"I'm taking you to the execution ground. I don't even have a trial. Isn't it too serious?" Hearing that Bai Mei and other Hong Tai's leaders were going to be shot, the police officer who asked the question had his mouth wide open, doubting his own ears. Did you hear me wrong?

"Is it serious, not serious, these bastards have many crimes, and the pile of files in the police station is higher than that of people, that is, because no one charged them, or someone accused them and they had money to hire a barrister, so they escaped.

They are being tried now, which is already cheap for them. Inspector Wang snorted coldly, "Xiao Li, you are from Yuen Long. I remember that before you joined the police force, you were bullied by Hong Tai's people every day. You dared not speak out, and you didn't even have anything to reason with." "


Police officer Xiao Li nodded when he heard the words, "It's not just me who was bullied, but not one or two of my neighbors were bullied by Hong Tai. Most of them joined the club to protect themselves, and only a few of them joined the police force to protect themselves like me." of."

"These are all the blame of the ghosts. It is their indulgence of the association that makes us citizens unlucky. Today, the director wants to set things right and root out the association.

Instead of killing all these bastards, how to eradicate the society, you must know that in troubled times, heavy codes are used. "

Troubled times with heavy code!
The quality of law and order in an area is related to two points, one is the economy, and the other is the severity of the punishment!
First is the economy!
Generally speaking, the better the economy, the better the social security, and conversely, the worse the economy, the worse the security environment.

The reason why the security environment in the Nordic countries is good and all kinds of saints are prevalent is that they have a good economy and can implement a high welfare system.

How good is its welfare system?
Take Sweden for example!
In addition to free education from elementary school to university, children under the age of 16 can also enjoy a monthly student allowance of about 1050 kroner, and college students can receive monthly stipends and low-interest study loans.


The general registration fee for seeing a doctor in Sweden is 120 SEK each time, and it will be free after accumulating 900 SEK within one year.If you need medicine, you can buy medicine at the pharmacy with the prescription issued by the doctor. If the medicine cost exceeds 900 crowns within one year, you can enjoy free medicine.Other expenses, such as treatment fees, hospitalization fees, and even travel expenses to and from hospitals or clinics under special circumstances, are all free.

All medical expenses for children before the age of 18 are free. If you cannot work normally due to illness, you can also enjoy sick leave allowance, which is used to make up for the patient’s reduced income loss due to illness, which is equivalent to 80% of the normal income.

Various guarantees, services, subsidies, assistance and other measures can solve most of the risks that ordinary people can encounter.Let people go from the cradle to the grave" without any worries.

Human nature is inherently good!
A good welfare system allows the people of the Nordic countries not to worry about their lives, which naturally reduces disputes. Coupled with a modern alarm system, the law and order will naturally become better.

It's just that this system is only suitable for small countries in Northern Europe, not for big countries.

In fact, the welfare of Northern Europe is not only envied by our countrymen, but also by people in developed countries such as the Americans and Japanese, who want the country to implement such a welfare system.

It’s just that everyone doesn’t want to learn, but it’s because they can’t learn it, and even if they know their model, it’s difficult to implement it in their own country, because all these benefits are based on one foundation, that is, money.

One of the key points why the Nordic countries can implement high welfare is that these countries have a small population but are extremely rich in resources.The per capita resource possession is much higher than that of ordinary developed countries.

How many people do they have?

Sweden, the most populous of the Nordic countries, has only 969 million people, and Iceland, the least populous, has only 33 people. This makes their economic aggregate not very high, but their per capita GDP is much higher than that of the old United States.

Among them, Norway is the world's third largest oil exporter and natural gas exporter, and they will not be watched all the time like the Middle East. They can concentrate on oil exploration and export, and oil revenue accounts for as much as 25% of GDP.

Sweden's iron ore exports rank first in Europe, its proven uranium reserves are as high as 25 to 30 tons, and its forest coverage rate is as high as 54%.

The per capita forest area in Finland is 3.9 hectares, and the output of pulp and cardboard boxes ranks among the top in the world.

Denmark is the third largest oil producer and natural gas exporter in Europe, and is also rich in other mineral resources.

