"Dragon" is finally over.

But the carnival that belongs to it is still going on, and the Internet is already abuzz with the ending of "Dragon Movie". Countless people are discussing and participating in this carnival.

"It's over, scatter flowers!"

"It's so good. "Dragon" is so good."

"No one would object to me calling "Dragon" the most promising TV series in the Chinese film and television industry, right?"

"It's hard to say which TV series is the best in the Chinese film and television industry, but it's definitely not the best martial arts drama in the Chinese film and television industry."

"It is worthy of being the pinnacle of martial arts novels. Even the movies and TV series are so good."

"When it was announced that "Dragon" would be filmed, I was a little worried, fearing that the essence would not be captured and the classic in my heart would be ruined. Unexpectedly, the TV series completely restored the classic in my heart and made it more vivid. "

"After all, it was Wang Xuan who directed it himself! If it were another director to shoot "Dragon Movie", it would probably be bullshit."

"That's right, which director knows "Dragon Movie" better than Wang Xuan."

"You can't say that. Remember Tian Qiong, right? Tian Qiong's novel was adapted into a TV series, and he was the screenwriter himself. Didn't it turn out to be a piece of shit?"

"Yes, there is only one Wang Xuan. He is unique. This guy has never failed."

"Wang Xuan takes action, and I have the world."

"Damn it, I really can't let go of "Dragon Movie". After watching "Dragon Movie", I really felt a sense of loss. It was like something was suddenly missing in my heart."

"The people upstairs are still sighing. I'm already watching "Dragon Movie" for the second time."

"This drama is truly a classic. The lines, framing, plot, soundtrack, special effects, and martial arts are all top-notch. I actually cried several times while watching this drama."

"Who wouldn't be? The scene where Qiao Feng buried A'Zhu, when I thought of the soundtrack, I burst into tears. The scene where Qiao Feng committed suicide in the finale also made me cry to death."

"What a pity Qiao Feng. My favorite Qiao Feng died in the end."

"It's so tragic. In the history of martial arts, the most admirable and regrettable character is none other than Qiao Feng. He was obviously a hero and invincible, but he ended up like this for the sake of all the people in the world."

"The actor selection is also good. Yuan Hua completely brought out Qiao Feng's temperament."

"Yes, from Guo Jing to Qiao Feng, Yuan Hua has fully demonstrated the qualities of being a great hero and serving the country and the people. His role as Guo Jing is a classic, and his role as Qiao Feng is even more classic, simply unsurpassed."

"Yuan Hua's face with the Chinese character is perfect for playing a decent character. He has a sense of uprightness."

"Hu Ge is not bad either. He plays Murong Fu, and his image of a hypocrite is quite popular. When I watched this drama, I felt that Murong Fu was quite hypocritical."

"Murong Fu was too smart, and his cleverness led to misunderstandings."

"This guy is also a pitiful man. He lived for his family from beginning to end, but in the end he got nothing. Even his childhood sweetheart's cousin ended up with Duan Yu."

"Wang Yuyan played by Qiao Ziwei is also amazing."

"Isn't that normal? That's Qiao Ziwei! In the entire entertainment industry, except Qiao Ziwei, who can portray the temperament of a fairy sister?"

"I'm afraid Chen Xueqi was forgotten upstairs."

"Yes, Chen Xueqi can definitely perform Wang Yuyan's temperament, but she just didn't do it."

"After all, she is Wang Xuan's girlfriend. How could Wang Xuan agree to let Chen Xueqi play the CP with someone else in the drama?"

"Han Zhengwei is also good. The Yang Kang he plays is so bad and cunning, while the Duan Yu he plays is so pure and innocent. They are two completely different temperaments, and he actually brought them to life."

"So have you all forgotten about our A'Zhu? Deng Meilin's A'Zhu is also a classic. She completely brought out A'Zhu's quirky spirit."

"Isn't that normal? After all, Deng Meilin has played Huang Rong!"

This night, the Internet went straight into a carnival. Countless people are discussing "Dragon", discussing its plot, characters, and actors. Because there were so many people discussing it, topics related to "Dragon" quickly became a hot search topic.

The top five hot searches are all related to "Dragon Movie". Note that this is a hot search across all channels.

Among the top ten hot searches, "Dragon Babu" accounted for eight of them, it's so arrogant!

The popularity of "Dragon Movie" directly exceeded 10 million. This is absolutely unprecedented in the history of the Chinese film industry. There has never been a film or television series that has been so popular. Even last year's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" filmed by Wang Xuan, the popularity was only 5 to 6 million.

But it's actually normal.

