
Chapter 285

Chapter 285
Here, when Jin Xinpeng saw Zhang Cheng staring at his servants with piercing eyes, he couldn't help feeling a little proud. He thought he couldn't compare to the veterans brought by Zhang Cheng.

But on Dushi's side, the nearly [-] servants under his command are unique existences, and they are already the strongest force in Dushikou. He has been promoted all the way through these years, more or less thanks to the strength of these servants.

"General, Sha Zhongwang, the general guard at Beizha Pass, you met at Beizha Pass before. He belongs to Yan Qingrong, and he has nearly a hundred powerful servants under his command. Xue Jing, the general over there, is the commander. He is Master Xue's nephew, and he has more than a hundred servants under him, so he can be called an elite."

Zhang Cheng followed Jin Xinpeng's instructions and looked at Sha Zhongwang. He had already seen Sha Zhongwang, but today his eyes were more focused on Xue Jing, and he couldn't see his face clearly from a distance, but the man was indeed tall and tall, and he looked like a soldier. , The sergeants behind him are also very strong.

In a short time, under the guidance of Jin Xinpeng, Zhang Cheng had roughly checked the Kaiping Guard garrison on the school field. Among the more than 800 sergeants, nearly half were old and weak.

All of them had tattered military uniforms, and many of them were pale and emaciated, without the slightest military aura, and even the weapons they held were rusty and had not been maintained at first glance.

When these people met Zhang Cheng's sweeping gaze, their expressions were numb, and there was no expression on their faces. In Zhang Cheng's view, these people were useless.

The only thing that is better is the hundreds of family servants that Jin Xinpeng pointed out just now. Almost all of them are young and strong, and they are well equipped with armor and weapons, but their formation discipline is also sparse, a typical mob.

Even if Jin Xinpeng was proud of it, the nearly three hundred servants led by his cronies Jin Yong and Qiu Yingquan couldn't even talk about a formation.

Even though it was so unbearable in Zhang Cheng's eyes, these servants were already the most important combat force in the border guards of Daming today.

On the high platform on the north side of the teaching ground, Zhang Cheng glanced at the sergeants of the Kaiping Guard on the teaching ground, his face was ugly. The army of the Daming Bian Town Guard was corrupted far beyond his expectations. Can these soldiers fight?

Zhang Cheng deeply doubts this.

Zhang Cheng was wearing the golden helmet and armor bestowed by Emperor Chongzhen during King Qin's time. Under the sunlight, it shone brightly and attracted a lot of attention from the audience. It was the first time for the general to inspect the military horses, and there were also constant discussions from the audience.

Beside him, on the other side were Yan Qingrong and Wu Zhizhong, the scribes, and Xue Liangqing, the commander, and Liu Zhi, He Biao, the town governor, and Cao Jinwang, the experience officer, stood by Jin Xinpeng.

Among the crowd, Xue Liangqing, the commander of Kaipingwei, had the worst expression. About Zhang Cheng's formation of the shogunate yesterday, he knew about it that night.

What's more, Zhang Cheng didn't intend to hide this matter at first, as a general of the defending side, Zhang Cheng's own shogunate is indeed not in compliance with the regulations.

But in today's Ming Dynasty, there are many things that do not comply with the regulations. The key is not whether they comply with the regulations.
Zhang Cheng does not say that he is at the top of the sky and has power, but he is also a person who is simple in the emperor's heart, and has the trust of the cabinet and governors, and even the person who is promised by the current emperor to do things cheaply. Even if there is a small mistake, what's the problem?

Xue Liangqing's chubby face had always been rosy before, and he looked naive and very wealthy, but these days, his complexion was sallow, without a smile, as if someone owed him eight hundred dollars, and even his eyes looked cold and gloomy .

But Zhang Cheng ignored him, not to mention him, a mere commander of the Kaiping Guard, even if Yang Guozhu, the chief soldier of Xuan Town, came in person, he would still be polite when he saw Zhang Cheng today.


Around the school grounds, especially on the high platform in the north, are all sergeants under Zhang Cheng's command. They are standing with weapons or riding horses on patrol. Everyone is brightly armored, full of energy, and exudes a terrifying murderous aura.

This is the qualification to be called a sergeant. They are all young, stout, and especially disciplined. Whether they are standing with weapons or riding horses, the rows are not only uniform, but there is no noise.

This kind of military discipline and military appearance, especially the murderous aura emanating from them, made the guard soldiers standing in the school yard very timid. Even the servants raised by officials such as Jin Xinpeng, Yan Qingrong, Xue Liangqing, etc., looked in awe. .

Looking at the audience for a long time, Zhang Cheng asked loudly: "Master Jin, is the Kaiping Guard Army really so dilapidated?"

Jin Xinpeng has served as a co-prefect for a long time, and has been in charge of Kaiping Wei's military inspection and camp operations.

Jin Xinpeng clasped his fists calmly, and replied in a deep voice: "General, the training of soldiers requires the support of money, food and salaries. Nowadays, the output of the fields is decreasing year by year, and the income and expenditure are insufficient. The officials are also powerless!"

The sergeants had to carry out the most basic drills, and at least enough coarse food every day, otherwise they would be weak. Even if they ran around the training ground for a few laps, they would easily become exhausted and even fall into a coma.

And if it is necessary to increase the amount of training for the sergeants, then some meat must be added every day, otherwise, those sergeants may urinate blood and die soon after intensive training.

But now the Beilu garrison administration is dilapidated and dilapidated, money and food are almost exhausted, and Jin Xinpeng still has to support his [-] family members. The Wei Division is indeed unable to maintain a full garrison.

Zhang Cheng asked again: "It is said that there should be nearly [-] soldiers in Dushikou, why are there so few officers and soldiers in the school?"

Jin Xinpeng said in a deep voice: "Don't dare to lie to the general. All the military households in Kaipingwei are diligent in farming, but they still don't have enough grain to support the soldiers. The lower officials have to send some soldiers to farm. To make up for the shortage of grain."

The Daming border town guards were divided into seven divisions and three divisions of city guards. They were called the military officers and soldiers, that is, the soldiers guarded by each guard division.

After the collection of grain from the guard station was collected, part of it was handed over, and part of it was used to support the officers in the fort and these military officers, and the rest was used for labor farming.

In the early Ming Dynasty, the troops stationed in the army can almost completely meet the needs of the entire army, so the soldiers are strong and the soldiers are at ease.

However, after the year of Xuande, a large number of guard troops fled, and a large number of garrison troops were recruited into the garrison army. Yu Ding dialed the village.

At this time, the officers and soldiers of the various guards continued to flee in large numbers, not to mention that the rest were mostly superficial. It was rare to practice for a few days a year, and their minds were only busy with their own small houses and fields.

Even if there are young and strong, they still have to stay and farm. They are reluctant to serve as the main army, but let the old and weak in the family replace them.

Moreover, in order to support their own family members, those officials and generals not only withheld food and salaries, but also encouraged the existence of this phenomenon, so that they could take advantage of it to eat empty salaries.

After all, there are only two words: grain and salary.

(End of this chapter)

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