I collect gold fingers in the heavens

Chapter 406 The House of Heroes

Chapter 406 The House of Heroes
[Chaoqun Group] is the main technical partner of [Amazon] smart fitting room, and is the most critical technical partner.

Although [Amazon] and other large e-commerce giants are trying to decipher [Super Group]'s [Audition] software, there has been little progress in the past few years.

Because of this, the relationship between [Chaoqun Group] and [Amazon] is not close, but it is almost the same.

Such an important partner wants to open a store on [Amazon] to sell their own products. Even if it is a product that has nothing to do with clothing, [Amazon] will fully support it, and there will be no shortage of relevant traffic exposure.

When selling goods on e-commerce platforms, delivery problems cannot be ignored, especially this kind of cross-border e-commerce trade.

On [Amazon], there are two delivery modes, namely FBA mode and FBM mode.

The first is [Amazon] warehouse delivery, and the second is the seller's own delivery.

Self-delivery means that [Amazon] is only used as a sales platform, but the seller needs to solve the work of delivering the goods from China to the buyer. FBA means that the goods are prepared in advance to the [Amazon] warehouse, and then the order is sold [ Amazon] is responsible for delivering from the [Amazon] warehouse to the buyer.

Regarding the FBM model, that is, the self-delivery model, it is relatively simple, as long as the goods are handed over to the export trade, and the export trade will solve the subsequent work.

However, FBA is relatively complicated and error-prone, because [Amazon] is not responsible for customs clearance and delivery services from Huaguo to [Amazon] warehouses, and the seller needs to resolve the customs declaration for delivery from Huaguo to foreign [Amazon] warehouses. , Customs clearance, tax payment issues.

To put it simply, the biggest difference between these two methods is that FBA is to deliver the goods to [Amazon]’s self-built warehouse abroad in advance.The disadvantage is that the investment is too large. Generally, customers who want to start a business and want to open a store cannot afford it due to investment problems, and the goods have not been sold, and there is a backlog in the [Amazon] warehouse.

FBM mode self-delivery mode, that is, self-delivery.The advantage is that the investment is small, the financial pressure is small, and there is no need to worry about the backlog of goods abroad.The disadvantage is that the delivery cycle is long, because the logistics cycle from domestic to foreign countries is relatively long, because the individual ships the goods himself, and is not familiar with foreign packaging rules, it is easy to cause problems that cannot be cleared.

The first choice of [Super Group] is of course the FBA model. Customs clearance, which is troublesome for ordinary Huaguo e-commerce merchants, is a trivial matter for a large enterprise like [Super Group].

Although the FBA model has some obvious disadvantages, for example, sellers who use FBA services need to store the goods in the FBA warehouse in advance, FBA charges a monthly inventory storage fee for all inventory, if there is a backlog of inventory, for more than six months For slow-moving items, an additional long-term storage fee will be charged.

In addition, the seller uses FBA to deliver the goods. When the customer chooses to return the goods, the general goods will be returned to the FBA warehouse. In most cases, the returned goods cannot be resold after being assessed by FBA.For returns, regardless of whether the seller finally chooses to entrust FBA to send them back or destroy them, they need to pay a sum of money.

Because FBA provides buyers with a more convenient return service, compared with [eBay] and [Etsy], [Amazon] has the highest return rate of 3%.

But the current model is indeed the most suitable for [Superior Group].

Don't think that foreigners are all business-like.

Without a flexible business strategy, [Amazon] would not be able to get to where it is today.

In the face of important partners, especially irreplaceable partners, [Amazon] has a very flexible attitude.

With the [Amazon] company giving the green light, in June 2019, the online store of [Superhero Group] was launched smoothly. The name was taken by Wu Siyuan, and it was called [Superhero house], which translates to [Hero House] , behind it is a metaphor for the special effect of [Snow Banana Milk], but no one can see it yet.

