Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 1248 Little Turtle's Great Origin, Save the World!

Chapter 1248 Little Turtle's Great Origin, Save the World!

"Since the benefactor knows it, why should he be aggressive?"

Accompanied by a peaceful voice, a golden silhouette emerged from behind, and a monk with a rough appearance and a gentle temperament stepped forward, put his hands together, and performed a salute.

Li Yan returned the salute, and said solemnly: "All Bodhisattvas have four vows, one is to save all sentient beings, the other is to eliminate all afflictions, the third is to learn all Dharma gates, and the fourth is to realize the fruition of all Buddhas."

"The purpose of making great vows is to express the determination and will to complete the Buddha way. Practice is not only to achieve oneself, but also to help all beings, to get rid of suffering and find happiness, and finally to be liberated..."

"However, this world is stolen by evil spirits, nourishing evil and accumulating difficulties. Is this what a Bodhisattva wishes?"

Drifting heard the words and sighed: "Ashamed! Ashamed!"

Xiaoqian also said: "Bodhisattva, we catalyze the demons, not to destroy your ambition, but because we don't want to see the catastrophe caused by the demons in the future, causing chaos in the world, and it is out of control!"

Drifting said firmly, "They can't get out."

Xiaoqian frowned. Although this Bodhisattva is just like this world, he has a good temper and is not aggressive, but he has seen the birth of a devil with his own eyes, and the outside world is frequent for nine calamities. Why can't he get out?
Li Yan understands: "I heard that there are also classifications of affliction demons. The inner affliction demons refer to practitioners who have afflictions in their hearts, which are turbulent and hinder their practice. The outer affliction demons are instigated by the devil, causing various afflictions in the practice and interrupting the practice. The outer afflictions Which one does the Nine Tribulations correspond to?"

Drifting said: "Nine kalpas are internal troubles."

Li Yan verified the conjecture: "The demons of inner affliction must reside in the practitioner's body, while the demons of outer afflictions are independent demon heads. The Bodhisattva said that they will not escape, which means that the demons of outer afflictions cannot escape from the great wish, right? ?”


Drifting nodded his head in response, and showed shame again: "I am a great professional, a golden Arhat, but I can't break the evil and break the confusion, ashamed! Ashamed!"

As soon as he showed his face, he was ashamed and humble, and the world had become like this. A golden arhat who can make great wishes, and then suppress the devil to prevent him from going out, is already commendable, and it seems that he should not be blamed.

But what happened to the devil in Yan Shifan's body?

Could it be that……

When Xiaoqian thought about it, her expression changed.

Li Yan obviously thought of the same point, and asked the key point: "How many worlds of great wishes have been issued by the Buddhist sect?"

Sand Monk said: "In order to reach the other shore, there are three thousand ambitions."

Li Yan looked solemnly, but Xiaoqian thought she heard it wrong: "How much?"

Sand Monk said: "Not only is there the true Tathagata of the Lingshan Mountain, but also the gods in the heavenly court. All of them have obtained the true knowledge of the Buddha and made great wishes to establish the future world."

Xiaoqian's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it: "Every god and Buddha created a world? How is this possible..."

Li Yan had no difficulty in understanding it, and even helped to translate it: "It is not the gods and Buddhas who create the world, but the seeds of the Buddha's mind, as the foundation, extend a river, and the participating gods and Buddhas build their own ferry boats , scrambling to reach the other shore.”

Sand Monk was quite surprised, and sincerely praised: "The almsgiver has the fate of a great Buddha and great wisdom!"

Li Yan can see it so clearly because he has already recognized the path of the seventh consciousness and the eighth consciousness. If he continues to practice, he will use the seeds of consciousness to control life data and everything that exists.

And if the Buddha shared this kind of true knowledge, he would actually share the life database. On the basis of the data, the gods and Buddhas would turn their ambition into the future they hoped for.

Of course, these futures are not established futures, they are just branches, but they are not completely false, because there are evidences to rely on.

As seen in this world, those familiar people, Luo Wanxiang who devoted himself to Buddhism, Chilian who ate vegetarian food and recited Buddha, Hu Zongxian who became a merchant and traveled all over the world...

Conform to the cause, and then derive a different effect.

Only Jiajing Yan Song did not change the painting style of the monarch and his ministers. Yan Song started to chant Buddha in order to flatter him, while Jiajing was full of desire for power no matter what method he practiced.

In any case, these all prove the diversity of the future, which is why Shenao said that this world is neither true nor false.

If it doesn't develop like this in the future, this place will be false, otherwise it will replace the present world and become the real future, isn't it true or false?

Thinking of this, Li Yan opened his sleeves and let Xiao Gui poke his head out: "Have the Bodhisattva seen it?"

Drifting looked at Xiaogui, a little puzzled.

Li Yandao: "It comes from the Shen'ao clan, and is the elder brother of Shen'ao on Sanxian Island today."

The Drifting Monk was moved for the first time, in awe, he folded his hands together: "It's actually the World Savior Spirit Venerable face to face!"

