I am a policeman

Chapter 620 Unlucky Ma Zhihua

Chapter 620 Unlucky Ma Zhihua
"Donate [-] million yuan to the charity foundation to fund medical and education in the mainland. I will definitely convey your love, Mr. Huang, and thank you for your concern for charity."

Attorney Wang nodded, wrote down Huang Shitong's words in his notebook, and asked Huang Shitong to sign it. At the same time, he asked the prison to send two prison guards to be witnesses and video the whole process.

Wills and donations have strict procedures in law. Don’t feel cumbersome and troublesome. These procedures are perfected one by one to protect the interests of the parties.

It's a pity that many people don't understand the law, and think that as long as they make their own will, it will have legal effect, so that it is difficult for the will to take effect after an accident.

Decades later, there was a typical case in Nantong. A 30-year-old man made a will to leave his property to his grandfather and grandmother, but the result was invalid.

The man, surnamed Li, was a poor man. His father passed away in a traffic accident when he was young, leaving him orphans and widows.

The young mother didn't want to be a widow, so she wanted to remarry.

Strictly speaking, this is also human nature. After all, Mr. Li’s mother was still young at that time, only in her 20s. If it was possible to be a widow in ancient times, it is simply unrealistic in modern times.

Not only Mr. Li's grandparents, but even his grandparents also supported his remarriage.


Unexpectedly, when Mr. Li's mother remarried, she didn't want to take Mr. Li's oil bottle, and threw it to Mr. Li's grandparents, and went to live a happy life by herself.

At that time, Mr. Li was only a few years old. It can be said that he was brought up by his grandfather and grandmother.

This made Mr. Li very filial to his grandparents, and felt that the two elderly people were his most important relatives, so when he became an adult, Mr. Li took on the responsibility of supporting the two elderly people.

It's a pity that due to unforeseen circumstances, Mr. Li was diagnosed with cancer during a physical examination at his work unit, which was still at an advanced stage. It can be said that his life will not be long.

This put Mr. Li's family directly across.

Facing his grandfather and grandma who were crying all day long, Mr. Li made a will when he was hospitalized because he was not married and had children.

He printed "After my death, all my property will belong to my grandpa and grandma!" on A4 paper, stamped a private seal on the paper, signed his name, and wrote down the specific date.

Judging from the format of the will, it is very formal, so Mr. Li did not go to the notary office for notarization. After writing the will, he handed it over to his grandparents for safekeeping.

After the death of Mr. Li.

His mother, the remarried mother, suddenly stood up and asked for the inheritance in the name of her legal first-order heir.

How can this be.

The water thrown by the married daughter, let alone the remarried daughter-in-law.

Since the remarriage, Mr. Li's mother has severed ties with Mr. Li, not to mention the normal times, and his mother did not even show up on Mr. Li's birthday during the holidays.

The mother and son can be said to be similar to strangers.

Otherwise, Mr. Li deliberately excluded his mother when he made his will.

Therefore, in the face of Mr. Li's mother's request, Mr. Li's grandfather and grandmother flatly refused.

What the two old people didn't expect was that after being rejected by Mr. Li's grandparents, Mr. Li's mother took the two old people to court.

It stands to reason that Mr. Li has made a will, his mother remarried, and his grandparents are old and need support. The court should rule that his mother loses the case and hand over the inheritance to Mr. Li's grandpa and grandma.

But the result was unexpected. The court came to the judgment that Mr. Li’s will had no legal effect and was an invalid will. As the first order heir, his mother could share most of Mr. Li’s estate.

When the news got out, many people scolded the judge, thinking that he was blind and was bought by Mr. Li's mother with money.

In fact, the judge is really innocent, because the law stipulates this way, the judge pronounces the sentence according to the law, and there is no malpractice for personal gain.

The law has specific provisions on wills.

If it is a self-written will, that is, a will written by the testator himself, as long as it has a signature and indicates the year, month, and day, it can be proved effective.

But if it is a printed will, it must be witnessed by more than two witnesses.The testator and witnesses should sign each page of the will, specifying the year, month, and day to be valid.

This is not because the legal regulations are cumbersome and embarrassing, but because signing is not safe.

You can use white paper to deceive the parties to sign, and then print it to forge the will.

After the will law came out, this kind of thing happened not once or twice, and it harmed the interests of the parties. The law specifically stipulated that more than two witnesses must be present to witness the printing of the will.