Iceland is rich in geothermal resources, and the North Sea fishing ground is very developed.

The biggest advantage of rich resources lies in its strong anti-risk ability and little influence from the external environment. Another feature is "high added value and low development speed".

High added value is very easy to understand, that is, the profit rate is high, and to put it bluntly, it means that you can make a lot of money.

If the citizens are all labor-intensive workers such as textile workers or assembly line assembly workers, even if the tax rate is 80%, the total tax revenue will not be too large.

Also, high added value does not necessarily bring a comfortable and comfortable life, and requires low speed.

Rapidly developing industries such as IT and chips can make a lot of money, but they must pursue speed, because electronic products basically need to be replaced every two years. Can barely keep up with the trend of the times.

It is impossible to form a long-term stable high taxation and a peaceful mentality of the people.

On the contrary, the low speed is different!

Because the low-speed development means that the core competitiveness of the industry mainly comes from the inheritance of history, as the saying goes, it depends on the blessing of the ancestors.

More importantly, when an industry enters a slow development cycle, it means that the market of this industry has almost stopped growing.

Therefore, from the employee's point of view, more work cannot be converted into benefits.

From a business point of view, expanding investment is not suitable for an already saturated market.

From the government's point of view, there are not many popular industries that require a lot of capital.

The combination of the three allows the government to impose high taxes on enterprises without too much impact on them. High taxes are the premise of high welfare. Without money, various expenses for high welfare cannot be guaranteed. After all, wealth cannot be created out of thin air. .

In Finland, the income tax is more than 50.00%, and in Sweden, the tax expenditure accounts for more than 60% of the total expenditure.

Because the income distribution has been effectively adjusted through taxation, the Nordic countries have become the countries with the smallest gap between the rich and the poor in the world, thus making the society very stable.

Nowhere else can compare!

Just like Xiangjiang!

In terms of per capita GDP, Xiangjiang is not much worse than the Nordic countries, or even less than double the gap.

But real income is different.

Due to the high tax regulation in Northern Europe, the income gap between everyone is very small, basically at the median level.

And Xiangjiang!
Although the median income level of citizens is not low, it is an average value, which is the average of high income and low income.

Because of the high housing prices, Xiangjiang has the largest proportion of billionaires in a single city. It can be said that the high income is really high, dozens or even hundreds of times that of the low income.

Therefore, there are many billionaires in Xiangjiang, and their mansions can be found everywhere, but there are also a large number of people who don't even have a place to live and can only live in cage houses.

The concept of a cage house is a cage.

It was only a few square meters in size, and many people lived in such a place from birth to death. Together with a large number of low-level citizens in the housing estate, they provided the club with far-flung personnel.

Even in a well-developed city like Xiangjiang, everyone can't pursue the Nordic welfare system. In order to make the society peaceful, they can only use another method, which is punishment.

The severity of punishment has a decisive effect on the security of a place.

of course!

The premise is social stability.

If it was the situation in the last years of the ancient dynasty, even if heavy codes were used and the robbers died, they would not be able to stop the bandits, robbers and thieves who came forward.

The law is worthless in front of survival.

However, under the premise of social stability, the quality of law and order is directly linked to the severity of punishment.

Let's take Old America as an example.

The economy of Lao America is much higher than that of the mainland, not to mention the per capita gap, which is several times higher. It stands to reason that the security environment should be better than that of the mainland.

The results of it?
The mainland is known as one of the safest areas in the world. It’s an exaggeration to say that you don’t pick up lost things on the road, but there is a lot of nightlife. If you go out at night, unless you are unlucky, you will generally not encounter security problems.

But in Laomei it will not work.

The rich area is okay, because housing prices are expensive, rich, police patrols are intensive, and it is relatively safe at night.

It will not work in poor areas, especially areas where black people gather.

In these areas, you can't go out at night, especially girls, because the possibility of going out in danger exceeds 50.00%, and what's more sad is that the alarm doesn't work!

Because the police don't go to these areas at night.

In the Mainland, this is not the case.

In everyone's impression, the price level is related to the geographical location, the green area and the materials used. I have never heard of it being related to the public security environment.

