The autumn and October of the 28th year of Chengshun.

Nancheng Railway Station, Heyuan Prefecture, Guangdong.

The train station, where people come and go, looks as busy as usual, but careful people will find that there are many more patrolmen on duty in the train station today.

In the first-class waiting room in the railway station, which is reserved for rich and powerful businessmen to wait for their trains to rest, there are no other passengers today, only dozens of officials, big and small, wearing official robes and elder brothers.

The leader among them is the Zhizhou Wangtu who is currently the most powerful in the entire Heyuan Prefecture.

It's just that Wang Tu didn't wear the same fifth-rank silver badge as the regular fifth-rank magistrates, but a gold skylark badge representing the fourth-rank rank.

Just last year, Heyuan Prefecture was promoted from Huizhou Fuli Prefecture to Provincial Zhili Prefecture. The official level of Provincial Lizhou is naturally higher than that of Fuli Prefecture, even from the fourth rank.

Since last year, the adjustment of jurisdictions between Heyuan Prefecture and Huizhou Prefecture has continued and deepened, and Heyuan Prefecture has acquired several counties and towns from Huizhou Prefecture.

Today's Heyuan Prefecture already has five counties and one directly-governed district.

Such a huge area of ​​jurisdiction is enough to become a government, and the establishment of a government in Heyuan Prefecture is also the result of the continuous administrative adjustment and reform of the Guangdong governor's office in northern and eastern Guangdong.

Today is the day when Tang Tiangui, the current governor of Guangdong, arrived in Heyuan Prefecture and presided over the promotion of Heyuan Prefecture to a prefecture.

For this reason, Wang Tu brought a large number of Heyuan local officials to meet him at the train station.

Around noon, when a passenger train arrived at Nancheng Railway Station, Wang Tu and others rushed to the platform to greet them excitedly.

Not long after, Wang Tu and others saw Tang Tiangui and a large number of senior officials from the provincial governor's office get off the train.

Tang Tiangui was about fifty years old, short in stature, wearing a traditional gray Confucian gown, and placed in the crowd, he was about the same as ordinary middle-aged and elderly people.

But all of this was completely covered up by a golden golden pheasant badge on his left chest!

The golden golden pheasant badge is a special badge for the second-rank civil servants of the Great Chu Empire!
In the huge Guangdong, only Tang Tiangui, the governor of Guangdong, is eligible to wear this special badge for second-rank civil servants.

With such a badge on his body, even though Tang Tiangui was only wearing a gray Confucian robe similar to ordinary people, he still immediately became the center of attention of many officials present.

After Tang Tiangui got off the train, he first looked up at Wang Tu and other local officials in Heyuan Prefecture who were waiting on the platform, looked around for a while, waited for five or six breaths, and then nodded slightly to Wang Tu and the others with a smile on his face.

Immediately, Wang Tu and other officials quickly stepped forward, bowed and saluted, and said in unison: "I pay homage to the palace master!"

At the end of last year, Tang Tiangui was awarded the rank of the Holy Family and Prince Junior Teacher because of his meritorious service as the governor of Guangdong, and the local business economy and people's livelihood.

Master Prince, this is a vain title of the second rank, which is very important in the Great Chu Empire. In addition to posthumous posthumous titles, it is not easy to obtain this title of the second rank while alive.

Generally speaking, in Gyeonggi, only the co-organizing ministers who can enter the imperial study room can get it, and there are a few qualified credits that are enough, but because of the limited space in the imperial study room, the ministers of important departments who cannot enter the imperial study room for the time being can also be obtained.

As far as the local area is concerned, only the governors of a few important provinces, Ying Tian Fu Yin and Han Tian Fu Yin, have the chance to get it.

As for the 'will handle important military and political affairs', the dispatch of the imperial study has no special meaning. It is nothing more than a verbal name, and it is only a nominal name to participate in the decision-making of the central government of the empire, but it is actually useless.

It is a kind of honorary dispatch that Luo Zhixue started to use in the last five or six years. It is mainly awarded to the governors of the provinces and generals stationed abroad. It is a bit similar to the false title of Inspectorate given to governors in the pre-Ming Dynasty and the Ministry of War to generals stationed abroad. The meaning of adding title to the right servant is almost the same.

