I am a policeman

Chapter 296 Killer Guild Disbands Beautiful Killers

Chapter 296 Killer Guild Disbands Beautiful Killers

"Sir, would you like to pay in full or as a loan, in cash or by credit card?"

For Henri René, who brought two beauties and a pair of sisters to buy a house, the sales lady has long been used to it.

Because in France, there are many such things, and the Gallic chicken has a free and romantic feeling in its bones.

This kind of romance and feelings, in addition to perfume, is also related to lovers, and if you want to talk about lovers, you must mention the king.

In Gaul, it is recognized that the king is a lover, and it is said that besides his wife, who is also the queen, there is also a position of chief lover.

Yes, you read that right, Chief Lover.

There must be other lovers.

There are too many lovers, there must be one as the chief, and the Gaul chicken directly gave the official title to the lover.

The king's lover is generally called the royal lover.

One of the royal lovers is the king's favorite is the chief lover.The chief lover generally has to be canonized, has the highest status, and has benefits such as allowances, rewards, and titles.

Take the "Sun King" Louis XIV as an example.

Louis XIV has been ridiculed by everyone, why is he only 154cm tall, only bathed 7 times in his life, and so on.

Compared with these talks, Louis XIV's marriage is also not far behind.

Louis XIV was born in a family of consanguineous marriages. His uncle Philip IV married his aunt Elizabeth, and he married his uncle and aunt's daughter Maria Theresa as queen.

Now the relationship is more chaotic, let's figure it out for ourselves, let's talk about his lover.

Louis XIV had many lovers, the first chief lover was Lavalier, and the second chief lover was Madame Montespan.

These two women are relatively famous, and both gave birth to Louis XIV's children. They are quite influential in the royal family, especially Mrs. Montespan, who is said to be "the real queen of France".

Costing 2700 million euros, it is said that the French drama "Versailles" that can compete with the British drama "Downton Abbey" and the American drama "Game of Thrones" tells this history.

In the TV series, Louis XIV slept with his younger brother's wife, the British princess. The younger brother knew it well, so he made out with his golden retriever lover in front of his wife.

After Louis XIV's queen fell out of favor, she had an affair with a black dwarf male favorite.The babies born have black skin.

Up and down, the chaotic life of the royal family and nobles inevitably affected the lower classes. It is said that in Gaul, more than 50% of men cheated, and more than 40% of women cheated.

And the cheating is open and aboveboard, without any concealment. On the streets of Paris, husbands take their wives and lovers to go shopping together. It is normal for Henri René to bring his sisters, as long as he is rich and romantic.

"Of course it's the full amount. A rich person like me needs a loan to buy a villa. Isn't it contemptuous?" Henry René shrugged and took out his wallet from his pocket, revealing that it was full of more than a dozen bank notes. card or black card.

He took out one and handed it to the sales lady, "Swipe the card, secret six 1."


The sales lady took the bank card respectfully, with a very charming smile on her face, her enthusiastic attitude, if it wasn't because Henry René brought two beauties, she would have already leaned forward.

"Boss, you are so kind. You bought us such a big villa. We will take good care of you at night."

The sales lady took the card to go through the formalities, and the two secretary sisters acted like a baby to Henri René. If it weren't for the inappropriate occasion, the three would really stage a real action movie.

"Sir, your card balance is insufficient." About 3 minutes later, the sales lady rushed back with the card and said.

"Insufficient card, how is it possible, this is a black card, black card, I just bought a luxury car last week, the one driving at the door." Henri René felt very embarrassed by the sales lady's question ,Loudly.

"But, sir, I really don't have any money to overdraft the card, why don't you change it." Faced with Henry René's questioning, the sales lady said tremblingly in fear.

"Here, the password is the same. If there is any problem again, be careful that I will complain to your leader." After changing a black card, Henry René revealed a threat in his tone.

As the vice president of the Assassins Guild, Henry René, who was born as an Assassin, has hundreds of lives on his body. The slightest leak of his evil spirit will scare the crap out of the sales lady. After receiving the black card, he turns around and runs, not daring to stay longer.

