I am a policeman

Chapter 606 Resignation

"What else can I do? Of course I'm promoted. Ma Zhihua has 8 million drug money that needs to be laundered. Today, it's less than [-] million. How can he let it go."

Lei Weidong shrugged and said very plainly,

"Today's suspension of trading was jointly initiated by the ICAC and the Securities Regulatory Bureau, but those guys will only handle the case step by step and cannot find out the tricks of Fenghua International. The so-called investigation is just a formality. Next Monday, Fenghua International will definitely resume trading.

At that time, the hundreds of millions of drug funds in Ma Zhihua's hands will enter the market, and the stock price of Fenghua International will at least double or triple. "

"At least two or three times, now it is 7 cents 3, two or three times." Hearing that Fenghua International's price could be doubled or three times, Lao Yang couldn't hide the joy on his face.

Now his mind is full of getting rich, he can earn tens of millions, now his son will be saved, his wife and children will have a guaranteed life in the future, as for himself, liver cancer is terminally ill, he doesn't care anymore.

To die is to die, everyone has a day to die, it is nothing more than a few days sooner or later.

"Director, how do you know so clearly? Did you hear what Luo Yaoming and his female secretary said in the company? No, it was only me and Lao Yang, no one else.

As for the record, we have deleted it. "

Compared with Lao Yang, Xiao Xiang's thoughts are much more meticulous.

Finding that everything was under Lei Weidong's control, he felt as if he and Lao Yang were being led away with a rope.

"There are people from Ma Zhihua in the Independent Commission Against Corruption. Luo Yaoming and the others are well aware of your surveillance of Fenghua International. It can be said that your surveillance operation is a bait to cover other groups."

For Xiaoxiang's alertness, Yazi admired it very much, and reached out and handed him a piece of information.

"The ICAC's target is Ma Zhihua of Huaye Group. He is the big boss behind Fenghua International. The three of them, Luo Yaoming, can be said to be Ma Zhihua's puppets. They follow Ma Zhihua's command in every move and use Fenghua International to help Ma Zhihua launder money.

It's just that Ma Zhihua was too cunning. The ICAC investigated the Huaye Group several times, returned it without success and lost several witnesses, and had no choice but to target Fenghua International.

As for why Luo Yaoming talked about stocks in front of the camera, it was because Luo Yaoming was rebellious.

After knowing that Ma Zhihua cooperated with South American drug lords and killed people, he wanted to escape from Ma Zhihua's control for his own safety.

So secretly collected a lot of information about Ma Zhihua's crimes.

The reason why I mentioned the stocks with the female secretary in front of the camera was also to attract the attention of the police. It's just that people are not as good as God. I didn't expect you two to be so bold as to conceal such important information. "

"I'm sorry Director, we know we were wrong." Xiao Xiang and Lao Yang bowed their heads, expressing their willingness to accept punishment.

"That lighter with a bug that you found in Luo Yaoming's office." Yazi continued, "It was installed by Luo Yaoming to collect criminal information from Fenghua International.

Its receiver is in the computer in room 902. We have sent people to copy the data in the computer and found that it is all evidence of Fenghua International’s manipulation of the stock market. As long as it is disclosed, Luo Yaoming and others can be arrested. "

"Since we found the information, why not arrest Luo Yaoming and others, and let them stir up trouble in the stock market to cut leeks." Xiao Xiang asked.

"It's very simple!" Yazi said, "The evidence on the computer is mainly Fenghua International. Although it can send Luo Yaoming and the others to prison, it has little effect on Ma Zhihua. With his wealth, he can hire a team of lawyers to help him get out of the crime.

Even if he is not guilty, he will come out after a year or two after going in, and he will still be his billionaire. Compared with his crimes of laundering money for drug lords, cutting leeks in the stock market, and even murder, this punishment is too light. "

"Director, what do you mean?" Xiao Xiang asked.

"Of course it's the bottom line. Since Ma Zhihua is the chairman of the billionaire luxury industry group, we will start with his most precious place and let him go bankrupt."

Yazi continued: "With the evidence collected by Luo Yaoming, Fenghua International can be stopped, but not now, but when the stock is at its highest point after Ma Zhihua's money enters.

Suspend its trading indefinitely, and Ma Zhihua's money will be trapped.

These are not Ma Zhihua's money, most of them are drug lords' money, they must be paid back, otherwise, those drug lords will not ask Ma Zhihua if he is a billionaire, and if he has no money, he will just take care of him.