Wu Siyuan still paid more attention to this project, and ordered Su Shixian's terminal retail business department to be in charge together with the [Four-Armed King Kong] hidden behind the scenes.

Not to mention the business that Su Shixian is in charge of, [Four-Armed King Kong] uses its own technical ability to sneak into the [Amazon] server silently, and is the only product of [Hero House] without a trace. ——【Snow Banana Milk】Drainage.

For e-commerce, traffic is sales, traffic is money, traffic is wealth code!
With traffic, even if you sell a fart, there will be curious people who will pay for it. If you inject more soul stories into this product [fart]—for example, this is the last fart left by a fairy for her ex-boyfriend. The story-maybe it can be sold at a high price, just like the original flavor of the stewardess, it can be sold for several times the price after wearing it, so what a lawsuit!
Closer to home.

If you want to create hot items on the [Amazon] platform, you need to do a few optimizations, such as determining product positioning and improving the product matrix: such as setting all the products in the store as drainage items, profit items, hot items, seasonal products, etc. Wait.After having a clear positioning for all products, you can save a lot of energy for subsequent promotion.

Of course, 【House of Heroes】only has one product, so there is no need to consider this issue.

However, product [listing] optimization is essential.

[listing] is the most important channel for buyers to learn about products, and a good [listing] can promote orders and make sales better and better.Its optimization includes: title, description, picture, Bullet point, etc., and also needs to include keywords of user search habits, so that there is a greater chance of being displayed by [Amazon] and being discovered by users.

To put it bluntly, [Four-Armed King Kong] can divert traffic to its own products, but the problem is that he has no way to force buyers to place an order, or in other words, he can do this, but it is impossible to do it!
Therefore, product [listing] optimization is very important. In this aspect, [Four-Armed King Kong] also took into account various factors, especially the hobbies of North American consumers.

Although it is not exceptionally good, it is quite satisfactory and there is nothing wrong with it. This is enough!

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ...

In China, a 500ml bottle of [Snow Banana Milk] costs 12 yuan, which is about 1.9 dollars in US dollars.

However, this is terminal retail. On the e-commerce platform, it must not be sold in this way, and it is sold according to the standard box.

In China, the standard box of [Snow Banana Milk] is 12 pieces. After all, the wholesale price of a box is 122 yuan, which is more expensive than [Red Bull]. Acceptance.

But considering the consumption habits in North America, the [Snow Banana Milk] launched by [Hero House] is 24 standard boxes, and the price on [Amazon] is US$38.99!

This price is expensive!

Buying a box of canned Coke in an American supermarket costs only about US$6, which translates to about 25 cents for a can of Coke.

Even at retail, it's only around $1.

The [Snow Banana Milk] sold by [Chaoqun Group] costs an average of US$1.6 per bottle.

This is still the price of a box. If it is in a retail store in the United States, the price will be doubled.

No matter how rich the Americans are, they can't accept them!

What's more, [Snow Banana Milk] is not well-known in the United States, and it is not on the list of drinks that Yankees love to drink.

The beverages that Yankees often drink include coffee, various beers, and various carbonated beverages.

Juice sales can only be said to be okay.

So [Chaoqun Group] doesn’t want the products to be unsold, and they are piled up in [Amazon]’s warehouse. In the end, they will be charged storage fees, and finally have to pay [Amazon] to destroy them after they expire.

At this time, you can't be cold, and you must make good use of the various promotional tools provided by [Amazon].

Otherwise, [Four-Armed King Kong] will attract traffic, but the conversion rate will not be good, and it is meaningless.

[Amazon] has a variety of promotional tools, such as [Coupons], [Seckill Events], [Seven Days Events], [Exclusive Discounts] or other promotional activities.

[House of Heroes] After the staff of the project team met and discussed, they finally selected [Seven-day Event] as a promotional tool.

This promotional tool has several advantages. First, it can keep the product exposed for 7 days. Second, it can quickly increase sales. Third, it can clear the backlog of inventory. Fourth, it has a "Limited Time Sale" badge, which can increase the high click-through rate. Fifth, It is to increase the traffic of the details page.