"Maybe I was too busy during this time, so I forgot to recharge the card, so." After the sales lady left, Henry René explained to the two beauties jokingly.

Forget about the secretary, her younger sister is a new product, and I haven't gotten used to it yet, so I can't let her feel bad about me, and feel that I am a person who slapped her face to pretend to be fat, and said she was rich even though she had no money.

"Sir, this card of yours is also insufficient." Before Henry René finished speaking, the sales lady ran back quickly and slapped him in the face again.

"What!" Henry René, who was slapped in the face, stood up and asked, "Are you sure you used this card to swipe it, and you didn't change it for me."

"Yes, sir, if you don't believe me, just go and try it, how dare I lie to you." Grabbed by Henri René's arm, the sales lady was like a chick caught by an eagle, she couldn't even stand Unsteady.

"Lead the way!" Henry René snorted coldly, and followed the sales lady to the cash register.

"Sir, it's here, just put your card on it." The sales lady pointed to the card reader and said.

"Pay the bill!" Henry René didn't talk nonsense, took out a card from his wallet, put it on it, and entered the password according to the prompt.

"Insufficient balance!"

The prompt sound of the machine made Henry Rene blushed, and he changed a card and continued to put it on.

Still not enough balance!

Another card.

Still have insufficient balance.

Keep changing!

"It's not right!"

After changing more than a dozen bank cards in a row, all of them had insufficient balances. Henri René felt that something was wrong. Someone targeted him and locked all his cards.

I can't stay here anymore, I must rush back to the company as soon as possible, and let someone check what's wrong.

As for villas and beauties, if you have money, you might not have it. There are many women who love vanity.

He ran back to the stronghold in a hurry, summoned people over for questioning, and the cold sweat dripped off Henry René's face.


The trade union is in serious trouble, and even the union website has been hacked.

Who did it? Is my bank card also a masterpiece of the other party?

Gallic chicken port city Marseille.

An old white man with graying hair slapped the table heavily after listening to the report.

"Investigate, investigate immediately, mobilize all forces to investigate, who is messing with us."

The expression on the old man's face was so frightening that the men in front of him trembled and couldn't even stand still.

It can be said that the Assassin's Guild suffered a big loss this time.

Not only the website was hacked, the money in the company account and the killer's account was transferred, even the money in the personal account of himself and some high-level officials was also transferred, and the credit card was also frozen.

Now, except for some real estate and cash, the money in the bank has been returned to zero, and I still owe a large amount of handling fees.

Lei Weidong was also targeted when transferring funds.

Lei Weidong just transferred their accounts on Killer.com for those killers or brokers who were linked to the Internet to pick up business, without digging deeper.

The vice president and president are different.

Lei Weidong followed the clues and used their accounts to push back. He quickly found out their information and took away all the money in their credit cards and bank cards.

"President, we have tried our best to check and found that all the money has been transferred to the Swiss bank, but it has been withdrawn."

There are traces of online transfers. Even if Lei Weidong's hacking skills are superior to crushing his peers in this era, he still cannot avoid leaving behind.

After a few days of investigation, members of the Killer Union finally found out that the money had arrived in a Swiss bank, and hurriedly chased after it to have a friendly communication with the person in charge of the bank.

Don't say that Swiss banks keep customer information confidential. It's because no one is tracking down or the status of the tracking down is not enough, and the bank doesn't care about you at all.

For the really big shots, there is no such thing as keeping secrets.

Although the Assassin's Guild doesn't have any big names, what they have in their hands is not for nothing. After a friendly exchange, the Swiss Bank is very happy to help them check the accounts.


The money has been taken away, it has been taken away two days ago.

"It's all been taken away, more than 20 billion US dollars have been taken away, good! good! good!" Although the white old man said a few good words, in fact, his heart hurts to the point of bleeding.

"Have you found out who did it?"

