I am a policeman

Chapter 279 I want to keep a low profile, but my strength doesn't allow it

Chapter 279 I want to keep a low profile, but my strength doesn't allow it
"Let me meet your parents, yes, now or tomorrow?"

"Of course it is now. My parents have been wanting to see their son-in-law for a day or two. Bringing him over earlier will also make them feel at ease. But, as agreed, this time I am asking for your help and pretending to be my boyfriend. Don't worry about it." In other words, I like knives."

Knowing well that Lei Weidong is fickle and thick-skinned, A Zhen specially reminded him.

"Don't worry, without your permission, I will never step over the threshold, I can swear to God on this point." Lei Weidong raised his finger.

"Okay." Although he knew that what Lei Weidong said was a lie.

"A man's mouth, a deceitful ghost, is the same as a woman's age and weight, never accurate.

Ah Zhen still chooses to believe, she stretched out her hand, and said.

"Give me Big Brother."

"Here!" Lei Weidong took out the big brother and handed it to Ah Zhen.

"Mom, I'm A Zhen, are you free, come out and sit down."

"Come out and have a sit, Zhenzhen, what are you doing here because it's not a Chinese New Year holiday?"

"Mom, it's not that you said you wanted to meet my boyfriend. He just happened to be free today, so I brought him out to let you meet dad, so you don't have to rush me."

A-Zhen talked nonsense to her eldest brother, as if the knife was by her side.

"Your boyfriend, Ah Zhen, you finally figured it out. I'll tell your father right away, where do you think we'll meet?" Hearing that her daughter had a boyfriend, she had to bring it out for herself to check.

Ah Zhen's mother was very happy and immediately asked to meet at the teahouse.

"Don't be in a teahouse, mom, I'm tired of going to teahouses, let's find a better place, don't worry, my boyfriend is rich, well, there is a new coffee shop in Dongfang Building.

It is said that it is very high-end, and it is also suitable for talking about things. Let's sit and sit in the past. "Ah Zhen said to her elder brother.
"Give me a cup of coffee!" Seeing the waiter coming, Maijia raised a finger. As for him, he looked at the partridge beside him, "Just bring him a cup of ice water."

"Why do you want coffee, I want ice water, I want coffee, two cups of coffee." Partridge on the side hurriedly added.

"I'm a detective and an inspector, and you're just a police officer. You've just graduated. Of course, there must be a distinction. The consumption here is very expensive." Mecca shrugged, saying that she was just bullying him.

"I can afford it no matter how expensive it is, isn't it just coffee."

Mecca's words made Partridge very speechless, and the official was overwhelmed, so he just nodded, "Boss, we have been waiting here for so many days, and there is no movement at all, are you kidding us?"

"How could it be possible to play tricks, the information was provided by my buddy Black Cat, besides, murderers don't write murderers on their faces, let alone washing powder, don't worry, there will always be something to gain.

But I heard that Yuan Haoyun from the West District is also watching this case. We must hurry up and not lose face to our Central District. "

"But, we can gain something by waiting here, why not change to another place?" Partridge asked in a low voice.

"Of course there will be gains. Didn't Brother Di say that a batch of goods were dropped by someone a short time ago, and the seller has been killed. Among them, the most suspicious one is the poisonous snake Bing, because he handled the goods."

Maijia lowered his head, took a sip of coffee, and said, "Being a policeman is different from being a thief. A thief can be reckless, but you can just have doubts. But the police must have evidence. Only with evidence can we arrest people."

"If you want evidence, just stare at the poisonous snake Bing. Why are you staying here? Is it trading here? This is a downtown area." Partridge's mind was a little confused.

"If you invite me for tomorrow's supper today, I'll tell you and teach you a few more tricks. These are all I learned in the beautiful country and carried forward in Xiangjiang, which are not in the textbook."

"Boss, if you can teach me, let alone a week's supper in two days, it's fine." Partridge said proudly, patting his chest.

"It's very simple." Mecca tapped the table lightly with his finger, and said, "The biggest suspect now is Viper Bing, and if Viper Bing dropped the washing powder, do you think he will bulk the goods himself?"