In order to survive, Ma Zhihua had to mobilize Huaye Group's funds, resulting in a shortage of liquidity.

Just give us a chance to attack Huaye Group, and compete with Ma Zhihua for the control of Huaye Group.

In recent years, Ma Zhihua has used his status as the chairman of the Huaye Group to do a lot of illegal business. If he loses control of the Huaye Group.

Then everything he did will be revealed to the world.

In order not to go to jail, Ma Zhihua had to buy himself the shares of Huaye Group, allowing himself to hold more than 50.00% of the shares.

But all his money was returned to the drug lords.

In order to keep the company's increased shares, Ma Zhihua had to use his shares in Huaye Group to mortgage a loan from the bank, and use the money from the loan to increase his shares in Huaye Group to 50.00%. "

"Then we can draw out the bottom line?" The clever Xiao Xiang guessed what Yazi would do next.

"Yes!" Yazi nodded, "There is Ma Zhihua's criminal information in Luo Yaoming's computer, although the crime is light, it is enough for us to arrest him and imprison him for 48 hours.

As long as the news that Ma Zhihua used the Huaye Group to commit crimes and will be sentenced in the market is released, coupled with the impact of our release of goods.

The share price of Huaye Group will plummet, and when Ma Zhihua is still waiting for bail at the police station, it will be lower than the value of his mortgage to the bank.

If the bank cannot find Ma Zhihua, it will force liquidation of its shares, so that Ma Zhihua will not only become a billionaire from a billionaire, but also lose his company.

Even if Ma Zhihua still has some property in the foreign bank, but if he loses the company, Ma Zhihua is a toothless tiger and can be processed slowly. "

"Excellent, no blood is seen in killing people. In front of Director Lei, even a billionaire is a leek. Cut it if you want." After listening to Yazi's analysis, Xiao Xiang, Lao Liang, Lao Yang and others broke out in cold sweat.

Fortunately, he is the slayer of evil, and it can only be considered unlucky for Ma Zhihua to meet Lei Weidong.

"Director, what do we need us to do?" Xiaoxiang knew that since Yazi had said so much, there must be a few people needed, otherwise, with the position of Yazi's senior assistant director, he didn't need to explain the case to a few soldiers.

"Xiao Xiang, Lao Yang, you joined the security company of Dongfang Group after resigning, and monitored Ma Zhihua together with the monitoring team. Lao Liang, you are honest and have a strong sense of justice. You will continue to be your policeman. After this case is completed, you will Take Guoli's class.

Guoli, you continue to monitor Fenghua International and confuse Ma Zhihua and his party.

This time our goal is not only Ma Zhihua and his Huaye Group, but also the cancer of the Landlord Association. The skyrocketing price of Fenghua International is the landlord association behind the scenes.

This time, Ma Zhihua and the Landlord Association will be wiped out.

Understand? "


Su Guoli and others stood at attention and saluted at the same time, promising to resolutely complete the task.
"Brother Su, thank you this time. If you didn't ask the director to plead for mercy, I would be finished this time." Coming out of the villa, looking back, Lao Yang wanted to express his sincere thanks to Su Guoli.

"No, we are all colleagues. We have been together for a few years. I should help you when you encounter difficulties. But this time, don't be an example. If you break the law again, don't blame me for not being sympathetic and sending you to prison. "

In order to prevent Lao Yang and others from making mistakes again, Su Guoli sang bad faces.

"Brother Su, don't worry, we are all good citizens, and we won't do anything that breaks the law." Lao Yang assured, patting his chest.

"It's fine if you say so. Lao Liang, you go home to rest. Xiao Xiang and Lao Yang, you go to the police station to resign. As for the excuse, Lao Yang, you just say that you are going to go abroad to see a doctor.

Xiaoxiang, you just say that your father-in-law doesn't want to be a policeman and wants you to work for him. "

"And then?" Xiao Xiang asked.

"Wait for my call tomorrow. I'll take you to the Eastern Group. Remember not to call me. You bastards, you don't matter if you leave. How dare you tamper with the report? Fenghua International's stock price is so crazy today. fly into the sky.

You can imagine what kind of anger Lao Huang will become. Everyone should not rest tonight, and have to do self-criticism one by one. "Thinking of what Xiaoxiang and Lao Yang did, Su Guoli's teeth itch.

It's okay for them to leave.

Tampering with the records will not be so easy.

