Tokyo Barrister: Start the law firm bankruptcy

Chapter 485: Academic Boundaries

Chapter 485: Academic Boundaries

The lights in the auditorium were dim, and the seats below were already full of people.On the super-large curtain at the front end of the auditorium, the slides of this lecture are being projected.There are several large characters printed on it: "Academic Promotion Association-Kyoto University Reporting Meeting: Display of University Construction Achievements." The first itinerary of the Academic Promotion Association's visit to Kyoto University is to listen to the university's senior management on the progress made by the campus in recent years Reporting with results.

Maybe it's because those big names are sitting on the field at the moment.Nuo Da's auditorium unexpectedly showed a somewhat depressing feeling.At this time, many people in the meeting couldn't see the big figures sitting in the front row clearly.Under the insufficient light, only the shadows of people can be seen vaguely.However, this vague feeling arouses people's awe of great authority even more.

The fear in the hearts of many scholars present was even stronger.The reason is simple, although on the surface the university is a so-called pursuit of truth and a place with a free spirit.But in fact, there is only one extremely narrow promotion channel for university teachers here.Either get tenure or choose to leave.This is an extremely cruel promotion knockout match.This also determines that here, compared with ordinary industries, there are more personal dependencies.

Takeuchi was on the stage at the moment, looking at the materials he had prepared in his hand.Perhaps because the air conditioner in the auditorium was turned on, the feeling of being bound by the collar just now had disappeared.The stage lighting on the stage is also very soft and not dazzling.Everything seemed to be going extremely well.

Takeuchi will be in charge of subsequent reports.

This will be his first contact with people from the Revitalization Association.

Arguably his own initial debut.

I must be successful, and I must step into the center of power in the scientific research circles in the East!

Slightly moved the microphone in front of him, and after confirming that everything was fine, Takeuchi took one last look at the speech script in front of him.

"First of all—" the vice president's voice sounded, "For the Academic Promotion Association's visit to Kyoto University, our university management, all teachers, and scientific researchers would like to express our sincere welcome and thanks. The mission of revival. It can be said that it is a great honor for us to be here at Kyoto University today.”

"I think our university, like the Revitalization Association, is committed to contributing to the academic progress of Toyo." Takeuchi continued, "Today's report, if it is just a dry list of the university's achievements and data in recent years, may be too boring .So I want to start with a question."

Takeuchi raised his hand and gently pressed the remote control in his hand.

Then, there was a flicker on the huge curtain, and the projection room at the back of the auditorium seemed to make a sound.Immediately afterwards, the slideshow switched to the background, and several bold Chinese characters appeared on it——

"Academics and Borders."

The light of these fonts shines on the eyes of everyone in the venue.

"Yes, everyone, the topic I want to cut into is this one, academics and national borders." Takeuchi's powerful voice sounded, "In the past, our university upheld the Western concept and believed that the university was a so-called independent university. The place is the place where the truth is pursued. It is the so-called "academics have no borders". This view has occupied the dominant position of Toyo University's school-running thinking for a long time."

"Within the university, there is the power of the self-governing committee of professors to check and balance the management. Many delicate balance restrictions are to maintain the right of university teachers not to be interfered with."

"However, has this so-called autonomous system of university teachers really brought us great results? I don't think so. The cold figures have shown that this so-called autonomous system has failed. Although our country has invested a huge amount Public funds are used to fund scientific research, but in terms of its output, it is incomparable with Western countries. Our academics in the East can only follow others and follow suit. So where is the problem? Is it really We Orientals are inferior in intelligence and skill? Why do we have the best students in the world, but we cannot cultivate the best talents?"

"Since I took an administrative position at Kyoto University, I have done a lot and thought a lot. From my experience now, I think the root cause is that there is a problem with our university system. Our system is directly inherited from the West. But But we haven’t thought about whether this system is in line with the actual situation in our East Asia.”

"Western universities have their unique historical background in emphasizing autonomy. After the destruction of the Roman Empire, the West fell into barbarism, and then the rise of theological power imprisoned the development of Western minds. Therefore, although the university itself originated from the church , but in order to get rid of the shackles of theology, it is necessary to emphasize independent and unconstrained claims.”

"However, the situation in Toyo is completely different. Since the time of the Tokugawa shogunate, our country has always been isolated overseas and isolated from the world. It was the occurrence of the black ship incident that greatly shocked our country, and only then did the so-called open door The earliest flourishing of our country's academic research lies in the translation of Lanxue works. It can be seen that the foundation of our country's academics does not lie in the four characters of freedom and independence, but in salvation and survival. Facing the powerful Western culture at that time, And looking for a way to save the nation."

"Does academics have national boundaries? For Westerners, of course it does not. Because in their concept, all countries on earth are subordinate to heaven. For them, the real difference lies not in this country or that country, but in this religion. Or that religion. It is whether you believe in the same true God in heaven."

"However, judging from the history of our country, academics have national boundaries. Because from the very beginning, scholars in our country have been committed to finding a way to make our country progress. Therefore, a university system that is truly suitable for our country is a A system that mobilizes collective power. It requires real solidarity, sacrifice and dedication."

"Recently, the friction between the West and us has become more and more serious. The inconsistencies in issues such as trade balance, currency exchange rate, exchange rate, and semiconductors have become more and more serious. Under this background, the urgency of my country's university system reform is even more urgent. It is even more necessary to have a system to mobilize everyone's reasons and serve the needs of the overall situation. I think the most important achievement of Kyoto University in recent years is to explore the existence of such a university system for our country!"

In an instant, Takeuchi pressed the remote control again.

Slideshows switch quickly.

It shows dense data, and there are many important items.All of the above have vividly demonstrated the reform results of Takeuchi's "no support for idlers" policy, as well as the scientific research output of Kyoto University in recent years.At the same time, there are rows of cold data indicating the elimination rate of scientific researchers.

"University is not a place to raise idlers. If you can't publish, you will be out! Universities also need to introduce an elimination mechanism! Universities also need a baton to determine the focus of research! Universities also need obedience and discipline! Universities also need to be for the overall situation And serve!"

With Takeuchi's contagious voice in the venue, the exciting and ambitious atmosphere seemed to reach its peak.Although behind this grand plan is the broken research career of countless people who have been expelled from the university...

At the same time, in all the streets and alleys of Kyoto, news students were riding motorcycles and delivering the local J Weekly.J Weekly in Kyoto can be said to be the most popular weekly magazine in the area.News and current events, celebrity gossip, anecdotes, etc. are all available, and it is the favorite news magazine for local people.

A newspaper delivery boy stuffed a magazine into the mailbox of a fried tofu shop.The letterbox seems to have too much material inside and the entire magazine is not fully pushed into the box.Only the title on the cover is displayed in exaggerated words:
[Resist the decision to revoke the Ph.D. degree!The former doctor formally sued Kyoto University!Call for Judicial Review! 】

(End of this chapter)

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