I am a policeman

Chapter 648 Black Man

"My name is Xu Xi, and I work as a librarian in a library in Xiangjiang. Don't underestimate this position. There are many famous people who have been librarians in history, and I worked as a librarian in Peking University Library for a while.

Of course, I don't have such a big ideal. For me, the library itself is a place with ideals. There are many books here, and you can look them up if you don't understand. Of course, the most important thing is that no one bothers me, except for those who like Gossiping colleagues. "

Xu Xi put down her book, looked at her colleagues who were making a scene and shook her head.

Not bad, the library is a quiet place, if there is no life among colleagues, it will be too boring.


When Xu Xi was silent in the ocean of books, a sudden burst of crying interrupted the tranquility of the library.

"Wen Wei, keep your voice down, it's just a broken relationship. It's not the first time you've had such a big reaction!" Looking at the only female staff member in the library, Yizhi Hua Wenwei was crying bitterly in front of the computer, stamping her feet while Murder toilet paper, the curator stepped forward to comfort him.

"This time I broke the record. I just met one person and I was dumped without even knowing the other person's name. It's too much."

It was okay if the curator didn't persuade him, but Wen Wei cried even more when he persuaded her.

"Don't cry. Is this a library or working hours? It needs to be quiet. If you are seen and complain to the higher authorities, I won't be able to protect you."

Seeing Wen Wei crying non-stop, the curator's mind went crazy.

"Wen Wei, in fact, you also know that handsome men are unreliable, why can't you change it." My colleague Xiao Chen stepped forward and handed Wen Wei a can of yogurt, persuading him.

"I also know that handsome men are unreliable, so the man I am looking for this time is not handsome, that is, he has some money and can drive a lot." Wen Wei complained with his head down, sucking on yogurt.

"Rich men are as unreliable as handsome men. What they like most is playing with women. You are not asking for trouble when you seek them out."

Seeing that Wen Wei was in a better mood, another colleague Xiao Wang went to his side to comfort him.

"If you are not handsome, you have to be rich. Who wants a man who has neither, and it's not that I, Wen Wei, can't get married. Why do you wrong me?" Wen Wei complained a little indignantly.

"Wen Wei can't say that. As the saying goes, to marry a wife is to marry a virtuous man, and the same goes for marrying a man. This is a woman's lifelong affair. Don't be so ambitious, find an ordinary man to spend your life with you."

Seeing that Wen Wei's three views are a bit crooked, the curator took advantage of his low mood to brainwash him.

"Where are ordinary men?" Wen Wei asked.

"As the saying goes, there must be fragrant grass within ten steps, it's just that you don't pay attention, Wen Wei." Looking at Xu Xi who was sorting out books not far away, the curator smiled mysteriously.

"There must be fragrant grass within ten steps, curator, you don't mean you guys, do you?" Wen Wei felt chilled when she found the curator's smile a bit creepy, and waved her hands again and again to express that the curator and others were not her favorite type.

"No, no, how are we worthy of you, Wen Wei?" Seeing Wen Wei's misunderstanding, the curator repeatedly waved his hands and explained, "We are all on our own, good brother, how could we implicate you."

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Wang nodded cooperatively and said, "Wen Wei, it's fine for us to be friends, and let's forget about getting married."

"There are only a few people here, who else could it be if it wasn't you." Wen Wei gave Xiao Wang a supercilious look and muttered.

"Of course it's him." The curator pointed at Xu Xi who was carrying the books, and said with a smile, "How about it, I'm worthy of you."

"You said wood!"

Wen Wei also knew about Xu Xi, a colleague, but he was too boring, and if no one came to him, he could not say a word for a day.

Such a person is still a colleague, and it is too boring to talk to someone.

"Wen Wei, you haven't had enough of being tortured by those playboys." Wen Wei looked down on Xu Xi, and the curator and the others were not surprised. So the three of them stepped forward to persuade them in turn:
"Although Xu Xi is dressed in an old-fashioned way, you can see his appearance and height. He is a handsome guy. He is no worse than your Jack and Tom."

"That's right, Xu Xi is not only handsome, but more importantly, he is honest. He usually eats in the library and lives in the library. He doesn't smoke or drink. He must have a lot of savings in the bank.

