my scientific age

Chapter 277 Meet!

Chapter 277 Meet!

"The Education Department has informed that all major schools will be closed at [-] pm, and teachers and students will not go out for the time being. I hope you can understand."

The assistant principal's tone was very heavy.

The reason for the temporary cancellation of the academic speech was mainly due to the sudden Lugouqiao Incident. Following the organization's declaration, the country was immediately energized. After research, the school had to make a decision to cancel the academic speech.

One is that it is not in line with the current tense situation, and the other is that after the Lugouqiao Incident, the entire city of Peiping entered a state of martial law. All teachers and students from Peking University, Nankai University, Yan University and other schools were closed and could not be present.

"It's okay, I can understand that national affairs should be put first." Yu Hua was not surprised by this news, he had no emotion in his heart, nodded and responded.

"The principal said that after the matter is over, he will definitely give an academic speech for you again, please rest assured." The assistant principal said softly. He looked at Yu Hua with a calm and calm expression, and he was quite admired. You must know that an academic speech is important to any one are extremely important to scholars.

Temporary cancellation is not a big blow.


Yu Hua smiled and nodded.

"Then I'll leave, Yu Hua, if you have anything, you can come to me, and I'll try my best to help you." After the notification, the assistant principal turned around and left.

"You walk slowly."

Yu Hua got up and said goodbye.

He sent the assistant principal to the door and watched him go downstairs. After he left the nuclear physics laboratory, Yu Hua returned to the room and thought silently: "It's okay to cancel the academic speech, after all, the results of the thesis are there. Strictly speaking, right For me, it's just a lost opportunity to pose and build an aura of authority, which is precious, but a lot."

This academic speech mainly expounds the theory of asymmetric cryptography and some details. To put it bluntly, it is to tell the Chinese mathematics community-from today, I, Yu Hua, officially entered the mathematics community today, and became a new mathematician as a Tsinghua student.

If there is dissatisfaction, then find out the flaws and fatal loopholes of the asymmetric cryptography theory.

Obviously, with the platform of the three math giants of the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study, asymmetric cryptography can be described as impeccable.

Is this opportunity precious?

Really precious.

But Yu Hua believes that he will definitely have more than this opportunity. After all, this opportunity was created by himself, not by anyone who gave it or gave it.

There is a saying - there are two values ​​in the world, one is wearing a very expensive watch to show that you are worth a hundred times more, and the other is my value, an inexpensive watch because I wear it It's over, so it's worth a hundred times more.

Yu Hua believes that opportunities are also divided into two types, one is an opportunity given by others, and the other is an opportunity created by oneself.

In the academic field, anyone who wants to climb to the top and become a strategic scientist with important influence on the entire civilization, the latter shall prevail.

"If that's the case, then concentrate on your work. By the way, you have to find an organization first." Yu Hua quickly abandoned the complicated thoughts in his heart and concentrated on his current work. When he was about to bring the materials to the mechanical engineering laboratory, Suddenly I remembered the technical briefing the night before.

Now that the theoretical research and development of the oxygen top-blown converter technology has been completed, the remaining work is to construct the design drawings and manufacturing links of the steelmaking plant. No matter what, it is inseparable from the support of the organization.

The design drawing of the steelmaking plant must first select the site, and then discuss the design. The manufacture of experimental air separation plants, oxygen lances and converters requires a lot of capital, manpower and material resources, all of which need to be completed at the base.

Without the support of the organization, all ideas and plans for the industrial base in the base area will all be reduced to utopia.

Just do what you said, Yu Hua simply washed up, went to the cafeteria to have breakfast, and then quickly came to the west gate of the school, went out to the right, and waited quietly under the No.11 big banyan tree.

Not far away, Yang Xiu, who was on standby 24 hours a day, looked around to see if there was any suspicious person following Yu Hua within 50 meters of the surrounding area. After confirming that it was correct, he appeared.

"Mr. Yu Hua." Yang Xiu, dressed in a gray vest and dressed as a worker, came to the big banyan tree and spoke respectfully.

"I need to meet with Butler Liu as soon as possible. This meeting is also attended by Professor Zhuang Qianding from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Tsinghua University. The location is nearby. The matter is very important."

Hearing this, Yang Xiu felt the sense of urgency in Yu Hua's tone, and nodded immediately: "Yes, I will contact Butler Liu immediately, please wait for five minutes."

Say it, leave.

Yu Hua watched Yang Xiu leave and stood there, waiting quietly, watching from the corner of his eye to see if there was any suspicious person following him or intelligence personnel monitoring him.

Yu Hua has always had a high level of anti-reconnaissance awareness and behavior. As long as he finds any suspicious person's whereabouts on the way out, he will immediately end today's trip, whether it is to meet Xu Rui, or to go out to handle errands and send letters.

