I am a policeman

Chapter 402 Helpless 2 Maozi

Chapter 402 The helpless bastard
"Don't be emotional, the time is coming soon." Looking at the watch on his wrist, the secretary reminded him.

"Blame me, I'm getting old and talking too much nonsense. Let's go." The secretary's words made Mr. Pan a little embarrassed. If he didn't want to stop to see the whole picture of the Southern Steam Turbine Factory, by this time, the convoy would have arrived at its destination up.

"set off!"

Jiang Lang waved his hand and signaled everyone to get in the car.

The motorcade consisting of more than a dozen cars started slowly, and soon entered the Southern Steam Turbine Factory, and came to the front of a row of office buildings.

"From the perspective of the office building, this place is similar to the shipyard. The office building is 1.1 meters wide." Looking at the office building in front of him, Jiang Lang started a joke.

"There is a joke in Maoxiong, that is, the cities you come here are almost exactly the same except for big cities like Moscow and Leningrad.

You can even find your own home along the familiar road. Of course, this is definitely not your home, it is someone else's home. "Pan Lao, who had studied in Maoxiong, said.

"It's not too exaggerated." Jiang Lang shook his head, expressing his disbelief.

"No exaggeration, it's true."

The driver was an uncle in his 40s and nearly 50 years old, who knew some Chinese, and when Jiang Lang and Pan Lao talked about the city, he interjected, "The reason for this is related to World War II.

Of course, many cities have become ruins, and we have restored the ruined cities in just a few years, in addition to the great motherland and unified planning.

Many cities are built according to a template, and it is no surprise that they are the same. "

Although Mao Xiong has passed away.

But when it comes to this country, many old people still feel proud and proud.

While speaking, many people came out of the office building, the leader was a man with gray hair, this was Mirnov, the director of the Southern Steam Turbine Plant.

Unlike the five big and three thick old men, this Comrade Mirnov is not tall, with eyes, he can be seen as a technical talent, and he speaks in a gentle manner.

"Hello, Comrade Jiang Lang, I've been waiting for you for a long time. If Comrade Makarov hadn't called and said that you were already on your way, I would have sent someone to pick you up."

Seeing Jiang Lang, Mirnov approached him warmly and greeted him.

"I also want to come here sooner, but there are too many things at the shipyard, so it's delayed." Jiang Lang laughed and said,
"Come on, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Pan, our respected senior. He is very interested in your gas engines. He came here for a visit. If possible, he can order a few more."

"Order a few more, that's a good feeling." Jiang Lang's words made Mirnov very happy, and he greeted Jiang Lang and others to enter the building and come to the most secret design room.

In the past, foreigners were absolutely not allowed to enter the secret among the secrets here.

but now!

With the death of Mao Xiong, Ukraine sank, and the Southern Steam Turbine Plant became an unwanted child.

Unlike those top secret units.

The Southern Steam Turbine Factory only needs to produce gas engines.

Important is important, because this is the only place where Mao Xiong can produce gas engines. Whether Mao Xiong's warship can sail far depends on the support here, and the confidentiality level is five A.

But for Eagle Sauce.

I used to attach great importance to it, but after understanding its technical content, I directly discarded it aside.

Because Eagle Sauce has the most advanced gas engine technology in the world.

Just like the LM2500 gas turbine introduced earlier.

This is the most successful and excellent naval gas turbine in the world. It is an aeroderivative gas turbine developed by General Electric Company based on the TF60 turbofan engine in the 39s.

Since it was officially put into use in the early 70s, not only the US Navy, but also the main surface battleships except aircraft carriers have almost all adopted this aircraft, and it has also been widely exported to all parts of the world.

And the Southern Steam Turbine Works.

Not to mention its latest fourth-generation gas turbine, the UGT-2500, which is benchmarked against the LM25000 gas turbine, is still in the final debugging stage and has not been officially put into use.

Even when it is put into use, there is a gap with the LM2500 gas turbine.

Such as volume.

GM's LM25000 has a total weight of only 23 tons and a length of only 8 meters.

However, the UGT25000 of Southern Steam Turbine Works has a length of 16 meters and a weight of 26 tons without a box.

such as thermal efficiency.

The thermal efficiency of General Motors' LM25000 is close to 39%, while the thermal efficiency of Southern Steam Turbine Plant's UGT25000 is only 37%, which is two points short.

And overhaul time.