However, in the Great Chu Empire, the Procuratorate was an independent institution, and the Ministry of War was also an independent administrative institution, and there were no examples of using the titles of other institutions to assign titles to other officials.

In the Great Chu Empire, there were only high-level honorary titles such as Sangong and Sangu before, but these levels were too high, and they could not be given randomly, so Luo Zhixue later began to use "Yushufang will handle important military and political affairs" This is not a grade Posts, which only exist in verbal dispatches, are used to add titles to some senior officials.

Tang Tiangui was able to get the title of the prince's junior teacher and the dispatch of the imperial study room who can handle important military and political affairs, naturally because he has made quite good achievements as the governor of Guangdong.

In his first year as the governor of Guangdong, he couldn't change his mentality. He even regarded himself as the chief minister, so that he had many conflicts with the chief minister Cheng Yongfeng. However, he gradually adapted to his position and began to work on the people's livelihood and economy Delegate power in affairs and concentrate on presiding over the overall situation.

And began to support Cheng Yongfeng to carry out work to develop the economy and people's livelihood.

After a few years, great achievements have been made. Guangdong's industrial and commercial economy is developing faster every year, and now it has become a major economic province second only to Jiangnan Province.

In this way, he also won the title of a prince and young teacher for himself.

In the future, it is very possible to follow the example of the previous governor and transfer back to Gyeonggi to enter the imperial study.

In this way, he no longer has the same ranking as in previous years towards Wang Tu, a secretarial official with Cheng Yongfeng's brand on him.

No matter what faction he is, they still serve as officials under him, and they still have to work hard for his Guangdong development.

Tang Tiangui, who has opened up the pattern, has lived a happy life in the past few years, and his official career is also promising.

Of course, despite these inner thoughts, Tang Tiangui naturally wouldn't say much to mid-level officials like Wang Tu, and it was just a formulaic greeting at the train station.

After the simple welcome ceremony, a large number of officials began to leave in carriages.

After the huge horse convoy made its way out of the train station along a special passage, in order to avoid collisions with people along the way, or simply to avoid accidents, the local patrol police had already blocked the road intersections along the way.

As for why the train station is not completely closed, it just opened a special waiting room and passage.

It is because once the railway station is blocked, it is not a railway station that is involved, but the operation of the entire railway line.

If Wang Tu, the magistrate of Heyuan Prefecture, wanted to do this, the railway company would not bother to ignore him. If he asked too much, he would even ask: Who are you?

Although the railway company is an enterprise, the supervision of the railway company is the second grade, and the supervision of the railway branch in Guangdong is also the third grade.

The most important thing is that it is an independent organization and has little to do with the locality. In many places, they even have to ask the railway company to open more trains in order to allow the railway line to pass by.

Prince Shaoshi, Tang Tiangui, the governor of Guangdong, has this influence and even power, but he won't do it.

The impact of doing so is too great, and it is inevitable that people will participate in a book to make ostentation and affect people's livelihood.

Even if you come by train, you can't take a special train... In the Great Chu Empire, only people at the ministerial level can take the special train, and even the co-organizing ministers don't have this authority.

Of course, when these executives travel on official business, they will not take ordinary passenger cars, but will add executive cars to ordinary passenger trains to solve railway travel.

The same is true for Tang Tiangui's travels. He and the multiple carriages that accompanied the officials were attached to a passenger train.

However, this is not the exclusive power of senior officials. In order to generate income, the railway company has opened up the business of executive carriages.

As long as you can afford the money, the railway company will be able to provide you with an executive carriage, allowing you to enjoy travel at the senior official level.

In comparison, any first-class carriage is weak!
The executive carriages run by other railway companies are relatively low-key. If it is shipping, it is actually simpler and more convenient.

As long as you can afford the money, it is possible to charter a boat directly.

And the wealthiest top rich and powerful people don't even charter boats, but directly own private boats.

For example, the Li family in Jinling, when the important members of the family travel by boat, they have always used their own boats.

The Fenghe Commercial Bank under its banner had already provided various strategic materials to the Great Chu Empire during the Funiu Mountain period. Later, when the Great Chu Empire attacked Jinling City, the head of the Li family encouraged other officials to surrender.

Li Jiafeng and the firm have been the main suppliers of strategic materials for the Great Chu Empire for quite a long time.

