
Chapter 556 Governor Li and bandits are not allowed to enter the city

Chapter 556 Governor Li and bandits are not allowed to enter the city
Just when Xiangyang City was attacked and captured by Zhang Xianzhong's Xiying bandit army, and King Xiang was killed and brought into trouble, the city of Kaifeng burst into cheers, as if celebrating the New Year early.

The five city gates on the four sides of Kaifeng Fucheng were also opened, and they were no longer completely sealed and blocked. However, for fear of bandit soldiers leaving and returning, now only the west gate is kept open, and the other four gates can only be opened with the official documents of the patrolling yamen.

The Xuanzhen army under Zhang Cheng's command has moved to the west gate, and he has occupied the camp of the Chuangjun here. Among the spoils captured this time, except for some relatively complete armors obtained by Chen Yongfu, the rest belong to Zhang Cheng Owned by one person.

Especially Zhang Cheng didn't give up any of the trespasser's war horses he had captured.

The prisoners captured by Zhang Cheng and the hungry people rescued were also guarded in the new camp outside the west city. The city kept transporting grains and grains to the camps to relieve the hungry people.

Chen Jiugao, the commander-in-chief of the Beijing battalion, has also arrived at the city and led the Beijing battalion to station outside the north gate, while the south gate is stationed by more than a thousand infantry from Zhang Cheng's command and Chen Dakuan's troops and Chen Yongfu's cavalry. Gao Qian and Zhang Dechang's cavalry.

This battle made him fully realize the role of the cavalry. With more than 3000 cavalry, the intruder could cover the successful retreat of the large infantry, but he could only stare blankly. There was no other way.

Even if the fine cavalry was dispatched to make a surprise attack at the end, Xie Junyou's 650 seven cavalry were killed, and hundreds of armored weapons and more than [-] horses were seized, but they were unable to break through Liu Zongmin's cavalry, and could not continue to boldly pursue the bandit army.

He himself once thought that if he could have three or four thousand elite cavalry, he could cooperate with the infantry to encircle and chase the invading army, at least he could defeat most of the infantry, and then chase them all the way. , so that they cannot be reunited, why worry that the bandits will not be destroyed!
Zhang Cheng has already made up his mind. After the bandits are suppressed this time, he will vigorously develop the cavalry when he returns to Xuan Town. Except for the elite cavalry who still have to ride with one person and two, the rest are all single-handed and single-handed. First, expand the cavalry force , increase mobility.

He even thought that if there were really no good cavalry seedlings, then equip the elite infantry with riding mules so that they could become mounted infantry and greatly improve their mobile combat capabilities.


Henan governor Li Xianfeng returned to Kaifeng under the guard of guerrilla Zhang Dechang, but he was unable to enter the city, and stayed in the camp of guerrilla general Zhang Dechang outside the east gate of Kaifeng for three consecutive days.

After he returned to Kaifeng, he originally wanted to enter the city through the west gate, but for some reason, when he saw him outside the city gate, the west gate was suddenly closed. open the door.

Not only did he not give him Kaifeng, but he even directly told him that Governor Gao has an order: Governor Li and bandits are not allowed to enter Kaifeng City!

This sentence directly made Li Xianfeng jump up and curse, but there was nothing he could do. He thought it was just Gao Mingheng, the inspector who was in charge of defending Ximen, who had always been at odds with him, so it was difficult for him.

But Li Xianfeng realized the seriousness of the matter after he had the same rejection outside the north gate, east gate, and south gate. By the time he reached the south gate, it was already dark. There was no reply.

As a last resort, he had to follow the guerrilla Zhang Dechang to rest in the barracks outside the east gate. When he said outside the east gate early the next morning that he would enter the city to greet His Royal Highness King Zhou, he was told that everything was fine and that he was not needed. Go to hello.

Li Xianfeng had no choice but to stay outside the east gate of Kaifeng for another day, and then led Zhang Dechang's troops south to Tongxu, declaring that he was going to pursue the intruders.

What he didn't know was that when he said outside the east gate that he would enter the city to pay his respects to His Royal Highness King Zhou, ten fast horses were rushing out of Kaifeng's north gate. Chen Yongfu and the Kaifeng officials who guarded the city made memorials for meritorious service, as well as an official document jointly signed by Henan inspector Gao Mingheng and other officials to report victory, as well as Gao Mingheng's memorial to impeach governor Li Xianfeng.

When Li Xianfeng led the guerrilla Zhang Dechang to pull out his battalion and go south, Zhang Chengzheng, Chen Jiugao, Chen Yongfu and other two general soldiers, as well as the officers under the command of the general soldiers, entered the city to accept the banquet and rewards from the King of Zhou together with the officials in the city who participated in the defense of the city.


According to the ancestral system of the Ming Dynasty, vassal kings were not allowed to control the army, participate in government affairs, or even make friends with local civil and military officials. In addition, they were also subject to surveillance by local officials. But this rule is still regarded as an iron law and is strictly enforced.

For example, Zhu Yujian, king of Tang Dynasty in Ming Dynasty, at the beginning of July in the ninth year of Chongzhen, in order to avenge his father, he beat and killed his uncle Fushan Wang Zhu Qisong with a staff, and beat Anyang Wang Zhu Qisun until he was disabled.

But in August of that year, the Tartars entered Serenke Baodi and approached Beijing, and the capital was under martial law.He took the initiative to go to Shu and asked King Qin, but Emperor Chongzhen refused. Zhu Yujian actually disregarded the national rule that "vassal kings do not command soldiers", recruited soldiers privately, and led more than a thousand guards to go to King Qin from Nanyang to the north.

Traveling to Yuzhou, the governor Yang Shengwu played the court, and Emperor Chongzhen ordered him to return. Although Zhu Yujian did not meet the Qing army, he fought against the bandits several times on the way.

According to the regulations of the Ming Dynasty, the vassal king can enjoy himself in the palace as much as he wants, but he can't leave the vassal territory with troops and generals. Even if Zhu Yujian's motives are pure and he works hard to protect the king, he still can't do it.

Emperor Chongzhen was furious and decreed in November Dongdong that Zhu Yujian should be abolished from a prince to a commoner, and sent Jin Yiwei to take the abolished Tang king to the imperial prison in Fengyang and imprison him. His younger brother Zhu Yukai was the new king of Tang.

Zhu Yujian was imprisoned by a high wall in Fengyang for seven years. During this period, Shi Yingzhao, the eunuch who guarded the mausoleum in Fengyang, could not ask for bribes, and tortured him with the pier lock method until he almost died.

In the original history, it was not until the 17th year of Chongzhen that King Chuang captured the capital, Emperor Chongzhen hanged himself in Meishan, and King Fu Zhu Yousong ascended the throne in Nanjing. After the reign was changed to Hongguang, Zhu Yujian was released and given the title of Nanyang. king.

However, now that Daming has Zhang Cheng, it is hard to say whether there will be Nanming again, and the Hongguang reign of the blessed king Zhu Yousong. Release it and see the light of day again!

Now, Zhou Wang Zhu Gongzun is a prince of the Ming Dynasty. After all, he has a high status and can speak in front of the current emperor. What's more, Kaifeng City is his fiefdom, and the officials in the city can only monitor some small vassals. They still dare not deal with King Zhou.

If the king of Zhou had only invited Zhang Cheng to a private meeting, it might be considered a violation of the rules, but today it is indeed a banquet to help the generals and city guards, so no one will gossip.

(End of this chapter)

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