Chapter 556 Calculation
Less than two hours after Mikiko's case was pronounced, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology issued a statement on its website.It will establish an investigation team to investigate the improper relationship between teachers and students in the Department of Life Sciences of Kyoto University and the transfer of the benefits involved.For an institution like the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, it is extremely rare to establish an investigation team specifically for the occurrence of a certain incident.Because the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology can be said to be the bureaucracy with the highest power in education, science, and academics in Toyo.How could the true God in the heavens get dirty with the dust of the world at will?

The precious sword will not be easily unsheathed, once it is unsheathed, it will drink human blood.

For an institution where such a big figure as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology works, outsiders may never know what kind of swords, lights, swords and shadows fought against each other in this short 2 hours, and what kind of struggles have been experienced. made such a statement.The actions of great people in high positions, if you don't witness it yourself, you will never know the truth.The only certainty is that a big reshuffle may be coming.

Who can stay in the game in the end.

Who needs to be out again in the end.

No one could have predicted it.

For Kyoto University, it is completely in the center of the storm at this time.If we talk about the previous scandal of the production and research company, with the efforts of Ogawara and others, it was barely covered up.However, Mikiko's scandal was revealed in broad daylight, in a public courtroom, and in front of dozens of reporters.This cannot be covered up no matter what, even if it has the power to cover the sky with one hand, it will eventually leave a gap.

Those who deserve their names at Kyoto University have found themselves in great trouble.From the initial Fujimura plagiarism case to the Morimoto embezzlement case, the Accounting and Inspection Institute secretly entered the university to conduct audits on the use of scientific research funds.Step by step, gradually, this top school in the East has been heading towards the abyss for some time.The matter of the Accounting Inspection Institute is not over yet, and the university is now facing even bigger matters.The high-level figures of the universities also immediately learned that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology will send an investigation team.As a result, the high-level parties of the university who used to be quite domineering suddenly turned into frightened birds.

academic plagiarism.

Corruption of production and research enterprise funds.

To call it an economic problem would be too elegant.

One pile after another of broken incidents came one after another.

Only enough strength is the truth that can run rampant in the world.

Therefore, the high-ranking people in the university are most concerned about——

Once you understand this, you can also know why those high-ranking people are crazy.

Because if a person is full, it is still possible to distribute several meals to the hungry victims.

Can they retain their current power?

As for the imminent flood and huge waves, no one paid attention.

Even if they know that they will perish because of this, they still have to cut.

And this is tantamount to declaring self-destruction.

In the past, it looked like an extremely sacred and solemn academic hall.After the veil was lifted, there were also hidden troubles everywhere.

It is the result of fighting for many interests and laying bare bones.

Because people who don't eat meat are destined to break away from the ranks of meat eaters.

However, if a person may not even be able to protect himself, what motivation would he have to focus on longer-term interests.Therefore, an extreme paradox emerges.The more critical the moment, the more the need for unity and cohesion, the elites are more keen to fight each other, pay more attention to small profits, and more like to fight to the death.

Whether the dam can hold back the flood.

For this reason, even if they swung a knife to cut off the flesh and blood from the people.

Behind an administrative job --

And because of this, those in power need to continue to use power to make up for the price paid in the past.Make up ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times.So that only when the powerless are forced to prostrate in front of those in power and shout long live, can the unwilling resentment in the hearts of those in power calm down a little.

This is first and foremost a question of physics.

However, in many cases, this problem is more important than the previous physics problem.

But whether a dam can be used to fatten a pocket—or, to put it more bluntly, enrich one’s own pocket—is another question.

Only power is truth.

As far as these high-level figures are concerned, what they really believe in is power.

The more critical the situation is, the less the high-ranking people pay attention to the interests of the university, and the more they pay attention to their own interests.

So at the moment, what the university dignitaries really care about is their position.Can they continue to sit securely on top of their administrative duties.You must know that in universities, it may not be too difficult for a talented young talent to obtain a tenured seat.However, among such a group of people, it is extremely difficult to obtain administrative positions with real power-deans, deans, members of university committees, directors, supervisors, academic affairs, etc.There are too many human entanglements and interest exchanges.

This is very important.

Sometimes things are just so absurd.There is an ancient Chinese saying in Dongtu: "Meat-eaters are despicable." These short four words generally mean that those in power are short-sighted and short-sighted.There were many people who did not understand this sentence.High-ranking people have received a good aristocratic education, have a lot of experience, and their knowledge far exceeds that of ordinary people. How can this group of people be short-sighted?However, only those who have experienced the world will understand the true meaning of this sentence.

The price to gain power is simply too great.

Of course, for many high-level figures at Kyoto University at the moment, they are not worried about academic corruption or lover scandals.They don't care about fame and morals.For fame and morality are the products of bondage to the weak.Only the weak will tremblingly regard morality and ethics as a great event.

Improper relationship between teachers and students and transfer of interests.

Therefore, when the university scandal broke out, in the midst of this mess, the first thing that the senior officials of the university thought of was not how to turn the tide and save the reputation of the university, but how their power and interests would be gained or lost.Each of these people is good at calculation.These people, whose intelligence is beyond ordinary people, are even more calculating at this moment, deduced to the extreme.

They will also cut.

The reason meat eaters despise is that if they can't eat meat, then they are no longer meat eaters.

This is where the paradox of the world lies—

The really important issues are not important, and the originally unimportant issues become very important.

The vast majority of people are thus forced to live in a completely reversed order.And what is even more frightening is that this result is not caused by some kind of ignorance.On the contrary, this is the result of a group of elites' rational calculations.Yes - the ultimate human calculation, but the most irrational result.

It is against this background that Kyoto University is in an unprecedented vortex, and various factions have begun to surge undercurrents, and mutual calculations are about to begin...

(End of this chapter)

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