I am a policeman

Chapter 447 Hostage Exchange

Chapter 447 Hostage Exchange
"People from the Miyagi family have arrived!" Ma Jun knocked on the door of the command center and came in.

"Where's Hong Jipeng's younger brother?" Lei Weidong asked.

"Zhou Xingxing said that they have already taken off from the prison and can get here in 10 minutes." Ma Jun replied.

"Okay, you take people to the entrance of the tunnel, and exchange hostages with them inside. Remember that only women and children are allowed, and the elderly are the most, not young and middle-aged." Lei Weidong gave Ma Jun full control over the hostage exchange.

"Understood!" Ma Jun nodded, turned and left.

"Hong Jipeng, did you hear that, your brother will be here in 10 minutes, and the hostage exchange will start now, 100 women and children, plus the elderly at most." Lei Weidong said into the phone.

"Don't worry." Hong Jipeng said on the other end of the phone.

To be honest, Hong Jipeng didn't want to keep the elderly, children and women by his side. These were all troubles, especially the elderly and children, who were not crying and annoying.

It's just that the body is terribly weak. According to Lei Weidong's tone, it will take at least a day for the repurchase to have a result. I'm really worried about whether those old guys can carry it through, so let them go.

"However, Sir Lei, is it too troublesome to exchange these people one by one, or how about 50 people at a time, and the exchange is completed in two batches, saving time and trouble.

Moreover, the members of the Miyagi family do not need to be sent into the tunnel. Hiroshi Miyaki and I are just acquaintances. Bringing the members of the Miyagi family is also helping friends. You can release the members of the Miyagi family where they are. . "

"Release on the spot, Hong Jipeng, you are not afraid that the police will catch you." Lei Weidong asked.

"Other policemen may deceive me, Sir Lei, you definitely won't, you are a person who earns hundreds of thousands of dollars a minute, what you say is similar to the imperial decree, it is not worth lying about such a trivial matter.

Moreover, I can contact Hiroshi Miyagi to see if anyone has returned, but there is no network in the tunnel, and there is no signal on the phone except for my dedicated line.

Lei sir, can you remove the shielding signal and let me get in touch with Hiroshi Miyagi, so that you won't suffer, I can release 100 more hostages. "

The police blocked the signal in the area of ​​the Red Tunnel, which Hong Jipeng did not expect.

He originally calculated that he would attract the attention of the police on the condition of the safety of the hostages in the tunnel, and the brothers outside used public opinion to put pressure on the police while preparing their way out.

As a result, a signal blocking made Hong Jipeng deaf, and the blind man lost all contact with the outside world. The only phone he could connect with was Lei Weidong who answered the phone.

This made Hong Jipeng very anxious, worried that the arranged response personnel would have an accident, making running away a luxury.

"It's impossible to unblock the signal unless you release all the hostages, but if you can release 100 hostages, I can send you two special mobile phones.

Anyway, for you, there is no difference between controlling 500 hostages and 400 hostages, and let the police force be wary," Lei Weidong said with a bit of sarcasm in his tone.

"Okay, I'll release 100 more hostages, and you arrange someone to bring in the mobile phone." Facing the powerful Lei Weidong, Hong Jipeng chose to back down.

He also knew that the phone sent by Lei Weidong was tricky and equipped with a wiretapping device.

But breaking contact with the outside world is too fatal, even if there is something tricky, you have to admit it, and Hong Jipeng believes that his brother can remove the bugging device as long as he has a mobile phone.

Holding two special mobile phones, Ma Jin strode towards the entrance of the tunnel.

A group of gangsters guarding the tunnel suddenly saw a police officer in plain clothes approaching the entrance. Not knowing what was going on, they sent someone to report to Hong Jipeng while aiming their guns at the horse army. As long as Hong Jipeng gave an order, they would immediately General Ma Jun reached the honeycomb ball.

"Here we come!" Hong Jipeng knew that the police had sent him a mobile phone, so he hurried away and won.

"Raise your hands." Seeing that Ma Jun's pace remained unchanged, he still walked over unhurriedly. The gangster who received the order raised his gun, and one of them took a step forward with an AK. It was on Ma Jun's head.

"Take it aside." The violent Ma Jun reached out and opened the muzzle of the gun.

For the adventurous Ma Jun, the muzzles of Hong Jipeng and others were similar to those of candied haws, because he knew that Hong Jipeng did not dare to kill him, or even hurt him, because Lei Weidong was behind him.

"Why, don't be convinced, practice if you have the ability, I will shoot ten of you alone." Looking at the unconvinced robber who was pushed from the muzzle of the gun, Ma Jun smiled contemptuously.

