non-famous actor

Chapter 334: Chapter 331

Chapter 334: Chapter 331

Three o'clock in the afternoon, Nanluoguxiang

A red Volvo station wagon parked quietly on the side of the road. There were two people in the car, Wang Jinghua in the front row and Sun Hao in the back row.

As for Wu Yan, he got off the car half an hour ago.

"Haoko, tell me?"

"say what?"

"Wu Xun... a banner man, how did you get together with him?"

"Bannerman... Sister Hua, what age is this, do you still care about this?" Sun Hao laughed.

"Why don't you count this?
You must know that my ancestors were from Jiading! "

On the tenth day in Yangzhou, there were three massacres in Jia a Ding, which was a famous tragedy in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Hearing this, Sun Hao fell silent.

Don't persuade others to be kind without others suffering!
"Haozi, why aren't you talking?" Wang Jinghua turned her head.

"There's nothing to say!" Sun Hao shrugged.

"Then let's talk about Wu Yan?" Wang Jinghua continued to ask.

"Wu Xie is pursuing Zeng Li's younger sister, Xiao Yu, and wants me to help. It has no other meaning."



Seeing that Sun Hao's expression did not seem fake, Wang Jinghua breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought you wanted to praise him after Chen Guanxi and Fang Mingming."

"I can't praise him!" Sun Hao shook his head solemnly.

"Oh why?
Your ability is so strong, whoever you praise is popular, like Chen Guanxi, now he is popular abroad, even Russian aunts who have never been interested in movies kindly call him a ruffian on the Internet. kid.

Also, teacher Guoli approached me today and asked if he could put his son in the crew of "Mountain and Sea Love" to exercise. "

Sun Hao smiled bitterly.

There is no way to start filming the type of film that Wu Xie is good at, because if it is filmed, I am afraid that the western media will make a big fuss and escalate the threat to the motherland.

With the current situation of the motherland, Sun Hao thinks it is better to make a fortune in silence!
Seeing that Sun Hao didn't open his mouth, Wang Jinghua didn't bother with this topic anymore, but directly chatted about the business.

"Sun Hao, what do you think?
The office location of such a big film and television company doesn't seem to be able to use the building in Zhongguancun, right?

Well, even with the addition of my [-] Brokerage Company, it doesn't seem to use a single floor there! "

"It's not for us."

"Who is that for?" Wang Jinghua was curious.

Some time ago, Sun Hao asked himself to contact Weixin International, and almost died of laughter. A brokerage company with only [-] or [-] artists under his command actually wanted to buy a building in the Zhongguancun area? !
"Balley Technology!" Sun Hao spit out these four words softly.

This is the first time the name of this company has been known to outsiders!
"It's the mobile phone manufacturing company that you sent Ren Quan to Xiamen to run. I heard that it has also bought an abandoned paper factory and plans to transform its factory into a clean room?"


With a very affirmative reply, Sun Hao pushed open the Volvo door.Because at this time, Wang Xiaochen, who was wearing a white down jacket, suddenly came out of Shoubi Hutong bouncing around.


During the Spring Festival in 2000, the capital was lively!
Shooting cannons, going to temple fairs, going to Lama Temple to grab incense sticks...

Since all the students in the undergraduate classes of the performance department of the [-]th and [-]th grades of Chinese opera bought houses in the capital, except for Zeng Li whose father suddenly fell ill, the rest of the students took their parents to the capital for the New Year.

At the end of the Qin Dynasty, Xiang Yu once said that if wealth and honor do not return to their hometown, it is like walking in brocade clothes at night.

This sentence is also applicable today. Before graduating from university, you bought a big house at the foot of the emperor, so you have to show off to your parents, brothers and sisters, right? !

But in this way, Wang Xiaochen will be much happier. When Sun Hao took her to a classmate's house as a guest, her mouth softened after eating delicious food, and her hands softened after receiving the red envelopes for the New Year...

When he met a boy who was not handsome, such as Qin Hao, Wang Xiaochen wanted to reject his offer, but just as the words were out of his mouth, a second big red envelope was stuffed in...

