Prince of Chaos

Chapter 406 Power fascinates people

Chapter 406 Power fascinates people

After the Zhili Navy arrived on Tamna Island, it did indeed play a considerable role in deterring Japanese pirates.

Li Sunshin's guerrilla warfare at sea also became more convenient. After suffering from Li Sunshin's losses, the Japanese navy sailors did not dare to pursue them wantonly, for fear of falling into the encirclement of the Ming army.

Therefore, the performance on the Korean battlefield has returned to a strange balance.

The Japanese pirates began to adopt a conservative attitude, and they did not carry out any more aggressive attacks and aggressions.

Now they are sticking to the front line of Seoul and facing the Ming army stationed in Pyongyang.

However, at this time, the North Korean monarchs and ministers couldn't bear their temper.

From their point of view, the current situation is completely in my advantage, and I can take advantage of the situation to attack and beat the Japanese pirates away.

But why did Xing Jie stand still?

This made the extremely anxious North Korean monarchs and ministers anxious to get angry.

They come to Xing Jie's governor Xingyuan in Pyongyang every day to inquire about the strategy of the Ming army.

And Xing Jie didn't get used to them, Xing Jie's answer was always, "I have nothing to say about the military affairs!"

This made the North Korean monarchs and ministers anxious.

Why is there no comment?Shall we betray ourselves?

This caused the monarchs and ministers of North Korea to gradually become more and more dissatisfied with Xing Jie.

They thought that Xing Jie was afraid of war and the enemy, and worried about losing to Japanese pirates.

As a result, there was a wave of discordant voices within them.

They are going to Beijing to sue.

Xing Jie didn't care about the actions of the North Korean monarchs and ministers.

Let them go. Of course, as the commander of the first army outside, although Xing Jie has great autonomy.

However, he still has to explain the necessary explanations. If the officials in Beijing are really moved by the North Korean envoys, then not only will he not be credited, but he may even be punished.

Therefore, when the North Korean monarchs and ministers were about to send people to the capital to file a complaint, Xing Jie also wrote a memorial about the frontline war situation and sent it to the capital.

After Zhu Changluo received Xing Jie's memorial, Zhu Changluo laughed.

"Xing Jie is still very cautious."

Zhu Changluo gave such an evaluation after reading Xing Jie's memorial.

After listening to Zhu Changluo's comments, Shen Shixing, the chief assistant of the cabinet, and Li Chengliang, Minister of the Ministry of War, listened to Zhu Changluo's comments.

Both of them said: "Governor Xing is mature and prudent, I think this matter should be made by North Korea."

Zhu Changluo said: "You can't say that. After all, it is a fact that Japanese pirates invaded North Korea. It is also a fact that the king of North Korea is still in the hands of Japanese pirates. If we don't consider the feelings of North Korean monarchs and ministers, it is unreasonable."

What Zhu Changluo said was nice, but then Zhu Changluo said: "However, military and national affairs are not small affairs. As the governor of the court in North Korea, Xing Jie knows the situation in North Korea better than anyone else. Naturally, we are far away in the capital and can't do it for us." Therefore, even if we can understand the feelings of the North Korean monarchs and ministers, we still have to act according to the actual situation. Therefore, what Gu means is that Xing Jie can continue to implement his strategy, but for the North Korean side, he must Relax appropriately, if the North Korean rulers and ministers feel that the time is right, they can also organize their own battle against the Japanese, and when the time comes, just let Xing Jie watch from the sidelines."

After Shen Shixing and Li Chengliang listened to Zhu Changluo's words, they replied, "Your Highness is wise."

Zhu Changluo continued: "Remember to also tell Xing Jie to be careful, and never spoil the plan to fight against the Japanese for a moment's gain. The battle against the enemy is not only a frontal battlefield, but also an invisible battlefield. Solitary I heard that Toyotomi Hideyoshi of the Japanese pirates has just ruled the Japanese kingdom not long ago, and there must be many dissatisfied people under his rule. Now that the Japanese pirates and my master of the Ming Dynasty have formed a confrontation in North Korea, it is natural to attack the heart It has become the best strategy to defeat the enemy."

"I feel that in this area, you can also remind Xing Jie to let him think more in North Korea and see how he can open the gap from the inside of the Japanese pirates."

