spy cloud

Chapter 3037 scolding He Juxiang

In school, Zhang Tianhao looked at the test paper on the table, picked up the pen, and started answering questions. At least it was quite easy for him to answer the questions now.

Basic medical knowledge is not difficult for him.

Ten minutes later, he raised his head again, looked around at the students who were still answering questions, put down his pen directly, then looked at the test paper, then stood up,

"Teacher, I hand in the papers!"

After that, he packed up his things and handed the test paper directly to the desk in front of him. He also took his stationery and walked out of the classroom.

When he walked outside the classroom, before he had taken a few steps, he saw a familiar figure standing not far from the classroom and looking over here.

As soon as she saw him, she immediately walked over with a smile on her face.

"Zhiya, the exam is over!"

He came over as if he was familiar with it, with an expression of "I care about you".

"I don't seem to know you. It's okay. Don't block my way!"

Zhang Tianhao simply rolled his eyes. After the exam, when he met this woman, he felt as if he had eaten a dead fly.

"Zhi Ya, after all, we have arranged to have a baby kiss. Isn't it inappropriate for you to do this? Why is our relationship so bad?"

"Come on, I've been waiting for you for a while. How about we go out to play this morning?"

After saying that, he walked over directly, opened his hand to hold Zhang Tianhao's hand, and looked intimate.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying? You'd better pretend not to understand. Get out of here. I don't want to look at you. I don't think I have anything to do with you."

"Zhi Ya, what do you mean by this? We have agreed to get married anyway, do you want to admit it or not?" He Juxiang never expected that Zhang Tianhao would be so tough and directly mentioned her temper.

"Is there something wrong with you? We are people of the new era. We still talk about baby kisses. Do we have baby kisses? You are thinking too beautifully. Ask other students, who doesn't know about our relationship? It doesn't matter anymore, why are you still mentioning this to me? Get out of here now, don't be so shameless."

Zhang Tianhao is not the original Liu Zhiya, and he will not spoil this woman, despise her, glare at her with disdain, and yell at her loudly.

As for face, it is impossible to give him. He was not invited yesterday, and now if he wants to find him, there is no way.

"You, you, you, how can you say that to me? Do we really have nothing to say between us? You have bullied me, you..."

"Go away, what do you mean I bullied you? Do I know you? It seems that after I recovered from my illness some time ago, I can't remember you. Who are you? It's that aunt. Can you tell me your name? .”

Hearing the word aunt, He Juxiang felt as if someone had stepped on her tail. Her eyes widened and she looked at Zhang Tianhao with watery eyes, with unspeakable grievances in her eyes.

The tears flowed down as if they were free of charge.

"It's not over yet, right? Get out of here!"

“Also, don’t you know that a good dog doesn’t block the road?”

His scolding was beyond the realm of criticism. He had no intention of being polite to such a woman, and his scolding voice was even louder.

"What's more, I bullied you, you are stupid, you come to me and say, I bullied you, who are you, I don't even know you, and you still bully you, are you really stupid? "

"You have bullied me before, you are bullying me now."

"You're shameless, okay, I'll find someone to bully you later and see, ten or eight! You're really mentally ill. You need to go to the hospital as soon as possible to stop biting like a mad dog." After that, Amid the puzzled looks of many students, he turned around and walked outside the school.

As for leaving He Juxiang, who seemed aggrieved, he didn't even think about the school wanting to cause trouble for him. Whatever, he really wanted to find an excuse to drop out.

He is really busy now, and there is no other way to come to school.


In the Heiichi Club, Zhang Tianhao had transformed into Jiichiro Kagehei and was looking at a pile of documents on the table.

Many documents required his signature, so he had to come.

"Yes, Manager Sakai, from now on this matter will be handed over to you, and the entire club will also be handed over to you. I have decided to hand over all financial transactions to a bank in the concession. What do you think?"

"What about you, President?"

"I have handed over all available resources to you. The goods from Hong Kong are shipped here and you can resell them. We only earn the price of a middleman, which is equivalent to us being empty-handed. , as long as the two are contacted, we can just sit back and collect the money, do you know this truth?"

"If the other party has a problem, it has nothing to do with us, you know?"

Zhang Tianhao began to explain to Saburo Sakai, but it was clear that Saburo Sakai had not yet understood what he meant.

"President, what should we do?"

"You, wouldn't you consider doing business? It's a fixed income. Wouldn't you buy more and sell it in Shanghai? That way you can earn more money. If you can think of more How to make money, wouldn't you earn more in that way? What I help you contact this time is just a fixed income, which is equivalent to giving you a guaranteed business."

"That's it, that's it. I understand. Thank you, President. Thank you, President."

He doesn't understand that he will also have a share of this money. If he does more, he can earn more money.

"By the way, I have discussed it with Matsushita Taro, Matsui, and Tanaka. Take my business card and go to their house to discuss purchasing goods from them. I think you can sell it elsewhere."

"Other places, other cities?"

"Where is the most profitable place to sell?"


"That's right, you can sell it directly over there, so your profit will be more. Remember, the secret account and the open account can do it, right?"

"President, we understand this! We understand, we understand, and we have always done this." Upon hearing this, Sakai immediately understood what Zhang Tianhao meant, nodded and bowed.

"Okay, all smugglers go through secret accounts, and everything else goes through open accounts. Give me well-documented records. At least the things bought from Shanghai must be recorded when they are released. I don't want you to do the accounting. When you were there, you stole something that shouldn't belong to you. If that's the case, I don't mind teaching you a lifelong lesson."

"President, I don't dare, I definitely don't dare to hide it from the president. We have always had accounts!" When Manager Sakai heard this, he was so frightened that sweat broke out on his forehead.

After all, he also knew that these things could not withstand serious investigation, and once investigated, he might be exposed directly.

"I think there is no need to say more about how much of your little treasury money you have embezzled and how much is left?" He looked at Manager Sakai in front of him calmly, and at the same time he put down all the books in his hands. He spat out a sentence calmly.

Sakai's mind was blank at this time.Just now, Zhang Tianhao first gave him a sweet date, and now he asked him to set up a personal treasury.

He didn't know how to check accounts at first, but now he can understand accounts. Can he not worry?

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