The Super Dimension Pirates in One Piece

Chapter 776 "Newcomer"

Chapter 776 "Newcomer"

Smoker put down the newspaper in his hand and sighed: "Peach rabbit, tea dolphin..."

Tina tucked her wind-blown hair behind her ears, and said softly, "In order to eliminate the bad influence of the former admiral's defection to the enemy, Admiral Sakaski's response was not slow, but..."

Tina didn't continue talking. The two new admirals will definitely be compared with Aokiji by the public, but Aokiji's strength...

"You still care about the navy so much?" Stussy next to him chuckled lightly, "The world government has listed you as rebels~"

"Here..." Stucey opened the newspaper and motioned for them to read.

The two turned their heads to look at Stucey, and Smokey choked angrily: "You have integrated into the new team so quickly, what ecstasy soup did Eric pour?"

"A lot~" Stussy said with a pun, rubbing her lower abdomen clockwise with her right hand, and at the same time, her pink and delicate tongue licked around the attractive red lips.

"?" Smoker didn't know why, but Tina seemed to have figured it out, her face flushed suddenly, and she gave Stucey a hard look.

"The strongest shield of the Celestial Dragon..." Smoker sneered, dismissing the former CP0 members.

Stuci smiled slightly, and said, "Just like my position, I know a lot of evil things about Tianlong people that people don't know."

"What I revealed on TV is just the tip of the iceberg, do you want to hear the whole thing?"

"Maybe I can't finish talking for ten days and a half months~"

Smoker grimaced and fell silent.

Tina asked, "Where are you taking us?"

As Stuci led the way, he replied: "Although you have lived in China for a while, you probably don't know the internal supervision system of China."

"In order to prevent officials from taking advantage of the common people, deceiving their superiors, embezzlement, etc., Eric specially set up a supervisory agency."

Smoker held his cigar in his mouth, curled his lips and said, "It's just a job for reporting, isn't it?"

The corners of Stussy's mouth curled up, and he said with a smile, "'re right if you want to understand it that way."

"Compared to this, I want to catch pirates."

Stuci bluntly said: "With your mouth and bad temper, within a few days of entering the army, you have to make a lot of mistakes, offend a group of people, and finally end up being expelled."

"Tina thinks Mr. Smoker is the same in the prosecutor's office."

Smoker's eyes widened: "Tina, which side are you on?"

"Tina discusses the matter."

"Military discipline is very strict. Beating up a superior general is a capital offense. Have you ever done such a thing before?"

"..." Smoker tightened his face and did not speak.

"The procuratorate is much better. If there is a superior who doesn't like it, you can collect evidence of his crime." Stussy shrugged and spread his hands: "Even if you can't help but do it, as long as you don't break it, at most one administrative detention."

"Break it? What kind of beating is it called a break?"

"...Is this what you care about?" Stussy was quite speechless. Is this guy ready to beat the leader?

Tina glanced at Stucey: "Are you also from the Procuratorate?"

"Well, it's your superior's superior's superior." Stussy smiled and said, "Thanks to my strength, I don't have to worry about you beating me."

"...I really want to try the strength of CP0." Smoker gently tapped his palm with ten hands.

"... Where did your ten hands come from?"

Tina frowned and said, "Mr. Smoker, this place is on the street!"

"It's okay, dealing with him won't cause much commotion." Stussy shrugged and said, "It only takes a second or two."

"Oh? Really?" The veins on Smoker's forehead bulged, "Can I do it now?"

Stuci raised his hand to signal: "Please come~"

White smoke spewed out from under his feet, Smokey shot at Stussy, and his raised hands smashed at Stussy with all his strength.


The moment the ten hands hit Stuci, Stuci smudged and dissipated like ink.


"You're really merciless..." Stucey's voice came from behind, Smoker turned his body around, and swept the ten hands behind him, and the painted afterimage burst and disappeared like a bubble.


Stussy bent his arm, and hit Smoker in the middle of his chest with his domineering elbow covered in armor. The strong impact made him arch his body in an instant.

"cough cough"

Smoker instantly lost the consciousness of controlling the aerosolization and coughed.

The contest lasted less than a second, but some smoke was produced, which quickly dissipated under the blowing of the wind.

This sight attracted several nearby passers-by, who soon looked away again.

Tina asked with concern: "Mr. Smoker, are you okay?"