"I don't know who it is. I only know that the person who made the withdrawal is a yellow race. The information of the owner of the account is fake, but the address is from the mainland. We intend to continue to investigate, but you, the president, know it too.

The mainland is a restricted area for mercenaries and our killers. Will there be any results in a while. "

The 80s was not two or three decades later, when foreigners were flying all over the mainland. At this time, when foreigners came to the mainland, they had to report, let alone investigate.

"In the mainland, it is impossible for private organizations to cheat our trade union of more than 20 billion dollars at a time. After all, it was that idiot who kicked the iron board."

The old white man is not an idiot. He feels that the official organization in the mainland took action, which means that the killer union has kicked the iron plate and needs to admit that it is unlucky.

"I don't know, President, you also know that we make money mainly by drawing commissions, making money on both sides of the killer and the customer. The tasks are posted by the customer themselves. We have no control at all. It may be that the entrustment caused trouble or offended the big shot." .”

The subordinate lowered his head and explained carefully.

"I can't control it. This is not an excuse. Check it out for me. The focus is on the list in the Asian region. If I know that idiot is careless, I will kill him."

"This, this, this!"

Watching the news about the Assassin's Guild on the computer, 14K sits in the hall, his eyes are straight, or else there are restrictions, the eyeballs would fall out.

Hacking a killer website is nothing.

There are also computer experts in the Killer Guild, who can recover within two or three days at most.

The key is the accounts of the killers.

The killers affiliated with the killer union to make money, but they didn't make any money, and the money in their cards was also gone.

Those killers with three or four accounts are fine.

Lei Weidong was busy slaughtering the big family and let them go.

A killer with only one account can be miserable.

After more than ten years of hard work, I returned to the pre-liberation overnight.

Especially a few older killers who were about to retire. After learning that they had nothing and no hope of recovering their property, they were disheartened and shot themselves at home, ending the crime with a bang.

Those killers or managers who lost part of their money, after learning the news, first transferred the money in their accounts for a few springboards, and then the rabbits and foxes expressed their dissatisfaction to the killer union.

Oh shit!

It is you who said to keep pace with the times. It is safe, convenient and reliable to get money from online tasks. No one will destroy the order and you will not be afraid of being silenced. Now that the money is gone, if I knew this, it would be better to use honest face-to-face cash transactions.

Must accompany us, the Killer Union must accompany our losses.

Facing the top killers from Europe, America and North America who came to their door to reissue them, the Killers Guild has no time to say.

Compared to the Killer, the Killer Union suffered heavy losses. Not only the accounts of the union, but also the accounts of several responsible persons were emptied, and there was no way to pay back the money. Really, there was no money left.

Unless those real estate are sold off.

But firstly, it takes time, and secondly, several people in charge are reluctant.

This is their last asset, and if they sell it, they will be really poor.

He could only shrink his head like a turtle, and would not accept any questions from the killers.

As a result, the killers became even more angry, and even the structure of the killer world underwent earth-shattering changes.

Branches such as the Asian Assassin Chapter, the South American Assassin Chapter, and the Australian Assassin Chapter are their branches, although the money in the union account is gone.

But the personal money is still there.

After learning of the tragic fate of the guild, they were afraid of harming Chi Yu, and they all declared independence and would no longer pay dues to the guild, causing the guild to immediately fall apart and exist in name only.

Although the president was angry about this, he had no choice but to admit that he was unlucky.

Whoever made himself out of money, money is the boss these days, and it is difficult to move without it.

"It's over!"

Seeing the news of the split of the Killer Guild, 14K sat in the hall and knew that it was over, not to mention the tasks released, and even the 3000 million I transferred could not be retrieved.

The Federation of Trade Unions has been split, and they have to ask someone for money.

Asian trade unions or European trade unions.

Don't look at yourself as the boss of 14K, majestic in front of younger brothers, but in the eyes of those killers, you are just a fat sheep.

The reason for not killing yourself is that there are no benefits or not enough benefits, if someone offers a reward to yourself.