Of course, it is not so easy to sign up for this [seven-day event], it has certain eligibility criteria.

First, the product must have a sales history on Amazon and have a rating of at least 3 stars. New listings are not eligible.

Second, professional sellers with at least 5 seller feedback ratings per month and a total rating of at least 3.5 stars.

[Snow Banana Milk] from [Hero House] does not satisfy either of these two conditions.

But as we said, the body of a foreigner can sometimes be very soft.

Where is there any real justice?

[Superior Group] is so important to [Amazon], and [Amazon] currently has no ability to counter the opponent, which leads to [Amazon]'s attitude towards [Superior Group], which is faintly fearful.

After all, [Amazon] is not the only multinational e-commerce company. Once [Chaoqun Group] terminates its cooperation with [Amazon] and turns to support other multinational e-commerce companies, consumers will vote with their feet. Don’t think they will stay at [Amazon] because of their feelings. 】.

But [Amazon] without customers, merchants will not come.

Even if [Amazon] lowers the threshold of conditions to the point where a product can be launched, not many merchants will sign up!

At that time [Amazon] was going to die, so what was the point of talking about fairness?
So, so what if 【Snow Banana Milk】does not meet the conditions, it can also be launched if you create the conditions, so what if you need to make a registration event three weeks in advance. The event product, [Snow Banana Milk] has been pushed up.

However, there is no additional traffic entry for this [Seven-day Promotion] event, but [Amazon] said that providing the necessary commission fees will bring a lot of exposure to [Super Group]'s products.

Coupled with [Four-Armed King Kong]'s secret promotion, there is no need to worry about traffic.

【Chaoqun Group】After a final internal agreement, the [Snow Banana Milk] of [Hero House] participating in the [Seven-Day Promotion] event is priced at US$7.99 per box. On average, a 500ml bottle of [Snow Banana Milk] costs less to $0.33.

The price is simply too low to look directly at.

But there is no way, [Snow Banana Milk] is not well-known and has a large inventory, so we can only tearfully lower the price.

December 2019, 6.

【Snow Banana Milk】officially launched 【Seven Days Promotion】event.

[House of Heroes] The staff of the project team looked at the data nervously in the background.

[Amazon] traffic is still very strong.

As soon as the event was launched, the sales volume shown in the background data began to increase.

At the beginning, the growth rate was tens of tens, and then the curve rose sharply, pulled to one hundred, two hundred, the highest reached thousands, then fell back, and finally stabilized at a growth rate of hundreds or hundreds.

In one day, [Snow Banana Milk] sold more than [-] boxes on [Amazon].

This result is definitely not bad for a new product.

The reason for such a result is that [Snow Banana Milk] was mixed into the related search page of [Milk] on [Amazon].

Although as more and more Americans begin to turn to a new way of life, not only milk itself is abandoned by many people, but also emerging products in [milk substitutes] are rapidly emerging.

Market research company Nielsen data shows that in the past 2018, sales of oat milk in the US market have surged by nearly 50%.In contrast, the overall sales growth of the plant milk market was only 9%, among which the sales growth of almond milk with the highest market share was 11%.

In terms of the market share of plant milk, data from another market research company Mintel shows that in the US market, almond milk has a 64% share of the plant milk market, ranking first, and soy milk is second with a share of 13%. Coconut milk came in third with a 12% share.

The hot demand for vegetable milk is in stark contrast to traditional milk.According to Nielsen's above statistics, U.S. milk sales fell by 2.8%, of which skim milk sales fell the most, with a drop of 16.5%.

U.S. Department of Agriculture data also show that in 2016, traditional milk sales fell by 17%, and since the 1970s, per capita milk consumption in the United States has dropped by 35%.

But the per capita milk consumption of Americans is still very impressive, reaching an average of 67.5 kilograms.