At this time, he didn't look like a policeman at all. Instead, he wanted to be a big brother in the society, and he would single out anyone at every turn.

"One hit ten, the tone is crazy enough." The robbers who signaled that they were about to step forward retreated, Hong Jipeng looked Ma Jun up and down and said, "May I ask what your name is?"

"Ma Jun of the West Kowloon Police Station, rank superintendent." Ma Jun returned with a sneer from the corner of his mouth.

"It's still a superintendent, and the position is not small. You are not afraid that I will kill you." Hong Jipeng took out a pistol and said to Ma Jun's head.

"There are hundreds of superintendents in the police force. One more than me is not too many, and one less than me is quite a lot. Killing me will do you no good at all. On the contrary, if you kill me, it will not only be you."

Ma Junyou pointed to Hong Jipeng and the gangsters around him, and said slowly, "You, you, and you, everyone present, including Hong Jibiao outside, must be buried with me, and Brother Lei will avenge me."

"Lei Weidong will avenge you. If you talk big, don't forget that I have hundreds of hostages here. If you get annoyed, I will blow up the Red Tunnel." Hong Jipeng said loudly.

"The tunnel will blow up, Lei Ge can't wait for it." Facing Hong Jipeng's threat, Ma Jun shrugged and said with a smile, "The tunnel blowing up will have a certain impact on Xiangjiang's economy, but it is definitely good for Lei Ge.

Didn't Lei Ge just say that he just won a construction company, and won a large piece of meat in the reconstruction project, earning at least one billion yuan. "

"He doesn't worry about hostages. I have hundreds of people here. If they die, let alone Lei Weidong, a small assistant chief, even the police chief can't handle it."

"Why can't you handle it? Lei Ge didn't kill those people. You gangsters were insane. It doesn't matter if you can't handle it. Lei Ge is the richest man. Even if he doesn't become a policeman, he can still live a life of debauchery.

Even, if Brother Lei thinks about it, it is not impossible for the chief executive. Xiangjiang has already decided to return, and the people of Eagle Country will leave in a few years.

In the future, Hong Kong people will manage themselves. Lei Ge is an elite among Hong Kong people. There are hundreds of thousands or even millions of people who rely on him for food. With so many people supporting him, he can do whatever he wants.

As for you, Hong Jipeng, you are just a passer-by in Lei Ge's life. Lei Ge has seen too many robbers like you, from the earliest Zhu Tao, the jewel thief to the arms dealer Johnnie Wang, Liu Bao, these people are all No worse than you, who still remembers them now. "


Hong Jipeng wanted to refute what Ma Jun said, but he couldn't refute it because it was so reasonable.

Hong Jipeng was no stranger to Lei Weidong, and knew his power in Xiangjiang. If he really wanted to, it would be easy to get the construction contract and even become the major shareholder of the new tunnel.

Facing such a rich man, still in a capitalist society like Xiangjiang, Hong Jipeng felt desperate, because no matter what you do, it is possible to create profits for Lei Weidong.

Just like the taxis I took a few days ago, nine out of ten taxis in Xiangjiang are all under Lei Weidong's name, and they give money to Lei Weidong every time they take a taxi.

"Has my brother arrived?" Hong Jipeng asked a little dejectedly.


Ma Jun pointed out the window with his finger.

A military helicopter hovered not far from the entrance of the tunnel. Through the lights below, Hong Jipeng vaguely saw that a person was tied to a rope, hanged from the helicopter, and was caught by the people below.

No need to ask, this is the younger brother, Lei Weidong is really awesome, he will use a helicopter or a military helicopter to pick him up.

"Where is the mobile phone I want?" Hong Jipeng continued to ask.

"Here!" Ma Jun took out two household mobile phones from his pocket and handed them to Hong Jipeng, saying, "Okay, don't waste time, quickly select the hostages, so I can take them out.

If you are late, you will miss supper.

I didn’t reward my brothers for staying up late today, but Lei Ge ordered a supper for [-] yuan from the Seafood Restaurant, I don’t want to make a mistake. "

A midnight snack for [-] yuan.

It is definitely the best snack. I don’t know what to eat. Hong Jipeng feels a little hungry. Thinking about the struggle for a long time, Hong Jipeng should definitely ask Lei Weidong to bring some supper over.

It doesn't need to be extravagant, just be the same as the police, and try a five hundred yuan lunch box for yourself.

"Choose two hundred hostages, and ask this brother to take out children, old people and women." After thinking about Lei Weidong's record, Hong Jipeng told everyone to put down their guns and told a younger brother.

As for arranging for the brothers to hang out.

After thinking about it, he still gave up, that guy Lei Weidong was too smart to deceive him.