Too little is no, take this again!

Hehe, you Haozi brother is so forthright!

Different from the previous life, the popular skit "Selling Abductees" appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala one year in advance.

Zhao Benshan, king of Northeast essays, made people all over the country laugh out loud with his unique humor.

Of course, some sharp-eyed netizens focused on the author of the skit. Just after the skit was performed, there were more than 3000 posts about it on the Tianya forum.

"Folks, did you see that the author of "Selling Snatches" is actually Sun Hao?"

"Yeah, I noticed that too!

Isn't Sun Hao good at sci-fi and horror movies?How come even sketches are so funny? "

"Almighty, is Sun Hao an all-rounder?

Two years ago, when "Titanic" was released in the mainland, it achieved an unprecedented high box office. At that time, major media including CCTV exclaimed, Hollywood blockbusters are coming, who can resist?

Now, brothers, the answer is out, and Sun Hao is counterattacking with a Chinese film.Aren't you American devils here to earn our renminbi?

It's okay, I'll earn your dollars too! "

"So, in one word, Sun Hao is awesome!"

"Upstairs, there is another English letter."


Four days later, when netizens were still laughing about [Sun Hao can write comedy sketches] on the Internet, Sun Hao had already boarded the flight to Hong Kong Island.

I didn't want to go at first, but I will go to the northwest after a few days of rest in the capital, and I am too tired to go back and forth.

But the parents and younger sister are really curious. We have seen most of the houses you bought in the capital. Some are good, some are bad, and there are a few dilapidated ones.

But we haven't seen any real estate on Hong Kong Island, why don't you take us to have a look, it's the Spring Festival vacation.

Sun Hao had no choice but to go "with pleasure"!

Since it was a private trip, Sun Hao didn't tell anyone when he came, but when he came out of Hong Kong Island International Airport, he immediately saw the smiling Huo Wenxi driving a white Toyota Alphard.

"Director Sun, this way!"

"Hey... how did you know I'm here?"

"The box office of "Reaper 1" broke through 6 million U.S. dollars in [-] days. Director Sun, with such an impressive record, do you think those entertainment paparazzi will not notice you?" Huo Wenxi asked with a smile.

Uh... that's true!
While waiting for the flight at the Beijing International Airport, there were indeed a few entertainment reporters who kept taking pictures of me.

"Hi uncle!"

"Hello auntie!"

"Hello little sister!"

Well, it's not bad, Huo Wenxi, who speaks poor Mandarin, actually got all three names right.

Of course, she can only explain this clearly. As for the words like "Welcome to Hong Kong Island to celebrate the New Year, our boss Yang has prepared a reception banquet for you, and we are waiting for us to go to the hotel for the banquet." Did not understand a word.

However, fortunately, there was an interpreter Sun Hao on the scene.

After the greetings, everyone boarded the car.

Huo Wenxi drove the car towards the city very skillfully.

"Director Sun, where shall we go first?"

"No. 69 Repulse Bay Road!

I want my parents and younger sister to live there, and then you can help me find a car. If I have time these days, I will drive them around. "

"Are there any requirements for the car?"

Huo Wenxi knew that Sun Hao hadn't bought a car in Hong Kong Island until now, but fortunately, his driver's license can drive in Hong Kong Island.

"There is no requirement, just be safe and reliable!"

"That's fine, tonight, I'll leave this car to you!" The chat was casual, and the hundreds of thousands of things were borrowed, and Huo Wenxi didn't need to ask Yang Shoucheng for permission.

"Oh, right…"

At this time, Huo Wenxi spoke again.

"Director Sun, Yang Sheng asked someone about your desire to be naturalized in Hong Kong Island. At present, Hong Kong Island does not accept investment immigration and immigration for special talents, but if you really want to become naturalized, there is still a way..."


"According to relatives.

For example, Director Sun, if you find a native of Hong Kong Island to marry, then you can come here with naturalization. "

(End of this chapter)

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