If you can find such a man, you will spend the rest of your life waiting to enjoy happiness. "

"Besides these, Xu Xi doesn't like to gamble. Wen Wei believes that you also know that the three major vices of Huang's gambling and poisoning, Huang He's poison is still the one that hurts himself. Gambling is different. It harms others and oneself. Xiangjiang doesn't know how many Families are ruined by gambling."

"He really doesn't gamble, I don't believe it?" Wen Wei shook his head.

"It's simple, just try him." Xiao Wang said with a smile.

"Xu Xi, come here!" Xiao Chen waved to Xu Xi.

"What's the matter?" Seeing the curator and others looking for her, Xu Xi put down her work and walked over.

"We're going to play mahjong after get off work, and you come too." The curator made a mahjong gesture and suggested.

"The four of you are just right, do you still need me?" Xu Xi asked Wen Wei and the others with a finger.

"Xiao Chen, he wants to accompany his girlfriend after get off work, so he can't come, so I can only let you take over." The curator reacted quickly and thought of an excuse for Xiao Chen.

"Three missing one, it's a headache, just come together at night." Seeing Xu Xi's reluctance, Xiao Chen stepped forward and said.

"Why do you want me to come?" Xu Xi said.

"Of course I won money, why, you don't want to win money?" the curator laughed.

"Win money, that's it." Xu Xi took out the money from his pocket, counted out three hundred-yuan bills and handed them out, "This is 300 yuan, can I just treat it as a loss?"

"If you're so generous, if you admit defeat before the fight, then I won't be polite." The money delivered to the door should not be in vain, Xiao Chen stretched out his hand to pick it up.

However, he reacted quickly, and Wen Wei reacted even faster. Xiao Chen only took one, and Wen Wei got the other two, "Xu Xi, are you sick? Why did you give them the money?"

"I don't spend much money. It's a waste of money in my hands. It's better to spend it for everyone." Xu Xi smiled and said, "I haven't finished my work yet, so I'm busy."

"Well, I'm not wrong, Xu Xi is an extinct good man, if you are with him, you can enjoy yourself." The curator patted Wen Wei on the shoulder, motioning her to follow.

"He is indeed a good man, such a good man, why didn't I find out before." Wen Wei nodded, admitting that what the curator said was right, he was riding a donkey to find a donkey, which almost delayed him.

"It's not too late to find out, hurry up!"

"Come on, we support you!"

Seeing that Wen Wei was embarrassed, the curator, Xiao Wang, and Xiao Chen encouraged Wen Wei.

"But I haven't thought about it yet. I don't want to fall into the grave of marriage so soon." Although Xu Xi is an extinct good man, Wen Wei, who has not had enough pursuit of fashion, does not want to give up a forest for a tree.

"It's too late for you to think about it. It's better to be loved than to be dumped. Do you still want to be dumped by men? It's Xu Xi. You have no other way."

"The curator is right. For an honest man like Xu Xi, you have to take the initiative and be gentle. I guarantee you can catch him."

"Don't think about it anymore, if you think about it again, the day lily will be cold, let's go!"

The three directors pushed Wen Wei out with force.

"Is there something wrong?" Seeing Wen Wei who suddenly appeared, Xu Xi asked.

"Yes, I, I think today, please, please!"

"Fishing men."

"Xu Xi, can I go?"

I don't know why, Wen Wei, who usually speaks fluently, got stuck when facing Xu Xi, and didn't finish speaking a short sentence asking you to eat for a long time.

Hu was cut off by Zhu Huabiao who suddenly appeared.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Xu Xi nodded, smiled and left with Zhu Huabiao, leaving only Wen Wei standing there sulking.

Why are you so unlucky today.

First is lovelorn.

Then he failed to fish for Xu Xi, and what was even more exasperating was that he was robbed by a man. Fortunately, it was a man. If it was a woman, Wen Wei would hit the wall in frustration.

Xu Xi moved the cart a bit, looked at Zhu Huabiao and said, "It's your turn, why are you playing chess so slowly today? Do you have something on your mind?"

"How could it be possible, I just think that your flag style is different today, is it because that woman confessed to you today." Zhu Huabiao shook his head and asked back.

"Tell me how it's possible. I'm just a librarian. I have no money, no car, no house. That girl will like me." Xu Xi shook her head.

The reason why Xu Xi, who was pulled out from Unit 701, can be friends with Zhu Huabiao is not only because of their similar personalities, but also because of Zhu Huabiao's carelessness.

