I am a policeman

Chapter 451 The end of the Gongmu family

Chapter 451 The end of the Gongmu family

"Bang bang bang..."

"Da da da da da..."

"Come out, you fucking coward, come out, come out."

Even if Miyaki Hiroshi had called the police, and even though the villa area was the focus of the police force because it was a gathering place for rich people, no matter how fast the police force was, it would still take about ten minutes to arrive at the scene.

If it is a meal and chat between friends, more than ten minutes is not long, and it will pass after talking about a few topics and laughing a few times, but in the scene of a gun battle, when people are dying all the time, time passes very slowly. Nonsense.

not to mention!
After confirming that Gong Muhong called the police, Lei Weidong, who did not want to conflict with the police force, accelerated the speed of the massacre.

I saw the pistol in his hand flying up and down, shooting out bullets one after another. In just one minute, Yoshiyuki Nishida was the only gunman left in the yard.

The rest, including Yoshiyuki Nishida's good partner, Ben Kejiu who came to Xiangjiang and was detained together, all fell to the ground, especially Ben Kejiu, a bullet pierced his head, and he didn't even make a scream. He fell down, not far from Yoshiyuki Nishida.

This put Nishida Yoshiyuki on the verge of losing his mind, facing the bullets flying over from nowhere, he could only roar helplessly, and let Lei Weidong come out to challenge him one-on-one, fighting like a stupid ancient warrior.

Seeing his collapse, Lei Weidong shrugged, and ended Yoshiyuki Nishida's sinful life with a single bullet.

"This, is this still a human being? It killed hundreds of people in less than 10 minutes."

Seeing the last subordinate in the yard fell under the gun of the attacker, Hiroshi Miyaki on the fourth floor was terrified. The killer who attacked was so powerful that he easily killed his subordinates and made himself the president. Commander of Light.

If it weren't for the fact that the glass in front of him was bulletproof glass, which could block the design of the sniper rifle, the cowardly Miyaki Hiroshi would have run away with oil on his feet.

"Who the hell are you? I don't care how much your employer spends to hire you, as long as you leave, I can give you double or triple the price." After killing Nishida Yoshiyuki.

After making sure there was no danger around, Lei Weidong, who was driving the space protection, stood in the yard and looked coldly at Miyagi Hiroshi behind the floor-to-ceiling windows on the fourth floor.

This is the first time Lei Weidong sees Miyagi Hiroshi.

Unlike the villains with sly eyebrows and mouse eyes on TV, Hiroshi Miyaki's facial features look good and friendly. People who don't know him think he is an ordinary neighbor, not at all like a ruthless club boss.

Realizing that Lei Weidong noticed him and was about to come up to harvest his life, Gong Muhong couldn't help but shouted, wanting to buy a life from Lei Weidong with money.


Lei Weidong's answer was a bullet, which hit Hiroshi Miyagi between the eyebrows.

However, because of the bulletproof glass, the bullet was blocked outside, leaving only a little white mark on the glass, which is far from enough to penetrate.

Also, if it weren't for the power of the bulletproof glass, Gong Muhong wouldn't be standing by the window condescendingly talking to Lei Weidong.

"Don't waste your efforts. This is bulletproof glass. Not to mention that pistols are impenetrable, even submachine guns and sniper rifles can block it."

Looking at the little white spot in front of him, Miyagi Hiroshi breathed a sigh of relief and shouted, "I have already called the police, and the police will be here in a while. You still have time to leave now. If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave."

Lei Weidong shrugged his shoulders, looked at Hiroshi Miyagi on the fourth floor, and compared the heights in his mind.

Because they live in rich people and have a large floor area ratio, the houses in the villa area are relatively tall. The indoor height of each floor exceeds 15 meters. Adding the middle height of the two floors, the height of Miyaki Hiroshi Station is expected to exceed [-] meters. .

However, with his current physical strength, he can easily jump up. The current Lei Weidong, who is as light as a swallow, is a bit insulting to him.

Then there was a scene that shocked Miyagi Hiroshi's jaw.

The killer who was standing in the yard suddenly jumped and flew to a position about the same height as himself on the fourth floor.

This made Hiroshi Miyagi wonder if he was blind, or else how could modern society suddenly become a martial arts man, jumping from a height of more than ten meters by himself, which obviously violated Newton's law.

In the Olympic Games, even the champion of high jump is only over two meters, and the pole vault with borrowed tools is only over six meters, and these ten meters...