Don't say 3000 million, even 500 million can kill yourself.

Killers never slash face-to-face, they just snipe with sniper rifles.

Even if I have nine lives, I will be sniped.

But if you don’t get the money back, what will Luotuo and Jiang Tiansheng do? No matter how strong 14K is in the face of these boss alliances, they still have to admit cowardice, but it’s easy to admit cowardly.

Money is troublesome.

Although it is definitely enough to search and search his own family property, but these are his pension funds, how can he give them to Jiang Tiansheng, he must first find a way to stop the loss and find a killer to kill Lei Weidong.

At this time, 14K sat in the hall without worrying about exposing his problems, and directly called the younger brother in.

"Contact Xiangjiang's most powerful killer immediately. I want to meet him and pay him a lot of money to kill."

"Understood!" The younger brother nodded.

Two days later!
14K An office in a building.

The boss sitting in the restaurant was arranging his clothes in front of the mirror. His subordinates brought the latest suits and changed them graciously.

"That's right, buy me another stack tomorrow, in different colors." The boss looked at himself in the mirror, nodded very satisfied, and told the younger brother.

"Yes, boss." The younger brother responded graciously.

At this time, the door of the office was opened.

Wearing a professional dress and black-rimmed glasses, Ao Ming pushed open the door, walked in very coolly, and asked blankly, "Who is the target?"

"Wow, I didn't expect the most expensive killer in Jianghu to be a woman, and a beautiful woman."

Seeing Ao Ming come in, the boss of 14K burst into laughter, "I thought that beauties like to dress up and be beautiful, but I didn't expect that they also like to kill people."


Ao Ming took off the sunglasses with a blank face, saw the figure in the closet flicker with the corner of his eyes, and shot instantly.

"Bang, bang!"

After two gunshots.

Not to mention the younger brother in the closet was killed, the other three younger brothers were also restrained by Ao Ming.

"Papapa, good skill, really well-deserved reputation, it shows that I did not hire the wrong person."

Seeing Ao Ming subdue several of his subordinates in an instant, 14K sat in the hall not only not angry but happy, and clapped his hands to praise Ao Ming's skill.

"Give her money?"

Receiving the boss's signal, the younger brother immediately opened the well-prepared box, which was full of Hong Kong dollars and a photo.

"Get rid of him, the money is yours." 14K sat in the hall shrugged, pointed to the money in the box, and said.

"I have three things I don't want to kill, do you know?" Ao Ming put on his sunglasses and said coolly.

"I know, of course I know." 14K sitting in the hall laughed and said: "There are many women and children who are old and weak. The heroes in the world are not killed, and the people who wash their hands in the golden basin are not killed.

This person seems to have nothing to do with your three no-kills. Don’t you kill the police? "

"Of course the police will kill him, but this person is different. I seem to remember that the hidden money in the underworld is 3000 million, and you let me shoot for 200 million. Isn't it too little?"

Ao Ming's cool answer made 14K want to smash his own head with his hands. This is shooting himself in the foot. A list that can be settled with 200 million yuan has made him 3000 million yuan.

If I can pay 3000 million, then I can use it to hire a killer, and just return it to Luo Tuo and Jiang Tiansheng, and I still have 500 million left.

As for Lei Weidong's life and death, 14K's future, Xiangjiang will return in a few years, it is better to take this opportunity to retreat bravely and leave the problem to the next boss.

"The 3000 million was shouted out on the Internet, no one would offer this price, didn't the killer network that they did it disband too!" 14K sat in the hall and opened his eyes to tell nonsense, and began to make up stories.

"Although Lei Weidong has a distinguished status, 3000 million is too much, and no one will pay."

"Although 3000 million is too much and unrealistic, 1000 million is still necessary." Ao Ming walked a few steps in the room, left the 14K younger brother's siege calmly, and said:

"He is not just as simple as the chief superintendent of the police force, he is also the richest man in Xiangjiang. After killing him, there will be endless disasters. Even I will leave Xiangjiang to avoid the limelight, so 1000 million is necessary.