General Motors' LM25000 has an overhaul time of 2 hours. The most typical example is that the mainland's 052B has never had an engine overhaul for more than 20 years under the embargoed parts shortage, and its reliability is astonishingly high.

In contrast, the overhaul time of UGT25000 is almost 1.5 hours.

Of course, this gap is compared with the LM25000 of Eagle Sauce.

If put inland.

Not to mention the fourth-generation UGT25000, even the third-generation GTD15000 of the Southern Steam Turbine Factory can make the mainland drooling.

"Why do you still use paper for homework!"

Entering the design room of the Southern Steam Turbine Factory, Pan Lao and the others were all taken aback.

This is not because it is advanced, just like Yingjiang's side, adopting paperless office, but because it is backward.

Who would have thought that the designers of the well-known Southern Steam Turbine Factory design office would still use manual drawing.

This is not a fake, it is estimated that it was shown to Pan Lao and others.

Because this scene is really spectacular.

The design room, which looks like a workshop in a factory, has hundreds of desks, neatly arranged like a classroom in a school.

Next to each table, there is a huge drawing board, and many people who look like engineers or assistants are drawing on it.

This situation is a bit like the early 80s in China.

Just like the nuclear weapons war back then.

In order to calculate the detailed data.

The Academy of Science and Technology used a large number of computing talents, and they just used the abacus to type out the calculation results.

This situation changed in the 80s.

is also stimulated.

At that time, I had a good relationship with Eagle Sauce.

Even weapons such as F16 and F14 can be imported, let alone computers.

In addition, the instructors sent by Yingjiang are all computer experts, and paper drawings have long been used.

In order to adapt to the trend, the country has spent huge sums of money to introduce computer-aided design to major design institutes. Not to mention, the work efficiency has been improved immediately.

It's just that I didn't expect that Big Brother still used such a backward operation method?

"We also want to introduce advanced computers to assist our work, but there is no way, because Europe and the United States have blocked us too much before."

When Jiang Lang said that he was behind, Mirnov couldn't help shaking his head.

Not to mention being left behind by Ying Jiang, after all, it was the most advanced country in the world at that time, and now the former younger brothers despise themselves.

You know, compared to Mao Xiong's side, the mainland is even more backward, not to mention the standard of living, Mao Xiong's side doesn't look like it's making a lot of noise, but in fact they've already made TV calls downstairs, and the mainland is still struggling for this.

Not to mention the military.

There is at least 20 years of military gap between the mainland and Mao Xiong, and the gap in engine convenience is even greater, especially in terms of aero engines and gas turbines for warships.

But being despised, Mirnov couldn't object.

Because he knows that because of the good relations between the mainland and the beautiful country in these years, great progress has been made in many aspects, especially the computer. Mirnov has heard that the large design institutes in the mainland have introduced the computer-aided system of the beautiful country.

"It was blocked in the past and there was no way to do it. Don't you let it go now? Why don't you think of a way to introduce it?" Jiang Lang continued to ask.

"In the past, there was money but no connections, but now there are connections but no money." Mirnov continued to sigh, "Our factory has not had an order for a long time, not to mention the workers below, even the engineers in the design institute are struggling.

It used to be much more lively than it is now. At least half of the employees of the design institute went out to work to earn money to subsidize their families. "

"Comrade Mirnov, the hardship is not temporary. Aren't we here to deliver business? As long as you show your sincerity, I will never be stingy with money."

If I hadn't known that you couldn't make it through, I wouldn't have raided the house.

After staying in Ukraine for a long time, Jiang Lang also knew how distressed these military factories were, and the Southern Steam Turbine Factory was the most bankrupt of them.

Gas turbines are mainly supplied to warships.

In the current state of Da Mao and Er Mao, they are worried that there are too many ships to deal with. Don't think about building new ships in ten years. The hard life of the Southern Steam Turbine Factory has just begun now, and it will be even more difficult in the future.

"Sincerity, I definitely have it. Let's have a look, this is the flagship product of our factory." Mirnov led everyone to the exhibition area, pointing to a large machine.

"This is a GTD15000 gas turbine, the most advanced marine gas turbine in our factory. It was developed in 1971 and successfully developed in 1984. It has been equipped on many warships including Hyundai-class destroyers and Glory-class cruisers.

Runs well, is well liked by the crew and is the best [-]rd generation gas turbine in the world. "

Strictly speaking.

