
Chapter 379 Is the Roasted Leg of Lamb Delicious?

Chapter 379 Is the Roasted Leg of Lamb Delicious?
On October 29, officials from the Kaiping Guard Division gathered in the official hall of Dushikou General Administration.

Zhang Cheng looked at the people in the hall. Those who were still following him at this time were basically trustworthy. Perhaps these people were the foundation for his future ambitions.

However, in Zhang Cheng's heart, he always felt as if something was missing?
He slowly opened his mouth and said: "Dongyue will enter in a blink of an eye, and it has been more than half a year since my commander left Zhenbei Road. Thanks to the support of all of you present, this is a good start.

Now that the affairs of Shangbei Road are gradually getting on the right track, my focus will be more on Xiabei Road, and I may be stationed in Chicheng Castle in the near future. I will leave Dushi to everyone. "

Jin Xinpeng, Yan Qingrong, Liu Zhi, Cao Jinwang and others all have their own instincts.

Now the Kaiping Weisi is basically dominated by Jin Xinpeng and Yan Qingrong. One of them is in charge of personnel and financial management, the other is in charge of farm production, Liu Zhi is in charge of criminal supervision and generals, and Cao Jinwang is in charge of books and children's education.

They have been cooperating according to this division of labor for nearly three months, and they have cooperated with each other tacitly. Although they have their own division of labor, they are generally led by Jin Xinpeng and Yan Qingrong. It must be reported to Zhang Cheng for handling.

Today, there are two infantry battalions, Dushi and Chicheng, as well as cavalry battalions and cart battalions on the North Road. The nearly ten thousand army is completely controlled by Zhang Cheng, so who would dare to overturn the sky on the North Road?
As long as the army is in his own hands, and the money and food are taken care of, Zhang Cheng doesn't bother to take care of the rest of the trivial matters. What's more, after observing these days, Jin Xinpeng, Yan Qingrong and others are still very capable.

Zhang Cheng came back this time to explain everything again, and his eyes began to shift to the East Road, to the Xuanfu!
At this time, Jin Xinpeng said: "I am able to achieve today's situation in the North Road, thanks to the merits of the commander, I am compared with the commander, it is really like a firefly competing with the sun and the moon.

Now the commander-in-chief is going to be stationed in Chicheng, entrusting Kaiping Wei Division with everything. "

Yan Qingrong and others also have a general attitude.

Zhang Cheng just smiled, and he continued: "It's not just trust, Beilu is like a house to us, it is the foundation for everyone in our hall to settle down, how can I not take it seriously.

It is precisely because of the importance that I entrust it to Lord Jin and Lord Yan and other people who I rely on. In addition, Dushikou is the gateway to the North Road. Here, there is no serious problem.

However, the rebellion of the rogues is difficult to deal with for a while. Yang Ge's department has gone to Huguang to supervise the division and suppress the bandits, and the Eastern captives are also ready to move. The current task, the formation of the Dushikou Defense Battalion, is particularly urgent. "

He stopped to take a sip of tea, and continued: "I would like the Dushikou Defense Battalion to build a thousand headquarters first, with Beizha Pass guarding Zongsha Zhongwang as Qian Zong, who will be in charge of guarding Beizha and Dongzha. and Xizha pass to strengthen the defense of Dushikou."

Zhang Cheng turned his head to look at Chen Zheng, and said, "Chen Zheng, draw a round of fire soldiers from the left side of your Dushi infantry battalion, and a round of cold soldiers from the right side, and fill them into the Dushi defense camp so that Dushi The defense battalion became an army as soon as possible, and took on the heavy responsibility of Dushikou defense.

In addition, Division A of the left part of your infantry battalion transferred the chief Tian Mingyu to the defense camp with the troops of the two bureaus, and served as the deputy commander of the Dushi defense camp. Si Dushikou guards all affairs.

For the vacancies left by Tian Mingyu, you can choose the best candidates, and report to the Military Affairs Office of the Shogunate for approval after deciding on the candidates. As for the remaining vacancies in the infantry battalion and defense battalion, you can recruit innocent young men from within and outside of our North Road Just add it. "

Chen Zheng stood up, cupped his fists and saluted, "Here!"

Previously, Zhang Cheng's Dushi Buying and Chicheng Buying's various ministries were arranged according to A and B, and the same was true for each division and bureau. Zhang Cheng always felt convoluted.

After he got married, some changes were made. Buying has various departments, which are divided into left and right, and the central department will be added in the future; while the subordinate departments are still arranged according to A and B.

The four games under the division are called the first game, the second game, the third game, and the fourth game; the three teams in the game are also arranged according to the numbers of one, two, and three, and the same is true for the top three teams.

For example: the first round of the left division of Dushibuying, the second team and the top three.

After such a restructuring, everyone felt that it was much more convenient, and they were not as twisted as before.

Zhang Cheng then discussed some specific matters with everyone, and even instructed Yan Qingrong to allocate the stocks of each fort reasonably, and just leave enough money, food, and military equipment in each fort for his own use.

Mayingbao, Zhen'anbao, and Longmensuo cities can keep more money, food and military resources, and the remaining money, food and military resources should be concentrated in the big forts in Dushi, Chicheng, and Yunzhou for dispatch.


In the evening of that day, in a corner of the inner courtyard of Dushi General’s Office, in an unremarkable house, two Mongolians dressed as northern captives were sitting and eating roasted lamb legs, and there was a pot of North Road specialties on the table. spirits.

Zhang Cheng was sitting at the top of the house. There was also a small table in front of him. There was also roast lamb on a tray, and a sharp serrated knife was on the side of the tray.

Chen Zhong, Su Yiyang, and Hou Mingli were sitting in the lower seats on the left. In front of each of them was a small table with roasted lamb and a jug of spirits.

Su Yiyang was the first to report: "Commander, in the past three months, we have gone to Guihua City twice, and now the descendants of King Shunyi are not presiding there, and the Mantars abolished Ombu and divided the Tumot tribe Govern for the left and right banners."

Zhang Cheng had just cut a piece of mutton and was chewing it. He didn't speak, but only signaled Su Yiyang to continue with his eyes.

"Now the left and right wings of Tumed are under the command of Gu Luge and Hang Gao. They used to be the trilogy of Ombu, but now they are the masters of the dark slaves." There is a bit of regret in Su Yiyang's words, maybe it is also A trace of unwillingness.

Zhang Cheng didn't take it seriously, he said in a deep voice: "It's no wonder he waited, who said that the mandarins are so powerful now, and they can't beat them, what else can they do!"

He took a sip of the warmed spirit "burning knife", and then turned his head to the two Mongolians and asked: "You two warriors, I am still used to eating the roast leg of lamb here, but can I still drink the burning knife?" habit?"


Holding the wine bowl, he said loudly again: "This...delicious...really strong!"


Seeing Zhang Cheng smile, Chen Zhong and Su Yiyang laughed too.

Su Yiyang laughed for a while, and then said to the two of them: "Suhebalu, Mo Zhigen, the person in the hall is my master, Zhang Cheng, the admiral of Xuanfu Town North Road, the admiral Zhang Cheng, and Marshal Zhang. .”

The two Mongolian men turned their heads to look at Zhang Cheng, and the slightly thinner one was still holding a wine bowl. He swallowed the spirits in the bowl and called out to the stronger man: " Baloo..."

The two got up and left their seats, knelt on the ground and said: "Suhebalu, Mo Zhigen, pay your respects to the commander-in-chief!"

(End of this chapter)

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