Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 93 The Evil Appears

Chapter 93 The Evil Appears

"How do you know it's the false mother?"

"I have lived with her for nearly a year, how can I admit my mistake?"

"One year?"

The fake mother is the old bustard. Li Yan originally thought that Mrs. Shu was trained by him, but after careful questioning, she found out that Mrs. Shu actually quit her job.

After becoming Duzhi Niangzi, it is equivalent to becoming the top class in Pingkangfang.

It is generally impossible for prostitutes of such status to squeeze into the same courtyard with their peers, and they all come out to work alone.

At this time, it is necessary to rely on a powerful false mother.

Fake mothers can not only arrange high-quality customers, but also get rid of bad customers and prevent many troubles.

In short, it is to let Duzhi ladies pick up guests with peace of mind. They even provide homes, and even the maid and dancer Lehu.

For example, Mrs. Shu San, except for the two personal maids who were brought from the original courtyard, all the others were supplied by the fake mother, and she was safe and safe in the past, until the evil slaves from Duke Zhou's mansion came to her door.

Li Yanqi said: "According to this, do you want to share the silver taels you earn with your false mother?"

Mrs. Shu San said: "Thirty to seventy percent, the false mother gets thirty percent, and the concubine seventy percent."

Li Yan nodded slightly: "I see."

He had heard the familiar [-]% to [-]% share at first, and thought that after a long time, Mrs. Shu San was also a wage earner.

Just like those hard-working people in later generations who work for half a day to make money for the landlord.

After listening to the distribution at this time, Mrs. Shu San is still the boss.

It's not surprising, everyone knows that after all, the lady is both excellent in sex and art, she can choose one in a million, and there is no second hand in the huge Pingkangfang.

With such scarce resources, it is natural to take the initiative. Even if the false mother manages everything well, I know that the lady should take the lead, and it is not bad to be able to divide it into [-]%.

After figuring out the cooperation mode between the two, Li Yan asked again: "On weekdays, the fake mother helps you ward off evil customers, do you think she will unintentionally reveal the matter of brother Qiu throwing [-] gold?"

Mrs. Shu San said: "Thinking about it afterwards, I am also very strange. The fake mother of my concubine is a stable and mature person. She shouldn't say such words to a group of street thugs."

Li Yan recalled: "Indeed, when she saw the official robes we were waiting for, although her tone was enthusiastic, her eyes did not fluctuate. It was obvious that she was used to seeing the market. It is inevitable for such a person to be afraid of Duke Zhou's mansion, but he knew better. You should talk too much and provoke trouble..."

"Could it be that the prince is using us?"

Li Yan felt a chill in his heart.

The origin of his conflict with Zhou Guogong's mansion began in the courtyard of Mrs. Shu San.

Qiu Shenji retired from brown and became an official. He happily drove up the price and spent [-] gold, pretending to be a second-class master.

As a result, because the fake mother leaked her words, she was targeted by the group of evil slaves in Duke Zhou's mansion, extorting money, killing someone in the street, and being targeted by Dali Temple.

There was a series of follow-up events.

I thought that Qiu Shenji was too unlucky, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

Kumara was inexplicably hunted down by Ming Chongyan. Ming Chongyan originally wanted to help the prince expose the truth about the Yang family...

Now the identity of the fake mother who started the incident is unpredictable, Li Yan has to think of the prince who has the greatest hatred for Wu Min.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not right.

That day he had just left Shaoyang Courtyard in the morning, and went to take the test after get off work at noon, and the crown prince was not good at predicting, so how could he arrange such a coincidence and sow dissension?
Li Yan's head hurt from thinking about it, so he said to Mrs. Shu San, "Go and draw your false mother's face, be realistic, and use it to find people."


Mrs. Shu San responded and went to paint.

We all know that the lady does not disappoint, and a realistic portrait is quickly presented.

The facial features are exquisite, the outline is eye-catching, and the features are prominent. They are completely different concepts from the abstract works on the government's wanted list.