The GTD15000 gas turbine is the best product that Nanfang Turbine Factory can produce, and the sincerity can be said to be sufficient, because the better UGT25000 is still in the final testing stage and has not been officially put into the market.

"Comrade Mirnov, although the GTD15000 gas turbine is good, it is still behind the world's mainstream gas turbines, and you know it.

We have introduced five LM2500 gas turbines from General Motors. Compared with LM2500 gas turbines, GTD15000 gas turbines are not enough.

You should take out the UGT25000 gas turbine you are working on, we are interested in that. "

Jiang Lang cut straight to the point and directly stated his intention for coming.

The meaning is very simple, I want the best, don't fool me with GTD15000, take out UGT25000.


Jiang Lang's words made Mirnov fall into deep thought.

UGT25000 is the last gas turbine designed in Mao Xiong's era, and it is also the best one. It is the bottom of the Southern Steam Turbine Factory. If it is given to Jiang Lang and others, then the Southern Steam Turbine Factory will have no hope.

But don't give it!

Mirnov shook his head inwardly.

The Southern Steam Turbine Factory has not received an order for a long time, and the factory has stagnated. If it does not resume production, it will starve to death. At that time, even holding UGT25000 will not work.

"Comrade Mirnov, I'm reluctant, but I can tell you that if I can trade UGT25000, I will never let the Southern Steam Turbine Works suffer.

At the very least, it is my sincerity to keep your factory life worry-free for ten years. "Jiang Lang pointed out the window with his finger.


Following Jiang Lang's finger, Mirnov looked out the window, and a convoy of thirty ten-ton trucks slowly entered the South Steam Turbine Factory.

"These are the deposits I gave you. A total of 300 tons of materials, including [-] boxes of canned fruit, [-] boxes of vodka, and necessities such as wheat, meat, and clothing. I came here with great sincerity."

"Strong sincerity."

Looking through the window at the carloads of materials outside, Mirnov smiled wryly.

The Southern Steam Turbine Factory hasn't given benefits to its employees for a long time, and many families are waiting for the rice to be cooked. If they know that these things were brought by Jiang Lang, then the favor for them can be said to be overwhelming.

No matter how important things are, they are not as important as stomachs. If you don't have enough to eat, you will starve to death.

"Well, it's getting late, Comrade Jiang Lang and Mr. Pan, I think it's better to have dinner first, try our local specialties, and discuss business matters after dinner."

Mirnov said.

"Eat first, it's the biggest meal in the world, and I happen to be hungry too." Jiang Lang knew that such a big matter as UGT25000 was not up to Mirnov alone. It needed a meeting to discuss. There was no rush, he had plenty of time.

"Everyone follow me," Mirnov said.
"Let them go!"

Watching Gao Jin and others leave, Qiu Xiaotian, who couldn't figure out the reality of the other party, chose to stand still.

"Send someone to monitor their every move, and let Hussein come back from Taipei immediately to see if he is really a gambler."


The younger brother nodded, and followed Qiu Xiaotian's instructions.

"Several rest here for a few days, I have enough people to protect you."

After leaving the casino, Haitang took Gao Jin and others to a villa in the suburbs of Tainan. This is Haitang's territory, surrounded by her sphere of influence, so there is no need to worry about Qiu Xiaotian's attack.

"Compared to protection, I believe in myself more." Zhou Xingxing laughed and said, "Miss Haitang would better prepare some weapons for us, heavy weapons, based on my understanding of Qiu Xiaotian.

The day after tomorrow at the latest, he will send someone over to confirm, he must definitely send his subordinates to attack, it's not that I look down on Miss Haitang, your people probably won't be able to stop it. "

"I don't know what kind of weapon Mr. Gao wants. If it wasn't for the conspicuous weapons like airplanes and tanks, I could have gotten them for you." up.

"You don't need planes and tanks, you just need these." Zhou Xingxing handed the list of weapons he had prepared to Haitang, and said, "Also, don't call me Gao Jin, I am not Gao Jin."

"You're not high-level, so you're good at changing cards." Haitang also had doubts about Zhou Xingxing's identity, but changing cards couldn't be faked, so she didn't know how much better she was than herself.

"It's very simple, because I am also the apprentice of the God of Gamblers. I am a pear blossom crushing a crabapple. Thousands of girls are crazy about the God of Gamblers." shape.

(End of this chapter)

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