and drove towards New York City.

After another hour, the truck entered a towering building.

Here is the headquarters of Gene Energy Company.

The box containing the two mutated anacondas had undergone extensive testing before being transported to the private laboratory of the Gene Energy Company.

A black female scientist in a white coat was holding a cup of coffee, standing in front of the two mutated anacondas who were obviously beyond normal, her eyes were full of disbelief, and she forgot to drink the coffee.

A young Caucasian woman who was full of aura and looked very smart and capable came to her side and said softly, "Kate, they are God's masterpiece!"

"Perhaps we can spy on the restricted area from them!"

Pointing to the healed wound of the male mutant anaconda, the Caucasian woman said, "My hunter told me that this anaconda was hit by a shell a few days ago and had a bloody hole. But it only took a few days. In time, it has already returned to this way.”

"Kate, if you figure out the mystery of their genes, there will be hope for your brother's condition."

"Claire, you know, for my brother, I can give everything." Kate turned her head.

"Thank you, dear, and I bless you, and God bless your poor brother."

Claire left the secret laboratory and returned to her CEO's office on the top floor.

As soon as he entered the door, Claire realized that something was wrong.

Her selfish, impulsive, idiot brother, Blake White, was lying on the ground, motionless, dead or alive.

And her original position was occupied by an Asian woman. She was operating a heavily encrypted computer, and she didn't know what she was doing.

Claire White trembled in her heart, and turned around to leave.

The door closes automatically.

The Asian woman said, "Ms. Claire, if I were you, I wouldn't do something that makes both parties unhappy!"

A fierce light flashed in Claire's eyes, and she turned around suddenly. She already had a lady's small pistol in her hand, "Damn it, get your hands off my computer keyboard..."

Before the words fell, Claire felt a tingling pain in his hand, and the small pistol in his hand was directly shot away from a distance.

He Youman's expression was indifferent, and her eyes did not leave the computer screen. She said, "The actual controller of Gene Energy Company, Ms. Claire, please allow me to introduce myself."

"I am your hunter. The two anacondas you are researching in the laboratory are my prey!"

"I bought it from a snake catcher named Sarang." Ms. Claire said calmly, her expression quickly returning to normal.

"Well, I captured it and gave it to it. The blood hole on the anaconda is my masterpiece!" He Youman didn't even raise his head.

"Do you want the $300 million? I'd love to."

"Money means nothing to me! I only serve my master! I can tell you the reason why these two Amazon anacondas mutated, but in exchange, I also want you to answer me, hidden deep in your computer. The secret of the place - what is the emperor's plan?"

He Youman finally raised his head and looked at Claire White.

Claire White, the actual controller of Gene Energy Company, changed his expression.

(End of this chapter)

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