Thinking about the unfathomable skill that the other party fought against his subordinates, Miyaki Hiroshi felt that he knew too little about society, and there were many talented people hidden in life.

I don't know that it is possible that my status is not enough. If I can survive today, I must recruit a few such talents as bodyguards.


The man in black slammed his fist hard on the window on the fourth floor, and there was only a dull sound.

Known as the best and toughest bulletproof glass in the world, it was covered with cracks like spider webs, and then, with a bang, fell to the ground and shattered into pieces!
Before Miyagi Hiroshi could react, the man in black had already come to the fourth floor and appeared in front of him. The gun in his hand was raised gently, aiming at Miyagi Hiroshi's head.

"Don't shoot!" Looking at the black muzzle of the gun and facing the threat of death, Miyagi Hiroshi almost had a heart attack, begging for mercy in the most humble tone,
"I'll give you money, a lot of money, I have 1000 million dollars in my safe, if you think it's not enough, I can transfer the money, there's another [-] million dollars in my account at the Bank of Tokyo, just spare me It's yours, it's all yours."

A lot of bad guys don't look fierce, they destroy people all over the house at every turn. It seems that they don't fear the sky when they go up, the earth when they go down, and they don't fear their parents in the middle.In fact, they are all cowards. When encountering difficulties, they are wise and protect themselves. When encountering danger, they are worse than ordinary people.

Miyaki Hiroshi is just such a person, after being pointed at the head with a gun, he completely becomes soft, without any responsibility of the boss.



Lei Weidong did not speak, the gun in his hand spoke, but it was not Hiroshi Miyaki who was aiming at it, but Oda, his right-hand man in charge of intelligence.

This guy is very smart.

Seeing that Lei Weidong's target was Gong Muhong and not him, he quickly hid in the corner of the room.

However, instead of taking the opportunity to escape, he took out a delicate Brownie pistol from his pocket, planning to sneak attack Lei Weidong when his attention was on Hiroshi Miyagi.

It's a pity that compared to Xiaotian's aiming speed, Lei Weidong was much faster. The fast Xiaotian didn't see the muzzle shifting at all, and his hand exploded.

The opponent's marksmanship was so accurate, it was unbelievably accurate. Since the bullet he fired hit the gun in his hand, it was still in the rear clip.

The strong impact detonated the gunpowder in the clip, and the gunpowder of the bullet instantly blew up his right hand to pieces, even two fingers flew off, and the painful Oda let out a scream like a pig being killed.

If he could do it all over again, he would definitely choose to run away instead of staying and attacking the opponent.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world!
Before Xiaotian screamed twice, a bullet opened a hole in his head, making him go to see Tianhuang.

"Don't kill me. I'm rich. I'm really rich. In addition to what I just said, I still have [-] million U.S. dollars in deposits in Swiss banks. As long as you let me go, all the money will be yours."

Oda's death made Miyaki Hiroshi collapse, he knelt down on the ground, and said everything he could and couldn't say.

Have your own savings in a Swiss bank.

There are records of transactions with senior officials in Japan, Xiangjiang, Southeast Asia and other places.

There are also some photos and small videos that were taken. It is by relying on these tricks that Miyaki Hiroshi can be like a fish in water everywhere, committing one big case after another.

"Kill you, these are mine."

The villain died because of talking too much, so Lei Weidong naturally wouldn't make this mistake and directly pulled the trigger.
"Sir, police officer 8874 is reporting to you."

Yuan Haoyun, who was eager to do good work, rushed to the villa in Repulse Bay with his men, only to find that he was late, and the firefight he said on the phone had ceased, and now he was controlled by the police who arrived earlier.

Seeing the traffic policeman standing guard at the entrance of the villa, Yuan Haoyun called him over to understand the situation.

"How is the situation, how many people have died?" Yuan Haoyun looked at the villa in front of him, and found that he was still familiar with this place. This was the address of the stupid old man Chimiya Kihiro, and he had been following him for a long time.

If it weren't for the lack of evidence and Xiangjiang's fucking legal policy, I would have arrested him long ago.

"A lot of people died!" Police officer 8874 replied, "Two senior brothers went in just now, and found dozens or even hundreds of corpses in the yard of the villa, and immediately backed out in shock.

Because we were worried about damaging the scene, we set up a cordon outside, reported to the headquarters, and waited for the officer and others to arrive.

"Go in and see!"

The main task of the traffic police is to patrol the streets, checking for speeding, recording license plates, and catching thieves is not their main business. Yuan Haoyun nodded his approval for the performance of police officer 8874 and others.