"It's okay..." Smoker gritted his teeth and looked up at Stucey.

"I wanted to beat up my superiors before I got into the job." Stussy smiled: "Eric was right not to let you into the army."

"Or, you are not convinced and want to fight again?"

Tina persuaded: "Forget it, Mr. Smoker."

"Hmph!" Smoker was aware of the strength gap between the two, and straightened his body and adjusted his clothes: "You have such strength, what are you doing in this ghost procuratorate?"

"Gathering intelligence is my job."

Stuci laughed and said, "Besides, not only hunting pirates, but also many jobs that can change the world."

"You'll understand later."

Stuci led the two into the office building of the procuratorate and completed the entry procedures.

Smoker lowered his head and frowned at the prefix of the name tag: "Trial?"

"I'm worried that you will discredit our procuratorate."

Tina didn't respond.

"follow me."

"where to?"

Stuci replied: "Take you to other departments."

"Are you taking us?"

"I will take it for the time being, I am worried that others will be beaten."

"Mr. Smog has a bad temper, but he won't resort to violence casually."

Stucey smiled noncommittally and did not refute.

"For a period of time in your life, you only paid attention to the superficial life of the people, right?"

"Yeah." Tina nodded in response.

"Shenzhou Kingdom's management system is more complex and scientific, with independent departments and high efficiency. This is not seen in the world government at all."

"..." Smoker and Tina could only respond in silence.


In the training ground inside the army, Cavendish stood in the middle of the training ground: "Aokiji, I have been waiting for you."

Kuzan tilted his head in confusion: "Wait for me?"

"That's right!" Cavendish raised his chin: "As long as I defeat you, this young master will be able to make headlines!"

Kuzan scratched his cheek: "News headlines?"

Guina complained: "He wants to be in the headlines and wants to go crazy."

Kuzan said in confusion: "I'm no longer an admiral. Even if you beat me, you won't be able to make headlines, right?"

"No, your strength is obvious to all, once you are defeated..."

Cavendish clenched his fists, his eyes sparkled, as if he saw a starry future: "Master Ben will become the target of reporters again..."

Kuina unceremoniously interrupted Cavendish's fantasy: "You can't defeat Aokiji, so the following things are impossible to happen."

"I think so too." The others nearby nodded approvingly.

Cavendish yelled at everyone present: "Shut up!"

"Aokiji!" Cavendish pointed at Kuzan with his sword, "Let me see your strength!"

"It's really troublesome~" Kuzan felt quite a headache.

"If you find it troublesome, reject him." Kuina said: "Soldiers are not allowed to fight privately, and he dare not attack you."

Kuzan asked curiously, "Why?"

"He was also a thorn before, and he was repaired several times by Estes."

"..." Cavendish's face twitched, as if recalling the fear of being punished by Esdeath.

"No need." Kuzan moved his wrist: "A fight will help you integrate into the army faster."

"Mr. Kuzan, you will definitely win!" Da Siqi cheered up Kuzan from behind.

Kuina curled her lips and said, "Don't shout about such an obvious ending."

The nearby soldiers began to bet in twos and threes:

"I bet Cavendish won't last 10 minutes!"

"10 minute? I bet 5 minutes!"

"You guys don't like Cavendish so much? He is also the guy who offered a reward of hundreds of millions of Baileys."

"Then you bet on Cavendish?"

"Me?" The first person who objected was very sincere to his wallet: "Of course I won the bet on Aokiji!"

"This group of guys..." Cavendish gritted his teeth and looked at the crowd.

Kuzan took the initiative to speak: "Don't affect yourself because of off-court factors."

"Of course, my target is only you!" Cavendish pulled out the sword at his waist with a "swish": "Durandall."

Kuzan glanced at the bright sword body: "Good sword."

Cavendish glanced at Kuzan and reminded: "I'm going to fuck!"

Kuzan said calmly, "Come on."

Half of Cavendish's handsome face became distorted and evil.

"This is?" Kuzan frowned.

"Come out, Rommel's weasel!" The soldiers outside the arena looked at Cavendish with his facial features showing madness with fear and expectation.

"The breath has changed." Kuzan immediately raised his right arm that had turned into ice.

Cavendish, who awakened the personality of Kamaitachi in a waking state, disappeared in front of Kuzan in an instant, and a whirlwind of Kamaitachi accompanied by the sharp light of the sword swept across his body.