"Of course not. Now that the rumors are so tight, both the police and the underworld are staring at him. What's the difference between going out and committing suicide." Partridge shook his head.

After several months of training at the police academy, Partridge's case-handling skills have improved a lot, and she is no longer the little gangster who didn't know anything before.

"So if it doesn't work for us to stare at the poisonous snake, it will only be a waste of effort." Mecca shrugged and said with a smile.

"Understood, I understand." Partridge nodded, knowing that it is easy to be a policeman, but it is not easy to be a policeman who can solve crimes. There are many things that are not taught in textbooks, and you need to understand them yourself.

If you understand the words, you are a detective. If you don't understand, you can only follow behind the detective and be a younger brother.

"Not only is it useless to stare at the poisonous snake Bing, but it is also useless to stare at his subordinates.

This is not like the police arresting drug dealers. After being caught, they will be jailed for a few years at most.

Drug dealers are not as fastidious as the police. If they are caught by the boss, death is the lightest punishment.

Not to mention being caught, even if he is not caught, he may be betrayed. For the poisonous snake Bing Bulk, he can only choose the person he trusts the most. Mecca leaned back on the comfortable sofa, looked at the beauties around her, and said leisurely.

"The person you trust, who is the person that the poisonous snake Bing trusts?" Partridge asked.

"Who else could be, of course it's his own sister." Mecca pointed to the upstairs, and said with a smile, "According to information, Viper Bing's younger sister works in a nearby gym.

If her brother asked her to bulk cargo and still choose a high-end location, would she choose this place? "

"Very likely." Partridge nodded, but his eyes were attracted by the handsome men and women who came in.

"What's the matter, eyes are worth it, is there a stunning beauty?" Mecca turned around and saw Lei Weidong and the beauty appearing in the store.

"Two, what do you want?"

"Two cups of coffee."

"Two more cakes, do you want tea? If you have, a pot of tea, and four more teacups."

"Yes, we have everything here. Sir, do you want Longjing tea or Dahongpao tea or Jasmine tea?"

"Longjing is fine."

Sitting down in a corner of the coffee shop and dismissing the waiter, Ah Zhen immediately reminded,

"Remember my words, I just want you to meet my parents. You can't have any extravagant thoughts, and you can't fool my parents. I will return the money you bought for gifts."

"Understood, I will tell the truth later, and keep it true." Lei Weidong took the cake brought by the waiter, and started to eat it.

Unlike Ah Zhen, Lei Weidong only drank a few sips of water from the time he got off the subway with Longwu to sending Gao to the hospital. Let's talk about the stomach.

"Just make it up, your resume is amazing, let's go down a bit, don't say that you are the chief superintendent.",,

"Don't worry, I'm not that stupid." Lei Weidong stuffed the cake on the plate into his mouth and responded.

"Why did Sir Lei come here?" Worried about being discovered by Lei Weidong, Partridge lowered his head and asked in a low voice.

"It has nothing to do with us. If there is a deal in a while, we just need to keep up. Don't let Lei Weidong find out, otherwise the Yau Tsim District will be robbed of the credit."

Mecca lowered her voice and responded.

"Understood!" Partridge nodded.

"Ah Zhen, you came so fast." A middle-aged couple entered the store, saw Lei Weidong and A Zhen in the corner, and walked over immediately.

"Dad, Mom?" Seeing their parents coming, Ah Zhen and Lei Weidong stood up to greet them.

"This is the small knife. It looks really handsome. A Zhen, you have eyes." Looking at Lei Weidong, the middle-aged woman said to her husband very satisfied.

Putting his arm on his husband, he asked, "Old man, am I right?"

"Yes!" Ah Zhen's father seemed to be indifferent, and nodded in agreement with his wife's question.

"Dad, Mom, you misunderstood, this is not Xiaodao, he is Lei Weidong, you can call him Weidong or Adong, I broke up with Xiaodao, Adong, this is my father and my mother."

"Uncle, aunt, hello, this is a gift for you." Lei Weidong bowed to say hello, and handed over the prepared gift by the way.

