East Ying Weird Creation

Chapter 223 Terrorist Train

Chapter 223 Terrorist Train
The moment her arm was stretched out, Yeying felt that the rules of the figure had locked herself in as she expected.

She quickly materialized a black shadow, cut off her own arm, and then controlled a group of black shadows to emerge from the broken arm that had fallen.

The black shadow controlled the arm, and firmly grasped the figure of the living person, and then grasped the book that told the ups and downs of the first half of the life of the character named Soli from the first perspective.

Under Yeying's control, the black shadow moved, and with its arms lifted, it quickly floated out of the figure house with the doll and books in its arms.

Yeying himself has fallen into the storm of manual rules——

The moment her arm left the shadow, the power of rules and regulations cruising in the room locked her firmly, broke her shadow state, and made her reappear in front of the last row of display racks as a person with a broken arm .

Those rules seemed nothing to the naked eye, but Yeying could clearly feel them—one by one, they got out of the dolls on the display rack, condensed into the shape of pythons, and scrambled towards Yeying with teeth and claws. rushed over.

Before being swallowed by the rules, Yeying's world suddenly slowed down.

In an instant, her mind flashed back many images... She remembered that when she saw the answer for the first time, the mask on his face still had facial features, and still maintained a trace of human fireworks.

Thinking of myself getting into the detective office of Answer in the middle of the night, stepping on high heels and wearing a miniskirt, pressing on Answer, encouraging the detective who has always remained calm to cooperate with the East Police Department.

Thinking of her horror when she became a man on the edge of the small town of Grass Mountain, thinking of the helplessness of fate and the indignation of black humor when she witnessed the answer turning into a woman outside the dark building.

She remembered that both the answer and the survivor had saved her life, but suddenly she couldn't remember that the survivor had also saved the answer's life, and she couldn't remember the weather and scene when they saved her.

Before a boa constrictor stood out from all the competitors and devoured her, she remembered the last words the frogman said to him before entering the house——

"The investigators in Dongdu are all lunatics!"

At that time, the black shadow that left her body finally swam to the door of Luyou Lihui's house under her unremitting will.

At the moment when Ye Ying was about to be swallowed by the python of rules, the severed hand threw the doll and the book aside, and magically pulled out a paper airplane from the shadow of the severed arm—this is exactly what happened. In front of the house, the one thrown to her by the faceless director.

The paper airplane flew out of the house, and the black shadow disappeared the moment Ye Ying was swallowed, and his broken arm fell into a pool of blood on the ground.

The death row prisoner who had been waiting for a long time outside Luyou Lihui's house opened the paper airplane sent out with a severed arm, and told the frogman and the five-member team of Dongdu investigators with absolute certainty:

"This is a letter, in a woman's handwriting, very delicate!"

They asked the condemned prisoner to read the content of the letter, but there were only a few sentences——

【The figurine of the living person and a very important book, I brought them out from the room where I left the figurine. The truth is in the book...someone has to get it.

Figures that have already eaten people will not eat people again.

I owe a frogman two favors.

Never tell the truth about the answer.

Never go into a figure house, just like never try to save me - I'm in an alternate universe where humans triumph over the grotesque.

Farewell, madmen]


After the condemned prisoner read the letter alive, the investigators of Dongdu carefully checked the writing on it and confirmed that they were indeed written by Ye Ying.

A beautiful female investigator who used to be code-named [Ying] and is now code-named [Widow], who had killed seven husbands, volunteered to infiltrate a building of a green friend Li Hui, and picked up the dolls and things that Ye Ying said at the door. Books, and following Ye Ying's instructions, put away the curiosity to continue exploring the depths of the house, and quickly evacuated.

The investigators of Dongdu put the handles and books on the ground and circled them, read them over and over again, but couldn’t figure out one thing——

If Yeying is locked by the rules of hand-made dolls, she should be like a living person, her soul is sucked away, and her body can still come out.Where did her body go?Is it really as she said in the letter?
The investigators of the Eastern Capital made a detailed plan layer by layer for tonight's action, fully considering the next move that Ye Ying should take after his soul was sucked away, but now he has lost direction.

They posed the question to Fox on the phone.

The fox quickly made a decision——

"Bring back the living first."

After putting Soli's figures and books into the black sealed box, the soul and the other three investigators boarded the helicopter back to the Eastern Capital, while the widow stayed behind, waiting for new instructions.


Looking at the helicopter whose shadow was fading in the night sky, the frogman couldn't help asking the widow, "Beauty, they just left like this? What about Ye Ying?"

"Are you a frogman?"


"Do you need anything?"


"If so, let us know as soon as possible."

In the distant night sky, the helicopter completely faded away, and the dark clouds dissipated at some point, leaving only the twinkling night stars.


After being hijacked and boarded the helicopter driven by Yosuke Kita, the director looked at the members of the Weird Alliance who were crowded in the cabin, and was still a little confused about the situation, "Where are you guys going..."

Before the words were finished, the helicopter had already taken off from the top floor of Naya's office and headed towards the star-studded night sky.

"It's taking off!"

Looking at the shadows whizzing by, an investigator assistant who just came over from shift and was in charge of monitoring Naya's office hastily picked up the walkie-talkie, "It's not long after midnight, isn't today's letter sent too early? Tell me Ladies and gentlemen."

"You can't make people feel better!"

The investigators in Lidu wailed and acted separately. Dongluo and Mai stayed in the southern suburbs of Oda District and continued to observe. Another group of frogmen, saury, and crow formed a three-person team and dispatched a helicopter to follow the steps of the weird alliance.

The Union helicopter eventually landed on the square in front of the Ledo train station.

The grotesques carried long guns and short cannons, took the clipboard, held the director hostage, and rushed into the lobby of the train station. At that time, there was no one in the hall—the Lidu grotesque investigation department had sealed off and controlled the place in advance.

Yangsuke pointed to not far away, wearing the same style of clothes as a figure he designed, and obviously well-dressed, Miyou Lihui was sitting on the chair in the middle waiting for the train to leave.From time to time, she took out the mirror to touch up her makeup.

Nobuhiko Kumata picked up the camera and pointed it at Rie Green.

The director who had just reacted was pushed on a folding chair by Eijiro Kita. Naya stuffed a stack of A4 papers in his hand, and opened it to see that it was a brief script adapted from the story told by Mamoru Yoshida tonight. .

"God," the director muttered, "This plot is too rough..."

Zaie put on a peaked cap for the director, Yasui Haruka put on the yellow vest for filming on him, and Fujino brought a cup of hot coffee.

"All right……"

"Attention all departments,"

Yosuke Kita took out a slate and placed it in front of Nobuhiko Kumada's camera, "action!"


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(End of this chapter)

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