From a theoretical point of view, the people who are most likely to track or monitor him, only the people from the Blue Shirts Society have a high probability of monitoring whether he will leak and decipher the red secret information.

Fortunately, after such a long period of observation and anti-reconnaissance, Yu Hua did not find anyone who was tracking and spying. The tracking and surveillance in this era is very backward, mainly through single or multiple people, as long as people with a little anti-reconnaissance awareness, can feel it.

Of course, it would never be ruled out that Boss Dai ordered the Blue Shirts Club to use top ace spies to spy on him.


Yu Hua didn't think that a mere high school student was worthy of being treated like this by Boss Dai.

As for the vest Zhang San, Yu Hua believes that the Blue Shirts Club has not discovered the relationship between himself and Zhang San. Relationship, is putting a long line to catch big fish.

Any possibility exists, but out of scientific and rigorous thinking, Yu Hua will never draw a conclusion.

After all, he took the risk of revealing his identity at the beginning, and established contact with the organization represented by Lin Wan through an almost plain text transmission method.

During this process, Yu Hua could not guarantee whether the two technical documents were leaked.

Based on the judgment that the first 80% probability is not found, the current logical relationship between the identity and the vest is roughly as follows - the Blue Shirt Club only knows its true identity, but it does not know that the vest Zhang San has leaked the red secret information to the organization, and only thinks that Zhang San is Published the author of "Chinese Mechanical Drawing".

The organization knows the vest Zhang San, but does not know his true identity.

The Japanese may know the vest Zhang San, but they don't know their true identity.

If it is the second 20% probability of long-line fishing for big fish, yes, the Blue Shirt Club is a real super big winner. His small actions and behaviors, as well as all the technical information, have already fallen into the hands of the Blue Shirt Club, and the other party is waiting to receive network.

As for what kind of reality the situation is, Yu Hua prefers the former.

Yu Hua believed in the modern anti-reconnaissance skills and awareness mastered by hardcore military fans, and even more in his own intuition and judgment.

Having said that, as for why the information was transmitted in almost clear text in the first place...

The reason is very simple. It is not that Yu Hua cannot design complex password transmission methods to ensure information security, but that too complex password transmission methods will lead to difficulties in information exchange.

In short, the organization's side may not be able to decrypt.

Choosing to use the postal system to send technical materials is an optimal solution with high risk and high reward, and Yu Hua can afford this risk...

The big deal is to give up the study abroad plan and the goal of strategic scientists, take root in the base area, and go directly to the road of weapons research and development.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and after about 5 minutes, Yang Xiu's figure appeared on time.

"Mr. Yu Hua, Butler Liu has already left. The meeting time is six o'clock sharp. I will pick you up to the meeting place." Yang Xiu said clearly and quickly.

"it is good."

After receiving this reply, Yu Hua nodded, turned around and walked back without explaining too much.


"Zhuang Qianding, born in 1902, native of Qingpu, Shanghai, dean of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Tsinghua University, full professor, obtained dual master's degrees from Cornell University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, mainly engaged in machinery, chemical industry, metallurgy, aviation power, Electric power and other fields.”

"From 1920 to 1924, he graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Shanghai Nanyang University with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering."

"From 1924 to 1925, he was a technician at the Ministry of Communications and a teaching assistant at Jiaotong University."

"1925-1926 Graduated from Cornell University Research Institute with a master's degree in mechanical engineering."

"1926-1928 Graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a master's degree in chemical engineering."

"For four years from 1928 to 1932, he was an assistant researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, an engineer at the Boston Sway Engineering Company, an engineer at the Edison Company, and an engineer at the Chicago area power plant."

"Returning to China in 1932, he personally founded the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Tsinghua University, served as the acting preparatory director and technical consultant of the National Resources Commission Machine Manufacturing Plant, and independently designed and constructed the Tsinghua 15-foot wind tunnel project."

"The above is the identity information of Professor Zhuang Qianding."

In the north of the city, in a guest teahouse, a young person holding the latest collected reports gave Professor Zhuang Qianding's identity information and resume one by one.

After reading all the information, the young comrade who was affiliated with the North Special Branch immediately left the conference room.

In the room, Liu Wei, who had put down a lot of important work, and Lin Wan, who had been working in the organization, were sitting.

Unlike Yu Hua, who reported to the school after receiving the university notice, Lin Wan stayed in the organization after the completion of the Yu's Seven Pagodas project, and hadn't yet reported to Peking University.

"Comrade Qingluan, this Professor Zhuang Qianding is really a great talent. One degree after another, all kinds of engineers have more ink in their stomachs than ten me." Liu Wei took out a cigarette I lit it, took a sip, and said slowly.

"Professor, as far as I know, Professor Zhuang is one of the best professors at Tsinghua University. How could he meet us with Yu Hua?" Lin Wan said.

"This is also a question in my heart. I probably have a guess, but I dare not say it." Liu smiled and said.

(End of this chapter)

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