Because the law and order in the villa area and the village in the city are similar, there is not much difference.

A case of beating someone in a certain place can cause a sensation in the whole network. In addition to the reason of the rapid spread of the network, there is another reason that such cases are rare.

If it happens every three days.

Just like Xiangjiang!
Not to mention that fights at night are commonplace, even group fights with dozens or hundreds of people happen every three days.

Because too much happened, both the police and the citizens are used to it.

By default, after twelve o'clock in the evening, it is the community's world.

When the time comes, the police will automatically leave work and hand over the night to the community, and even the newspapers will not report on it.

The reason for this is that in addition to the large gap between the rich and the poor in Xiangjiang and the large number of people in mixed societies, another key factor is that the legal punishment in Xiangjiang is too low.

Take washing powder as an example.

The mainland has zero tolerance for washing powder, and anyone who sells or carries more than [-] grams is the death penalty.

If this level of force is put in Xiangjiang, then it is an exaggeration to shoot all the gangsters in Xiangjiang, but it is definitely not wrong to shoot a quarter of them.

If it was an association like Dongxing that mainly focused on washing powder, three quarters of the shooting would slip through the net.

Let alone gangs like Zhu Tao and the Ni family, they would not be wronged if they bombed directly with cannons.

The real situation in Xiangjiang is!
For fans, even if the amount is tens of kilograms or even hundreds of kilograms, the principal offender will be given a heavier sentence. After ten or twenty years of squatting, the accomplice will be released after a few years or even a few months.

If a few tens of grams, the police will turn a blind eye.

Europe and the United States are even more exaggerated. The crime of smuggling fans is similar to smuggling cigarettes, because marijuana has been legalized in some areas, and it is no different from cigarettes.

Otherwise, there would be no joke about paying taxes for followers.

Why do ordinary citizens join associations to protect themselves? Even if they are bullied by gangsters, they are unwilling to testify and send them to prison for punishment.

The most critical factor is that the law punishes association members too low. If citizens testify against association members, even if they are sent to prison, they will only be sentenced to a few years or even a few months.

It was fun at the time, but after these people came out, they inevitably retaliated against those who testified, forcing them to have nowhere to go and even their families to be destroyed.

Zhu Wanfang is the best example.

Because she believed in the police, she stood up and testified against the prisoner.

The results of it!
The accused gangster, Xiao Sa, released him on bail after spending 10,000+ bail and legal fees, and then Zhu Wanfang was targeted by Xiao Sa and others.

The boss of the gangster, Xiaosha, put the 10,000+ bail money on Zhu Wanfang, forcing her to repay the debt, making Zhu Wanfang the public lover of Xiaosha and others, and selling herself to be a young lady, living in dire straits.

Zhu Wanfang's father was hacked to death by Xiao Sa and others in order to save his daughter, but the police could only see that there was nothing they could do, because Xiao Sa had money and could hire a lawyer.

In the end, it was Zhu Wanfang's teacher who couldn't bear it anymore and took a knife to kill Xiao Sa to save Zhu Wanfang from hell, but her life was already ruined.

It is because the law forgives associations that Hong Kong associations are flooded, and the citizens suffer greatly, but there is nothing they can do.

Lei Weidong, who was just a petty citizen in his previous life, had no choice.

Lei Weidong of Hong Kong Comprehensive World has a high position and authority, and given such a good opportunity, he naturally has to deal with it harshly, not only using heavy codes, but also amending the law.

In the case of ensuring that the trial method remains unchanged, move closer to the mainland and directly replace the criminal law of the mainland.

This approach is not only supported by Yazi, Jian Huizhen and other high-level police officers, but also the majority of low-level police officers support Lei Weidong's decision.

Because for the front-line police officers, they also worry about the retaliation of the community.

Just like Xiao Li!
After he became a policeman, he could only ensure that he and his family would not be bullied. He couldn't believe it any more. Sometimes he couldn't even protect his neighbors, and he was powerless to watch the society bully others.

That's why I was so excited when I heard Inspector Wang said that the director would deal a heavy blow to the society and eliminate the society from the root. He raised his hands and feet to express his approval.

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