I am a policeman

Chapter 445 Share the blessings and share the difficulties

Chapter 445 Share the blessings and share the difficulties

"Are there any conditions other than these?" Cao Dahua frowned.

If he didn't know that Zhang Zaishan is a good policeman who is dedicated to his duty, Cao Dahua would have almost thought that Zhang Zaishan and Hong Jipeng had teamed up to fool him.

The condition of repurchasing WHT shares within 48 hours is too outrageous.Anyone with financial common sense will understand that this is impossible.

The stock repurchase of listed companies can be completed quickly in a month, and 48 hours is not enough for a round of negotiations.

"I asked Hong Jipeng to release [-] hostages, women and children. If they were released, Hong Jipeng's younger brother would be sent here. However, Hong Jipeng said that he was at a disadvantage because he asked for the Gongmu family to be detained in the West Kowloon Police. Those who have not yet been tried by the Department of Public Security have been released."

Zhang Zaishan said all of Hong Jipeng's conditions in one breath.

"Lei sir, what do you think?" Cao Dahua looked back at Lei Weidong and asked.

"The people of the Miyagi family are easy to deal with. These guys have just entered the prosecution stage. If they are not in the hospital, they will be at the West Kowloon Police Station. Just arrange for someone to bring them here."

Lei Weidong said slowly, "Hong Jibiao's affairs are also easy to deal with. Just call Stanley and coordinate. The key is to buy back the shares of the Western Submarine Tunnel.

Check out the Western Tunnel Company at once, I want the status of all the shareholders in their company. "

"Understood!" Jian Huizhen replied after following.

"Director, I think we should report to the Governor for the repurchase of the Western Submarine Tunnel, and let him decide." After giving the order, Lei Weidong pulled Cao Dahua aside and said in a low voice.

"Report to the governor, why, can't we solve it." Cao Dahua asked.

One of the main reasons why everyone likes to lie to others is that if you ask the leader for instructions on everything and ask the leader for instructions, it is easy to give the leader a feeling of incompetence.

Therefore, many things are not reported to the leaders until it is absolutely necessary and cannot be suppressed. As long as they can be suppressed, the world will be peaceful.

"The money needed to repurchase the Western Submarine Tunnel is not a small amount, at least tens of billions." Lei Weidong shrugged and said indifferently: "The police force does not have this money, although I have it, but I will not do it.

The Submarine Tunnel is a public welfare project, even the West End Tunnel, which has the title of a rich man. The investment is large and the income is low. With that money, I might as well invest in real estate. The income is much higher than investing in the tunnel.

Besides, what Hong Jipeng asked was for the government to buy back the Western Submarine Tunnel within 48 hours, not for the police, so he still asked the Governor for instructions on whether to agree to the robbers' request.

If you like, then the deal is done, save us from racking our brains here.

"How could the Governor agree to repurchase the Western Submarine Tunnel? You also said that at least tens of billions of funds are needed, which is more than our police force's annual allocation.

Besides, if we easily agree to the robber's request, what do we want our police force to do. "Cao Dahua shook his head, expressing that Lei Weidong's idea was fantastic.

"It is reported because of disagreement." Signaling the people in the command center to go out first, Lei Weidong continued to lower his voice, "Didn't you say that the Governor of Hong Kong wants us to do our best to ensure the safety of the hostages.

But is this possible? Not to mention the two staff members who were shot dead at the entrance of the tunnel just now, just say that when Zhang Zaishan went in for negotiations, several hostages were also shot dead by Hong Jipeng. You and I need to take the blame for this. , anyway, I don't want to, don't you want to? "

"You can't do it if you don't want to. You can't run away even if I'm the director. You're the on-site commander." Cao Dahua said helplessly.

"So we need the support of the Governor of Hong Kong. We can't leave everything on our head. Let us contribute. Please take practical actions to support it." Lei Weidong said.

"But repurchase is absolutely impossible. What Hong Jipeng wants is a full repurchase. Once the news spreads, the stock of WHT will definitely soar, and it may even double. It is not tens of billions, but hundreds of billions." possible.

Heung Kong is a capitalist society, and it values ​​profit more than anything else. Shareholders and shareholders of WHT have no sense of the overall situation, and they will only take advantage of the sharp rise in the stock to make a fortune.

I can even be sure that Hong Jipeng was brought back by the shareholders of WHT, with the purpose of solving the problem and making a fortune by taking advantage of the crisis. "Cao Dahua said very firmly.