Li Yanqi asked: "What is this saying?"

Sand Monk explained: "900 years ago, the heaven and the earth were plagued by disasters, all spirits were robbed, and there was even a demon from the sky, which infiltrated into the four major continents. In order to lead all living beings to the other side, my Buddha wanted to get rid of the demonic atmosphere and find a peaceful afterlife..."

"However, demons are rampant, and with my Buddha's power, it is difficult to support it. Fortunately, Shen'ao contributed divine power and turned it into the foundation of the world to open the Three Thousand Great Wishes Realm..."

"Shen Ao's meritorious service is extremely great, and all gods and Buddhas respect him as the world-savior spirit!"

Xiaoqian was moved when she heard the words, she never expected that this slow-moving turtle would have such a great origin, seeing the Bodhisattva saluting solemnly, she hurried to follow.

Li Yan looked at Xiaogui with some emotion.

When the Tathagata attained enlightenment, he was swallowed by a peacock, and after the back was cut open, the Tathagata recognized the peacock as his mother and named him the Peacock Daming King Bodhisattva. Now he is doing the same thing, only more great.

Thinking of the ancestor of Shenao in the past, he sacrificed his life in order to break the four legs to support the sky and save the world;

Now the leader of Shenao, in cooperation with the Buddha, voluntarily turned into the foundation of the world on the other side, so that his divine power was exhausted, and he turned into this small and exquisite appearance...

Such a sacrifice is simply full of loyalty!
Hearing Drifting's evaluation and seeing Li Yan and Xiaoqian's respectful expressions, Xiaogui moved her paws, and turned her head a little embarrassedly.

Xiaoqian thought it was cute, and secretly regretted it: "It's a pity, I will never be able to tease the turtle again, it is a great contributor to saving the world!"

Li Yan saw a different kind of emotion from it: "Are you regretting it?"

Sand Monk’s words are not false. The leader of the God’s Ao must have supported the world on the other side and made a huge sacrifice. But since he approved of the Buddha’s plan to save the world, why did he go through the fog and go to the world? What about Nanzhanbu Prefecture?
Shen'ao is not always restless by nature and can't hold back his loneliness. Then it wants to leave the world it helped to create. Did it discover that the world of ambition created by Buddhism with the help of its divine power is not as expected, and it can reach the other shore? ?
The little turtle is very spiritual, but unable to communicate directly, Li Yan still asked Drifting: "Why is the world of three thousand ambitions stolen by the devil?"

Sand Monk looked at Xiaogui again: "Since the spirit is accompanying you, you are also entitled to know the inside story. It's not that this place is stolen by the devil, but those who were originally infected by the devil. The Buddha divides them into three thousand realms." , take refuge."

"According to this, they are demons, but turned into monks?"

Li Yan then asked: "Now that you are stimulated, what should you do if you show your real body?"

Sha Monk said: "Don't worry about the benefactor. The group of demons go against their nature and worship the True Tathagata as a whole. The vexed demons have entered the cycle of reincarnation. They should forget their past and recite scriptures to practice Buddhahood. No distracting thoughts..."

Li Yan raised his brows: "Is it reopening this world?"

Drifting doesn't deny it: "Suppressing demons is the root of the ambition, and the others are all side effects. Now desires are boiling, and demons are everywhere, so it should be reopened!"

Li Yandao: "However, in this way, the Bodhisattva's great wish may be dragged down by us, and it will be difficult to compete with the great wish of other gods and Buddhas, and it will reach the other shore!"

Drifting didn't take it seriously: "My cultivation is superficial, so I don't expect much."

Xiaoqian listened beside her, but she managed to figure out the context.

Nearly a thousand years ago, the heavens and the earth changed, and more demons descended, eroding the creatures of the four continents. In order to suppress the demons and release the seeds of consciousness, the Buddha, with the help of Shenao, gave birth to a world of three thousand ambitions.

The world of these great wishes points directly to the future. To put it more plainly, it means that the world built by any god and Buddha can perfectly solve the evil calamity, so that there will be no more devils in the future, and his great wish will win and become the king of heaven and earth. The correct answer is the bridge to the other side.

Therefore, the world of great wishes does not breed affliction demons. The Buddha cultivators I saw before were originally affliction demons. They were transformed into monks, and now under the stimulation of external forces, they have returned to their original colors.

Of course, this also proves that Drifting's great wish is unrealistic, like a bubble that looks beautiful but is actually illusory, and it will burst as soon as you poke it.

After Xiaoqian finished summarizing, Li Yan asked a question that seemed unrelated to the above: "According to the words of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, a thousand years ago, when the Buddha was traveling east during the Great Tribulation, there was an evildoer from Huaguo Mountain who stopped him. What's the situation?"

Sand Monk fell silent, and after a long while, he slowly said: "That is my elder brother, who used to be the Monkey King of Huaguo Mountain, who was named the Monkey King, who was suppressed by the Buddha for 500 years when he was making trouble in the Heavenly Palace. Convert to Buddhism, protect my teacher to go west to obtain the scriptures, get a great job and fruit, and defeat the Buddha for the fight!"

