East Ying Weird Creation

Chapter 104 Refusal to share a lease

Chapter 104 Refusal to share a lease
Shared lease?

and Son?
Gu Xing looked at the text message and frowned.

【Why are you staring blankly】

Xiaodong got excited first:

[Quickly agree]

[You said you are really, this kind of thing should be brought up by men first]

[By the way, the girl Shengzi is really interesting, a little bit of my energy back then]

"You were back then?"

[Do you agree or not? 】

[No promise, not a man]

[No, I look down on you, Gu Xing]


Shared renting is not possible.

Gu Xing doesn't live alone, grandma, Fujino, Eijiro and his son, Zao Hui, and the whole family, there are six people in total...five weirdos.

Although the Holy Son can't see it, if she rents together, these grotesques are dangling in front of her eyes, which will be affected to some extent, and she should feel panicked in the dark.

Moreover, Gu Xing has no interest in that aspect of the Holy Son at all, so why cause the other party to misunderstand.

[Are you afraid of exposing yourself? 】

[Don't worry, the two of you are renting together and not living together, you will definitely have your own room, and your basic right to privacy is still guaranteed.As long as you are a little more careful, there will be no problem at all]

【Besides, in case something happens, I'll make up for you】

[And what if it is exposed?Wouldn't it be nicer and happier to create and describe grotesques with girlfriends? 】

What kind of black hole brain supplement ability is this...

[Don't care about these details!Anyway, with the character of the Holy Son, she will never be intimidated just because you are a grotesque describer, nor will she think you are a monster. She can be regarded as your number one fan.Haha, maybe it will be super interesting instead]

[Think about it carefully—in the spacious and bright apartment, the Holy Son is in your arms...]

[Or, she hugged you from behind, her chest pressed against your back, it was very warm and soft]

"Stop it, you..." The matter of Xiaodong, even if it is really exposed, Gu Xing will not be wiped out immediately, and no one will know about it.

[Wait, let me finish—the two of you discuss together what kind of weirdness should be triggered next]

[Or, discuss the grotesque details to be described this time, how to make the image taste good, tall, short, beautiful or ugly, what kind of clothes to wear, what kind of easter eggs to make.By the way, you haven’t made Easter eggs for a long time]

[You can also discuss weird rules together. Doesn’t the Holy Son also like to punish evil and promote justice?The two of you share the same ambitions, you can definitely talk together]

[Think about it again, in the future, the two of you describe and discuss the weird rules together, does it feel like having a baby together?Watching grotesques exercise the rules in the city, gradually complete the rules, and improve the level, does it feel like watching a child grow up gradually? 】

[There is no such a game in the whole world where sweet couples develop grotesque models together, it’s just that]


[After the discussion, you can still embrace each other, or you can hold the Holy Son in your arms, and watch the live broadcast of the grotesque execution of the rules together, just like watching a movie or TV series]

[Wow, it's really sweet]

Xiaodong was still thinking wildly.

Gu Xing simply ignored her.

"Boom boom boom——"

Before Gu Xing replied, the Holy Son knocked on the door, "Gu Xingjun, are you home?"

good guy...

Gu Xing opened the door, and Shengzi asked directly: "Gu Xingjun, did you see my text message?"

"Well, I'm watching..."

"I thought about it." Shengzi scratched his head. "There are some things that can't be clearly stated in the text message, and the hand speed is not fast enough. It is more direct and fun to say in person."


"This request may be a bit abrupt," Shengzi said, "But after thinking about it for a day today, I really think there is no better way than sharing the rent with Gu Xingjun."

"please say."

"The benefits are simply too many,"

Shengzi counted with his fingers, "First, you can save a lot of money, and you can rent a spacious apartment, or build a house.

To be honest, I am not rich in savings now.With my own financial strength, it will be very difficult to live in a house with slightly better conditions.

Gu Xingjun, you should be the same, otherwise you wouldn't have lived in the basement for such a long time...

Second, two people eating together can save a lot of money... If you eat alone, you don't know what to eat, and you don't bother to cook.It always ends up eating takeaway, which feels unhealthy at all.

Third, when you are alone and bored, you can chat with each other to relieve fatigue, so it won't be boring.