Because there are not only document records but also video correspondence.

Even if Xiaoxiang and others tampered with the video and deleted the content of the speech, the police can easily restore the video with computer experts.

It seems that I have to work hard and find a way to destroy the video tape. Of course, I have to talk to Director Yazi before I act. Su Guoli doesn't want to be cannon fodder and take the blame for Lao Liang and others.

"Old Su is a very loyal person. Don't look at the usual fierceness, but you can still rely on it at critical moments." Watching Su Guoli drive away, Lao Yang praised him again.

"The car has gone far away. It's useless for you to flatter me. You should think about what to do. Do you really want to resign?" Lao Liang asked.

"Resignation is for sure. As for after resignation, of course I will help the director." Old Yang said.

"We owe the director an explanation," Xiao Yang pondered for a moment, then nodded, "Whether it's for ourselves or for the law, it's right to help the director."

"Hehe, that's right." Lao Liang smiled unnaturally: "Just do what Lao Su said, you go to the police force to resign first, and then go back to rest.

Let's get together in the evening to discuss how we can better help the director to do things.

Huang Furong pushed open the door of the house where the monitoring team was located, and rushed in with two angry people.

His face was very ugly, obviously he was severely scolded by his superiors before he came.

"What happened recently, especially last night." Scanning the room with his eyes, Huang Furong said to Su Guoli.

"Okay, the mouse adjusts the monitoring!" Su Guoli nodded, and signaled the mouse to call out the video of Luo Yaoming taking Lin Qiling back to the company the night before.

"Why is the image distorted? It's the most important thing." Huang Furong asked as Luo Yaoming was about to tell Lin Qiling the secret, but the image suddenly disappeared.

"It's a device failure, it may be disturbed, but we went to debug it overnight, and this problem will not happen next time." Seeing Huang Furong asking about the image, Lao Liang quickly explained.


Huang Furong didn't continue talking, just snorted, then picked up the folder on the desk, and found that the conversation record between Luo Yaoming and Lin Qiling was missing.

"Why is there no record of this passage?"

"I thought the content was boring, so I deleted it." Mary stood up and said with her head down.

"You deleted it. I remember reminding you that during the monitoring, if you find anything out of boredom, even if it is inappropriate for children, you should record it for me. Why did you commit the crime knowingly?"

"Me!" Mary lowered her head, looking pitiful.

"I will settle accounts with you after the case is over."

Because Mary is one of his subordinates, she can't be ashamed in front of the surveillance team, Huang Furong can only put the folder on the desk, and said viciously:

"Yesterday, those people in Fenghua International raised the stock price several times. The superiors are very dissatisfied with this. From now on, everyone will give me full attention and stare at them. I can't relax for a moment, understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone nodded to show they understood.

"Lao Yang, why are there two less members in your team? Why aren't Xiao Xiang and Lao Yang here?" Huang Furong asked after noticing that even a familiar face was missing in the room.

"They resigned!" Lao Yang replied.

"Resign, when, why don't I know?" Hearing that Xiaoxiang and Lao Yang had resigned, Huang Furong was stunned for a moment, and said emotionally: "How can I resign at this time? I think they are guilty of guilt, so call them back immediately Make it clear to me.

"I agreed to the procedures at the police station this morning." Su Guoli stopped Huang Furong, "As for the reason, Lao Yang has liver cancer, and the doctor said that his life is less than one year. I have to reject his resignation."

"Liver cancer, is it true or not?" Huang Furong asked.

"There is a doctor's diagnosis certificate, which was issued by the three hospitals separately. Lao Yang has collapsed now and is not suitable for monitoring work, so I gave him a sick leave."

"What about Xiaoxiang, don't say that he is also sick." Death is the most important thing, and Lao Yang is terminally ill. He wants to go home to see a doctor. If Huang Furong refuses, he will be outraged.

"Xiao Xiang is not sick, but his father-in-law asked him to resign to help him. These days, Xiao Xiang plays golf with his father-in-law and the director every day. With Uncle Biao's face, I have to agree."

Su Guoli said helplessly, "Xiaoxiang's father-in-law pays Xiaoxiang a salary of 450 million yuan a year, and the police don't care about such a small amount of money."

"Uncle Biao, since the director has come forward, then forget it." Huang Furong is only a superintendent who is far behind the director, and when he heard that Xiaoxiang resigned and left the relationship with the director, Huang Furong couldn't say anything.

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