Chapter 288
At 8:23 p.m., a tree-lined street outside the campus of Kyoto University.

"I didn't expect the matter to be resolved so smoothly." Miyagawa walked on the sidewalk, carefully holding a few civil complaints with his personal signature in his hand, "I really didn't expect the world to go around and go around like this. some people."

Miyagawa still had an unbelievable expression on his face, "I really didn't expect that Professor Masato Harada, who came out to help us in the end, happened to be the one who wrote the inscription for my father's law firm."

Bei Yuan was walking on the road, and he felt that it was too coincidental to believe it.But come to think of it, this is the best ending.With the backing of Professor Masato Harada to keep Hirose, there will be no worries.Shimogawa can give it a go.And I can just take this opportunity to pry open the door of Kyoto University.

"Perhaps, this is our world, it is really destined." Bei Yuan put his hands in his pockets and smiled.

"You haven't noticed Professor Harada, does he seem to like you very much?" Miyagawa said beside him, "I don't know, judging by his expression, it seems that he is going to accept you as his student."

"However, Beiyuan, it's not luck." Miyagawa blinked, "Just now in your teaching and research room, I think you said something right."

"Oh? What is it?" Bei Yuan shrugged his shoulders, "It seems that I have become a philosopher."

"You said in the teaching and research room, that's what you said, 'Only by shouting loudly can people with conscience hear your cry and extend a helping hand to you.' I'm afraid...I'm afraid that Xiachuan's voice will be heard by no one."

"I have to correct what I said." Bei Yuan said beside him, his expression was quite joking, but his tone seemed serious, "The real helping hand is only yourself, not others."

At this moment, walking on the road, the cold wind in winter seems not to be so harsh.The small wind blowing gently gave people the illusion of a cool summer breeze, and they couldn't help but feel relaxed and happy.

However, as Bei Yuan was walking on the road, a strange feeling resurfaced in his heart again.He felt being followed again, and, as he became more and more certain, it was not an illusion.

From the moment he stepped into the capital, he vaguely felt that he was being followed.

At first, Beiyuan thought that he was a little tired, so he had an illusion.

However, when this illusion happened again and again, he was very sure that he must be being followed.

On the corner of the street, in the shadows of the buildings, there seemed to be no strange pedestrians, tourists passing by, and maikos with pastel-painted faces on the side of the road.

I couldn't tell what was wrong, but there was an abnormality.

Could it be Eto?
The name of the former director of the law firm suddenly popped into Bei Yuan's mind again.Eto, will he still be in Kyoto?Thinking of this question, Bei Yuan shook his head self-consciously.

The possibility of Jiang Teng staying in Kyoto is obviously very small, basically impossible.

Then, another somewhat creepy answer emerged in Bei Yuan's mind.

Maybe, it's not Eto who is staring at him, but someone who is also looking for Eto.

Crossing the sidewalk and walking back to the GuestHouse Hotel, Kitahara took out his room card and swiped open the door. After Miyagawa entered the door, Kitahara put a padlock on the door very carefully and plugged the crack with a small triangular wooden pad. Completely jam the corner of the door.After confirming that the door could not be opened from the outside in a conventional way, Bei Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's the matter?" Miyagawa turned his head and looked at the man in front of him who looked like he was facing a big enemy, "Why did you become so cautious all of a sudden?"

"It's nothing, just pay attention to safety when traveling abroad." Bei Yuan replied.

In a sense the world is fair.When you happen to be lucky in one aspect, God will inevitably take back another part of luck from other aspects.It was luck to meet Professor Masato Harada this afternoon.However, on the other hand, God is quietly asking for the price of this part of luck.When Kitahara and Miyagawa stepped into the hotel, the police in Kyoto decided to take action...




In the evening, 9:25.

On the street outside the Guesthouse Hotel, a large number of people were dormant in the shadows of the surrounding buildings.At this moment, after several days of tracking, they still did not find the target in contact with Jiang Teng, so they abandoned the idea of ​​"playing a long line and catching big fish".At this moment, these people have already taken off their civilian clothes and are wearing black police uniforms openly. They are staring at the third floor of the hotel in front of them in the darkness.

This target called Yoshiichi Kitahara is in Room 303.

A tall man in black who seemed to be in charge of the on-site operation also stood in person less than 50 meters away from the hotel.According to the usual operational practice, he should be sitting in the command vehicle at this time, not standing on the scene.There is no room for error regarding the huge money laundering case of Nakamoto Ships.It is precisely for this reason that even the commander has to stand on the front line.

A white earphone cable extended upwards from the collar of his police uniform, and the earphones were firmly buckled in the pinnae of his ears.Some faint noises came faintly from the headset.

"The first floor of the hotel has been cleared, it's over."

"Hotel staff have withdrawn, over."

"The target is still in the guest room on the third floor, confirmation is complete."

"There is a woman next to the target, confirmation is complete."

"Should we initiate action now?"

The tall man in black took off his headset and said softly, "The Nakamoto ship is in contact with the smuggling gang. It cannot be ruled out that the other party has guns on his body and the possibility of taking the accompanying woman as a hostage. Therefore, all departments at the scene, armed Break in, be sure to take it down with one blow!"

Following this soft order, the dark night in Kyoto seemed to lose its voice suddenly.Suddenly, dozens of plainclothes police officers in bulletproof vests poured out from all directions of the hotel and surrounded the hotel.At the front of the plainclothes police officers are special police officers with masks, helmets, and submachine guns, also known as special assault forces.This unit is an ultra-elite unit in the East that can quickly suppress special crimes with powerful firepower. Every member of the team has received almost devil-like training.

Several members of the special raid team touched the third floor of the hotel and stood outside the door of Room 303.Following a team member gestured, several SWAT members held a special batting hammer, took a deep breath, and then kicked their legs suddenly, bursting out astonishing energy at a distance of less than a few meters.The hammer slammed heavily on the door.The silent night just now was suddenly pierced by this resounding blow.

The locked guest room door was instantly pierced like a piece of paper.The metal kink at the door split in two, and countless sawdust flew out.At this moment, outside the windows on the third floor, several figures suddenly descended from the fourth floor and kicked at the glass on the third floor.In an instant, the solid glass of the guest room flew out like snowflakes, shattering like a frozen waterfall.

At this moment, the guest room door and window glass were shattered at the same time.

The girl's terrified screams came from inside the room.

And the man in his twenties was protecting her tightly. Facing this unprecedented and unprecedented scene, he seemed to have expected it, and there was no trace of panic or bewilderment in his eyes. On the contrary, His gaze was firm, and he stood resolutely among the tatami mats in the guest room, like a general on the battlefield who is fearless in the face of danger.

Several plainclothes policemen flew into the room the moment they broke the door, and rushed towards the man.Under the cold submachine gun, a hoarse male voice with a Kansai accent came:

"Yiichi Kitahara, you are under arrest now."

(End of this chapter)

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