Shen Shixing and Li Chengliang did not expect His Royal Highness to think of this level, which was a bit unexpected.

It seems that this young Prince His Royal Highness is not only talented, but also has extraordinary insight.

Otherwise, how could he think of using the room?

Thinking of this, Shen Shixing and Li Chengliang became even more in awe.

A master who knows people's hearts and is good at military affairs is not so easy to fool.

Therefore, after the two listened to Zhu Changluo's words, they immediately bowed again: "Your Highness is holy!"

Zhu Changluo smiled and said: "Gu is just talking about it for the time being. I don't understand military affairs. What I said just now is just some suggestions of Gu. If the two ministers think this method is feasible, then suggest Xing Jie to use it. If there is a problem, You can also bring it up to the orphan in person.”

Shen Shixing said: "Your Majesty's thinking is far-sighted and far-sighted, and my ministers are too late. Sun Tzu said: Soldiers are deceitful. Although Your Majesty is in the deep palace, his sacred heart shines far away. Seeing military affairs, the envoys are refreshed, like enlightenment, It is the blessing of the community and the luck of the ancestral temple to have His Royal Highness in the Ming Dynasty."

Hearing Shen Shixing's nasty flattery, Zhu Changluo felt secretly refreshed.

After all, everyone likes to be praised.

But it's cool.

You must not take all these words seriously, otherwise, in the future, the court will be full of sycophants, wouldn't that damage your own foundation.

Therefore, Zhu Changluo said sternly: "Mr. Shen has said it before. He is lonely and insignificant, and he is trusted by his father and emperor, so he can supervise the administration of the country. I am sincere and fearful, but I am afraid that something will go wrong and affect the community. From now on, Mr. Wanwang don't say anything Such words. I can't stand alone!"

Hearing Zhu Changluo's serious words, Shen Shixing knew that he was a little too flattering.

Shen Shixing immediately pleaded guilty and said: "I am terrified, please punish the crime, Your Highness."

Zhu Changluo looked at Shen Shixing like this, and he also understood why Shen Shixing behaved like this.

The main reason is that the time of the chief assistant of Shen Shixing is too long, which has already made some people feel that it is in the way.

Therefore, some bad rumors came out below, which caused Shen Shixing to lose his sense of control. He was worried that His Royal Highness and Emperor Wanli would listen to these rumors and lose trust in him.

Zhu Changluo looked at Shen Shixing's attitude, and Zhu Changluo said: "The imperial court has its own laws, and the orphan and the father are not the ones who listen and believe. As long as they are loyal to the orphan and the father, the orphan and the father will also see it." Therefore, I hope that Mr. Shen and other cabinet ministers can do their best for Daming."

Zhu Changluo's words were undoubtedly a reassurance to Shen Shixing, and he was really panicked now.

After experiencing several turmoil in the cabinet, although he continued to serve as the chief assistant of the cabinet every time, he was safe and sound.

However, the more this happened, the more unable to let go of the power in Shen Shixing's hands.

Shen Shixing knew where his grace came from, so when he served as the chief assistant for the past 200 years of the Ming Dynasty, he was both happy and apprehensive, always worried that one day he would lose his favor. Not a good end.

It's not that he didn't think about retreating from the rapids, but he is not reconciled. After all, he is only in his early sixties, and for him, this age is also his golden age.

Moreover, Li Chengliang beside him is in his 70s, isn't he still serving the court?
Therefore, letting him lose his power and his extremely respected status at this time is more uncomfortable than killing him.

And now the only way to keep his power and position, honor and favor can only be like Yan Song in the Jiajing Dynasty, closely following the steps of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

However, fortunately, his son is less worried than Yan Song's son.

His son is not interested in politics, but in water conservancy. Moreover, most of the water conservancy construction projects in Xishan Huangzhuang are done by his son.

This is undoubtedly the greatest gratification for Shishi Bank.

At least his family didn't create any worries for him, but still gave him extra points.

This made shi shixing feel more or less comforted.

 There have been few updates these past two days. .Mainly because the author went home to harvest wheat. . .It will be finished by tomorrow afternoon.It will stabilize the day after tomorrow! !
(End of this chapter)

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