Chapter 492 Schools
The Liston Hotel, Room 1706.

On the TV screen, the camera was falling on Takeuchi's face, his brows were slightly frowned, his whole expression looked extremely serious, every time his facial muscles were controlled just right, it seemed that at this moment the vice-principal had really become an academic norm The defender is accusing Mikiko's lawsuit as an unforgivable slander to the university.

In the picture, Asakurahiko, who was in a corner, looked forward with cold eyes.He stared at the camera, as if he was searching for something, and he seemed to want to find out who was behind the lawsuit.At this moment, it actually gave people an illusion that he seemed to be staring at Bei Yuan in front of the TV.

Obviously it's only through the TV, but Kitahara has already felt Asakurahiko's eyes.Yes, he was looking at himself.The appearance of this top expert in administrative law in the venue at this moment means that he has already intervened in this incident.Next, how will the university play chess?
Miyakawa saw that Kitahara was looking at the man in the corner of the TV screen, and then she followed Kitahara's gaze. After seeing the man's face, Miyakawa couldn't help showing a surprised expression, " Yes... yes... it's Professor Asakurahiko! He's here too!"

"What? Do you know him?" Bei Yuan raised his head and looked at the companion beside him.

Miyagawa nodded, "My father once took over a lawsuit in the law firm about insider trading being administratively punished by the Securities Bureau of the Ministry of Finance. At that time, Asakura Hiko was giving a guest lecture in Tokyo. So my father and other scholars , There are also some former officials of the Securities Bureau who held a seminar on this case and invited Professor Asakura."

Miyagawa seemed to be trapped in the memories of the past, and continued, "It was from this meeting that I learned how powerful Professor Asakura is. In fact, at the beginning, when my father held this seminar, the response From the perspective of the number of participants, it was very difficult to organize because it was too small. But later, the situation changed suddenly. My father did not expect Professor Asakura Hiko to attend this meeting, but he unexpectedly agreed."

"As soon as Professor Asakura Hiko expressed his participation, the real situation is very different." Miyagawa couldn't help but gesture with his hands, and continued, "The number of registered participants suddenly increased to two or three hundred. And the participants There are many dignitaries among them, and barristers who usually only hear their names have also come. The day when the seminar was held was really the day when my father's law firm gathered the most famous people in history."

Kitahara didn't know much about Asakurahiko.In other words, such a character would certainly not take the initiative to reveal too much information about himself.A revolving door figure spanning multiple circles, including legislative circles, practical circles, and academic circles.The power and energy behind this kind of person must not be underestimated.

Suddenly, Miyagawa's face froze again, "Wait! Beiyuan!"

Miyagawa quickly grabbed a court document on the desktop.That document is the "Notice of the Membership of the Collegial Panel", which will record the names and contact information of the judges, judge assistants and clerks of a case.I can only see that the chief referee of this case is recorded on this piece of paper: Toshiya Kawata.

Immediately, Miyagawa turned to look at another notebook on the desktop.The notebook above is densely pasted with strips of paper cut from various printed webpages.This is the support that Miyagawa collected the judge's information and resume in this case according to Kitahara's arrangement.

"The chief referee of this case, Judge Kawada, is... is... Asakurahiko's doctoral student!" Miyagawa said with a trembling voice.

"Yes." Bei Yuan nodded lightly.

Fate is sometimes so ruthless and joking.

Immediately, in an unexpected place, he began to play tricks on the world.

In the previous Fujimura school plagiarism case, the chief referee, Judge Takanashi, was a monk from Utsunomiya.Such a coincidence once happened again in this case.

However, the current situation is even worse. Compared with master students, the relationship between doctoral students and supervisors is obviously closer.

Kitahara picked up the notebook on the desktop and began to read the information about Judge Kawada.Kawada is a doctoral student specializing in Administrative Law.During his doctoral studies, he was able to independently publish articles in well-known journals, and also cooperated with Asakura on many papers and scientific research projects.Judge Kawada closely followed his mentor in terms of academic views, which can be said to be extremely loyal.

In the field of Oriental administrative law, there are two schools of thought opposing each other.One of them, represented by English administrative law, advocates that the goal of administrative law is to restrict power and protect private rights.The other school, represented by German administrative law, holds that the main goal of modern administrative law is to ensure that the state performs its functions of management and regulation.Asakura Hiko, who returned from studying abroad in Germany, is naturally the leader of the latter school.

Undoubtedly, judges who hold functionalist jurisprudence will pay more attention to the actual effects of judgments.They pay more attention to whether the law binds the hands and feet of the state power and prevents it from functioning, rather than whether the state must strictly follow the law in administration.

For "trivial" illegal acts, judges with a functionalist concept are more inclined to let them go.As far as this type of judge is concerned, making a judgment on a case is closer to envisioning a result in advance and then looking for evidence from the law.Instead of looking for a good basis from the law first, and then making a judgment.

It seems that this case is really difficult to handle.

Bei Yuan looked at the information in these notebooks, took a sip from the water glass next to him.

Miyagawa also felt a sense of depression.The pressure of an invisible giant net.No wonder the legal world in Kyoto is monopolized by Kyoto University.It's only been three lawsuits since I came here.In two lawsuits, the presiding judge was a student of the opposing attorney.Under such circumstances, how can it be possible to shake the local political and legal forces?

If we talk about Judge Takanashi before, she had rebellious actions against the school when she was young.

So, the current Judge Kawada is an out-and-out follower of Asakurahiko.

In addition, the facts of this case are already unfavorable to our own side, so the possibility of a comeback is almost zero.

Previously, he had gone through two lawsuits with Kitahara, which gave Miyagawa some optimistic expectations.Now, however, she sees little hope.

The room became quiet.Asakurahiko's intervention indicated that he will be the agent of Kyoto University next, which is another very bad news for Kitahara and Miyagawa.Kyoto University, this majestic campus is like a giant spider stretching out countless silks at this moment, trying to firmly restrain those who dare to invade and place them on the shining spider web.

(End of this chapter)

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