Fourth, if you commute to get off work, you can start together without being bored.

Fifth, the most important thing is - we are partners, a pair of shining new stars in the criminal investigation circle of Licheng City in the future. If we don't rent together, we can improve our mutual understanding, know the basics, and improve the tacit understanding. How can we make it through? "

[Wow, girls have talked to this point, are you still indifferent... Gu Xing, you are so weak]

"What are you thinking, Gu Xingjun?"

The Son said, "Are you worried that it will be inconvenient for the two of us to rent together? Could it be because you are worried that the impact will not be great?"

As for the impact... It seems really unnecessary to worry about this.

The degree of openness in the relationship between men and women in this country is beyond the imagination of people who have never been to this country.

After coming to this world, Gu Xing has watched many TV dramas, movies, and reality TV shows shared by men and women in his notebook, and there are even more exaggerated ones. There are reality shows that have done everything.

Even if they are not couples, co-renting between ordinary men and women is quite normal in this book, and it is not necessary to criticize it when it comes up.

"Is it because Gu Xingjun has a girlfriend, and I'm afraid she will misunderstand? If Gu Xingjun has a girlfriend, just pretend that I haven't mentioned it."

Gu Xing shook his head.

"So you have a sweetheart? I'm afraid she might misunderstand."

"Well...not at all."

"That's fine, what are you still worried about? I'm not afraid of a girl,"

The Holy Son looked at Gu Xing, "Are you still afraid that I will eat you?"

This girl is simply a kendo girl, holding a wooden sword at the moment, slapping and attacking Gu Xingyi's dazzled face.

"So, do you think of me as a friend?"


"Yes, I also treat you as a friend. Is it normal for friends to rent together?"

Shengzi said: "How about we try renting together for a while first? If one day, you have a girlfriend or someone you like, and you think I'm a bit like a light bulb, how about I move out immediately?"

In the end, Gu Xing unceremoniously rejected Shengzi's request on the grounds that he was not used to sharing rent with others.

The Son didn't care.

The concept in her mind is - as long as she puts forward the proposal of sharing the rent, then try her best to do it.Therefore, he no longer consulted Gu Xing, and started to choose a house on his own initiative.

Back in his own room, Shengzi plunged into the quilt and covered his face.

She really didn't know how she mustered up the courage to knock on the door of Gu Xing's room... Covering her head with the quilt for a long time, it felt like a long time before her feverish face receded a little.

He took the quilt away, thought for a while, quickly picked up his mobile phone, and searched for listing information on the Internet——

She needs a cloakroom.

Furniture and the like can be moved there, but there is no need to think too much about it.

Hot water is better, otherwise how can I take a shower... Take a shower...

Shengzi was lying on the bed flipping through the catalog of listing information, his two white and clean feet dangling back and forth.I don't know if Gu Xingjun likes to take a shower or take a bath...Anyway, she wants to take a bath.

There are too many inconvenient places in the basement. The key point is that it is very inconvenient to take a shower, and you have to go to the public bathroom.

It is really convenient to move to an apartment, and the quality of life has been greatly improved... Thinking of this, Shengzi's eyes are full of light, and his life is close to Dzogchen.

Go back and get a projector, prepare some red wine and chocolates, and watch horror movies on the sofa with Gu Xingjun on weekend nights. As soon as the sound effects of any horrible scene come out, you will slam into Gu Xingjun's arms.

Do you want to search which movie is scarier first?Horror Cruise, The Conjuring, The Shining, The Grudge, The Ring at Midnight, Dead Silence, just download them all and watch one every week...

After sending off the Son, Gu Xing picked up "Kita Eijiro's Bizarre Taxi Stories Collection" again.

[Gu Xingjun, you can refuse such a request from a girl, I respect you for being a man]

[However, it’s bittersweet before it’s sweet, I really feel like I’m chasing a love drama, I beg you two, don’t stop]

[From now on, I will be the number one CP fan of you and Shengzi, locked up]

Gu Xing was too lazy to talk to her.

Turning to the last page of the book, I read——

[Kawamoto Renpachi had a bad feeling since early in the morning, so he called the police...]

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(End of this chapter)

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