Prince of Chaos

Chapter 634

Chapter 634

On the eighth day of October, Enke, initiated by Zhu Changluo and personally serving as the examiner, officially started the exam.

Countless hopeful students walked into the closed examination room of Shuntian Examination Institute and Xishan Third Academy.

Standing on the tall building, Zhu Changluo looked at them with hopeful joy, and suddenly felt the same pride as Tang Taizong!

"All the talents in the world are in my pocket!"

The Enke Mathematics Examination is three days, the first day is the test of arithmetic, the second day is the test of prescription, and the third day is the test of circle cutting!

The reason why the circle-cutting technique was tested on a single day is also very simple, because the progress of the circle-cutting technique is directly related to the birth of calculus.

As a traveler, you don't need to know calculus, but you must pay attention to the importance of calculus.

Without the invention of calculus, mathematics is almost stagnant.

Once mathematics stagnates, important subjects such as astronomy and physics will also stagnate.

If these disciplines are stagnant and want to start the era of the industrial revolution, then it will be hell.

Is it true that climbing the technology tree can be done with a slap on the head?It takes long-term accumulation to burst out the spark of science and technology!

Otherwise, even sending the most intelligent people in the world to this era would be in vain!

and so!
It can be said bluntly that the progress of calculus is directly related to the progress of mathematics, and the progress of mathematics is directly related to how high the technology tree can grow and how far the technological level can reach.

Therefore, calculus must be taken seriously!
And this will also be the focus of attention after this mathematics exam. As long as he can create a numerical calculation method of pi after the seventh digit of Zu Chongzhi in the circle cutting technique, Zhu Changluo will not be stingy with rewards.

After all, Zhu Changluo is still familiar with reciting the top twenty digits of pi.

Zhu Changluo is still very proud of this, and believes that he is the person who knows the most digits of pi in the world.

What Zhu Changluo didn't know was that there was already a mathematician in Taixi who had calculated the ratio of pi to the 20th place, and, after a few years, this mathematician would continue to calculate the pi to the 32nd place!
It can be seen that in the more than 480 years since Zu Chongzhi calculated pi to the seventh place in 1000, the East has almost stagnated in the key field of mathematics, and now it has begun to lag behind.

If he can't catch up, then there will not be much time left for Zhu Changluo to change his fate against the sky.

After all, when a person's lifespan comes to an end, Zhu Changluo can't guarantee that he can live longer than Emperor Taichang in history.

And even if he can live, live to be 80 years old, a hundred years old.

If it is still impossible to change Daming's mentality of ignoring mathematics and science during his lifetime, then his 80 and 100 years of hard work will still turn into water after his death and become a pity for this time and space.

Therefore, at this time, Zhu Changluo must raise the status of mathematics, no matter whether it is compulsory or material rewards.

Let the smart people in Daming pay attention to mathematics and learn mathematics. Only in this way can Daming continue to be at the forefront of the times.

"Your Highness, the Fan language exam is also open."

Dong Qichang stood behind Zhu Changluo and said, Zhu Changluo hummed.

To be honest, Zhu Changluo paid less attention to the Fan language subject than even the normal imperial examinations.

However, Zhu Changluo still held the Enke of the Fan language class.

The main reason is for Chen Zhenlong's translation of Western works after he returned from Western China and the exchange of Western scholars he brought back.

After the translation of the Taixi works brought back by Chen Zhenlong is completed, and those Taixi scholars have been taught the Ming language.

This Thai-Spanish language will become a small language in the Siyi Pavilion or the Xishan Third Hospital, and students can learn it only as a hobby.

Therefore, Zhu Changluo's attitude towards Taixi Fanyu is based on pragmatism and borrowing.

As long as it is in Zhu Changluo's best interest, he can accept the learning of these languages ​​with an open mind.