"It's the first time we meet, what kind of gift should I buy? It's very expensive." Looking at the label on the gift, it cost tens of thousands, which made Ah Zhen's mother very satisfied.

Buying such an expensive gift shows that this young man named Lei Weidong values ​​himself.

"Uncle, aunt, please drink tea." Seeing that the teacups of the two were still empty, Lei Weidong took the teapot and filled them up.

"Ah Zhen, it's fine to meet at the tea house, why come to such an expensive place." A' Zhen's parents are very satisfied with Lei Weidong's courtesy, but they are a little dissatisfied with the meeting place, it is too high-end, how about The tea house makes the two feel at ease.

"Mom, Brother Dong, if you have money, you don't have to worry." A-Zhen smiled and comforted her mother's worries.

"A Dong, what do you do for work? Judging by your gentle appearance, are you a college student?" A Zhen's father asked.

Unlike the mother-in-law who cares about the son-in-law's appearance, the father-in-law usually cares about the son-in-law's work. As long as the job is good, it doesn't matter if he is ugly. If he is ugly, he can rest assured that he will not mess around outside.

"After I graduated from university, I studied for a part-time master's degree." Lei Weidong replied, "Now I work at the police station, Yau Tsim District Police Station."

"At the police station, then you are a policeman, but since you are a college student, you must not be an ordinary policeman." Ah Zhen's mother was very satisfied when she heard about Lei Weidong's education background, which is much more reliable than that gangster up.

"Auntie, you are right, because I am a college student and I was an inspector when I joined the police force. Now I have been promoted several levels and become the chief inspector."

"Chief Inspector, if you become Chief Inspector at your age, that doesn't mean you will be able to sit there in the future."

Because of Ah Zhen, the two old people have dealt with the police force for more than ten years, and they know what the Chief Inspector means to young people in their 20s.

Even the picky father-in-law has nothing to say about Lei Weidong's work, this is already the limit of what a young man can do.

"Weidong, why didn't you let your parents come out, let's meet and talk about your marriage." A Zhen's mother, who was very satisfied with Lei Weidong, began to inquire about his family.

"Both my parents have passed away. I am an orphan now. I can eat enough for one person and the whole family will not be hungry." Lei Weidong said.

"Your parents are gone, so how did you get to be the chief inspector? If you go to the police force, you also pay attention to your qualifications and connections."

When Lei Weidong said that his parents were not there, the two old people did not believe it, because Lei Weidong was too young, he looked only 23 or [-] years old, and only three or four years after he graduated from college.

In such a short period of time, even with a degree, it is impossible to achieve the position of chief inspector without a background. "

"I was lucky. I was favored by my superiors. In addition, I came back from studying in Eagle Country. It is normal for me to be promoted soon. Of course, it has something to do with my meritorious service."

Lei Weidong has tried his best to weaken his resume.

Changing from a master's degree to a bachelor's degree, from chief superintendent to chief inspector, but this still shocked the two old people, thinking that they got the chief inspector because of their parents' relationship.

"Weidong, where do you live now? Is it the police dormitory or your own house? Have you prepared a wedding room?" For the son-in-law, the mother-in-law not only requires a job, but also a house.

Especially in Xiangjiang, housing prices are frighteningly high.

Even after a big drop, it is not something ordinary people can afford. Having their own house can be said to be the dream of many young people, and they will strive for it all their lives.

"I have a lot of houses, some left by my parents, and some invested by myself. Now I mainly live in Qingshuiwan, where I have my own villa."

In order not to scare the elders, Lei Weidong did not say that he has a manor in Qingshuiwan, but only mentioned that he has a villa in Qingshuiwan, which has dropped a lot.

But even so, Ah Zhen's parents were stunned.

Houses in Repulse Bay, not to mention villas, are ordinary mansions, the ones with more than 100 square meters cost tens of millions, and villas cost at least millions, and even tens of millions are possible.

Lei Weidong said that it was bought by investment, but the two elders didn't believe it. It's okay to make hundreds of thousands of investments, but it's okay to make millions and tens of millions. Unless you have enough capital, the difficulty is no less than winning the lottery.

It can only be left to him by Lei Weidong's parents.