In contrast, there is no need for a handwritten will. At most, you can verify the authenticity of the notes to determine whether they are written by someone.

Because a handwritten will cannot be faked.

Mr. Lee is like that.

The will he made was not handwritten, but typed, which shows that the will belongs to the category of printed wills, and it must be witnessed and signed by witnesses to be legally effective. If there is no will, it is an invalid will.

The reason for this situation is that education on the rule of law is not widespread, making Mr. Li mistakenly believe that as long as the will has his own signature, everything is OK.

Why doesn't this happen in Europe and America.

It's because too many things happened in the past, and everyone was prepared. As long as you make a will, you will go to a lawyer for consultation regardless of whether you have money or not.

Those who have money hire private lawyers, and after the notarized will is notarized, it is handed over to the lawyer for safekeeping. After the client dies, the lawyer reads it out.

If you have no money, go to a law firm, find a trainee lawyer, and ask him to help you draft a will, and take it home after notarization for safekeeping.

so as to avoid accidents.

Fortunately, there are still human feelings outside the law. Although Mr. Li’s will is invalid and his mother is the first heir to the estate, the judge still fulfills Mr. Li’s wish as much as possible within his ability.

First of all, Mr. Li was brought up by his grandpa and grandma. Although it is only natural for grandpa and grandma to raise their grandson in the absence of their son, the law stipulates that if you pay, you must get something in return.

The life of the two elderly people must be guaranteed in their later years.

It is stipulated in the law that appropriate inheritance can be distributed to people other than heirs who depend on the decedent for support, or people other than heirs who support the decedent more.

This provision gives the person who has more support for the decedent the right to share the inheritance as appropriate, and also reflects the principle of consistency of rights and obligations.

Therefore, even if Mr. Li’s grandpa and grandma cannot inherit the property as heirs because they are not the first heirs, according to the above provisions in the law, they can not only properly distribute the property to meet their basic living needs.

It can also be allocated as much as possible to match the appropriate inheritance, which also reflects the law's affirmation and encouragement of traditional virtues such as supporting the elderly, helping the disabled and the poor.

As for Mr. Li's mother.

Although Mr. Li's mother is the first heir to the estate and has the right to inherit Mr. Li's estate, because of her remarriage, Mr. Li was handed over to his grandfather and grandmother to raise him.

The court will have to consider whether it has constituted abandonment of Mr. Li.

If, through investigation, it is found that his mother ignored Mr. Li after remarrying, which constitutes the crime of abandonment, then his mother will lose her inheritance rights.In this case, the grandpa and grandma who are the second heirs can obtain the right of inheritance.

In this way, Mr. Li's wish was realized, and all the inheritance was handed over to his grandpa and grandma to inherit.

There was no follow-up report on this matter, and Lei Weidong didn't know about it. Presumably, the result should not be too bad, and the judge will satisfy Mr. Li's last wish to the greatest extent.

He would never be bought off like many trolls said.

This is actually the tragedy of society.

The custom formed over thousands of years has made the mainland a society of human relations. When encountering a problem, people usually do not ask a lawyer for consultation, but ask someone to find a relationship.

They thought everything was possible if there was a relationship, and the relationship was bigger than the law.

But everyone forgot.

Most of the society is ordinary people. The so-called second generation of officials and second generation of rich are only a minority. Many cases are disputes between ordinary people and ordinary people. In this case, a good lawyer can definitely help you more than asking someone Relationships are many times better.

Because the judgment has a preliminary trial, an interim review and a final trial.

For ordinary citizens, junior courts can still find relationships, but intermediate courts, it is difficult for ordinary people to reach the above relationships. Even if they can, the judge will not break the law for you, because it is not worth it, and you are not the son of a high-ranking official. The brother of a rich merchant.

Lei Weidong also had several lawyer friends in his previous life.

When chatting, I heard them say that the most favorite lawsuits are lawsuits about divorce, division of property and wills.

First, this kind of lawsuit makes money.

Because when the inheritance or property is divided, the lawyer can charge a certain fee. Although the proportion is small, if there is a lot of property, it can be higher than the lawyer's fee.

Second, this kind of lawsuit is not as dangerous as a criminal lawsuit, and it will not lead to resignation, and it is not as troublesome as a civil lawsuit, because a certificate needs to be run many times.

You only need to help the client to take advantage of the loopholes as far as possible within the scope of the law.