"It's not for sure, but it is. Hong Jipeng was recruited by Yan Guorong, the boss of Jiali Construction. The purpose was to create a crisis and get him from the second team of the West Tunnel Company." Lei Weidong looked at Cao Dahua and said with a smile.

"Yan Guorong, how do you know, don't you?"

"It's hard to guess!" Lei Weidong said with a smile:

"As the largest rich man in Hong Kong, I know many companies well. There are three major shareholders in WHT, namely Hong Kong Connect Holdings, CITIC Pacific and Jiali Construction.

Needless to say, Gangtong Holdings owns the company, not only the West Harbor Crossing, but also the Red Crossing. It is impossible to threaten themselves with their own things.

CITIC Pacific's background is too great, and I have to be polite when I see it. It is impossible to contact Hong Jipeng, and they also look down on the little money. Among the three major shareholders, Jiali Construction is the most suspected. Who else can it be besides Yan Guorong. "

"I know it's Yan Guorong from Jiali Construction, what are you going to do?" I have to say that Lei Weidong's analysis makes sense, and Yan Guorong's suspicion can be said to be a fly on the bald man's head, which is obvious.

But it is one thing to know, and arrest is not enough. The key is that there is no evidence. In Xiangjiang, the police cannot arrest people without evidence.

"What else can I do, just arrest people. I have just notified Li Ying that Yan Guorong will be arrested after dawn."

Lei Weidong shrugged and said with a smile, "Those capitalists who are protected by the law are overwhelmed with complacency, thinking that they can't be arrested without evidence, and all of them are arrogant, forgetting that legal fairness can only be realized under certain conditions.

The power of the police is strictly limited, and people cannot be arrested without evidence, but the Political Department and the Independent Commission Against Corruption are different, as long as there is suspicion, they can arrest people.

The impact of the hijacking of the Red Tunnel is too great. It can be said that it has crossed the line. Even if Yan Guorong is arrested and Jiali Construction is closed, no one will say anything. It just so happens that Ma Danna wants to enter the construction industry, but she has no choice of goals.

Jiali Construction has the qualifications and technology, and the difficulty is because Yan Guorong's funds are all on the WHT Company. It is different in my hands. I just gave it to Ma Dannuo as a birthday present. "

"Yan Guorong met you in eight lifetimes!" Cao Dahua was not an idiot either, as soon as Lei Weidong said it, he realized it, after all, he was a political veteran.

Knowing that Lei Weidong wanted to take advantage of Yan Guorong's involvement in the case and buy Jiali Construction at a low price, although it was against the rules, whoever let Yan Guorong cross the line first was a lesson for him.

"In addition to Jiali Construction, you also want to apply for the sacrifice quota. After all, the blame cannot only be blamed on the police force, but the governor needs to be dragged into the water."

"That's right!" Lei Weidong shrugged and said, "Not to mention those who have died, but those who haven't died yet, there are hundreds of hostages inside.

The ghost knows what's going on now, whether that Hong Jipeng will continue to go crazy and kill people.

Anyway, it's impossible for me to take down Hong Jipeng without hurting anyone. After all, I'm not a god, and even a god can't make Hong Jipeng put down his weapon obediently, so necessary sacrifices are necessary.

Of course, I don’t want to see more civilian casualties, but this is impossible, so the support of the Hong Kong government headed by the Governor is needed, and the Hong Kong government cannot dump the police force afterwards in order to reduce pressure.

Don't forget that I don't deal with those Eagle Country people, the position of the buttocks is different, if they can hit me, they don't mind throwing the blame on me. "

"What are you going to do?" As the first Chinese director, Cao Dahua's ass is in the middle, otherwise he would not be recognized by both parties and become the director of the transitional period.

"I will vigorously publicize Hong Jipeng's request through the media to let everyone know that the robbers want the Hong Kong government to repurchase all the shares of the West Harbor Crossing Corporation.

He also criticizes the fact that the stockholders made a fortune with the shares of WHT, so that everyone can understand that either the police force does not want to negotiate with the robbers, or it is impossible to do so, or the stockholders force the police force to fail.

After the negotiation failed, the police force could only adopt a strong attack strategy, and the losses were all due to those greedy stockholders, and it was their greed that led to the disaster. "

"This method is good. Even if the storm caused huge casualties, we can still have an excuse. After all, both the citizens and the Hong Kong government are part of Hong Kong, and we cannot place all the responsibilities on the police."

Cao Dahua nodded, the tension on his face relaxed a lot.

After receiving the news that the Red Tunnel was hijacked by gangsters and hundreds of citizens were taken hostage, Cao Dahua's spirit was always tense because he knew it.