Naturally, the huge sacrifices also received huge rewards. After the unification war, the leader of the Li family once served as the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry and the co-organizing minister. After he became an official, many children of the Li family still held high positions.

The Fenghe Commercial Bank was subsequently reorganized into the Fenghe Commercial Bank Company, and continued to engage in the trade of various strategic materials. Later, it formed a fleet to trade in Fusang, and opened up the source of sulfur materials in the Fusang area for the Great Chu Empire.

The firm was one of dozens of overseas armed trading companies in the Great Chu Empire in the past, and it also invested in many businesses in China.

After the armed trade was nationalized, Fenghe Trading Co., Ltd. transformed into general trade, shipping, and financial industries.

Its Fenghe Trading Company is a large company of Fusang Trading, Fenghe Shipping occupies a large place in the Yangtze River shipping industry, and Fenghe Bank is also a well-known private bank in the Jiangnan area.

In such a Li family, when the important members of the family travel, they always make their own boats...

Chartered ships, private boats, etc. are common in the shipping industry, but not in the railroad industry.

If you want the railway company to open a special train for you, please go to the minister of affairs first.

Others, not even the co-organizing ministers.

Of course, the military special trains for senior generals have more relaxed conditions, but there are not many people, so don't count on the generals who are not in active service and have real power.

The railway company didn't give face, but the local officials in Heyuan Prefecture gave Tang Tiangui great respect. The places where the horse convoy passed along the way were temporarily closed. Not only ordinary patrol police were stationed at the intersection, but also mounted police accompanying.

Mounted police is not a special thing in the Great Chu Empire, but a relatively common law enforcement unit.

The main reason is that the quality of the roads these days is poor, especially the roads in the countryside are not very good. Many places cannot be reached by horse-drawn carriage, or it is difficult to walk, and the walking speed is slow, and there are few things to carry.

In order to better patrol in rural areas, search for criminals, etc., some police stations will equip some armed patrols with horses.

This thing is actually a fast mobile armed patrol!
There are many places, but there are not many mounted police in most places. After all, the establishment and maintenance costs of mounted police are relatively expensive.

Heyuan Prefecture is a big place, and the road traffic conditions in many places are not good, and there are great conflicts between natives and tourists. In the early years, there were often armed fights. Therefore, there have been a relatively large number of mounted police to suppress local law and order.

This time, in order to save Tang Tiangui's face, Wang Tu transferred hundreds of mounted policemen to serve as his guards along the way, which can be said to have given Tang Tiangui enough face.

But Tang Tiangui didn't care much about things like face. When he saw so many mounted policemen, his first reaction was that it would take time for the conflict between natives and tourists in Heyuan Prefecture to be completely resolved...

If it weren't for the great conflicts between natives and tourists, which led to poor law and order in the remote countryside, there would be no need for so many mounted policemen.

The contradiction between natives and tourists in Heyuan Prefecture has always been relatively large. Well, in fact, not only in Heyuan Prefecture, but also in the entire Guangdong region, especially in some mountainous areas.

When the empire first took over Guangdong, in the first few years, there would be large-scale fighting between locals and foreigners in this broken place every three days, with tens of thousands of people on a scale.

The number of thousands of people is dozens of times...

That is to say, more than ten years after Chengshun, this kind of large-scale weapon fighting has gradually decreased, but it still exists, and it is relatively common to see hundreds of people fighting in remote mountainous areas.

Tang Tiangui still pays more attention to the fighting with native guests.

After all, he is not only responsible for the people's livelihood and economy of a place, as the governor, except for military affairs and taxation, other matters on the ground in Guangdong are under his control!
The local political structure of the Great Chu Empire followed the separation of three powers, namely military affairs, taxation and government affairs.

The military affairs are in charge of the garrison commanders of the provinces, and the taxation is in charge of the taxation departments of the provinces directly under the Ministry of Taxation. The rest of the government affairs are under the direct authority or co-management authority of the governor.

For example, the Inspector's Office... Although there is an Inspector's Office at the top, in fact, the governor can also manage the affairs of the Inspector's Office.

The fighting between natives and aliens will seriously affect the public security and people's livelihood. If it is not done well, it may even lead to civil uprisings. Therefore, the successive governors of Guangdong have attached great importance to it.