Seeing that Hong Jipeng released the 200 hostages without waiting for his younger brother to come in, Ma Jun shrugged. The [-] hostages would not be assembled in a short while. He didn't want to stand and wait, so he found a clean place to sit down.

He took out a cigarette and lit one for himself, and by the way, signaled to Hong Jipeng if he wanted one.

Seeing Ma Jun asking him to smoke, Hong Jipeng was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, walked over and took out one, sat down beside Ma Jun, and lit the cigarette with Ma Jun's lighter.

"Seeing that you are so happy, I will send you a message." Ma Jun said very coolly with a burst of smoke.

"What news?" Hong Jipeng asked.

"There are no bugs in the two mobile phones given to you. Don't let your brother be busy, but a friendly reminder, although there is no bug, if you call outside, Lei Ge can still hear it."

Looking at the two robbers who were checking their mobile phones, Ma Jun smiled.

"How can we hear it without a bug installed in the mobile phone? Could it be that we have traitors here?" Hong Jipeng was taken aback by what Ma Jun said, and he was a little confused and didn't understand what it meant.

"I don't know if there are any traitors here. I'm a front-line police officer and I don't ask about intelligence, but Lei Ge won't use a wiretap to listen to the phone in such an honest way. He uses the telecommunications company.

I don't know how to do it. Anyway, the calls made from the tunnel area are under the monitoring of the monitoring team. "

Ma Jun laughed and said, as if you were on the first floor, I was on the second floor, and Lei Weidong was on the fifth floor.

"Through telecommunications companies, how could they allow the police to tap the phone? You must know that for telecommunications companies, confidentiality is the first rule. If you fail to do this, it is easy to be cast aside by users. In Xiangjiang, many people believe in democracy and freedom. of."

Hong Jipeng shook his head, disbelieving Ma Jun's words, "Could it be that Lei Weidong is the major shareholder of the telecommunications company, or..."

"That's a good guess. Brother Lei is the major shareholder of the telecommunications company." Ma Jun smiled at Hong Jipeng, congratulating him on his answer.


Thinking that Lei Weidong tapped his phone through the telecommunications company, Hong Jipeng felt very uncomfortable in the face of Jiang Wei's attack. What kind of evil did he have, and he agreed to Yan Guorong to come to Xiangjiang to commit the crime.

If I had known that Lei Weidong was so powerful, I would not have come to Xiangjiang, or I would have gone home after killing Zhang Zaishan, so as not to meet Lei Weidong.

"How is Zhang Zaishan? Is he still outside?" After thinking for a while, Hong Jipeng asked about his old friend. Anyway, he had nothing to do when he was free, so he just chatted.

"Zhang Zaishan, the expert in charge of bomb disposal." Ma Jun asked.

"Yes, it's him. He came in to negotiate with us."

"He, Lei Ge asked him to go home and rest."

"Go home and rest, you won't dismantle the bomb?" Hearing that Lei Weidong asked Zhang Zaishan to go home and rest, Hong Jipeng felt strange and couldn't help asking.

"What kind of bomb is dismantled? It will take two or three days at the earliest. Tonight and tomorrow are probably out of the question. Let Zhang Zaishan wait here to do something. Do you want to find something for him to do.

I warn you.

It is enough to have explosives and hostages to threaten the police force. If you still want to put bombs on the hostages, push them out and let Zhang Zaishan dismantle them, and hit the police force in the face.

In that case, even if you can escape from here, you will not survive for a few days. Lei Ge's anger is beyond your imagination, even if you escape back to the Golden Triangle. "

"Lei Weidong's influence can reach the Golden Triangle." Hong Jipeng was somewhat disbelieving.

Hong Jipeng believed that Lei Weidong was covering the sky in the Xiangjiang River, and he felt it these days, but the Golden Triangle was an area of ​​no concern, and Lei Weidong had such great influence.

"In this world, apart from time and death, there is nothing that money cannot do. The survival of the Golden Triangle is the result of a multi-party game, and there is even a shadow of the beautiful National Information Bureau behind it.

As long as Lei Ge doesn't want to change the state of the Golden Triangle, it's too easy to kill someone.

Say nothing else.

Spend 5000 million to buy your life, Hong Jipeng, do you think some of your younger brothers will use your head to claim credit for their money? "

"Well, maybe." Looking at the younger brothers around him, Hong Jipeng couldn't guarantee it.

Except for those recruited with money and supported by the Miyagi family, there are actually not many of them who are trusted and trusted.

But it's hard to guarantee that you won't be tempted by 5000 million even if you are a trusted little brother.

"So, it's better to be low-key." Ma Jun threw away the cigarette in his hand, left a word, got up and walked towards the hostage.

(End of this chapter)

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