Prince of Chaos

Chapter 624

In Taixi, there is a principality called Florence, and of course this principality is not big.The main essence is also gathered in Florence, a small city in the Duchy of Florence.

There is a young doctor named Galileo in this small town, but at this moment, he doesn’t seem to care about seeing patients. He is lying on the bedside table, resting his chin in one hand, looking at The deep horizon.

At this moment Galileo was confused.

He was born into a medical family, and his life trajectory was the same as that of his predecessors. He studied medicine at the University of Pisa, and then returned to his hometown to become a doctor.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources and switch, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple are fine. 】

In the piety of God, Galileo, as a doctor, taught theology by correspondence.

And it was when he was studying theology by correspondence with him that he learned about a "heinous" heresy through the priest teacher who tutored him in his studies!

This heresy is Copernicus!
This lunatic actually said that the sun is the center of the universe, and the earth revolves around the sun.

This is simply absurd!
However, this sentence seems to be the seed of the devil, which took root in Galileo's heart.

He thought about this sentence more than once, and was often in a daze because of this sentence, and now he obviously started to be dazed again.

The colleague on the side looked at the dazed Galileo, shook his head with a wry smile, and went over to pat him on the shoulder.

"Galileo, if you really have doubts, you can go to Rome. I heard that a mysterious oriental envoy has recently come to Rome. Maybe he can give you some enlightenment."

"As we all know, the East is mysterious and powerful. The questions you are thinking about must have been thought about by the Easterners. Maybe they already have the answer."

Listening to his colleague's nagging, Galileo's originally erratic eyes instantly focused.

Galileo excitedly got up and hugged his colleague's shoulders and said, "Thank you John, I'm going to Rome now!"

After all, Galileo rushed out of the office, and went to Rome regardless.

Looking at the crazy Galileo, John sighed, "I hope the mysterious messenger from the east can wake up the lost Galileo. How could the sun be the center of the universe?"

"God has said in the Psalms, 'The world is established and it cannot be moved.' 'She has laid the foundation of the earth, don't move it forever.' These are all revelations from God, how can it be wrong?"

Obviously, John also did not believe in Copernicus' heliocentric theory, and he, like the majority of pious believers, believed that Copernicus' theory was heresy.

However, as Galileo's best friend and colleague, he did not want Galileo to be influenced by Copernicus' heresy.

So, just after he heard that Rome had an envoy from the East, he made up a lie that the East had an answer, and wanted Galileo to go to Rome to hit a wall, sober up, and then come back and continue to do a peaceful job. good doctor.

Galileo set out from Florence full of longing.

He has heard many legends about the mysterious East since he was very young, among which the famous one is Marco Polo's travel notes. …

He was fascinated and fascinated when he heard these stories when he was a child.

Later, when he grew up, he also knew that Marco Polo's travel notes might be exaggerated.

However, when he saw the exquisite porcelain from the mysterious East and the silk products worn by nobles in the University of Pisa, Galileo was shocked again.

Such exquisite porcelain and silk all came from the mysterious East, which made Galileo's calm heart agitated again.

He couldn't help looking forward to the mysterious and beautiful East again, and several times he couldn't help but want to get on the fleet to the mysterious East and set off to see the scenery in the mysterious East.

However, this is too difficult.

As a doctor, he doesn't seem to be outstanding, so no fleet is willing to take him across the ocean.

Therefore, Galileo could only stay in his hometown honestly.

Now, his good friend John actually said that there are messengers from the East in Rome.

This time, Galileo couldn't bear it anymore.

He was so excited that he ran towards Rome desperately.

He had a lot of questions he wanted to ask, and a lot of things he wanted to know, and he wanted the envoy from the east to answer him.

At this time, Chen Zhenlong and others who were staying in Rome were not idle.

Accompanied by Matteo Ricci, Chen Zhenlong also started his tour in Taixi.

During this period of travel, Chen Zhenlong also had a general understanding of the political situation in Taixi.

Originally, Chen Zhenlong thought that the pope was also hereditary. As a result, after continuous understanding, Chen Zhenlong was shocked to find that the pope was not hereditary, but elected!

This shocked Chen Zhenlong.

However, in the continuous understanding that followed, Chen Zhenlong was also relieved.

It turns out that in Taixi, all kings must inherit the throne, and they must be crowned by the Holy See to be considered a formal king.

After realizing this, Chen Zhenlong also sighed, this is really unbelievable!
The pope claims to be the servant of the Western God, and the king is the representative of heaven in Chen Zhenlong's consciousness.

For example, the emperor of Ming Dynasty is the Son of Heaven!
Son of Heaven!
As the Son of Heaven, how could a servant be crowned and certified?
Tessie is putting the cart before the horse, Tai Ah is upside down.

No wonder, there are always "heresy" in Tessie.

Presumably these heretics are loyal people who are diligent in the king's orders and upright.

However, according to His Highness the Crown Prince's account to Chen Zhenlong.

The Crown Prince supports the status quo of Taixi, and said that Daming will always support the Pope Taixi in fighting heresy.

It can be seen that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is also far-sighted.Doesn't the crown prince support the Pope of Taixi equal to suppressing the secularism of Taixi?
For Daming, this is absolutely beneficial and harmless.

Moreover, the crown prince also told him that as long as there are wise men and craftsmen who are unwilling to be heretics in Taixi or look forward to Ming Dynasty, he can take the initiative to bring these people back to Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, during this period of time, apart from collecting Taixi's books, another important thing Chen Zhenlong did was to recruit wise men and craftsmen who were willing to go to Daming with him.

As for those "heretics", Chen Zhenlong has not yet figured out how to deal with them.

After all, these heretics are, to some extent, the crimes of Tessie.

He also has no reason to interfere in Tessie's internal affairs.

What's more, the crown prince also asked him to tell the Pope Taixi that Daming supported Taixi in suppressing heresy.

Therefore, if you want to take away Taixi's heresy, you have to think long-term and don't be impatient.

Otherwise, Pope Taixi might think that Daming wanted to cover up these "heretics".

This will affect his actions in Tessie.

Therefore, during this time in Rome, Chen Zhenlong has been very cautious. He ensured that his first task was completed, and the rest will wait until all these Thai and Western books are loaded on the ship.


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