Arranging for them to stay outside, he led the police officers from the West District Crime Squad into the villa.

"Such a powerful marksmanship, all of them were killed with one shot."

Entering the villa, looking at the corpses everywhere, Yuan Haoyun frowned, and carefully inspected the dead one by one, and found that 90.00% of the five people were shot in the head, which made Yuan Haoyun, who likes big fire coverage, take a breath. Furious, Chen couldn't help praising him.

"Head, the firm result came out. The murderer used a high-powered pistol. The bullets are special steel-cored bullets with strong penetrating power. Those who were shot were killed immediately, and no one was left alive at the scene.

Everyone died, including Hiroshi Miyagi on the fourth floor. "

Seeing Yuan Haoyun get up, the subordinates waiting at the side quickly handed over the documents in their hands.

"A powerful pistol with a steel core bullet. It seems that the suspect is either a killer or a mercenary. Otherwise, he would not have done things so cleanly and wiped out the Miyagi family in such a short time."

Looking at the information in his hand, Yuan Haoyun was more sure of his judgment. This case was definitely premeditated. If he wanted to solve the case, he could only start with the killer and Miyaki Hiroshi's family.

"Yuan sir, come here quickly, I have made a major discovery here!" The little fat man in the forensics department looks as much as Ouyang Zhenhua imagined. Despite his ugly appearance, his forensic level is extremely high, and he is the highest technical level in the police force. Forensic personnel.

Hearing the little fat man's call, Yuan Haoyun and others trotted all the way from the courtyard to the fourth floor of the villa, which is the room where Lei Weidong killed Gong Muhong,

"Yuan sir, take a look at this piece of glass, how is it different from others." The little fat man showed Yuan Haoyun a piece of glass with white spots.

"Isn't it just broken glass, what's so strange." Looking at the broken glass everywhere, Yuan Haoyun didn't understand what the little fat man found.

"Yuan sir, look at the thickness of this glass. Ordinary glass is not so thick. This is bulletproof glass, and it is the best bulletproof glass currently on the market. Even a sniper rifle can't break it."

The little fat man pointed to the white spot on the glass, "According to my investigation, this white spot is left by the impact of the bullet."

"It was left by the impact of the bullet, you mean the suspect!" After touching the white spot, he found that it was indeed left by the impact of the bullet. Yuan Haoyun took a breath and asked,

"You mean to say that the glass was shattered by the suspect with a gun. This is bulletproof glass!"

"In theory, it is. After all, this is bulletproof glass. I don't know how to do it other than using a gun." The little fat man nodded, pointed to the garden and said,
"The suspect should have fired the shot at the location in the garden. Our buddy found a footprint somewhere. It is estimated that Hiroshi Miyaki saw the shot on the fourth floor, but it was blocked by the bulletproof glass, leaving this white spot. .”

"Leaving white spots means that the bullet doesn't work. How did the glass break?" Yuan Haoyun asked.

"This is what I don't understand." Looking at the broken glass around, the little fat man said, "According to the fragments of bulletproof glass at the scene, I have come to two conclusions.

One is that after the suspect discovered that the fourth floor was bulletproof glass that bullets could not penetrate, he replaced his pistol with a powerful weapon such as a rifle, and smashed the glass with special armor-piercing bullets.

Another possibility is that after the suspect discovered the dead bulletproof glass on the fourth floor, he did not change to a powerful weapon, but used his unparalleled marksmanship and adopted a relay method.

First, one shot hits a white spot on the bulletproof glass, then the second and third shots hit this small white spot, and the bulletproof glass is smashed with a pistol in a relay manner. "

"Smash the bulletproof glass with a pistol in a relay way. Is there such a shooting method?" Yuan Haoyun can still accept the first method, because if it is him, he will definitely use this method.

But with a pistol relay, this marksmanship is beyond Yuan Haoyun's imagination.

"If you are an Olympic shooting champion, you can basically do it, but I didn't find a powerful bullet casing at the scene, nor did I find any glass fragments pierced by the bullet.

This makes my assumptions all guesswork, and I cannot draw conclusions. "The little fat man said with some distress.

"If you can't find it, it doesn't mean you don't have it. Just look for it carefully. In addition to using a gun, could it be that the glass was broken by the suspect's fist? Is there such a powerful person in this world!"

Patting the little fat man on the shoulder, Yuan Haoyun signaled him not to give up, completely unaware that his guess was correct.

(End of this chapter)

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