He handed the portrait to Elder Tian: "Look, can you use this to find people?"

Tian Laodao: "Li Wuwei, if you see this girl, it is enough to find her out, but there are so many people in Chang'an..."

Li Yan nodded: "If you are looking blindly, you will not hesitate to find a needle in a haystack. Shu San, when you ran into that fake mother, how did she dress up?"

Mrs. Shu San said: "She is dressed as a servant. I saw her in a caravan. I could barely recognize her."

Once a woman's makeup and clothing change, she will indeed be a different person.

For example, Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Shu at this time, with their plain faces facing the sky and wearing strange clothes, how could it be seen that they knew the lady's demeanor at all?

But fortunately, Mrs. Shu San was dressed as a Zoroastrian when she came, wearing a veil to cover her face, leaving only her eyes, otherwise she would be recognized by her false mother on the road, and the matter would be even worse.

Li Yan asked: "What is the approximate size of the caravan, and are there any characteristics to show its identity?"

Mrs. Shu San thought about it carefully, and said apologetically: "I was too shocked at the time, and forgot to look at other things. I only know that the caravan is huge, and it should be rare in Chang'an."

Li Yandao: "Which market did you meet?"

Mrs. Shu San said: "Yongningfang."

Li Yan frowned and looked at Elder Tian: "Tian Xuncha, based on these clues, do you have a way to find someone?"

Elder Tian showed a look of embarrassment: "I tell Li Wuwei, with our little manpower, there must be nothing we can do. Why don't we find an association?"


Li Yan raised his eyebrows: "Do you have any recommendations?"

Elder Tian smiled wryly: "I rarely go out in the house, and Xu Da is the most familiar with associations."

Xu Da came here on order, he is the most flexible among the veterans, the foreign affairs of the Duke's Mansion are often entrusted to him, and he has a lot of contact with various religions and nine streams.

After hearing the ins and outs, Xu Da asked Mrs. Shu San some details, and he was sure: "If Li Wuwei wants to find this caravan, he can definitely use some money, and the gangsters in his association will do it for him, and he will definitely be able to find the important person Not sure, but the caravan will be sure soon."

Associations are private gangs in the Tang Dynasty.

There are commercial associations. For example, the Hu people in Xishi have established many Hu societies to keep warm in groups.

There is a literati poetry club, where scholars gather together to recite poems and discuss elegance.

An association with medical insurance is called Yaofangyi. It uses cash, silk, rice flour oil, etc. as membership fees, and is managed by a special person. The money is used for operation, investment and lending, and the extra profits are paid to members of the association when they get sick. Does medical expenses look familiar?
Of course, there are also gangsters.

In the huge Chang'an, with a population of nearly one million, the lower classes will inevitably breed many crimes.

Compared with the unscrupulous people who abandoned the dark and turned to the bright, or became the imperial court's hawks and dogs, more Jianghuzi who relied on their ability to make their way through the world were very repulsed by the imperial court's control.

However, people have to eat. They are not the kind of heroes who can't see their income all day long and don't have to worry about their livelihood. Jiang Huzi also has to form associations and accept tasks in order to make a living.

In the end, after a circle, most of them still work for the powerful.

It still is.

Li Yan waved his hand.

"Let Jiang Huzi go out and find this woman, the sooner the better!"



In the morning, go to work in Huangcheng, catch fish and practice kung fu.

In the afternoon, at the Duke's Mansion, practicing exercises.

In the evening, Li Yan came to the main hall to have dinner with Li Dejian's family.

This is the first time I have seen my brothers.

Their words and deeds are a little reserved, rigid, and not very talkative.

related to tutoring.

Li Jing is well versed in the way of being wise and protecting one's life. Since the eradication of East Turks and Tuyuhun, his contributions have been too high.

Under his extremely strict teaching, naturally within three generations there would be no sensual playboys.

