Tokyo Barrister: Start the law firm bankruptcy

Chapter 173 Gu Meimen's Notebook

Chapter 173 Gu Meimen's Notebook (Second)
Machiko felt that the opponent in front of her was unprecedentedly difficult, and in a flash, she once again completely refuted the evidence she had carefully prepared.It seemed that the exquisite building blocks that had been built with great difficulty were suddenly pushed violently and collapsed, falling down like dominoes.

Machiko opened his mouth, wanting to refute, but couldn't utter a single word.She felt that she was out of words.However, behind the lack of words is rationality.After listening to Miyagawa's words, Machiko's heart was also faintly shaken, as if she wanted to be persuaded by her.

For a moment, the court fell silent.

From time to time, the footsteps of people passing by in the corridor outside the trial court can be clearly heard.

This quietness is a kind of torture for Machiko.

Every minute, every second, this silent atmosphere seemed to be pulling on Machiko's heartstrings, as if a steel wire lasso was entangled with her hands and feet, pulling tighter and tighter.

About 2 minutes later, Judge Jiang Tian sat behind the trial seat, coughed slightly, and said, "Lawyer for the plaintiff, what's your response to the rebuttal of the defendant's attorney on the opening of the area for motor vehicles?"

The judge's voice is not loud, but at this moment, it sounds like the sharp sound of the steam whistle at the moment when the steam train starts before leaving the station, urging the passengers who have not boarded the train to get on the train quickly.

Machiko flipped through the materials on the table in a panic, and the judge's voice undoubtedly aroused her nervousness even more.After the morning court session and the afternoon's intense debate, even an iron man can feel tired.This feeling of fatigue has already slowed Machiko's reaction speed.

It’s over.

I can't answer.

Machiko's eyebrows were already trembling slightly, she really didn't expect to be forced into this situation, but no matter how desperately she thought and exhausted her energy, her mind was still blank.

"You are really stupid." A male voice came faintly from the side.

Gu Meimen, who had been sitting beside her and never spoke, moved her mouth slightly.Gu Meimen looked at Machiko who was unable to speak, and shook her head with an expression that she was hopeless.

Right now, Machiko has been forced speechless by Miyagawa.

And this lawsuit about the right of way of the adjacent land is the second key step in the general hotel's plan to seize the land.

Once lost, the general hotel's land seizure plan will fail.

Gu Meimen raised her hand, and with a black, high-quality pen, wrote a few words in his notebook, then swiped lightly, and pushed the notebook directly in front of Machiko.

Gu Meimen is gone.

As the lawsuit draws to a close, Gu Meimen is gone.

Machiko was slightly taken aback when she saw the notebook that Gu Meimen pushed over, and then realized that he was helping her to save the situation. She immediately scanned the words in the notebook and began to read carefully.

Seeing the reminder on the notebook, Machiko's beautiful eyes widened a little.She thought it would be difficult to refute Miyagawa's argument just now, but she didn't expect that lawyer Gu Meimen thought of a new reason for attack in an instant.And this attack path, the opponent is absolutely unable to defend.

Staring at the crooked handwriting on the notebook, Machiko couldn't help but feel a chill again.It's like when you are facing a nearly unsolvable problem and have been thinking hard for several days, but the genius around you solved the answer to the problem in less than 5 minutes.In the eyes of others, the hard thinking that I have exhausted my heart and energy is just a little effort in less than 5 minutes.This huge sense of gap is almost enough to suffocate people.

Gu Meimen's notebook, in the face of almost irrefutable arguments, can tear out a new direction of attack.

This is the horror of barristers.

The scene of Gu Meimen handing the notebook to Machiko was also seen by Bei Yuan on the opposite side.

Bei Yuan was sitting lazily on the dock at the moment, with his right hand resting his head gently, his eyes scanning the court back and forth rather boredly.After seeing Gu Meimen's movements, Beiyuan Weimi raised her eyes and straightened her sitting posture slightly.

The opposing lawyer is gone.

Although Beiyuan didn't check the profile of Gu Meimen's lawyer, he didn't have much interest in the so-called 100% winning gimmick.However, since seeing Gu Meimen in person at the mediation meeting, he concluded that Gu Meimen is definitely an extremely high-level lawyer.

Although, I have never heard of Gu Meimen's trial.

I haven't read the materials of Gu Meimen's handling of the case.

The reason for making such a judgment is entirely an intuition that has been honed in the legal world for many years.

A barrister always has an inexplicable and unclear temperament.

And the Gu Meimen lawyer has this kind of temperament.

Moreover, this temperament is still very strong.

Beiyuan stopped the movement of turning the pen in his hand, and looked at the lawyer Dai on the other side, waiting for what kind of reason to fight back he would read out from Gu Meimen's notebook.

"Chief referee!" Machiko stood up from the plaintiff's seat.At this moment, it seemed that the aura of the courtroom had sensed the fate of the barrister, and faintly fluctuated, like ripples in a calm lake.And at the center of this fluctuation is Gu Meimen's notebook
As the slender figure stood up, it was as if an autumn wind was blowing in the court, and a faint vortex of air seemed to appear beside her.

Machiko's somewhat discouraged expression had disappeared, her eyes seemed to be shining, and she said, "Chief referee, on the issue of whether Aobadai should be open to motor vehicles. The plaintiff's attorney now adds a new reason."

New... new reason? !

Miyagawa immediately became vigilant when she heard these words, but she didn't notice the actions of Gu Meimen just now.At this moment, Miyagawa didn't know that the opponent she was facing at this moment was no longer lawyer Dai Machiko, but the lawyer Gu Meimen Kensuke who had a terrifying 100% winning rate.

Machiko glanced at the notebook on the table and said, "Chief referee, according to the national standard "Code for Design of Fire Protection of High-Rise Civil Buildings", when the length of the building along the street exceeds 150 meters or the total length exceeds 220 meters, it should be installed at a suitable position to pass through the building. The fire lane. The length of the street along the Aobadai apartment has exceeded 150 meters, and the fire lane should be set up in accordance with the national fire protection standards. Due to the construction of the subway, the original fire lane cannot be used. The stadium has become the only way for the Aobadai apartment to go to the outside world Under such circumstances, fire exits equivalent to national standards should be opened to Aobadai Apartments in accordance with fire regulations.”

Machiko took a step forward and raised his voice: "According to fire protection standards, the fire lane should not be narrower than 4 meters. Therefore, the open lane of the stadium should also be no less than the width of the fire lane. In this regard, according to relevant fire regulations and neighboring land According to the relevant regulations on the right of way, the open area of ​​the stadium should not be less than the area of ​​the fire lane!"

(End of this chapter)

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