Chapter 168
With a "click", the Mercedes-Benz door opened.

A middle-aged man got off the passenger seat. On his black suit jacket, he wore a nameplate with a white background. The letters "MIZUHO" were engraved on it, which was the unique logo of Mizuho Bank.The man who got out of the car was Shimada, the vice president of Mizuho Bank's Shinjuku branch.

Shimada's face was gloomy, he straightened his suit a little, and stared at the somewhat careless young man in front of him.

Beiyuan glanced at the cars and people around him, and when he saw Shimada again, he immediately guessed the other party's intentions closely.The people at Mizuho Bank are really impatient. Now that the end of the month has not yet arrived, they have put up such a battle to collect debts.However, looking at this scene, Beiyuan couldn't help being a little surprised. Is this bad debt of 5 million yen worth Mizuho Bank's rush to find him?
Beiyuan looked at the vice president in front of him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Why is Mizuho Bank so idle? As for mobilizing people for me?"

When Shimada saw this hippie smiling face, his brows twitched, thinking about how he was scolded bloody at the sub-branch inspection countermeasure meeting in the morning, and was directly thrown in the face by Takamatsu with the information. After some torment, the young man in front of him, one of the culprits of the pledged warehouse receipt incident, still looked okay.

It's so unfair compared to what happened to me.

Shimada took a step forward, suppressing the anger in his heart, and said sternly, "It's already 5 days before the end of the month, where is your money?"

"Isn't there still 5 days?" Beiyuan put one hand in the trouser pocket of his suit, and said nonchalantly. At this moment, this leisurely look was just about to put another straw in his mouth and whistle.His leather shoes were lifted slightly, tapping the hard asphalt road, with a relaxed posture, as if the six black cars nearby and the twenty-odd bank employees surrounding them were as transparent as air.

Hearing this obviously reckless answer, Shimada's anger rose again, and without any respect, he said angrily, "You haven't collected any money in the past 5 days. Could it be that you have spent the past 5 days?" Can you make up [-] million?! Let me tell you, you don’t want to spend this [-] million yen!!! Don’t think about it!”

Miyagawa was listening to their conversation, and gradually realized that the creditor of Eto Law Firm's 5 million yen was actually Mizuho Bank.And the man in front of him is the vice president of the Shinjuku branch who came to collect the debt from Kitahara.And at the end of the month... at the end of the month, [-] million will be paid back. How can this be paid back? !

Shimada stared at Kitahara, his facial muscles were constantly twitching slightly, his eyes seemed to be able to spew fire, and said, "Let me tell you, it's not enough to just pay 5 million yen now. The internal policy of our bank has now changed. You At the end of the month, 7325 million yen must be repaid!"

7325 million yen.

Shimada's voice emphasized the number heavily.

It was nearly half more than the previous 5000 million yen.

It was like climbing an almost insurmountable mountain, and I was exhausted on the halfway hiking trail. As a result, the altitude of the whole mountain increased by half again, and even the hiking trail disappeared, leaving only the inaccessible rocky wild road.

"Hey, hello, hello. It's too much." Kitahara slightly restrained his smile, "It was agreed before that it would be 5000 million yen at the end of the month, why did you suddenly add 2325 million yen again? No matter how your bank's internal policies change, then It's also your own internal matter. Don't involve me."

Shimada knew that if he didn't come up with some practical means, the person in front of him would not spit out the benefits he and Eto swallowed together.Shimada slowly raised his hand, took out a few A4 papers from his suit, and lifted them up, but saw that these A4 papers were stamped with the seal of the Shinjuku District Magistrate.

It seemed that because he had found a weapon that could restrain the person in front of him, Shimada's anger gradually calmed down, and his expression turned cold. He could only hear Shimada say: "Ten minutes ago, we have officially submitted the case about you to the referee. Personal bankruptcy application. The court will make a decision within 7325 days whether to accept it. As long as you can repay the [-] million before the end of the month, we will naturally withdraw the application. Otherwise, once the court decides to accept it, your personal bankruptcy The process will begin."

On the street, a small cold wind blew, gently blowing Beiyuan's suit jacket.Although the cold wind is not harsh, it seems to be mixed with the chilling meaning of the bank.The weather at this time is approaching winter, and the sound of insects and birds is seldom heard. The trees on the sidewalk have also become withered, and the vitality of all things has gradually become withered.In these cold days, Mizuho Bank showed a sharp sword to Kitahara.





Shinjuku District Court, Court No. 607.

Miyakawa sat on the dock, his face pale, and his eyes glanced at Beiyuan next to him from time to time.Miyagawa is very aware of the consequences of being filed for personal bankruptcy.Once the personal bankruptcy is completed, the debtor will enter a long investigation period.During this period, all bank accounts in Beiyuan will be strictly supervised.Any amount that exceeds the necessary living expenses will be directly deducted from the creditor's account, and a large number of consumption activities, even air travel, will be banned accordingly.If the debt repayment situation is not satisfactory, the inspection period may even be further extended.

Personal bankruptcy is like putting an almost airtight cage on the debtor. Only after going through a long and painful enough torment, can we see a glimmer of debt forgiveness.If the negotiation time of the bankruptcy plan is included, Beiyuan may be bound by the personal bankruptcy system for the next ten or even twenty years.

As for the Lawyers Association, although it did not explicitly say that lawyers who have been filed for personal bankruptcy cannot practice law.However, there is an annual review system for the lawyer's license.Consider that in the discipline of the Bar Association, there are requirements for the moral conduct of lawyers.An individual who is filed for bankruptcy may be classified as a morally deficient situation.

In addition, Kitahara had offended Ikegami, the vice president of the Tokyo District Bar Association, if Chigami wanted to seize this point and get stuck in Kitahara's annual lawyer certificate review, making him unable to continue practicing, it would be completely useless from a legal perspective. any obstacle.

In other words, in the coming time, Beiyuan may not only face the strict control of personal bankruptcy system on all aspects of his property and living conditions, but may even face the suspension of his lawyer qualification.

Thinking of these questions, Miyagawa's expression became a little dazed.

Just over an hour ago, she and Bei Yuan were happily eating mango pudding, and the taste of pudding seemed to linger in their mouths.But now, a cold personal bankruptcy application smashed this peaceful life to pieces.

At this time, the light on the secret door on the left side of the courtroom turned from red to green. Judge Jiang Tian appeared near the secret door with a stack of files in his arms. He sat on the trial seat and looked at the seats on both sides of the plaintiff and defendant.Lawyers Machiko and Gu Meimen in the plaintiff's seat have arrived, and the two young lawyers in the defendant's seat have also arrived.Subsequently, Judge Jiang Tian raised his gavel.

With a "click", a voice from the judgment seat was heard:
"Aobadai Condominium Owners' Committee v. Gaojing Neighboring Land Right of Way Dispute, the trial is now open!"

(End of this chapter)

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