The extremely sharp blade cut dozens of slender white light marks on Kuzan's body in an instant.


Kuzan shattered into countless ice cubes like an ice sculpture. These ice cubes were scattered all over the ground, and the ice cubes gradually condensed and grew, finally revealing Kuzan's original appearance.

Kuzan gave a pertinent comment: "Your speed is very fast."

Cavendish said unwillingly: "But it missed."

Cavendish bent his left leg in a gesture of rushing.

Kuzan raised his right arm unhurriedly, and the whole arm instantly turned into a block of ice. The icy arm expanded rapidly, and finally turned into a huge ice bird:

"Ice Cubes, Pheasant Mouth!"

This lifelike ice bird soared into the air with flapping wings, and with the wind and snow, it slammed into Cavendish head-on.


Cavendish smacked his lips, brandished his famous sword, and rushed towards the roaring ice bird from the front.

The two collided, and the ice bird's head was smashed by Cavendish's sword, and the broken ice fragments flew around.

Cavendish's body was shaken suddenly by the impact, the straight long sword on Bingniao's body was gradually bent, and his body involuntarily retreated.

After a stalemate for a second or two, Cavendish's hands and feet were frozen stiff by Kuzan's tricks, and it was difficult to resist, and finally he was crushed by the ice bird with his sword.

Cavendish, whose face was livid with cold, was dug out by everyone in a hurry, and he shouted unwillingly: "Damn—!"

"You're still young."

Kuzan comforted: "At your age, my swordsmanship is not as strong as yours."

When Cavendish heard it, his vanity was satisfied at this moment, and his nose stretched out: "Have you all heard that? My young master's strength has been recognized by Aokiji!"

"Yes, yes, yes." Everyone responded perfunctorily. If he didn't say that, Cavendish would be entangled forever.

Due to Cavendish's challenge, the recruit Kuzan quickly integrated into the army.


Some island on the great voyage.

Bucky finally reunited with his former companions after going through all kinds of hardships.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Companions met each other and wept.

Mochi covered his face with one hand and cried bitterly: "Since you were taken away, we have had trouble sleeping and eating every day, thinking about how to get back the captain..."

"Running around every day, living a life full of scars and heartbreak, when we came to our senses, the captain who was supposed to be in prison escaped from prison..."

"Captain Bucky!"

"You made it hard for us to find!"

The members of the Bucky Pirates expressed their loyalty with each other, and everyone burst into tears.

"You, you idiots..." Bucky moved himself, "I miss you very much too—!"

Alrita, who has a hot body and a disdainful expression on her face, said, "You guys, you're obviously going to die for Bucky."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhh——" The duo who adjusted the atmosphere trembled and turned to beg her to shut up.

Alrita said with her hands on her hips, "However, thanks to you, you escaped from Imper's prison."

"Well..." Bucky said with emotion: "Fortunately, I had a bad relationship before."

Al Lita asked: "The newspaper said that the prisoners in the Impere Prison are basically dead?"

"Almost..." Bucky recalled everything that happened in Imperial, hugged his head and shouted, "Hey! Don't remind me!"

"..." Bucky's hands looked at each other.

"You haven't faced the Ice Queen before, so you don't know." Bucky said with a distorted face and a trembling voice, "She is simply a demon!"

Yarrita changed the subject and said, "Now that everyone is here, what is our next destination?"

"..." He bowed his head and pondered for a long time, then Bucky said hoarsely, "I've considered this matter for a long time."

"I stayed on Captain Roger's ship before, you all know that, right?"

Bucky's partner and Bucky's confidants looked at each other and nodded: "Yes."

"Since I can remember, I have known Shanks." Bucky slowly told his past: "Do you know why I didn't go to the great route and only stayed in the East China Sea?"

"..." Several people shook their heads one after another.

"Because I know that I am no match for Shanks." Bucky smiled wryly: "So, I gave up my dream and stayed in the East China Sea to search for the buried treasure."

"In the second half of the great route, there is an opponent who killed Shanks and even made the world government helpless..."

Bucky raised his head and said frankly: "We are definitely not the opponents of the Dawn Pirates. In their eyes, I am not even a mantis."

"Captain Bucky..." Several people seemed to think of Bucky's next words.

"Alrita, I'm sorry, but this is the end of our partnership."

Bucky looked at his subordinates with tear-filled eyes: "Bucky Pirates, disband!"

(End of this chapter)

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