Reminiscent of Lei Weidong's position as chief inspector at a young age, his father's position in the police force must be better, and he may even be the chief superintendent or director.

In the past few years, the police force was very corrupt. Since there are [-] million detectives, Lei Le, it must be trivial for other detectives to embezzle millions and tens of millions. This should be enough for Lei Weidong, otherwise he would not have the money to buy a villa. .


The mother pulled her daughter aside and whispered, "Don't deceive me if you are honest, have you and Weidong deceived me, he is not a policeman, and he doesn't have a house in Repulse Bay.

You lied to us to make us agree to your marriage. "

"Mom, what are you talking about, how could I lie to you, how could this kind of thing be cheated, it will be clear after investigation."

Ah Zhen replied in a low voice, "Actually, Brother Dong's net worth is far more exaggerated than what he said, but there is something wrong with it, he is too carefree. I don't know how many times I will be filmed in the past, and it is very likely that Xiaoba and Xiaojiu will not be ranked. "

"If he has a villa in Repulse Bay, it is indeed impossible for you to be the only woman. Marrying into a wealthy family is every woman's dream." Zhen's mother was not angry about her daughter's words, but sighed helplessly.

In Xiangjiang, because of the practice of polygamy, many women, not to mention marrying wealthy families as concubines, are happy to be mistresses and mistresses without a title.

"The key is Zhenzhen, do you like him? If you like him, neither your father nor I will object. If you don't like him, forget it. In the eyes of your mother, you are the most important. As long as you like him, even if you marry that knife Baby, mom won't object either."

Ah Zhen's mother said, "It's my mother who is sorry for you and didn't raise you up."

"No need, mom, don't worry, I know how to choose." Seeing her mother bursting into tears, Ah Zhen hugged her mother, expressing that she would definitely give her happiness.

"What's going on, we talked well, why are you crying?" Partridge leaned against Mecca with his arms and whispered.

"How do I know, it has nothing to do with us, look, here comes a girl with big breasts."


"At the door, be careful, it looks like the Viper Bing's sister, Mary Donna."

"It's her, Boss, what do you think she eats? She's so big that she can help disaster victims in Africa." Glancing at Maridonna who walked in from the door, Partridge couldn't help but whistle.

"How do I know? If I knew, I would have let your sister-in-law eat it long ago. If I made it bigger, no one would call her a man-in-law."

Mecca sighed.

"I call my sister-in-law a man-in-law because she has a stubborn personality, and she is more masculine in her work than a man. In terms of figure, my sister-in-law is still good, not worse than the stars on the screen."

"That's right, otherwise I wouldn't have married her, fat man, it's settled, a friend's wife can't be bullied, you can't hit your sister-in-law's idea." Mecca originally wanted to show off his wife's figure.

But thinking that his wife and Partridge are classmates who came out of the same orphanage, he immediately glared at him, telling him not to cross the line.

"Don't worry, my sister-in-law and I are friends, and she's not my type, but I like her." Partridge turned to look at Maridonna, her saliva almost drooling.

"If you like it, just ask." Mecca arched her lips.

"It's not good to go up like this. It's troublesome to be called a pervert and molested, but this is a high-end place." Partridge shook his head.

"Don't you know how to juggle, just do a trick, take out the routine you used to coax the policewoman at the police station, and get her done."

"Wait, Boss, it's Prince De, he's here anyway." Just as Mecca encouraged Partridge to interrogate Maridonna, a group of people stopped at the entrance of the coffee shop.

A long-haired beauty walked into the coffee shop with her waist twisted, and walked straight to the bathroom.

"Boss, that's Prince De's girlfriend, she went to the bathroom, and Maridonna also moved, and she also went to the bathroom." Partridge said nervously.

"Damn it, they're going to trade in the bathroom to see if we can't get into the women's bathroom." Looking at the backs of the two women, Mecca couldn't help cursing.

"What to do, if everyone can't get everything."

"Follow up, isn't it just the bathroom? Grandpa, I'm sure I'll make it today." Mecca cursed, pulling Partridge to follow.

(There is an epidemic today, all staff are doing nucleic acid, first update [-] words)
(End of this chapter)

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