It doesn't matter if you are not satisfied with the result, just continue to appeal. The more intense the lawyer, the more money he will make.

The mainland is okay, but in Xiangjiang, there are many people who beat themselves into paupers because of divorce lawsuits and will lawsuits.
"Huang Shitong donated [-] million to the charity foundation?" Looking at the record about the foundation's donation sent by Jian Huizhen, Huang Shitong's name was in it, Lei Weidong asked, "Has the money arrived yet?"

"The account arrived an hour ago. Huang Shitong was very quick this time. He decided to donate in the morning and asked his family to do it in the afternoon. He used his account in a Swiss bank, which is not within the scope of our seizure."

"It was decided in the morning, and it will be done in the afternoon. It's really quick." Lei Weidong nodded and asked, "What does Sima Nian's team mean? Should we continue to take revenge or stop here?"

"That's it!" Jian Huizhen said, "The biggest wish of Sima Nian's group is to let his mother enjoy her old age in peace. Now that the nursing home has been included in the funding target of the charity fund, there is no need to worry about her future life.

In addition, Huang Shitong has already entered the prison, and he needs to stay in prison for ten years before he can come out. At Huang Shitong's age, he will be over 80 years old to be released after ten years.

If you don't commit an embarrassment with an old man, you will let go of your father's hatred. "

"Since the Sima Nian group thinks this way, let's stop here. Huang Shitong and the others always made great contributions in 73 and saved many Chinese-funded companies.

And apart from Sima Xiang's case and manipulating the stock market, he has no other evil deeds, so let him stay in prison for ten years. "Lei Weidong nodded, indicating that Huang Shitong's affairs should be turned over, and it's time to pass.

"How should Ma Zhihua deal with it? This guy's mistakes are much worse than Huang Shitong's. Before he started his career, he committed several murders. Over the years, at least 20 people have been killed openly or secretly.

That is to say, in Xiangjiang, if you are in the mainland, you will definitely eat peanuts. "Jian Huizhen asked.

"Is there any evidence for those murders?"

"There is no direct evidence, only indirect, mainly because too much time has passed.

Ma Zhihua is now charged with manipulating the stock market and money laundering. The murder case is still looking for evidence, but even if the evidence is found, he will be sentenced to more than ten years at most. "

"Sentencing for more than ten years is not bad. Xiangjiang's law is like this. When arresting, we can take advantage of loopholes and kill criminals directly. No one will say anything, but they have already been arrested and locked up in prison."

Lei Weidong was silent for a while, then said, "We must abide by the law, we are the police, we cannot take the lead in sabotage, otherwise the influence will be bad, and we are still too weak compared to the giants who really set the rules.

"Actually, Ma Zhihua won't live long without our action. In the Lianguang case, he caused the South American drug lords to lose 6000 million US dollars, which has not been repaid up to now.

The South American drug lord has let out the wind and wants to settle accounts with Ma Zhihua. "Jian Huizhen whispered.

"Is there news about this on the dark web?"


Jian Huizhen nodded, "Just the day before yesterday, there was a reward on the Internet, 200 million Hong Kong dollars for Ma Zhihua's head, and the prison also received news to strengthen the care of Ma Zhihua. As for whether it will work, it's hard to say.

In the past, Ma Zhihua was the eldest brother who came in and out as a bodyguard, let alone 200 million or 500 million, it would be very difficult to kill him.

But now that he is a prisoner, he is like a bright light in the dark, attracting countless people, not to mention the killers outside, even the prisoners in the prison look at Ma Zhihua with bright eyes.

If Ma Zhihua hadn't been detained alone in the prison now, he would probably be dead. "

"Did the prison ask us for help? With their abilities, it is difficult to save Ma Zhihua's life." Lei Weidong asked.

"Not yet, I guess I want to solve it internally."

Jian Huizhen shook her head, "Although they are both police officers, the prison and us are two different systems, and they are still firmly controlled by the ghosts. If it was before, when the police force was controlled by the ghosts, the higher authorities would have sent people to support them.

Now, for the sake of face, they won't ask us for help just because of a little Ma Zhihua, the big deal is to arrange an accident for Ma Zhihua and let him die.

That not only solves the trouble, but also makes a fortune, and 200 million Hong Kong dollars is not a small amount of money.Many people will never make money in their lifetime. "


(End of this chapter)

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