Speaking of this, the golden arhat's eyes showed sadness, and he clasped his hands together: "unexpectedly, this catastrophe came. He was deceived by the heavenly demon, turned against the Buddha and returned to the demon, and made a big disturbance in Lingshan. He has been suppressed by my Buddha!"


"Thank you Bodhisattva for clarifying my doubts!"

Li Yanji saluted first, Monk Drifting also returned the salute, his figure receded, merged into the Buddha's light, and disappeared.

Although the world of his ambitions has been constructed with many problems and cannot be used as a bridge to reach the other shore, but here, he still exists like a creation god, and there is no hindrance in the coming and going of a thought, and under normal circumstances, all incidents cannot be hidden from perception.

But watching the Bodhisattva leave, Li Yan looked at Xiaogui with a questioning expression.

Xiao Gui immediately understood, nodded his head, and opened his mouth to spit out a burst of fairy air.

Surrounded by this fairy spirit, a misty space has been arranged, and it has become a pure land where one can communicate in private, without being pryed in by the outside world.

This is the power of the world-savior Spiritual Venerable who participated in the creation of the world of great aspirations, and this behavior also made Xiaoqian's face change slightly: "Young master, don't you believe in the golden body Arhat Bodhisattva?"

Li Yan asked back: "What do you think?"

Xiaoqian thought about it carefully, and after thinking about it, she said: "I think what this Bodhisattva said is true, and there is nothing deceitful..."

Although the Bodhisattva's fruit status can no longer be judged by its appearance, this golden arhat is indeed quite honest, not like that kind of eloquent and cunning people.

Li Yan also trusts the scripture learning team, but he believes in the hard-working, honest Drifting Monk, who has a different view on this: "Have you ever thought about it, since you have participated in the project of the other side, it is not just the people who have made great wishes All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, as well as the gods of heaven, why do all the living beings in this world only know the Buddha, but not the Jade Emperor?"

Xiaoqian said: " really weird!"

Li Yan conjectured: "Maybe it's because deep down in this person's heart, he doesn't want to see that Jade Emperor..."

"In his previous life, he was a shutter-rolling general, and he accidentally broke the glass cup. The Jade Emperor ordered a heavy punishment of eight hundred times, and he was demoted to the lower world. The sword was pierced through his chest and flanks, and he was tortured in pain until he converted to Buddhism..."

"If you realize the truth, you will break through the dust lock, jump out of the sea of ​​sex and quicksand, without any hindrance, and you will not be obsessed with the past, but now that the Jade Emperor is not here, maybe this Sha Wujing not only did not let go, but became more stubborn Yu Huai!"

This is the only flaw, but it is enough. Xiaoqian came to her senses: "We really shouldn't trust his words, so what should we do..."

"By the way, since there are three thousand great wishes, why not visit other gods and Buddhas?"

"Lingzun, can you take us there?"

Facing Xiaoqian's respectful inquiry, Xiaogui didn't appreciate it, and shook his head lazily.

Li Yan's attitude did not change, he touched its shell, and said leisurely: "We want to go to other worlds, not because of the little turtle that has lost its divine power, but because of merit... You also rely on merit to travel through the fog and reach the south. It's in the waters of Zambu Prefecture, right?"

The little turtle became more energetic and nodded again and again.

Seeing that Xiaoqian was puzzled, Li Yan explained: "Buddhist practice is to break away from evil and practice goodness, break through delusion and enlightenment, accumulate merits and virtues, spread the Dharma and benefit living beings, and when the blessings and wisdom are complete and the merits and virtues are complete, you can prove the supreme Bodhi. .”

"The Shen'ao family has made great achievements in the world. As the elder brother, it even assisted the Buddha with all its strength to achieve this strange world of great ambitions. What helps it transcend beyond its ambitions is not divine power, but great merit."

"We can show up here safely, as well."

Li Yan healed Yama of the Ten Palaces, while Xiaoqian released the ghosts of the Night Walking Map of the Hundred Ghosts, and gained great merit to travel in this world with a clear mind.

The Nine-Headed Insect also has some merit and protection, but in comparison, it is much less. It was almost addicted to it before. Once it marries the daughter of the Dragon King of the East China Sea and becomes the Nine-Headed Consort, it will completely integrate into this world of great ambitions. divided each other.

Xiaoqian had lingering fears, but also felt distressed: "Then how can we continue to gain merits in this world?"

"Naturally it falls on the vexed demon..."

Li Yan took out the scalpel and said leisurely: "These demonic obstacles are germs of the heaven and earth. They don't want to completely eliminate them. Instead, they want to go against the nature of the demons and forcibly convert them. How can we reach the other shore? Let's use our method to help the golden body Arhat. By the way, you can get merits and virtues to protect yourself, so you can kill two birds with one stone!"

(End of this chapter)

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