When making friends, he judges people not things, and never inquires about his friends' backgrounds, which makes Xu Xi rest assured to be friends with him.

"You can't say that, don't look at your old-fashioned dress, you are actually very handsome, that is, those women don't know what is good, they only look at appearance, otherwise you would have been surrounded by girls long ago.

Unlike me, I got married too early, so I dare not look for it now. " Zhu Huabiao shook his head and moved a flag.

"Don't talk about me, let's talk about yourself. If my guess is right, there should be a case that gave you a headache, which made you lose your level of chess today."

Xu Xi shook her head and said.

"I'm the division commander. Even if I'm put in the whole police force, I'm quite a big shot. How could there be a case against me?" Zhu Huabiao pursed his lips, expressing that Xu Xi was wrong.

"You still lied to me. Didn't the newspaper say that more than 30 drug lords were killed within five days? It seems that your police station is responsible for this case."

Xu Xi laughed.

"So what if you're responsible, those bastards deserve what they deserve, and they'll die sooner." Speaking of drug trafficking, Zhu Huabiao was filled with indignation.

"Containing violence with violence will not solve the problem."

"Why can't I solve it? I know why I can achieve the position of commander. It is because I hate criminals. As long as they fall into my hands, they will take off their skins even if they don't die."

Zhu Huabiao waved his hand, making a kill gesture.

"It's not right for you to do this. We should leave a way for people to survive the case and let the law sanction them." After staying in the library for a long time, Xu Xi has acquired the habit of the Virgin.

If he was in Unit 701, let alone drug dealers, even innocent women and children, as long as they interfered with the mission, Xu Xi would not hesitate to attack them.

"The law, if the law in the mainland is good, I don't have to worry about giving these bastards a chance to escape, but Xiangjiang is not good, the law here is for the rich, and it can't punish them at all.

Even if the evidence is solid, it won't work. If you hire a famous lawyer and find a few scapegoats, you will immediately get away with it. "Zhu Huabiao said indignantly:
"Fortunately, Boss Lei is in charge of the police force. If it were still in charge of Gui Lao, I wouldn't have time to play chess with you. I would have been burned out at the police station."

"What you mean, your boss is just like you, wishing for those drug lords to die." Xu Xi lowered her voice.

"Of course!"

Zhu Huabiao snorted coldly, "What Boss Lei hates the most is forcing people into prostitution and buying washing powder. None of the drug lords who fall into his hands will end well.

That is to say, there are backers behind the drug lords, and a batch of them will be destroyed soon, and another batch will be raised soon, otherwise Xiangjiang would have eradicated the washing powder long ago. "

"There are backers behind the drug lords, what kind of backers, so that your boss can't touch them?" Zhu Huabiao's words made Xu Xi interested.

"Who else is there, ghost." Zhu Huabiao shrugged, "Those drug lords seem to make a lot of money, but in fact they don't make much money, just like the Ni family in the past.

They keep at most [-]% of the money they earn, and the remaining [-]% need to be given to the ghosts in exchange for their protection in all aspects.

Boss Lei, why did you attack the judiciary and the prison system?

It is because if these two are under the control of the ghost, no matter how hard we police try, we can only catch small fish and shrimps. Unless we kill the bigger ones on the spot, otherwise, the ghost will just wave his hand and they will come out.

All our hard work and blood were wasted.

The ghosts also know this, that's why they fight Boss Lei to the death. Regarding the death of those drug lords, you citizens are concerned, and the higher-ups don't care at all, which also allows me to have a leisure time. "

"Who will win the fight between your boss and the ghost?"

"You don't have to ask, of course we are the boss. Although Gui Lao is still the owner of Xiangjiang, it is already sunset and he will leave in a few years at most.

How could it be our boss in this situation.

After the boss really controls the two major systems of justice and prisons, Xiangjiang will definitely take on a new look. It is impossible not to pick up lost items on the road, but thinking about the current situation where associations are killing people in the street, robbery will never happen again. "

"It's impossible to stop the society from killing people." Xu Xi shook her head, expressing her disbelief in Zhu Huabiao's words.

"Why can't we just abolish all clubs?" Because when Xu Xi was a friend, Zhu Huabiao revealed some inside information to him.

Clubs are already a sunset industry in Xiangjiang. If they don't transform and fight and kill all day long, they will definitely not survive 97!

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