The [Snow Banana Milk] of [Hero House] is good. It not only has the signboard of milk, but also wipes the edge of plant milk, plus [Snow Banana], which is unique in the world [Winter Banana] Gimmick, so the conversion rate is not bad.

On the second day after the event was launched, the sales volume of [Snow Banana Milk] reached more than 3000 pieces.

On the third day, 3500 pieces were sold.

Day [-]...

After the seven-day promotion, [Snow Banana Milk] sold more than 20 pieces, and the revenue was only about [-] US dollars. The gross profit may be less than [-]%, and the net profit may be even less than [-]%. ten out of ten.

The main reason is that the sales volume is too low and the cost is difficult to average.

There are more than [-] pieces of [Snow Banana Milk], which only accounts for about one-tenth of the [-] pieces of inventory in the [Amazon] warehouse.

[Super Group] After another round of internal discussions, it was decided to continue the activity for one month.

For other e-commerce players, this is not a simple matter.

But for [Super Group], it couldn't be a matter of a few phone calls.

[Snow Banana Milk] continues to participate in various activities on [Amazon], and its sales have also begun to grow steadily.

The day with the highest sales volume reached 1 pieces.

On average, there are more than 5000 pieces per day.

After one month, [House of Heroes] sold 20 pieces of [Snow Banana Milk], and returned funds of more than 130 million US dollars.

Converted into RMB, it is only more than [-] million yuan.

For [Superior Group], it was just a small amount of money.

However, [Four-Armed King Kong] found in the monitoring that the search volume of [Snow Banana Milk] on the [Amazon] platform began to show an upward trend, and the repurchase rate index of [Snow Banana Milk] was also frighteningly high.

[Four-armed King Kong] tracked each order, entered various terminal devices, and investigated the acceptance of [Snow Banana Milk] in the North American market.

It found that consumers in North America who have drunk this [Snow Banana Milk] are full of praise for its taste, especially its unique ice-fire taste, which makes it sought after by consumers.

Some consumers can drink more than a dozen bottles of 【Snow Banana Milk】in a day.

For them, a box of [Snow Banana Milk] is their two-day consumption.

Not only adults, but even children are particularly obsessed with this new product, even surpassing Coca-Cola.

American parents would rather their children drink more [Snow Banana Milk] than unhealthy Coke.

This is the source of the high repurchase rate of 【Snow Banana Milk】.

[Four-armed King Kong] You can tell with your eyes closed that [Snow Banana Milk] will definitely become popular in North America. Americans don’t pay much attention to [GMO] and [Non-GMO]!
After receiving this report, Wu Siyuan made a decision to let [Hero's House] cancel the promotional price of [Snow Banana Milk], and restore it to the original $38.99.

The high price immediately caused the sales of [Snow Banana Milk] to drop like a cliff.

Originally, the sales volume of four to five thousand pieces a day suddenly dropped to four to five hundred pieces, and then continued to fall, falling to more than one hundred pieces.

The staff of [Hero House] originally thought that [Snow Banana Milk] would fall into a slump, but the sales volume of [Snow Banana Milk] began to rebound, from more than [-] daily sales to more than [-], more than [-], and finally maintained With a daily sales volume of more than [-], it is still growing slowly and steadily.

According to this kind of sales volume, [House of Heroes] can earn more than 180 U.S. dollars per day, and can withdraw funds of more than [-] million U.S. dollars a month, which is much higher than the sales amount of participating in the event.

How to choose is naturally self-evident!

What the staff of [Hero's House] don't know is that behind this sales volume, [Snow Banana Milk] is known by more and more Americans, and is known by more and more Americans.

One day, [Snow Banana Milk] will experience explosive growth!
Wu Siyuan knew that day would not be too long!
The nameless ring in his hand keeps flashing, which is his growing influence.

And at this moment, his eyes flickered for a while, it was the ability of [Future Foretelling] activated again.

(End of this chapter)

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