It's a pity that the usual means of dealing with it have little effect.

Because the root cause of the fighting between the villagers is very simple. The competition between the villages for land and water is the root cause of the direct detonation of the fighting. If you can’t create more land and water out of thin air, then you can’t solve the problem. .

On a deeper level, the fighting among the villagers is just for survival.

This is also the reason why it is very difficult for the government to intervene. If you mediate, the effect will not be great. Forcible suppression can be used for a while, but it is not the fundamental solution.

The most important thing is that the military is unwilling to engage in armed suppression. The most important thing to send troops is to maintain order and act as a human barrier.

But over the years, the military has seldom directly fired at the villagers.

How should I put it, you let the soldiers of the military pull the guns to deal with a group of villagers... Even if these villagers are fighting among themselves, the soldiers of the military can't do it... And those leaders The officers are even more unwilling to let themselves bear the notoriety of massacring the people.

The military is unwilling to intervene too much in the internal struggles of these villagers, which is also the reason why many remote places have to employ armed patrols and even armed mounted police.

The military is unwilling to take care of it, so their patrolmen can only bite the bullet and take care of it.

However, the deeper reason for the fighting between locals and other villagers is that the local economic development is backward, the people's livelihood is difficult, and the farmers lack other sources of income, so they can only depend on the sky for their food... However, these places are still mountainous areas with very little arable land .

If we want to solve these problems and fundamentally solve the problem of villagers fighting with weapons, we only need to develop the local economy so that more rural people can obtain more sources of income.

Supplemented by methods such as suppressing and smashing the clan forces in the countryside, the problem of villager fighting with weapons can finally be solved.

This is why Tang Tiangui wanted to upgrade Heyuan Prefecture from a state to a prefecture.

Although it was promoted by the secretarial department, that is, Cheng Yongfeng and his group at the beginning, it was Tang Tiangui who finally made the decision and submitted a report to Jinling.

Without Tang Tiangui nodding and even presiding over it, the application report sent to Jinling City would not have existed... because he had to write it.

Talk about Hezhou Shengfu.

The establishment of Heyuan Prefecture as a prefecture is to further increase support for northern Guangdong and accelerate the development of the local people's livelihood and economy.

With the upgrading of Heyuan Prefecture to Heyuan Prefecture, a series of subsequent policies and financial support will be put in place one after another. How the local government can use these policies and financial support to improve the local people's livelihood and economy is the focus of Tang Tiangui's attention.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to make a trip in person to let the local officials headed by Wang Tu know what the most important policy goal is: people's livelihood!

In addition to people's livelihood, or people's livelihood!
If Wang Tu can't do it, then Tang Tiangui doesn't mind changing someone else to be the magistrate.

So when he arrived at the place, after reading the administrative order from Jinling to approve the upgrading of Heyuan Prefecture to Heyuan Prefecture, Tang Tiangui began to talk about the importance of people's livelihood.

In the next few days, Tang Tiangui inspected several surrounding places. He saw a small industrial park developed under the auspices of Wang Tu, saw several scattered industrial parks, and met with some local entrepreneurs.

During the inspection, Tang Tiangui repeatedly emphasized the importance of people's livelihood work, and the great role of industrial and commercial development in promoting people's livelihood.

After several days of inspection, Tang Tiangui left Heyuan Mansion and returned to Guangzhou.

Tang Tiangui's inspection in the past few days can be regarded as setting the tone for the subsequent development direction of Heyuan Prefecture: vigorously develop industry and commerce.

As for how to develop, that is the matter of Wang Tu, the new prefect.

Heyuan prefecture was upgraded to Heyuan prefecture, and Zhizhou Wang Tu served as the magistrate, and his grade was also upgraded by one level, from fourth rank to regular fourth rank.

And Wang Tu's policy is also a continuation of the plan of the previous years. Other industries develop normally, as long as someone invests, he will support it.

It's a pity that except for some small factories catering to the local market, no large-scale enterprises will go to the remote place of Heyuan to invest and open factories...It's not good for people to go there. what?
It is almost impossible to develop conventional industries.

The only breakthrough direction is the planting and processing industry of economic crops, especially some economic crops suitable for mountainous areas.

Among them, the tea planting and processing industry and the soybean planting and processing industry that have been initially developed are even more highly anticipated by him!

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