Li Yan quite liked the atmosphere.

It's tiring enough to work hard outside, and it's a headache to think about fighting with your family when you get home.

However, among the noble clan, the least thing is intrigue and conflict of interests.

Although Li Yan's attitude was not enthusiastic, he was quite sincere, and everyone quickly talked about it.

Li Dejian paid attention to his investigation in Duke Zhou's mansion, and learned that he was reprimanded by the crown prince, and then arranged to spend the night in Ci'en Temple to heal his wounds, his face became serious: "Yuanfang, the struggle between the upper class is very dangerous, you have to be careful. !"

Li Yan nodded: "Don't worry, my lord. I'm a martial arts guard, but I can't actually participate in the upper-level disputes. This time it's just a special situation."

Li Dejian said: "You are young and promising, so you don't need to be in a hurry to show off your achievements. When you become an adult and reach the crown, you will have the opportunity to be promoted."

Li Yan also knows that his age is the biggest limit for promotion.

If it wasn't for Tubo at its peak, there is really no need to worry.

Practicing martial arts, investigating cases, living a comfortable life, waiting for the number one in the world, full-fledged, and killing whoever he wants.

I'm afraid that such a delay will cause Datang's military power to further decline when it can really affect the battle situation of one side.

At that time, it is the strength of one person, and it is time to be exhausted.

But then again, it seems that there is no hope for the current situation.

The prince can't be the real master, Empress Wu is mean and ungrateful, and Li Zhi is ill and pretends to be dead.

Even if he made meritorious service, he couldn't get promoted, not to mention that he didn't make any meritorious service on the surface.

"If you want to be a fifth-rank official, why is it harder than killing a first-rank Duke~"

Li Yan sighed secretly, calmed down, turned grief and anger into appetite, and began to eat and drink.

After eating and drinking, he came to the open space in the backyard.

Continue to practice.

The left and right hands, the secret of the bowstring, the three strengths are unified.

This case gave him a lot of breakthrough ideas in martial arts, and his skills became more and more refined with each move.

Immersed in the pleasure of gradually becoming stronger, Li Yan was in a happy mood.

It is also the only one to solve crimes.

At this moment, Xu Da came not far away, did not dare to disturb, and waited far away.

Li Yan slowly recovered his energy and walked over.

Xu Da reported in a low voice: "I found the news about the caravan. It belongs to the largest store in Dongshi, and Dou's is behind it."

Li Yan raised his eyebrows: "Dou's shop..."

The Dou family is a well-known family of relatives.

From Li Yuan's wife, Empress Taimu, to Li Longji's mother, Concubine Dou De, who was secretly executed by Wu Zetian and whose bones could not be found. It is "the Tang Dynasty is rich and prosperous, nothing can be compared with it".

In terms of being an official, the Dou family is mediocre at this stage. Dou Dexuan, the only prime minister during Li Zhi's period, was asked by Li Zhi about the ancient emperor Qiu when he was enshrining Zen in Mount Tai.

However, this family's business is huge, and the East Market has high-grade goods, which have always been favored by the rich and powerful, and their profits are much greater than those in the West Market, where there are many Hu merchants.

Being able to occupy the top spot in Dongshi shops, one can imagine how rich Dou's family is.

There are many middle-level officials, and the five-rank Wannian county magistrate who released Qiu Shenji before is a child of the Dou family.

Li Yan fell into deep thought.

What happened in Mrs. Shu San's courtyard happened ten days ago.

In just ten days, that woman changed from being the false mother of a famous prostitute to sneaking into Dou's shop.

How does this style of acting look like a spy?
He revisited the whole case, vaguely had a terrible guess, and immediately thought of the most useful person under his command:

"Call Qiu Shenji back, the culprit who put him in prison has been found!"

 Thanks to the book friends "Mint Lemon", "Marvel Iron Man", "Bobooh", "Time Wandering", "Wen Jiansheng" for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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