If it is not handled properly, there will be heavy casualties, and if he is responsible, he, the chief of police, will bear the brunt of it. He must be punished, and he may even step down.

But Lei Weidong is different, this guy is the richest man in Xiangjiang.

In Xiangjiang, more than 10% or even 20% of the total population rely on it for food. Except for those from the Eagle Country, most of the citizens will not comment on their parents for food and clothing.

Even if the action fails, Lei Weidong's punishment is insignificant, at most one punishment, and he cannot be promoted within a few years.

Even being expelled has no effect on him, and he is still enjoying himself on the yacht with a dozen girls in his arms.

it's good now!

Cao Dahua admitted that he couldn't handle the case.

But to play tricks, Cao Dahua is at the level of the ancestors, otherwise they would not play around with the turnips, sell it and count the money for Cao Dahua.

"You are responsible for the affairs of the Hong Kong government, and I am responsible for the on-site affairs. Let's divide the work and cooperate to get things done." Lei Weidong said, patting Cao Dahua on the shoulder skillfully.


Cao Dahua nodded, picked up the phone dedicated to the director and dialed it.

Soon after putting down the phone, Cao Dahua nodded to Lei Weidong, indicating that the matter had been reported to the police.

Of course, if you want to have results, it will not be so fast.

The full repurchase of WHT stock will involve tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars. With so much money, even the governor cannot make a decision in one word. A meeting must be held, and all the leaders of the government departments should be anxious to hold a meeting to collectively discuss whether to agree to the robbers. ask.

If you don't agree, if the consequences are serious, there is a solution. After all, it is a collective decision. If you are punished, everyone will be punished together.
"Have you ever estimated how much destructive force this tunnel can withstand?" After the discussion, Lei Weidong called the engineer in and asked him to continue to explain everyone's doubts.

"Most buildings in Xiangjiang can withstand an earthquake with a magnitude of [-] on the Richter scale without any problems. However, if the explosion occurs in a subsea tunnel, the situation will be different. It is necessary to consider the amount of explosives used by the robbers."

Speaking of how much explosion the tunnel can withstand, the engineer is a little uncertain. After all, theory is theory, and various problems will arise during the actual construction process.

"C4 is a high-performance military explosive mixed with RDX. If the power is concentrated, one kilogram of C4 can blow down a five-story building.

Hong Jipeng had two tons of C4 explosives, or 2000 kilograms, which were placed at both ends of the tunnel. If so much explosives were detonated. "

"That means the robbers have enough explosives to blow up the Red Tunnel." Cao Dahua said.

"Even if it can't be blown up, the shock wave generated by the explosion will seriously damage the structure of the Red Tunnel. Considering the safety hazard, the tunnel needs to be demolished and rebuilt. After all, it is the seabed, and any problem will cause serious consequences.

The cost will not be much less than being bombed directly, which means it will have a smaller economic impact on Xiangjiang. "

Just blast the tunnel and it's over.

Lei Weidong and Cao Dahua looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

I can get the report here, as can the Governor of Hong Kong and the Secretary of Security. I believe that after reading the report, the Governor and the Secretary of Security will make a decision to protect the tunnel and prevent the explosion inside.

As for whether to carry out the repurchase, it depends on the discussion at the meeting.

"Director, the guys from the information department have just received some information. It's hundreds of photos. Someone in the tunnel wanted to send these photos through the Internet. Fortunately, we interfered."

Wu Junru came over with some information to report to Lei Weidong and Cao Dahua.

"There are our retired colleagues and the police officers who just got off work. They are all blocked in here." Wu Junru pointed to a few photos in the file.

"Fortunately, there was interference. If these pictures are sent out, our police force will be passive." Seeing at least seven or eight hundred pictures in his hand, Cao Dahua gasped.

bell bell bell...

The phone in the command center rang, no need to ask, it must be from the robbers, obviously they also found that they were disconnected from the Internet.

"Hey, let Zhang Zaishan listen to the phone." Just as Lei Weidong picked up the phone, Hong Jipeng's voice came over.

"Let Zhang Zaishan answer the phone, who are you?" Lei Weidong asked.

"I'm a robber, so I'll let Zhang Zaishan answer the phone right away, or I'll kill the hostages, one every minute." Hong Jipeng said viciously.

"Fuck, threaten me?" Lei Weidong laughed loudly, "I Lei Weidong was threatened by you, you want to talk to Zhang Zaishan because you think he is easy to bully and has weaknesses.

Tell you that this is impossible, now I have the final say here, if you want to negotiate with me, there will be no second person talking nonsense to you. "

(End of this chapter)

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