After all, even the Manchu emperors of the later generations held special foreign language Enke, and how could he, a Han orthodox royal crown prince, lag behind a Manchu Tartar in his mind?
Zhu Changluo said: "The most important thing about winter exams is the safety of using fire. Although the exam hall has been locked, I still want to remind you again and again that this Enke is of great significance! And the number of participants far exceeds the number of previous imperial exams. Be sure to be safe. Number one! If not, you are the only one asking!"

Zhu Changluo once again emphasized the safety of the exam to Dong Qichang.

In Zhu Changluo's eyes, safety is above all else in Enke this time.

As for the fraud in the history of imperial examinations, Zhu Changluo didn't particularly care.

Because mathematics is not an article.

If you know it, you know it, if you don’t know it, you don’t know it. If you ask to bring a book in and copy it, it’s not likely that anyone can copy a flower without knowing it.

There is also the test of Fan language. Zhu Changluo directly followed the model of English test in later generations.

Mainly multiple-choice questions, supplemented by cloze, and finally there is a section of Fan language composition that does not have a high proportion of scores.

As for those cheaters who have the ability to bring the cheat sheet into the examination room, even if he copied a fluent Fan language composition, it will not help.

Because the composition score does not carry much weight, and this time, Zhu Changluo also invited Li Ming, who is a leader in the English field, to be the protagonist of the composition.

A sentence "If you are Li Ming, and now you are arranged to receive a Western scholar, how should you introduce the situation of Ming Dynasty to him." It will be difficult for countless candidates.

Presumably, candidates who see this topic will be at a loss and don't know where to start.

He could only swallow the splendid articles he had prepared and turn them into nothingness.

Dong Qichang said: "I must strictly implement the safety regulations of the examination room, and will strengthen night patrols to ensure that every candidate can successfully pass the Enke examination."

Zhu Changluo said: "Thank you, Mr. Dong."

After all, Zhu Changluo left.

This Enke held, he was able to show up in front of the Shuntian Examination Academy, which was already a great favor.

Next, Zhu Changluo will continue to be busy with the affairs of the military academy.

It has been two months now, and a preliminary plan has been made for the site selection and school constitution of the military academy.

What to do now is to finalize the location of the military academy and the teaching subjects of the military academy.

As for other issues, it depends on the specific situation.

For example, how do the students in the military academy solve the problem.

If the existing guards and recruits are directly recruited to study in the military academy, it is better to open a literacy class directly.

Because, in ancient times, except for the generals with better family conditions, many soldiers were illiterate.

They are all illiterate, expecting these illiterates to learn the art of war and deploy troops, they will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey before they can actually teach them.

Therefore, Zhu Changluo directly and decisively merged the first subject of Wu Jinshi into the military academy.

Anyone who is qualified to take the Wu Jinshi examination can enter directly.

After all, these people who want to take the Wu Jinshi exam are more or less literate.

Educating literate people to learn systematic knowledge must be more effective.

If a group of illiterates are educated to learn systematic military knowledge, it is simply a catastrophic teaching taught by chickens and ducks!
Of course, it is not denied that there will be illiterate geniuses.

However, it is absolutely impossible for Zhu Changluo to let himself go for the sake of this so-called genius.

Because geniuses are always in the minority, it would be foolish to expect geniuses to help Zhu Changluo change the current situation of the Ming army.

Therefore, the purpose of Zhu Changluo's establishment of the military academy is to systematically cultivate military talents with professional qualities. Only such talents are the most reliable and most useful people.

They can be educated in batches, and serve as command posts at all levels in the Ming army, changing the shortcomings of the Ming army.

And this is the purpose of Zhu Changluo building the military academy!
He didn't want to discover a genius like Wei Qinghuo Qubing. After all, such a genius is rare in the world, and there might not be one in hundreds of years. Instead, pin his hopes on this kind of genius.It's better to cultivate some professional talents to be reliable!


Recommend Zhu Tianwen Seedlings "The Heavens Beginning from Bibotan"!
The author is very spiritual and chats with me very well.Those who like to watch various astronomy can go to Kangkang!
(End of this chapter)

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