After all, the ratings of "Dragon Movie" have exceeded 6. Although the ratings of the finale of "Dragon" have not yet been released, no one doubts that the average ratings of the finale of "Dragon" will exceed 6, it is so strong.

As for "The Condor", the ratings are also good, breaking 4, and it has become a phenomenon-level TV series.

But there is still a gap between phenomenal TV series and phenomenal TV series. The ratings of breaking 4 and the ratings of breaking 6 are even more different. They cannot be described by simple addition and subtraction. That is a height, a height that is difficult to climb.

Since the new century, there have been many TV series that have exceeded 4 ratings, but "Dragon" is the only one that has exceeded 6 ratings. Otherwise, how can we say that "Dragon" is the pinnacle of martial arts TV series.

Let's put it this way, it's only been more than four months this year, but "Dragon" has already booked the Feitian Award, the Magnolia Award, and the Golden Eagle Award, so there won't be any surprises.

If there is an accident, it is a shady incident!

I believe that the above three organizers will not do such stupid things.

After "Tian Long Ba Bu" was aired, several artists under Tianhai, Yuan Hua, Han Zhengwei, and Deng Meilin became completely popular, and they were reluctant to accept the film. Even Li Ze, who plays Xu Zhu, received many offers for new films, but Tianhai just refused to let Li Ze take them. After May, Wang Xuan will prepare to shoot the second movie "Once Upon a Time" directed by himself. "Once Upon a Time" is a series of movies specially created to praise Li Ze. It can be regarded as Li Ze's exclusive IP. As for Lin Quan, let's wait for "Ip Man".

It is worth mentioning that after the launch of "Dragon Movie", Tianhai Film and Television City has officially opened to the public. At present, several crews have given money to film in Tianhai Film and Television City. In addition, many businesses have already settled in Tianhai Film and Television City.

There are also many tourists. Tianhai Film and Television City is no longer the desolate look it used to be, but is gradually becoming more alive.

Of course, it is impossible for Tianhai Film and Television City to recover its costs in a short period of time. After all, nearly one billion has been spent, and some projects are still under construction. After completion, it is estimated that hundreds of millions more will be invested.

But it’s okay, let’s take the long-term route.

Not counting Wang Xuan and Chen Xueqi, Tianhai now has several singing kings and queens. It is no problem for Tianhai to earn 700-800 million a year. After "Dragon", Tianhai Film and Television's artists such as Yuan Hua, Han Zhengwei, and Deng Meilin have also become popular, and their pay will not be bad. In addition to the artists who made "Classmates" popular, Tianhai as a whole can still make over a billion in profits every year.

Counting Wang Xuan and Chen Xueqi, it's even more terrifying.

Chen Xueqi has now become an international queen, earning a lot of money. Last year's English album, Chen Xueqi made 1500 billion for Tianhai, and this was a part of Universal's share, otherwise it would have been more. In addition, Chen Xueqi also received several international endorsements last year. The endorsement fees started from million eagle national coins. In this way, Chen Xueqi created hundreds of millions of profits for Tianhai. Throughout the year, Chen Xueqi alone earned more than one billion for Tianhai.

It's no wonder that Universal was willing to spend 5 million eagle dollars to buy out Chen Xueqi.

Not to mention Wang Xuan’s words. For any TV series, the income starts from 400 to 500 million yuan. It is a pity that Wang Xuan, as a singer who supports Tianhai, deliberately does not release singles or albums. Otherwise, Wang Xuan can generate at least hundreds of millions more revenue for Tianhai every year from albums.

There are also concerts. Other singers make money when they hold concerts, but Wang Xuan’s concerts are considered good even if they don’t lose money. The equipment must be the best, the ticket prices must be the cheapest, and the main focus is to have fun with the fans.

Furthermore, Wang Xuan does not accept endorsements or commercial roles. This is another huge amount of income. Domestically, the endorsement price offered by brand owners to Wang Xuan is even higher than that of international queen Chen Xueqi. Domestic Chen Xueqi is 4000 million per year, and Wang Xuan is 5000 million. Internationally speaking, the endorsement price offered by some brand owners to Wang Xuan is about the same as Chen Xueqi's, which is about 1500 million eagle national coins.

Some people may wonder, Chen Xueqi is now an international queen, and it is normal for big international brands to offer Chen Xueqi an annual endorsement fee of 1500 million eagles. Then how can Wang Xuan get such a high endorsement fee?

Don’t forget, Wang Xuan is one of the top ten piano musicians in the world!

More than 1500 million Eagles, Patek Philippe even offered Wang Xuan an annual endorsement fee of 2000 million Eagles. The condition was that Wang Xuan played the piano at a piano concert with a Patek Philippe watch.