If it is too expensive, you can invite other people, I believe few people will take your order. "

"1000 million is too much, I can only pay a deposit first."

Regarding Ao Ming's lion's big mouth, the 14K boss can only bow his head and admit defeat. Although there are many killers in Xiangjiang, there are too few who can deal with Lei Weidong.

Ordinary killers can't even pass the level of their subordinates, let alone get close to Lei Weidong, that is, top killers like Ao Ming may still have a chance.

But 1000 million Hong Kong dollars, if you take it out at one time, even yourself will feel distressed, it is better to pay in installments.

"How much is the deposit?" Ao Ming also knew that it was unrealistic to get 1000 million at once, so he accepted the condition of the deposit.

"Thirty percent, that is 300 million."

"Thirty percent is too little, at least fifty percent, which is 500 million." Ao Ming shook his head, saying that 300 million is too little, and it's not worth it for him to make a move.

"Five million is too much, so let's just take a step back, how about 500 million."

"No, the minimum is 500 million, and you can ask someone else for a little less." Ao Ming, who was born in the second generation of killing, knows the thoughts of these bosses too well. The final payment is not given, and killing and silence is a normal operation.

Lei Weidong is the uncrowned king of Xiangjiang, and Ao Ming never thought about taking the final payment. She planned to go to the beautiful country to find her father after completing the list, and stay away from Xiangjiang, a place of right and wrong.

"Okay, I'll give you 500 million." 14K gritted his teeth and agreed to Ao Ming's terms.

He took out the check book and wrote down the figure of 300 million, tore it off and handed it to Ao Ming, and asked, "How long will it take to complete the order."

"It's three months sooner, half a year later." Accepting the check, Ao Ming said in a gentle tone.

"Three months or even half a year, why is it so slow?" Regarding the time given by Ao Ming, the 14K sitting in the hall is very strange, and this time is too long.

"Lei Weidong is the commander of Yau Tsim District and the richest man. He spends most of his time either at the police station or at his home. Do you think I can break into the police station and his home?"

Ao Ming retorted indifferently to the question of 14K sitting in the hall.

"No!" 14K sat in the hall and shook his head.

The Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station is known as the most capable police station in Hong Kong. Not to mention the more than 200 police officers in it, but Li Ying, Ma Jun, Zhou Xingxing, Fang Zheng and others from the Serious Crime Team and the Anti-Mafia Team are all people from the Jianghu. A frightened character.

It's normal for Ao Ming not to want to force his way in, it's an act of courting death.

As for Lei Weidong's home.

It is a dragon's pool and a tiger's den.

Not to mention the modern security equipment inside, just the hundreds of security personnel from the military make people lose their minds.

"Can't you make a move on the road?" 14K asked sitting in the hall.

"After the dark flower came out, Lei Weidong changed his car, which looked the same as before, but it was actually custom-made in the beautiful country, the same model as the president of the beautiful country.

The protective materials of the whole vehicle are all made of titanium steel alloy, with a dead weight of more than 7 tons.

The inner layer of the body is fused with 5-inch thick steel plates, and the surface layer is coated with anti-biochemical weapon attacks. The fuel tank is completely covered with flame-retardant foam. It is also equipped with a fire extinguishing system, an oxygen supply system, and anti-explosion tires, which can withstand attacks from grenades and even rocket launchers.

What's even more frightening is that Lei Weidong is not alone when he travels again. A convoy of five vehicles is equipped with shotguns, grenade launchers, AKs, and bazookas. Do you think I will run into trouble when I go back? "

"Why are you so clear?"

"After the dark flower came out, you thought I wouldn't investigate Lei Weidong. The killer depends not only on his skill, but also on his head. To assassinate Lei Weidong, you need to find the right time, and you can't shoot blindly."

Ao Ming said very proudly.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." 14K sat in the hall, nodded, and agreed to give Ao Ming six months.

 Thanks to the book friend 150507235515906 for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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