But Wang Xuan still refused. Patek Philippe is too expensive, with a watch costing hundreds of thousands. Wang Xuan has many fans, and most of them are domestic. He doesn't want to see domestic fans buying Patek Philippe for his endorsement and making domestic money for foreign brands.

This is different from those big brands like Chen Xueqi’s endorsement of Armani. The difference is that Chen Xueqi became popular abroad. The album "Love Story" became a hit, which made Chen Xueqi completely ascend to the throne of international queen. She is a real international queen.

Because it is an English album, Chen Xueqi has tens of millions of fans abroad. She endorses Armani, and her consumers are mainly abroad. Otherwise, why would those big brands like Armani sign Chen Xueqi as their global spokesperson?

With Wang Xuan, Chen Xueqi, a group of popular singers, queens, and actors, as well as a composition department headed by Gu Jiahui and Huang Zhan, it is not a problem for Tianhai to earn two to three billion a year. The profitability is no less than that of giants such as Huayi.

Of course, Huayi, Xingkong and Great Wall are listed companies. If this is the case, Tianhai still cannot compare.

But don’t forget, going public is risky!

Tianyu has been dismembered because of its listing before.

All said and done, Tianhai is not short of money, so raising a movie and television city is not a problem at all. After a few years, the film and television city was on the right track, and it was another money-making project. The Shaolin Temple Scenic Area now distributes 60 to 70 million in dividends to Tianhai every year.

At noon, the ratings for the finale of "Dragon Movie" finally came out.

Not surprisingly, it broke 6.

Unexpected and a bit cruel, the peak ratings were as high as 6.5 and the average ratings were as high as 6.3. You know, for the two episodes yesterday, the average ratings of "Dragon" was only 5.8, and now it's 6.3, which is a full 0.5 increase.

As soon as the ratings came out, the Internet was abuzz again.

The media blew the whistle.

The melon-eating crowd fell into a carnival.

In the next few days, one review after another for "Dragon" came out, reviewing the plot, the characters, the special effects, the martial arts, everything. Every movie review is very popular. It lasted for more than ten days before the popularity of "Dragon" finally subsided.

Yes, "Dragon" has come to an end, no matter how brilliant it is, it must come to an end.

Even if you are reluctant to part with it, there is always a banquet in the world that must come to an end.

Wang Xuan has already made preparations for the concert in May. Last year he let his fans go, and today he plans to hold three concerts in a row to give back to his fans.

That’s right, three games!

There are two official events announced, one at the Yanjing Bird's Nest, one at the Xiangjiang River, and one at the Xiangjiang River specially invited by the organizer.

This concert in Xiangjiang was specially invited by the organizer of the Hong Kong Coliseum to Wang Xuan.

Where is the Red Hall? I believe anyone who is a fan knows this. It is the holy land of Chinese pop music and the dream place of countless singers.

Anyone who can sing in the Coliseum must be very famous! If he had the ability to hold several concerts in a row, he would definitely be called a singing superstar by the newspapers! As for Hong Kong singers, whoever can hold a concert at the Hong Kong Coliseum will be able to establish and solidify their status as the king and queen of Asia.

Wang Xuan does not need the Coliseum to confirm his position as the King of Asia, but he still has respect for the Coliseum, the holy place of pop music. So after receiving the invitation from the Hong Kong Coliseum, Wang Xuan agreed. First, it fulfills a dream of Wang Xuan’s previous life, and second, the organizer of the Hong Kong Coliseum is full of sincerity.

The ticket price for this concert is completely determined by Wang Xuan himself. All proceeds from the concert are planned to be donated to remote mountainous areas in the mainland for the construction of Hope Primary Schools and the like. It's rare for the Hong Kong Coliseum to be so aware. Of course Wang Xuan will support this kind of public welfare undertaking.

Wang Xuan has also thought about it. He wants to hold a special concert at the Coliseum.

In the days since "Dragon" was released, Wang Xuan has already selected the songs to be sung in "Concert". But before the concert, Wang Xuan had to attend a celebration. The Chinese TV Drama Feitian Award Ceremony held by the Chinese government.

It is worth mentioning that the Feitian Award was originally scheduled to be held in April, but there were some problems with the original venue, so the Feitian Award was postponed to May, and the venue was moved from Shencheng to Lijiang. The Golden Eagle Awards, originally scheduled for May, can only be postponed to June.

There is no way, the Feitian Award is officially held, and the Golden Eagle Award can only give way.

On May 5, the eve of the Feitian Awards, Wang Xuan took several of the creative staff and starring actors of "The Condor" to Lijiang.

(End of this chapter)

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